statement regarding inability to obtain reasonable transportation

What If I Want Interpreting Services Or Other Ongoing Supports? In @ 37.9, paragraph (d) is revised to read as follows:@ 37.9 -- Standards for accessible transportation facilities. The Department encourages rail operators to install detectable warnings before the required date. In 49 CFR part 37, the words "Urban Mass Transportation Administration" are changed to the words "Federal Transit Administration" in every instance in which those words appear; the letters "UMTA" are changed to the letters "FTA" in every instance in which those letters appear; and the words "UMT Act" and "Urban Mass Transportation Act" are changed to the words "FT Act" and "Federal Transit Act" in every instance in which those words appear, and the definition of "FT Act" is moved to the proper alphabetical order. (Deletion or indefinite suspension, in any case, would appear to exceed the scope of the notice for this rulemaking.) of detectable warning materials had been the result of a combination of first-generation materials and improper installation and/or maintenance by rail properties. WebAny Party claiming a Force Majeure event shall use reasonable diligence to remove the condition that prevents performance and shall not be entitled to suspend performance of Connection Between Medical Disability and Educational Requirements. The Act defines a person with a disability to include (1) individuals with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life The rulemaking record also provides a sound basis for the propositions that detectable warnings address a significant safety need for persons with impaired vision and that an effective tactile cue that a person is reaching the platform edge is very important, particularly given factors in the rail station environment that may diminish the utility of aural and other cues to persons with impaired vision. WebINABILITY TO OBTAIN. An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. Engineered Plastics, Inc. (EPI) requested a finding of equivalent facilitation for its detectable warning product, "Armor-Tile." This language should parallel that of @ 38.95(d). hXko+1Ap`;McIsc j&BesfI#H%53EKdJ[qZyfQE)*f:C Iy2-:WA`\I For example, if a transit authority provides an on-board wheelchair for use by standees on lifts, the transit authority could not insist that a standee sit in the wheelchair in order to use the lift. Four state or local transportation agencies asked that FTA (or perhaps APTA) publish, in the Federal Register or elsewhere, its approvals of requests for equivalent facilitation, so that other transit authorities would know what products or accommodations were acceptable. Entities shall not cite these determinations as indicating that a products or methods constitute equivalent facilitations in situations other than those to which the determinations specifically pertain. One transit agency suggested explicitly excluding paratransit vans used for passengers with disabilities from this policy. The Department believes that this period should give transit properties sufficient time to work out the installation and related problems to which the comments referred. The language which applies the "driver request" provision to rail systems only to the extent practicable seems necessary. (2) The requesting party shall provide the following information with its request:(i) Entity name, address, contact person and telephone;(ii) Specific provision of part 38 of this subtitle with which the entity is unable to comply;(iii) Reasons for inability to comply;(iv) Alternative method of compliance, with demonstration of how the alternative meets or exceeds the level of accessibility or usability of the vehicle provided in part 38 of this subtitle; and(v) Documentation of the public participation used in developing an alternative method of compliance. According to a press report of the incident, the individual asserted that, had a detectable warning strip been in place, her fall would have been prevented. The Department will adopt the proposed provision, which appears workable both to Amtrak and disability community commenters. We believe that a reasonable balance is best achieved, in this case, by allowing transit authorities a limited period of time to resolve practical problems concerning detectable warnings. A disability community commenter objected to the "to the extent practicable" clause for rail systems. We have some doubts about the practicality of providers carrying wheelchairs on their vehicles to use for standees who are trying to access a vehicle via the lift. The Access Board standard already requires information about the machines to be provided in a way that persons with impaired vision can use; specifying a voice synthesis capability does not seem necessary and is, in any event, beyond the scope of a proposal focusing on reach range. The supporting Entities shall not cite these determinations as indicating that a product or method constitute equivalent facilitations in situations other than those to which the determinations specifically pertain. To clarify this point, the NPRM proposed adding to @ 37.167 a new paragraph spelling out this obligation, which would apply to private as well as public transportation entities. In @ 37.167, a new paragraph (j) is added, to read as follows:PAGE 2758 FR 63092, *63103@ 37.167 -- Other service requirements. Priority seats are intended for people with disabilities in general; a seat near the front of the bus may be as important to a blind individual as to an individual with a mobility impairment. The warning strip must include a pattern of "truncated domes" (i.e., small raised rounded surfaces) as required by section 4.29 of appendix A. This product did not meet the original Access Board design requirement for detectable warnings. If there are conductors or other transit personnel present in the passenger compartments, they would make the request when they saw a situation calling for it. To the extent that installation of detectable warnings involves an extraordinarily expensive structural change to a particular station, the rail operator could use the cost of the installation as part of its rationale for requesting an extension of time to make the key station accessible. Documentation Requirements. Business Hours:8:30am-5:00pm ET, M-F. It is not fair to burden research with the expectation that it will solve all practical problems, which probably are best worked out in actual planning and installation. Reasonable accommodations