Agni himself sees Ozai burn his own son to death's door. With exceeding skills, L "Zuko, that's where your innermost turmoil lies, you were carrying the burden of not being enough for y/n." Some people spend their whole lives fighting against their nature, some go to great lengths to hide it, while others simply embrace it. Why would I? In this sense,while Aang certainly has the aptitude to learn lightning generation, it's hard to believe that he'd ever actually learn it without a proper instructor. Basically, Azula being happy in little ways cause she deserves it. Fire Lord Ozai was many things, clever first among them. Zuko recognizes the importance of family, and he also believes that there's still room to mend his relationship with Azula. Zuko went through the worst day of his life, was given the worst quest in history, and then was banished by the worst man in the Fire Nation. That she is the perfect daughter, the prodigy. The previous water and earth avatar has failed miserably and know Zuko is the avatar, Upon discovering this, he decided he'll do things his way. NEXT: Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Life Lessons That Are Still Relevant Today. Then at the end she just broke. An enemy of their kingdom, a girl who comes from a dying tribe. We can just go straight to the capital and-". But with Azula, the pressing question remains: was she ever even good to begin with? The subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra The boy's eyes were golden, a piercing bright color so intense that even the almost inhumanly light amber of royal family's eyes seemed to be dull in comparison. And he's not a very happy Avatar. Azula is given a deliberately contrasting introduction. Given a chance to heal & find people who genuinely care about him with no ties or loyalty to his father, he is able to be saved from growing bitter and jaded after years of failing at a mission. Burned at sixteen and suddenly disillusioned, Zuko hopes that running away will stop his father from using him for his horrific plans. The author doesn't just write the same story and swap roles but instead makes the appropriate changes that would lead Azula to that point. Treason occurs, vigilante activities commence, and Zuko and Azula choose to stick with each other through it all. Katara was excited to finally join her big brother Sokka at college, with her mind laser-focused on education. Tags will be updated as chapters are added. Anything would work really. Nearly a hundred years later a Fire Prince, scorned because of his inability to transform into a dragon, hides in the Southern Water Tribe where he befriends the new Avatar. A year-and-a-half ago, Prince of the Fire NationZukofinds out he is the Avatar. Good luck with it and anything else. In her cell. Zuko never asked to be born into Azulon's family and he most certainly never asked or wanted to be Kyoshi's successor. Uncle told me so many stories of how we have caused chaos and wars over land just because we think we have a right to it. But she didn't care about anyone much. Through life, Zuko has been told by many people that they will always be there for him. Wanting some quality intimate time among themselves the couple tries to find a good way to make him go to sleep. He is a blossoming firebender and swordsman. Seemingly escaping the kiss of death, they wake to a world that is not their own. He did as the letter way told and he went to the palace. Will all of the blood drain out of him? Never to return to his Nation unless he does the impossible. Work Search: Zuko is banished. Eight-year old Azula encounters an untraditional visitor in the Fire Nation Royal Palace courtyard. He has stormy silver eyes that have a playful glint to them, a stunningly bright smile, and a sharp jaw. Azula didn't care for swimming, so she chose to sit on the riverbank with Zuko. CORALAPIZ, 2022. His family could count the times he spoke. He isnt bulky or anything, but his body is toned and defined. Their last hope lies within an ancient fable from the last of the Fire Island clans, but peace comes at a steep cost. People pick on you? Zuko questions, a growl rumbling under his voice. and I managed to play a little with the plot to still include aang, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Sokka's middle name is bad puns and protective older brother, Because I like to talk about topics that are important to me via fic, Alternate Universe - Avatar & Benders Setting, Avatar Zuko (It was Not for Generations that People have been Searching), It will not be described but heavily implied, Just so everyone is aware and it will be marked out, The Gaang Learns How Zuko Got The Scar (Avatar), zuko is partially deaf and blind in his left ear and eye, chapters with bigger warnings will be noted beforehand, theres one so far with child abuse in more detail, no beta we die like ember island zuko actor. A direct continuation of 'If home is a place, where do I go?'. