not letting family hold newborn

Most newborns need eight to 12 feedings a day about one feeding every two to three hours. You just develop an instinct that connects you with your baby. Im not entirely sold on the idea of cocooning (it seems a bit extreme), but I do wish my husband and I had given ourselves more time with the baby on our own in those first few days and weeks. Sometimes, tough calls have to be made. Another smart strategy, says Dr. Ahmed, is to let someone hold your baby for just a few minutes, thereby limiting your baby's potential exposure. But this schedule can work for other relatives and friends who can hold out a little longer until baby has started their vaccination schedule. The parents don't want the burden of having to offer food and drinks or otherwise entertain their guests. It's best to go ahead and do the tasks that you see that need doing, but use good judgment. Maybe then we would have felt less overwhelmed. Dr. William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease expert and Professor of Preventive Medicine in the Department of Health Policy as well as Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, Dr. Leah Alexander, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician, Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, a pediatrician, and author of the best-selling parent guides Happiest Baby on the Block & Happiest Toddler on the Block, Expert Advice For Managing A 12 Month Sleep Regression, The 4 Month Sleep Regression: Survival Tips From Baby Sleep Experts, The 18-Month Sleep Regression: Expert Advice To Get You Through, The 8-10 Month Sleep Regression: Expert Advice To Get You Through It, What Parents Are Talking About Delivered Straight To Your Inbox, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. At no time do they replace the diagnosis, advice, or treatment . Have a parenting question you want answered? In addition, if grandparents avoid overreacting, the new parents may change their minds, especially when they experience the realities of newborn care. To get a balanced view, we put the dilemma to a group of Irish parents, keeping things anonymous to encourage honest answers. While it was exciting at first, it wasnt long before I felt completely overwhelmed. Its also advisable to know what potential illnesses are in not just your area, but the places that your visitors are traveling from, too. Get weekly updates on baby and your body. Remember that older people may not have much strength, and children usually have no experience holding a baby. Now that were a few months in, Im practically begging for visitors. Am I being unreasonable by not letting other people hold my baby? My sister said I was being too much of a germaphobe, but I don't care. I think it's stupid to not let your parents hold your baby. Smiling grannies and grubby preschoolers alike, they lurch toward your defenseless. In a, I think it's a little weird that you asked to hold it. His mother disapproves, considering her beneath her son. 3. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. Here are 6 common conflicts and solutions, including how you can say "no", how you can avoid alienating your in-laws and how you can be sure to stand up for yourself. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, Additionally, there is the worry that germs that produce colds, flu, COVID-19 or other illnesses or diseases could be spread to your fragile new baby. Signs of infection in newborns include fever (over 100.4 degrees Farenheit), being too sleepy to feed, or a sudden change in behaviorall of which should be evaluated by a pediatrician immediately, says Dr. Hasson. 6. EACH WEEK IN our series,Am I Being A Bad Parent?, we hear from a reader who cant figure out what to do about a tricky parenting situation. Granted, we had DS at the height of flu season, but no one even asked to hold him when they visited, parents, inlaws, or otherwise. The couple lives with my daughter-in-law's (controlling) mother and (passive) father, and I don't see a lot of them even though . The baby isn't a toy. But for one Redditor, it was a harrowing moment. 1. Newborns are so delicate, and parents often wonder when is the right time to allow visitors to hold their baby. My parents and mother-in-law were over almost all day every day, cooking, cleaning, and helping and while it was very much needed, I felt like I hadnt had one second to myself in days. You know what's best for the safety and health of your baby. Today, social media is everything. Sure, it was the middle of the summer and not flu season, but people still had germs! From then on, when friends texted and asked if they could come by, I told them it would be better if they visited when we got home. I don't want a sick baby. But our first few days home were incredibly stressful; moments after we walked in the door, my daughter started choking (she wasnt actually choking, but I thought she was). A few months ago, I winced my way through 36 hours of, Heather Rae El Moussa Shares Exhausting Look at One Month, Over the next few hours, we were visited by my parents, my mother-in-law, my brother, future sister-in-law, my sister, and her boyfriend. Should you let them? Otherwise, outdoor visits, weather permitting, are a much safer alternative to indoor . The bottom line. Inpatient Peds nurse in the US here- to clarify the fever/hospital standards: In my experience, if your newborn is under 1 month of age and presents with a fever (temp >100.4) the physicians will do a full work up (venous stick for blood work, iv antibiotics, lumbar puncture). After giving us a few hours to rest and eat, our immediate families began texting us to see when they could come meet her. by Babymaker02. MEL73104 December 2009 My little girl was born Dec. 15th, so she's 8 days old. Respecting her wish, the author refused to let anyone hold his baby son before the wife recovered from the surgery. Simple yet common rules for our baby we thought. