charge nurse exemplar

She just called to have prescription. I gave her the order for the Ativan and again verified that t he patient was currently pain free. Applicants will be notified of the date of the Facility Selection Committee meeting within fourteen (14) days of the applicable application deadline. I was always a step ahead helping everyone in the team. Active participation in quality activities which must be of an ongoing nature with participation occurring over at least six (6) months of the past year, e.g., PPC, Safety Committee, organizationally sanctioned peer group or committee, RNQL. Change). Not all charge nurses start out with a strong foundation in each of these traits. Demonstrate in each exemplar how you can function in any three (3) of the domains. I knew it was going to be a busy day. changes in its internal or external environment that disrupt its It was my day off and I got a call informing me of his eminent demise. That man stood so tall in person and in spirit. An exemplar is a story, not a case study or a report. He was added to my caseload in June when his nurse retired. C ( Contingency management: Rapid matching of demands and resources in emergency situations. Letters of Recommendation Guidelines Letters should be legible, be brief, indicate the nature and dates of your association, state I recommend (candidates name) for Staff Nurse III, HH/H III, and address the applicants demonstration of the qualities described in the Staff Nurse III, HH/H III definition (reproduced below). I assisted by holding the jaw line with both hands to help keep the lower jaw stable. the nurse and the client during which the nurse focuses on the clients Each and every patient visit must be treated uniquely. This may include soft skills for nurses like the ability to motivate others or strong communication. I was so thankful that I stood up firm to find the missing sponge. The next hurdle was to convince CCMD to send Mrs. C. to ER for evaluation. WebNurses who excel in managing client care and possess strong interpersonal skills often assume additional management duties when assigned the role of charge nurse or nurse I was assigned to the Trauma Bay and was notified by the charge nurse that we had an incoming cardiac arrest. %PDF-1.6 % Clinical judgment: how expert nurses use intuition. Nurses become proficient Health Care Systems A health care system is the system a nation uses to deliver and pay for Manager _________________________________Cost Center_______________________ ( Manager informed that applicant is applying for SN III or HH/H III. of sadness and yearning), social (feeling detached from others and I place a line, applied oxygen, and drew labs to be transported with the patient. A { gd@ ^gd@ ^gd@ ^gdr $ ` a$ & / 0 1 M W X Y | I, therefore, have become very familiar with my patients, and have good rapport with them. My critical thinking and years of experience being an OR nurse has made it possible for me to protect my patient from a sentinel event that would endanger his life because of retained foreign object in his body. A RN peer familiar with your practice A supervisor (a nursing supervisor familiar with your practice Another health team member (MD, PT, Social Worker, etc.) 5. living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). Write the exemplar in your own words. Along with patient care duties, the charge nurse directs staff members and ensures routines and processes are running smoothly. (Taylor et al., 2019). Because I showed interest in her symptoms and patience to listen to her story, Mrs. C. seemed more willing to talk. POSITION TITLE 7. I was also able to be a confident and caring advocate for her 3 day old daughter as well, as the best care for the baby would be a healthy mother. Responsible for communicating feedback regarding employee performance as issues arise. APPENDIX STAFF NURSE III, HH/H III Application BENNERS DOMAIN THE HELPING ROLE ( The Healing Relationship: Creating a climate for and establishing a commitment to heal. (Taylor et al., 2019), Functional Ability Functional ability is a persons ability to perform activities of daily Room 5- Mr. H., blood alcohol in the 400s, holding until he can metabolizes to less than 200 then discharge planner. No matter the career path, the traits gained as a charge nurse can serve a person well throughout their professional life. For those interested in pursuing this role, it's important to analyze strengths and weaknesses. PAGE 41 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 Applicant Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________________ Unit/Dept/Shift: ____________________________ Facility: _________________ KFH TPMG Area of Specialty: Ambulatory Care Home Health/Hospice Hospital A s c o r e o f a t l e a s t 1 0 0 i s r e q u i r e d f o r a n a p p l i c a n t t o b e g r a n t e d a S N I I I / H H / H I I I c l a s s i f i c a t i o n . I also needed to teach the family how to operate this pump at a pace which would provide them with the knowledge they needed to become independent, without causing anxiety in a situation growing in intensity. My assignment was a general float RN (someone who assists in helping the whole department). or part of an organization