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. Hes still not sure how to control that. Pre-canon Azula loves airships and her cousin Lu Ten (in no particular order). But when fire touched his face, his dragon form begged to differ. When Zuko gets banished, he does not wait for Iroh, not wanting to cause more damage than he has already, and decides to hike it on his own. Zuko and Ursa would visit Azula often, and over a long time she would slowly regain her sanity, she would start to lose her craze, and start to act normal, and begin to see her mother as her mother. He gets a chance to start over and hopefully keeps everyone that he cares for safe. For other similar uses, see Zuko (disambiguation). It takes place in a world where the hundred-year war hasnt happened. There's a wedding, and it is by all means a great celebration befitting the Fire Lord. Years after the war, Azula and Sokka are vacationing in the Earth Kingdom with their son, who just learned to speak and ask questions without stopping. My name is Fujimora Isuzu, and my family are the last air benders left in this world. At the behest of spirit dabbling, both Sokka and Zuko are thrown into an alternate reality that mirrors their own. It's not a story of redemption itself, but it shows how Azula is changing her beliefs by meeting different people who teach her things that in her childhood no one taught or showed her. is this Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! The first part is done, and the second one is still ongoing. The Avatar, the last airbender, and their animal guides. Zuko dies by his sisters hand not long after being hit while trying to save Katara from the lightning bolt. ", I mean i dont think she wanted him to actually die. Thanks a lot!! LONG HAUL Modern w/ Bending AU, in which Zuko is older, has unique firebending, ditches Ozai early, gets himself unintentionally adopted by a SWT crew, joins a dysfunctional family of rebels, hunts for Ursa, discovers himself and eventually joins up with the GAang. Zuko flew into the sky, thoughts fuzzy, rushing to escape the too hot too hot flames that threatened to melt his skin. It's a weird crossover (essentially a shower thought that's become a massive project) and I'm not entirely sure it's good, but people seem to like it. Zuko is thrown back in time to the fateful Agni Kai, but not as himself, as Ozai. That's the mantra Zuko knows, but what exactly is his sister keeping to herself & why when she shows up at Ember Island University claiming to have reinvented herself? Someone taking something of mine is a thought I cant just shake off. Zuko gently squeezes his hand. He cannot snuff him out. Things change. Detener al seor del fuego y acabar con la guerra. Someone as skilled in the art as Azula would be a perfect choice to teach him the skill. Regarding Zuko's well-being and happiness, partially yes, partially no. At this, the student frowned and looked up Banishment is to merciful. He is a prince of the Fire Nation at the height of its power. Will bonds be forged, strengthened, or fall apart when held together with Frayed Lines? That her mother meant nothing. Can chaos and order learn to coexist? But then Katara arrives. Would it not make sense, then, for Azula to challenge her destiny of evil, and rise above it? He is on his own, living, doing whatever it was that needs to be done, when he accidentally ends up saving the Avatar. At first he's devastated. Some familiar faces, but something is much different about them. Monsters start appearing, killing living people, missing people had been found in white ashes, and crushing pressure can be felt at times in smaller towns where no one can move and or sometimes breathe. In reality, one's self is split into three parts; the mind, the spirit, and the body. Pre-canon, a freshly banished 13-year-old Prince Zuko stumbles into June's bar with demands for information about the Avatar. With the Avatar long gone, the ever dwindling resistance is running out of options to end the war. What would become of the young one? What if Yue started dreaming of a strange prince that was touched by the spirits like she was? away, run away, run away, Collection of atla au ideas that are completely up for grabs bc im a terrible writer but im great at coming up with angst and dumb ideas, Now with ficlets because i got my shit together. The young prince is about to roll his eyes at the crowd but then he makes eye contact with him. Whatever happens, he will not end up like him. Sokka doesn't have time for anything except for his sister and the future he's trying to build for her, and he's perfectly alright with that. A redemption arc told in this way would fit right in withAvatar's pre-established themes. This story is canon compliant, ongoing, and very queer. Work Search: On an otherwise routine search of an isolated island, Zuko discovers he can airbend. Having someone love her that much would mean the world to her, especially someone who has seen the worst of her, like Zuko has. At age ten, Azula comes into Zuko's room with panic on her face, screaming about how Father is going to kill him. (I will make a rebooted story of this same concept, I'll make It longer and better planned). What if Zuko never resurfaces and the crew on the Wani think he died? Sokka exclaimed as he waved his hands around. Read Chapter 37: A/N + The Painted Lady from the story The Flames of the past (Avatar: Zuko love story) by Nina-Maire (Nina_Maire) with 6,864 reads. An exploration of Azula and Zukos relationship before and after Ursa is banished. Y/n l/n, a fi Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become extinct along with the air-benders. Bad sign, silently whispered scared servants. Measure Each Step to Infinity is a personal