may include changes which may be necessary in order for the person with a disability to use and enjoy a dwelling, including public and common use spaces, or participate in the federally-assisted program or activity. The main reason for this was that, in the commenters' view, detectable warning materials need to be uniform nationwide. statement regarding inability to obtain reasonable transportation The basic view of these commenters was that the proposed extension of the completion date was needed to address the concerns cited in the NPRM. PAGE 1758 FR 63092, *63099locations in vehicles, though transit providers may have fold-down seats that other persons can use when there are no wheelchair users on the vehicle. II. When the needed technologies or other products are delivered, DRC doesn't stop there. * * * * *, (g) The entity shall permit individuals with disabilities who do not use wheelchairs, including standees, to use a vehicle's lift or ramp to enter the vehicle. Four rail operators suggested that the 18 months should start to run from the time that FTA or the Access Board completed its research on detectable warnings. FTA previously made this change for all the regulations in Subchapter VI of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. It is not enough, under the ADA, to permit a passenger with a disability to enter a vehicle; the person must be able to use the vehicle for transportation. Safety railings on platforms, while perhaps useful for safety of visually impaired passengers, could create crowding and obstacles for other passengers, and might not be practical given that train doors do not always stop at the same point on a platform. %%EOF This is important, among other reasons, because based on the premise that standees can use lifts, the Access Board found it unnecessary to establish a standard for stair riser heights in vehicles that use lifts. However, it is not a condition to the Close of Escrow that Seller obtain Estoppel Certificates from those A-Tenants in excess of the Minimum Number of Estoppels. Since the FTA issued these letters, the Access Board published Bulletin # 1 in May 1992, clarifying many of the ambiguities left by its original guidelines and containing a diagram illustrating the pattern prescribed for detectable warning surfaces. If, as in many systems, the only transit employee aboard the train is in the driver's compartment in the front car, the employee will not be in a position to see who is sitting in a priority seat in the third car in the train, let alone ask someone to move from it. We would ask that you fill out a "Request for Accommodation" on the first instance of your request, and at that time, the procedure for obtaining your needed service will be explained. It also mentioned a technical safety concern relating to the interface of the detectable warning strip and the yellow safety stripe at the platform edge. A driver cannot be expected to intuit the existence of a disability that is not apparent. One disability community commenter and one state or local agency working on disability matters recommended that, regardless of other considerations, each train always have at least one accessible car (after July 1955, presumably). For this reason, the final rule will permit transit providers who operate buses having this lift model to deny its use to standees (who would, of course, be eligible for paratransit as a result). Our staff will work with you to understand how your limitations impact your ability to perform your critical job tasks. It is a significant rule under the Department's Regulatory Policies and Procedures, since it amends the Department's Americans with Disabilities Act rule, which is a significant rule. Inability to obtain reasonable lodging in Texas. Lifts meeting Access Board standards will have handrails. Two organizations that represent a constituency consisting primarily of persons with mobility impairments said that additional research was needed on the issue of whether detectable warnings were an obstacle or hazard to persons with mobility impairments. It is important to remember that the NPRM never raised the issue of whether detectable warnings should be installed on rail platform edges, only the issue of when installation should be completed. In drafting the existing regulatory language, the Department also assumed that equivalent facilitation requests would be made in the rail and transit contexts. One of these commenters simply said that the current rule should be left in place, without change. This Statement uses the terms probable , reasonably possible, and remote to identify three areas within that range, as follows: Probable . At the request of commenters, the original January 19, 1993, comment closing date was extended through February 19, 1993. WebIf you were unable to obtain records needed to prepare your tax return, reasonable cause may apply. To cover these situations, we proposed changing the rule to authorize the Administrator of the concerned operating Administration to make such a determination, with the concurrence of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs in order to ensure consistency. Webstatement regarding inability to obtain reasonable transportation An Audio Repository of Nusach & Nigunim According to the Ashkenaz Tradition countdown Timer Expired. * * * * *(c)(1) Except as provided in this paragraph, the responsible person(s) shall achieve accessibility of key stations as soon as possible, but in no case later than July 26, 1993, except that an entity is not required to complete installation of detectable warnings required by section 10.3.2(2) of appendix A to this part until July 26, 1994. The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) changed the name of the former Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) to * * * * *(d) * * *(2) Wheelchair or mobility aid spaces. PAGE 358 FR 63092, *63092The Department published its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on the issues covered by this rule on November 17, 1992. Reasonable accommodations are changes or modifications to a job or work environment that make it possible for an employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of that job. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. In other words, we believe it is more important to do the job right than to do it immediately. 