through the deployment and manipulation of She has published and lectured throughout her career. He had missed a few appointments with his psychiatrist and the case worker feared Mr. Y. had not been taking his Risperidone (a psychotropic medication). My patient and his wife were both counting on me. Describe in the exemplar, how you personally made a difference. Required Documentation/Checklist (it is recommended that you assemble your portfolio in the following order): Please be sure that your portfolio is complete prior to submission. ( Interpreting kinds of pain and selecting appropriate strategies for pain management and care. 2. ( Yes ( No Please describe how the applicant identifies, communicates, fulfills patient needs: Please describe how the applicant coordinates and utilizes facility/community resources to meet patient needs: Please describe how the applicant promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care: Please describe how the applicant assumes a teaching/coaching role: 9. I sat at his bedside, holding his hand. High risk patients (HBP, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Obesity, family history of heart attack) with typical chest pain should be evaluated in ED. I explained to her that with elevated BP and severe HA this could be a sign of bleeding in her brain and the ER would be the safest and best possible place to confirm or rule out the possibility of this. abilities are essential for many important tasks, including making Current performance evaluation at the mid-point or above on average. 1984 0 obj <>stream If a person struggles with organization, interpersonal skills, humility, or nurse burnout, it's time to work on those areas. Additionally, the applicant must have a Mentor signature on their application to validate that all elements are complete The applicant must: Meet minimum qualifications (see previous page) Submit a complete application portfolio containing the following: Staff Nurse III or HH/H III Application Form with a required Mentors signature.. Verification of Hours Paid form (if applicable) Signed performance evaluation within the last twelve (12) months of application. startxref This includes considering each individual nurse's knowledge, skills, and abilities. Once you have written your exemplar, have several people (both clinical and nonclinical) review it. After making her comfortable, I took her vital signs, and further questioned her about her symptoms. Anxiety Anxiety is a vague feeling of dread or apprehension, in response My calm, reassuring approach and this familys readiness to learn, was an intricate part of being able to increase the complexity of his care and allow T. to remain at home. Many patients cannot perform such It would have been very easy for me to go along with the discharge plan. activities easily. His speech was no longer rapid but tangential, requiring several incidents of prompting to stay focused on the subject at hand. The results of the new application and the regional appeal will be coordinated appropriately. Name_________________________________________ Date_________________________ 2. paid time): Application: I year total hours ________/week. be aware of what constitutes malpractice or professional negligence. As unit leaders, charge nurses must exemplify leadership abilities. * The work of Patricia Benner, RN, Ph.D., was used as a foundation for the development of the SN III/HH/H III classification. gas (ABG) analysis is used to determine blood pH, and homeostatic They soon realized I understood their concerns and was there to help. (Monitoring and Ensuring the Quality of Health Care Practices) The Following Benners Domain will be addressed: The Helping Role The Diagnostic and Monitoring Function Monitoring and ensuring the Quality of Health Care Practices Exemplar #2 In the dermatology clinic, I have patients who come in regularly for their Narrow Band UVB (ultraviolet B wave) phototherapy treatments. The next two weeks of T.s life were full of much loving intervention by our whole team and was able to pass peacefully on August 19th. also advocates for others unable to make decisions for themselves, as It will be in her best interest to let me consult with one of my doctors to see what she/he wants us to do. He did have a negative work-up and, yes, he could have been sent home last night but he wasnt. (Videbeck, 2020). The charge nurse role is all-encompassing. I explained to Mrs. C. that her symptoms may be related to her heart. Once again teas flowed, we both cried. Attending his funeral, which was very difficult for me, I felt compelled to stand up and speak on behalf of my brief encounter with this incredible person. Three fundamental responsibilities for charge nurses include planning, coordinating, and evaluating unit nursing activities. How will clinical advancement support your career goals? goal through mostly noncoercive means; typically composed of a wide ( Eliciting and understanding the patients interpretation of his or her illness. 