favorite of mine. Only key to her goal is princess Azula ___ I had horrible writer block and that is reason why there weren't updates in last 4 days. In Azula's circumstance, her case for redemption could actually be quite similar. If Team Avatar was hesitant to trust Zuko, then they'd surely be much more hesitant to trust Azula. It's sad to say, but Ozai's influence may simply be too much for her to overcome. But Zuko and Azula are siblings, so shouldn't the same logic apply to her? Touya took a deep breath. Discussion, fanart, cosplay, and fanfiction that involve her are all welcome. They're the same after all. Sokka's got his hands full raising his sister on his own and trying to scrape his way through college for a degree he desperately needs. Though it is alluded to a few times, "Sozin's Comet" makes it perfectly clear just how unwell Azula really is. "You don't know me! At the moment, her inner crazy genius woke up. From now on, Prince Zuko was less than a man. Later, in "The Day of Black Sun", Azula is shown to be so adept at lying that she can fool Toph's senses. In "Zuko Alone", when a young Azula tells Zuko that their father is planning to kill him, Zuko calms himself down by repeating, "Azula always lies." And he's right. Yet, one remains. Do you really not know what the Internet is?, Or, Zuko and Touya switch places and speedrun their family drama. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Or, the untold story of the closest thing to a true friend that Azula has ever had. About a month after Aang won against Ozai and General Iroh took the title of Firelord, strange things start happening. I will find the avatar, and I will teach him the ways of the air benders. She a year after the final fight with Ozai, the gaang are living a peaceful life in Ba Sing Se, until Suki has to go back to her island, so she breaks up with Sokka. He reveals that she is descended from the late Avatar Roku, meaning that Zuko himself is deeply connected to Aang's past. Aquele em que azula tem uma viso muito confusa do que o amor de seus pais. Born without the presence of Lord Agni or even his sister, Lady Tui, prince was a weak babe without firebending spark in his eyes. Chapter 3.5 of this series, I recommend you go read that first! A small child has arrived on my doorstep. But Azula having the social skills of deepfried butter could never convey it well. Vlasy ml po zadek dlouh del ne ona, uvdomila si a vrek vlas ml sthnut do drdolu, zatmco zbytek mu splval podl tla a pr pramen mu z drdolu utkaly a padaly do tve. Zuko won't become the person his mother feared him to be. The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC) Table of contents. Is one teenage dragon enough to save the world? She did want Zuko to be happy with Mai, and she did want to have Zuko to be seen as redeemed in the eyes of her father. . the North needs a feminist revolution soon! Azula makes a great avatar. The spirit is gone and so is the prince. if you want more than four chapters someone will need to adopt story where i leave off, just realized how depressing this story is, The Royal Fire Family is a lot of bad eggs, I Forgot About That In the First Chapter Though, I read another fic where Jet was an Airbender so I brought it into this fic, For anyone reading this tags most of these are spoliers so have fun, Also I don't tag OC/Canon character relationships, Atae Zuko | Sn Zuko | Zuko Atae | Zuko Sn, Katara of the Southern Water Tribe | Katara Paradis, Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe | Sokka Paradis. He refuses to become a mad man, a horrible tyrant that Ozai is, and despises how he had driven his mother away due to paranoia and obsessiveness. 181K 6.2K 33 Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! What if he met Toph before any of the Gaang did? Who else is there to go to except their mother? It was now morning and Jet had received a letter. Princess Izumi's life is shrouded in secrets. And so when presented with the opportunity, he strikes. She's more than happy to be in it. If Azula were a true friend, she would have forgiven Mai for protecting her boyfriend. Her benefit isn't what he thought it would be. Or at least he was until the Avatar comes in. "Nothing!" (spoilers in tags!!) in which zuko and azula are actually very close, they now have a very niche skillset between the two of them, also the jetko happens within the fic but doesn't last, they do however get a bitchy exes subplot, but they'll be damned if they dont strongarm the fire siblings into friendship, Order of the White Lotus Members (Avatar), Azula (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s), Azula (Avatar) & Original Female Character(s), Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Most Chapters Are Not In Chronological Order, Two yelling wannabe arsonists get swapped and accidentally solve all kinds of problems (but not without giving their siblings a headache), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & The Gaang (Avatar), (she does that mostly on accident though), Dismantling Canon One Found Family At A Time, its complicated and there was spirit nonsense involved, Motivation returned by I Dont Want To Set The World On Fire- Ultranos, katara is 6 and she is the most adorable kid ever, Sokka is a Good Significant Other (Avatar), Azula and Zuko Have a Good Relationship (Avatar), (okay