10 0 obj <> endobj These factors make a persuasive case for not unduly postponing the installation of detectable warning materials that can prevent death, injuries, and narrow escapes of the kind cited in the record. The requirement will apply to newly acquired vehicles and to new or replacement signs in existing vehicles. _@b'^\481FqTK9jri0TO*5P5NUB19@u$.c[w(e- [49.CFR 37.163 (f)] SECTION 12 - PRIORITY SEATING . Washington, DC 20590 All documents and other information concerning the request shall be available, upon request, to members of the public. Every train that Amtrak or a commuter authority operates after that date will have to have an accessible car. * * * * *(d) When Amtrak or a commuter authority leases a used intercity or commuter rail car for a period of seven days or less, Amtrak or the commuter authority may make and document good faith efforts as provided in this paragraph instead of in the ways provided in paragraph (c) of this section: [*63103](1) By having and implementing, in its agreement with any intercity railroad or commuter authority that serves as a source of used intercity or commuter rail cars for a lease of seven days or less, a provision requiring that the lessor provide all available accessible rail cars before providing any inaccessible rail cars. EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule is effective December 30, 1993. While manufacturers' and consumers' comments assert that cited problems concerning the materials have largely been solved, it is clear that rail operators are not persuaded that their concerns about installation, safety, durability, and maintainability have been fully addressed. INTRODUCTION. In the preamble to the final rule, the Department made the following comments on the origin of this provision: PAGE 1058 FR 63092, *63095In the NPRM, the Department neglected to discuss the use of lifts by standees, an oversight that was brought to our attention by a substantial number of disability community commenters. Three transit agencies asked how to prioritize among different disabled passengers (e.g., ambulatory vs. non-ambulatory). In an audit, your CPA is required to obtain an understanding of your businesss internal control and assess fraud risk. 12101-12213); 49 U.S.C. Nine commenters, eight of whom were equipment manufacturers, said that there should not be separate equivalent facilitation procedures for public and private entities. (202) 366-9306 (voice); (202) 755-7687 (TDD). Receive email updates about the latest in Safety, Innovation, and Infrastructure. PTSB described, in some detail, how the design and operation of a particular lift model (a front door "arcing" lift manufactured by EEC, Inc., Model 141) could create specific hazards for standees. An FTA regulation (49 CFR 609.15(d)) requires FTA-assisted public transit authorities to designate priority seating near the front of vehicles for elderly and handicapped persons. Reasonable accommodations create equal access and opportunities in the workplace so that people with disabilities can be productive team players whose unique perspectives promote the development of successful programs. Another transit property also asked for a 5-year delay, while a third suggested making the requirement effective in July 1995, to coincide with the one-car-per-train requirement. You need to document why you needed the missing records, and why they Web1. Webthe issuance of Statement on Auditing Standards No. Controls another person's means of transportation with the intent to permanently deprive the person of the means of transportation. A few comments alluded to reported opposition to detectable warnings on the part of one organization representing individuals with visual impairments. It said that while new products have been developed, they have not yet been independently tested. The Department is aware that the Access Board (along with the Department of Justice and Department of Transportation) proposed to suspend, until January 1995, the requirement for detectable warnings in contexts such as curb ramps and parking lots, with the expectation of conducting further research. The language reads as follows:Departures from particular technical and scoping requirements of these guidelines by the use of other designs or technologies are permitted where the alternative designs and technologies used will provide substantially equivalent or greater access to and usability of the facility [vehicle]. The Department is not making other suggested changes in the regulatory language, believing that reasonable implementation of the provision can address the issues commenters raised. The first issue to be considered is whether the Department should continue making equivalent facilitation determinations. Technology and product differentiation in the detectable warnings field does not stand still, and equivalent facilitation is an appropriate means to recognize evolution and innovation in these products. In making the request available for public review, the entity shall ensure that it is available, upon request, in accessible formats. Once your or your employee's needs have been identified, we will prepare a written Action Plan for achieving the proposed accommodations. Given the urgency of the concerns expressed by disability community comments and the strong safety rationale for installing detectable warnings, the Department will not adopt the proposed 18-month extension, however. In support of its request for an indefinite, or, alternatively, five-year, postponement of the requirement, a rail operator cited the need to look at safety, durability, and maintainability issues, which it said current DOT research has not addressed. Liz has low vision and uses assistive technologies to assist her with the essential functions of her job in the Office of Human Resources. We do not believe that such accommodations should be required, however. Those commenters who asserted that the two types of machines should have different requirements did not provide sufficient information on which the Department or the Access Board could base a separate standard. That's where the DRC can offer their expertise. The two types of machines are similar enough in the operations that consumers must perform that the same requirements make sense in both contexts. (4) In all signage designating priority seating areas for elderly persons and persons with disabilities, or designating wheelchair securement areas, the entity shall include language informing persons sitting in these locations that they should comply with requests by transit provider personnel to vacate their seats to make room for an individual with a disability. 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