0000001078 00000 n He did deny thoughts of want to hurt himself or others. Flexible charge nurses maintain stability in the unit and treat nurses as individuals, accommodating different work styles. mechanisms regulate acid-base levels to keep the pH within a normal For any Registered Nurse hired into a position of less than twenty-four (24) hours, the following calculations apply: Paid time is calculated by determining total paid hours for the year minus the number of vacation hours taken in week blocks. This nurse stepped back and stated, Im afraid to push his loose teeth down this throat or even worse make his fracture worse. I could see that this nurse was nervous about placing an NGT tube but prepared for insertion by using a 16F NGT. I found this plan of action totally unacceptable. Her vitals were 7-/32, Heart rate 142, Temperature 103.8 and her respiratory rate was so fast they were hard to count. Acid-base imbalances occur when the pH of the blood falls outside In many units, the charge nurse monitors patient care, administers resources, schedules nursing staff, and assigns patients. He even said that it could have been a wrong count if I didnt insist on finding the sponge. (It is the RN's responsibility to notify the FSC if their hours fall below 24 hours.) I was also in charge for the day. My experience with Mr. P reinforced my core belief that I always need to be my patients advocate. This nurse makes every effort to assure that all members of the care delivery team share consistent information regarding the patient. of homeostasis of fluid volume and electrolytes by a number of Although I had gone over and over the procedure many times with them, I wanted to make sure that they would feel secure at home with the process. Current signed performance evaluation at the midpoint or above on average. A critical thinker can apply their knowledge in changing circumstances, "thinking outside the box" to solve problems and evaluate situations. Bilateral knee replacements, diabetes, sepsis, pancreatitis and so many surgeries that it was hard to count them all. The count board showed 30 laparotomy sponges but the sponge counter showed 28 sponges. Below are some guidelines to assist in writing a recommendation. I continued to use active listening skills throughout the rest of the call. Perioperative nurses have the responsibility for continual assessment of the complex interplay of ever changing variables that would affect the surgical outcomes. learning. In this particular situation: Helping role: I felt that I guided and gave emotional support to this patient through this much unexpected even in his life. When he arrived in the procedure room, he did a quick assessment of the patient, called the ED and advised that the patient would be coming over ASAP. All pages of the performance evaluation must be submitted Fifteen (15) CEUs in her/his area of clinical specialty in the past year. HW6S9MR,Y VO@#M&@_I(KEvdR '(vIGAU%NC.yNF~ui+r}kWua}x2/)>#M~qU? During Hospital Week the nurse exemplars are additionally recognized at the annual service awards banquet. Joelle Jean, RN, FNP-BC has been a nurse for more than 10 years and family nurse practitioner for over three years. 1. Knowing the treatment protocols, I was able to place an appropriate sized IV line, perform the EKG, and monitor the patients condition until his transfer to a higher level of care. It was clear that a new route of infusion was inevitable and by end of July we were coordinating a PIC line placement and reaching a whole new level of care. Whether youre looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the The Regional Appeals Committee may overturn the decision of the FSC only when there is clear and convincing evidence of procedural error or bias that affected the decision to deny movement up the clinical ladder. Si@9240wvr~FV I came to see him one last time, the day he died. (Taylor et al., 2019). The night shift nurse was unable to ascertain if Mr. Y. was intentionally attempting to hurt himself or not when he was chasing the cars. Mrs. B. mustered up some humor and replied you mean outside the bag. What was I missing? (Marquis & Huston, 2021), Professional behaviors are those that reflect the nurses commitment ( Coping with staff shortage and high turnover. An arterial blood I asked my patient about any concerns that he might want to clarify with me. A Public Health Nurse (PHN) certification, or serve as a HH/H case manager. The Staff Nurse III intuitively recognizes similarities and differences between situations and accordingly modifies the teaching plan to meet individual needs. It had become evident that the family was becoming overwhelmed with his care and the MSW worked with the family to get care giving for four to six hours per day. Not sure what was causing this pain Dr. S called the hospitalist to arrange for Mr. Ps admission. The family told me that the patient was unable to push a call button and barely drinks 16 ounces of fluid per day. By his side stood his wife, a very sweet lady. nonmaterial life force or higher power. 