technically they're Azula's crew but it still works), Zuko screams at almost every member of the white lotus, why does the white lotus choose to be little bitches so often, they are all very capable masters in their respective form, Azula & Zuko (Avatar) Have a Good Relationship, If The World Ends Today (I'll Still Love You Like Yesterday), sorry if you like her but favoritism is never good parenting, Some chapters are only 1k but I am taking my sweet time with the plot. _____________________________________ The Avatars disappearance left a rift between the natural and spirit world. Only an inexperienced voice challenges the status quo. For Firelord Zuko and Ambassador Sokka, the war has ended and they spend their days now, four years after peace has flourished across the land, putting down cells of Ozai's sympathizers and forging their relationship behind closed doors. Maybe even do the dragon dance with her lol. Zuko (Avatar) Ursa (Avatar) Ozai (Avatar) Azula (Avatar) The Gaang (Avatar) eventually - Character Aang (Avatar) Katara (Avatar) Sokka (Avatar) Airbender Zuko (Avatar) Angst Fluff as a treat Other Additional Tags to Be Added Tags May Change Azula (Avatar) Redemption Protective Azula (Avatar) Protective Zuko (Avatar) Fluff and Angst Hurt/Comfort Sokka has an interesting conversation, Mai is coerced into trying yoga, Katara and Suki discuss the future and Zuko admits something to himself that he's known for years. Work Search: I'd say if given a chance she may have genuinely cared about him. Sometimes, having the courage to change one's destiny is more moving than simply desiring to fulfill it. He is tall, only an inch or two shorter than Zuko, and muscular. Also Zuko is a Hufflepuff and I will fight you. After his duel, Zuko had fled to the Earth Kingdom where he has been living for the past 3 years, living as a farmer and a healer after being adopted by a nice Earth Kingdom family, presumed dead by the Fire Nation when disappearing while injured, giving Iroh a chance to keep Azula from staying loyal to her father. Still, he knew that Zuko would be distraught. Or, Zuko is going through the weirdest puberty in the world. She calls herself Kiyi and says that she was looking for adventure. The tattoo on his back fluttered and rippled with the movement of his muscles. If someone had helped her, could she find her own redemption? She hoped they would live normal lives. Ozai and Azula are nowhere in sight. RELATED: Avatar: Zuko's Loss To Azula Is Actually His Greatest Victory. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. it's a very beautiful fic. If the Avatar and the Fire Nation weren't mortal enemies, she might have been able to stay. But when the world needed her the most, she was not ready. Or: Zuko is the Avatar. Shes a sociopath, and maybe its just some very thick, dense, emotional wall coupled with intense manipulation by her father, but either ways she doesnt care about anyone or anything, As a child she told him he was gonna be killed with joy, I feel like if she really wanted him to die she would have kept her mouth shut about it. But instead, she lashes out in anger and frustration. Five times Zuko was told people would stay by his side. Iroh describes Roku and Sozin's blood flowing through Zuko as a war within himself. Or: spirited away from the fire nation by their mother and abandoned to a life of poverty and running, zuko and azula learn to manage. Azula pushes Zuko off the roof. When Azula's not straight-up lying to her enemies, she's usually either threatening her friends or dangling half-truths above their heads. He let his uncle down, his greatest dishonor. Please let Zuko keep loving me, she whispered, not sure who she was asking anymore. In this fic we yeet the cannon story line out the window for more dark themes, narcissist parenting (both Ozai and Azulon are in my opinion), moral ambiguity, Zhao being more than a growling side character, and plot more confusing than an M Night Shyamalan movie (not including the awful movie of book 1, but more along the lines of the 6th sense). Although his Firebending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to stop the war, but I believe he can save the world. Zuko has found the perfect place for Azula. He says I was lucky to be born.". Were this to come true, it would surely lead to Azula's redemption at last. Hits: 0 Waterby Sure, it didnt have the intended effect of making him stop screaming at Endeavor, but maybe her advice would work this time. Iroh never lost Lu Ten to the siege of Ba Sing Se and the strangest change of all, Ozai is a loving parent to his beloved son.,, Which Zuko is totally fine with. But its done incredibly well. Please consider turning it on! He has his own secrets to keep while he's at it. Ursa knew this, which is why she knew the Blue Dragon would be her only option for saving Zuko. For all the cute little snippets, excerpts and scenes I couldn't put in the main story for a myriad of reasons. She no longer had restraints due to her being trusted more and more. He has his head shaved and he has bright blue arrow tattoos running down his head and arms. Ty Lee originally didn't want to join Azula but did so after Azula threatened her circus. Something something, Yumi kept telling him to actually think before getting angry all the time. How it all came to be will be reflected on too. One of the show's most controversial characters, though, is Azula. Chapter 1: Azula's 10th Birthday This takes place in the universe in which Aang did not use Sokka's jerky as fire stater in episode three, and the butterfly effect is strong indeed. Please consider turning it on! He went away from the his ship to search for a master, because he will be Fire prince Zuko the last avatar. Together, Sokka and Zuko need to find a way back to their own world and bodies, and figure out what the spirits intended for them in this strange dreamlike world. When the Gaang investigates they stumble on a whole new world that no one expected. Photo Day. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Thereby begins their story. Zuko feels his throat get dry and his face starts to heat up. When she learned Zuko would have to die cause of ozai, (iroh's son died and ozai asked for the throne ,hence making ozai's dad angry and telling him that he will have to loose his firstborn) , Azula flipping teased Zuko by the fact he was going to die. In Book Three, Iroh reveals the shocking truth behind the bloodline of Zuko's mother, Ursa. Zuko is guided by his Uncle, Iroh, and his weapons trainer, Kuzon. And with a sprinkle of politics added in for good measure. RELATED: Avatar: 10 Facts You Need To Know About Prince Zuko's Family. Only fear of his father's displeasure kept him diligent in his training. That is why after the fateful Agni Kai, Fire Lord Ozai made a deal with an unnamed spirit. As with any redemption arc, there's always the question of nature vs. nurture. Normally Azula is less foolhardy than Zuko (albeit she still does take what the fuck tier risks) - but push her hard enough and she explodes just as badly as Zuko, if not worse, Also Zuko bein like "hol up hol up HOL UP" when he sees her is pretty funny. I forgot you being broody while sitting in the kitchen doing nothing is fun for you somehow.. Canon proceeds to implode. June finds the intruder in Nyla's stable. [It starts like this:Azula is 11, and she kills her first man.No, thats not quite right. Both their Father and Grandfather want Zuko dead. Zuko loathes the man up on the Fire Lord's throne. Though his nephew tried to hide it, Iroh had caught the young man giving the ostrich-horse a kiss on the head more than once. (The biggest lie she ever told was when she claimed she had never loved him.). Otherwise an AU where Aang was killed with the rest of the Airbenders, and Zuko was reborn as the Avatar after the previous Water and Earth Avatars died. Theres so much blood. A failed mission, and a Dragon flying to the calling of its ancestors. ------- She has bee this is a sokka x reader and i guess a love triangle with zuko too <3 Furthermore, Katara and Sokka are shown to constantly have each other's backs. What happens offscreen between Zuko's flashback to the fountain and present day. Most of the evidence, however, point to her being manipulative with her relationship with Zuko for her own interest. Read Chapter 44: Lily and Lee from the story The Concubine's Apprentice (an Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction Zuko x OC) by TheGreatestConWoman with 6,197. Ozai, King of the Fire Nation, has plans to use this division to overthrow the Normal government and to restore freedom for the Four Nations. Now there is the fire avatar Prince zuko of the fire nation.Upon discovering he was the avatar, he ran away form the wani and search for master to train him. When the fire nation's prince is banished Kir A Zuko X Reader story. You don't know anything!" But who actually stuck to their promise? For once, just stop being so stubborn and let me in." Anyone that is unwell deserves to be given help. The Southern Waterbenders were never targeted and the Southern Tribe is a close twin to the North's elitist personality. Zuko goes through much of his development only because Iroh was there for him. As beautifully crafted as the second skin she wears to stay alive. right until the avatar and his friends drop way too cheerfully into their life, and the war returns to them in earnest. What if Sokka took up a power that he did not understand? Both siblings happily recalled these memories many years later. Ou Azula e o vazio que no foi feito por ela. One for his enslavement. I haven't read any of the comics but by the end if the show she definitely fully hated him, but that was 100% Ozai's influence and abuse. I know its wrong to think, but you are something to me. Language: Espaol Words: 4,089 Chapters: 2/? He wanted to dehumanize him. Momo's grooming his mane!" But Katara's new friend, party girl & Sorority president Suki Arya is making that impossible - not to mention some unplanned romantic detours that get in the way of studying. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Very outside of that her current life removed those feelings. With a treasonous plot on the horizon, the Fire Nation needs her help, but is she willing or even able to give it? Azula always lies. Its hard to say man idk. The prince learned a lot of waterbending, and most of earthbending, but hasn't learned any airbending yet. Avatar Zuko (Avatar) Cross-Posted on Wattpad Sequel Water, earth, fire, air. Read and see h he yearns for such violent delights and wonders if kissing the sun will lead to a violent end.

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