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! For one thing, their partners are more likely to help out. Ive no problem with close family or friends holding her, but often in social situations people who I dont know very well will ask to hold her (shes three-months-old and my first child) and it makes me really uncomfortable and anxious. I didn't agree but didn't disagree as well. Is it true that people should wash their hands before holding a newborn? Stick with breast milk or formula. I didnt know what to say. Over the next few hours, we were visited by my parents, my mother-in-law, my brother, future sister-in-law, my sister, and her boyfriend. Sometimes maternal grandparents have more access to a new baby than paternal grandparents, but it can be just the opposite. Please note that The Journal uses cookies to improve your experience and to provide Another factor is that many mothers have jobs and thus a limited amount of time to stay home with their newborn. services and If possible, do not allow others to handle your baby for too long as your little one may become over-stimulated, and they will need their rest. Grandparents may not understand such decisions, but they should at least grant that the parents are acting out of the best of motives. Grandparents who do not agree with the decisions made by the new parents should remember that one of the main jobs of grandparents is respecting boundaries. Physical distancing is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19. And of course, part of family bonding when a new baby is born is all about the cuddles; holding, touching and interacting with the baby in a normal and happy way. for the content of external websites. Just family is allowed over right now anyway, we're not up to other visitors yet. . Show children how to support the head and neck. Of course youre not being unreasonable! Respond to crying. I personally think you are overreacting. But its also equally as important to keep baby safe during these visits with friends and fam so that everyone (including your newborn) stays happy and healthy. "A healthy, full-term baby is pretty resilient," says Wendy Hasson, MD, a pediatrician practicing in Portland, Ore. Their baby their rules. Cradle hold. "Look at her wearing pants underneath a nightgown," said with small chuckle. So we did it. Youre so happy and in love that it doesnt even matter that youre also tired and smelly. honestly first person who asked to hold baby I handed baby off and walked away to chat with others for a break I don't mind family holding baby and passing em around, as long as I know em, I'm content. Sick people should not hold your baby. Come up with a couple of general purpose lines to fob people off, and don't mind. Her work has been published in numerous magazines, newspapers, and websites, including Activity Connection,Glamour, PDX Parent, Self, TripSavvy,Marie Claire,and TimeOut NY. , Access to the comments facility has been disabled for this user. Secondly, you can try swaddling your baby. My beef comes from family (um, DH's parents, for example)who expect to ho, I don't see the big deal. As an alternative to in-person meet and greets, try a virtual option. Be VERY cautious in the first month of life. Today's mothers live in a fairly different world. Sohere's what you can say: "You're so sweet. Keep a hand under your newborn's head to make sure it's supported. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, 6 Factors of Grandparent-Grandchild Closeness, Conflicts That Can Lead to Grandparent Estrangement, The 39 Best Gifts for Grandparents of 2023, Expert Tips on How Fathers Can Build a Custody Case, The Ups and Downs of Being a Young Grandparent, 12 Moms Share: What I Wish I Knew About the Postpartum Period. Doing so will cocoon the baby from outside germs, says Dr. Ahmed. 1. A new baby is an exciting event for everyone, so you'll probably have a few people keen to visit once you get home. "Zoom or skype visits are a good way to introduce baby to the world as well," says Dr. Khan. Keep doing what you are doing and dont feel bad about making excuses. Try rocking or holding your newborn against you, skin on skin. News images provided by Press Association I might be missing out on a lot of things Im used to doing, but Ive also never felt so blessed. Except for the hepatitis B vaccine, these are administered at the two-month-old well visit and include the Hib, Prevnar, DtaP, IPV, hepatitis B, and rotavirus vaccines. This time frame might not work for some families, particularly if you have parents who are helping to take care of the baby. Luckily, one way you can boost your child's immune protection is to breastfeed and to have your child receive all the available and suggested vaccines. Since mom herself will be back on her period soon, there's no valid, medically-proven reason that someone's menstrual cycle would cause any harm to a newborn. Germs stick to our clothes, so if they were just holding their own children, they may carry those germs on their clothes he says. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Grandparents must understand that these decisions aren't something that parents are doing to the grandparents. I have never been so overwhelmed and terrified but also full of love at the same time. I thought maybe I would feel better when I was home, in a more comfortable setting, having spent a few days getting to know my daughter. I could not wait to introduce my tiny little human to everyone in my life. Code, or contact the Council, at, Ombudsman, and our staff operate within the Code of Practice. Here's how to keep your baby (and everyone) happy and healthy during those delicious newborn baby visits. The mother may desire privacy as she tries to establish breastfeeding. Along with continuing concern about exposure to germs, these factors may also enter into their decision: Most grandparents grew up in a time when it was accepted that grandmothers would be on the premises to help new mothers. For the price of one cup of coffee each week you can help keep paywalls away. Parents' most common newborn mistakes involve car seats, sleep and burping Pediatricians offer advice on tummy time and fevers CNN Bringing a new baby home can be nerve-wracking for any. June 1, 2012 - first u/s, heartbeat 124 BPM!! Then, of course, there was the emotional problem: Every once in awhile, when someone else was holding my daughter, tears would well up in my eyes and I would feel the sudden urge to grab her and walk away. I dont know how to say no without causing a scene or seeming ridiculous, so I usually say that she needs a feed or is feeling a bit cranky. Please email me with free offers and special discounts from BabyCentres. Just stayed silent. Over the next two days, a few aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins came by. EDD January 24, 2013 Being 3 months old, your baby will very soon become more active and easier to play with. Nearly everyone wants to take a peekor even have a cuddle. That's a lot of And anyone who wants to get close has to wear a mask. Proper hand hygiene is strongly suggested before holding the baby, so that no outside germs are potentially put on the babys hands, which can wind up in their mouth, advises Dr. Alexander. I Wish I Had Told People NOT to Come Meet My Newborn by Jessica Booth November 11, 2019 at 11:00am AM EST Julia Lazebnaya/Shutterstock. For this reason, it's best to limit the number of people who touch or hold your baby. All rights reserved. Newborns are precious and adorable. 24 hours of labor, 4 1/2 hours of pushing, and IT'S A BOY! Before they arrived, I inched my way out of bed and attempted to make myself look somewhat presentable, excited to have my daughter meet her grandparents for the first time. Things to Keep in Mind Before Letting Visitors Hold the Baby, How to PolitelyTell Visitors to Keep Their Hands Off Your Baby, Why Green Peas Are the Perfect Food During Pregnancy, Tooth Fairy Story Encourage Children to Brush, Floss and More, 170 Baby Boy & Girl Name That Mean 'Gift from God', 600+ Unique & Cute Nicknames for Boys & Girls, Protecting Adolescents From Common Food and Waterborne Diseases, Why an Ideal pH 5.5 is Important for a Newborns Skin, Baby or Toddler Waking Up Too Early - What You Can Do. , 400px wide Users are reminded that they are fully responsible for their own Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Did those of you that refused to let anyone hold your baby also not leave the house for 6 we Q : 06.25.10 W : 01.11.13 #3 : due 11.02.15 Report markhamgurl member March 2013 pitterpatter129: The baby isn't a toy. In their first two months, newborns are at the highest risk of infection, warns Dr. Hasson. New mothers would go to stay with a mother or mother-in-law, or a grandmother would go to stay for a period of days or even weeks to help out. Some new parents think that they want to be alone with their baby, but change their minds when faced with the reality of caring for a newborn. Newborns, especially premature babies, are more prone than adults to whatever bugs may be going around. The couple began cautioning other parents after their daughter died from viral meningitis at 18 days old. Whether its nerves, worries about germs and bugs, or just a gut instinct, it can tougher for a brand new parent to hand over their baby than many people realise. You may decide that while it's worth the risk to let grandparents and other close family and friends hold or touch your baby. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. "If you need to take your baby to crowded places, such as the grocery store, wearing your baby or using a lightweight stretchy stroller cover can be protective.". While we can't control for public exposure, like taking an infant to the grocery store, parents can ask. You might not always be able to tell why your newborn is crying. Grandparents may not understand such decisions, but they should at least grant that the parents are acting out of the best of motives. we were VERY careful in the first couple of weeks of who we let hold our baby. I feel that its my baby so I have to protect him no matter what others feel. Readers like you keep news free for everyone. I think it's stupid to not let your parents hold your baby. Yes, youre being a bit unreasonable. Here they are: It can be hard to keep family and friends away who are clamoring to cuddle your baby. Likewise, new parents usually are very enthusiastic about wanting to show off their new little loves. Its understandable that youre concerned about your baby catching a cold or virus, but you cant let that fear control you. Aarohi Achwal holds a bachelors degree in Commerce and a masters degree in English Literature. Truth is: it's not simple. Welcome to the world my miracle, we prayed and prayed for you, and we can't believe you're here! Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Safe for Babies? But I felt a strange sense of obligation; I started setting dates with everyone for when they could visit. While theres no hard and fast rule on how long your Grandma Suzie should stay at your home to see the baby, you should try to keep visits short and sweet. By Susan Adcox For others, it may take a bit longer. Above all else, be patient with new parents. I worry that shell pick up a cold or virus, which I know is unlikely but I cant help it. They often feel pressure to make the most of the time they have with their baby. When anyone came over, I tried to politely sit and talk with them while also having to lock myself in my bedroom every hour or so to breastfeed and pump. We know COVID-19 is contagious up to 48 hours before anyone develops symptoms, and activities like talking, singing, and sharing food indoors increase transmission rate significantly. Lyndsey Garbi, MD, is a pediatrician who is double board-certified in pediatrics and neonatology. But before you extend an invitation, you should try to hold off at least a month or more. She likes to write research-based articles that are informative and relevant. Scientists suspect that lack of bonding in human babies can cause similar problems. It made me so happy t, Original poster- I would have been very sad, too, but tried to understand it. Tired babies are often fussy. But our first few days home were incredibly stressful; moments after we walked in the door, my daughter started choking (she. to risk! She wanted to be in the delivery room with me but I refused to let her, my husband said he'd keep her out of the room under the condition that she be the 1st person to hold the baby. Feel free to be a mama bear, It's up to you what you ask of your visitors. Especially in the winter season, avoid contact with a lot of people, as this is when more viruses are likely to be circulating, Dr. Ahmed adds. It's naturaland reasonableto be careful about who should be around your baby. Having grandparents as house guests can be disruptive to young families under the best of circumstances. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and A good rule of thumb is to follow your instincts as well as to have most people look rather than touch in the early months. Cradle your baby with the arm that's on the same side as the breast your baby will be nursing from. The moment the nurses placed her on my chest, my entire world changed. Its not as soon as you might think. It made me so happy to see people we love hold our babies and love them enough that they wanted to hold them. Our Pedi said, to tell people because it isflu and RSV seasonthat we prefer they NOT kiss the baby or touch her hands alot. Why would parents do this to grandparents? Its how they get used to the world. My baby's skin is dry. And if strangers attempt to touch your baby? I appreciated the messages of support, but I was hormonal, exhausted, and didnt feel like myself at all. Please Respect That I Do Not Want Visitors After My Baby's Delivery. I have a 3 month old and have just starting letting grandparents have a hold in the last couple of weeks. My little girl was born Dec. 15th, so she's 8 days old. Keep the circle of people who you allow to handle your baby small to reduce the chance of accidents and exposure to infections. It made me so happ, My personal opinion is that it is ridiculous to not let healthy family members hold a new baby. If Grandma wants to kiss, direct her to the delicious little toes instead. Dr. Karp also advises having a stack of oversized tee shirts that guests can wear over their own clothing to hold the baby. At around 4-5 months, your baby no longer sleeps the deep sleep of newborns and may be disturbed when you slip your hand out of theirs. A strange sense of obligation ; I started setting dates with everyone for when they could.! Not simple 's mothers live in a, I think it 's stupid to not your! 'S a little weird that you see that need doing, but I felt a strange of..., they lurch toward your defenseless is unlikely but I cant help.... But this schedule can work for other relatives and friends hold or touch baby. Advises having a stack of oversized tee shirts that guests can be hard keep... It may take a peekor even have a cuddle risk of infection, warns Hasson. Before the wife recovered from the surgery Council, at, Ombudsman, and cousins by! 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