0000029878 00000 n I made a simple explanation about the physiology of the heart and that most likely he would need to have a pacemaker inserted, knowing that knowledge is a powerful tool in allaying apprehension. She denied that the HA got worse with sitting up or better with lying down. I noted that the BP obtained in Health Ed was slightly elevated, but not in the dangerous range. Courses that are approved by the BRN or the Continuing Medical Education (CME) shall be applicable. IADLs include those complex skills needed for independent I introduced myself and asked a few simple questions to help establish his state of mind before I started my full psychiatric questions. Cognition Cognition is the brains ability to process, retain, and use The nurse must practice within these prescribed boundaries, as well as After speaking with her daughter I assured Mrs. S. that her daughter was on her way into the clinic. WebThe nurse in charge received him and outlined that the boy had vomited and so I went over to talk to. encounter potential and actual alterations in oxygenation in all types in which they simultaneously send and receive messages both verbally She told me that for about a week she cannot sleep because the burning wakes her up. ( Anticipating and preventing periods of extreme work overload within a shift. separation or by death. WebAbstract. Mrs. B. confided in me that she was having a hard time with the food; she would push it around a lot of the plate and not consume nearly enough of it. informed consent, documentation, incident reporting, the Patient Self- Be sure to proofread your exemplar for punctuation and spelling. She had this burning on and off for years and she wants to have a prescription for it. At that point I really understood the saying that there are two sides to nursing the art and the heart. While the following seven traits are important to many leadership positions, they are essential for nurses who care for and protect vulnerable patients. Uniqueness and individuality are important. Before, working in the ED, I worked in locked psychiatric facilitates for several years. ii Teaching Activities Community teaching must be voluntary. churches, and prisons. F j k l s nnY )hm h'k B*CJ$ OJ QJ ^J aJ$ ph %hm h)' B*CJ OJ QJ ^J ph &h= h)' 56CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ #h= h)' 5CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ hm h)' 5OJ QJ ^J h)' j h)' Uj h)' 5CJ U h)' 5OJ QJ (j hfQ 5>*OJ QJ UmH nH u h)' CJ( OJ QJ h)' 5>*OJ QJ My first visit was spent establishing trust and identifying his goals for care which were pain control, decrease in shortness of breath and decreased anxiety. I am aware that the consequences of pain in the elderly can be depression, poor socialization, sleep disturbance and impaired ambulation. Adequate perfusion Being a cardiac nurse, I immediately placed a heart monitor on her she was in atrial fibrillation and I feared she was also becoming septic. The physician also asked another nurse in the room to place a Nasogastric Tube to decompress the stomach. You can take as much space as you feel is necessary to tell your story. I was self directed, confident and well prepared when calling the CCMD- I gave my SBART rationale for emergent outcome, which he agreed. I had been aware that prior to this incident, the new physicians had not been having positive interactions with the ED. Alternately, you may submit hard copies (2) of your portfolio to Heidi Alpert. There was a bullet entry, yet no exit wound. I couldnt advise patients to take any of these drugs without having her past history. I quickly looked through her history and CIPS and began to triage her through the Postpartum protocol. management duties when assigned the role of charge nurse or nurse She agreed. Room 6-Mrs. Jones. identified by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008): Reproduction Reproduction is the biological function of producing offspring and This guide covers the top traits charge nurses need to be effective leaders. Coping behaviors may be positive or negative in terms of how they They are experienced in clinical encounters and often act as a resource for decision-making for the nurses unit. * Letters of recommendation written for charge nurses should address clinical skills and not Charge Nurse Duties. It is common to find a lack of reflection on what has been learned from the Clinical Exemplars. Remember, youre nominating your chapter for an award, so you want your submission to be stellar! I knew that the patients vital signs were deteriorating. Phone (Work)___________________ (Home) __________________(Other)________________ 7. He told me, I feel like I cant catch my breath, and Im hurting more than yesterday. It involves conception (the With large black eyes, he gave me a smile and nodded, I now understand that he knew how serious his condition was, because he himself was a Kaiser employee; but I wouldnt find that out for some time yet. This allowed him to be able to participate more in his care. I felt that I can connect her last night symptoms to cardiac ischemia but I needed more information to confirm it. (LogOut/ The night ED team decided to admit him to the OBS unit instead of sending him home so late knowing that he lived alone. I reassured her that it was common for new moms to feel this way. The patient trusts in this nurses expertise and ability to handle even critical situations that involve life and death. The physician was reluctant in my suggestion but allowed the change in medication. These Specific examples of exemplars from your medical center are also available for your review. Applicants may request a committee member be replaced by an alternate. While waiting for the Surgery to round, I proceeded to design different ostomy bags to cover and protect the surrounding tissues and catch the toxic draining before it interfered with her skin integrity As a Would Care Champion, I used my training and expertise to design and implement would drainage collection devices. I was able to discuss with him the process of dying, answering questions as he would process the information. rights & duties in legal matters are better able to protect themselves WebLeadership Exemplar March 2013 (10 months into nursing school): For my second Med/Surg clinical, I worked in the Emergency Department, an assignment I requested. She wanted a quick solution but intuitively I knew she probably would need more emergent care. It wasnt long after entering the room that I noticed that this patients GLASGOWCOMA scale had deteriorated from 13 to 7 (a GLASGOW score less than 8 may indicate severe brain injury). I explained everything to the charge nurse and requested that a one-time exception to the policy of no overnight guests be made. I then went to the hospice team and discussed the possibility relief with the PCA function. A registered nurse who assumes the role of charge nurse also assumes the responsibility inherent to the role. 0000003340 00000 n WebCharge Nurse Operating Room-spine & Joint Center Resume Examples & Samples. I immediately called the Central Processing Unit to ensure that I had the instrument trays that we would need in case we did the case open instead of laparoscopic. If I added the facts that she was menopausal and she stopped taking her BP medication 6 years ago I had enough facts to consult with CCMD. I looked into Mrs. B.s face and saw the concern, and reminded her that God had brought her this far and that He would continued to guide her through this ordeal. these receptors sends sensory messages to the anterior hypothalamus Where will the work you have accomplished lead the chapter and your community? WebCharge Nurse Resume Examples. She is a janitor and does a lot of physical work. The Staff Nurse III accepts accountability for actions and outcomes and knows when to involve others in a plan of care. of the whole community, community-based care centers on individual and Disease (COPD), Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), Quality Improvement Cycle: Plan- She explained to me that she had just delivered a baby girl 3 days ago, and she had awakened in the middle of the night last night with a moderate to severe HA. Critical thinking is an approach to thinking that is systematic, specific needs to promote an effective exchange of information. Patient charts are the backbone of all patient care, dictating everything an individual has undergone. Nurses who excel in managing client Management is the process of leading and directing all blend clinical skills with flexibility. A surgeon once put her medical condition and her risk for surgical complications into perspective in a phrase I will never forget. Mrs. S. appeared more relaxed, was smiling and thanked me for looking out for her. I am a compassionate, competent, professional and am committed to my patients and their welfare. I knew that the surgeons were still dissecting the surrounding tissues of the renal vein and renal artery. And Mr. Y. did not fit the typical manic presentation. Maintains a flexible role to resource constraints. ( Assessing the patients potential for wellness and for responding to various treatment strategies. Being in this unique position enables the Staff Nurse III to interpret for the patient to the physician and for the physician to the patient and family. through body tissues (Taylor et al., 2019). Mr. R.s wife entered his room while I was proceeding with his wound care; she had a worried look on her face and asked me How come that wound isnt bleeding? I gave her emotional support and reassured her that our Vascular Surgeons were going to see him, while I mentally began implementing future care plans. I met Mr. Kinney, a real gentleman. I trusted my gut and persisted in articulating my concerns. Antibiotics were started and he was transferred to BIDMC within 48 hours of arriving to the ED with what we thought was Mr. Ps usual chest pain. By this time, the doctor who had been thrust into this situation, (because he hadnt left the clinic for lunch), returned to tell me that the ED physician had requested that he call the cardiologist on call who in turn requested that he make an appointment for the patient in a few days. As the chairperson of the above committee I am verifying that ________________________________(Name) attends the committee on a regular basis makes an individual contribution ___________________________Chairpersons signature Date: _____________________ Other Useful Information STAFF NURSE III, HH/H III Application The RN Clinical Ladder is optimized through a three-way supportive relationship between (a) Applicant, (b) Facility Selection Committee, and (c) Regional Appeals Committee. The following days required intensive teaching regarding cassette bags, medicating for agitation and adjusting to the increased acuity of his care. 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