Mr. Gold then makes a promise to Belle and their son, in that it may not seem apparent at the time but that everything he has done is to keep them safe. Once Upon a Time to end after season 7. After re-consummating the marriage, Belle is asleep in bed, while Mr. Gold leaves to meet with Emma, who claims she can hear the dagger calling. Belle phones the convent, and upon learning Mother Superior returned in a battered state, she and Mr. Gold rush to her side to find out what happened. She is the daughter of Maurice abd the second wife of Rumplestiltskin, the mother of Gideon, step-mother of Neal Cassidy, Henry's step . She wanders into an unlocked tower at one point and finds an incantation written in fairy language used to summon the Black Fairy, which she is able to read and translate. She is both based on the character from Beauty and the Beast by Jeanne . Puzzled, the boy informs her that the remnants of Ingrid's magic will keep those who leave town from reentering. According to a prop note on a behind the scenes photograph posted by. However, an all-knowing Belle happily attests that does have good in him, a compliment that surprises Rumplestiltskin. "I don't really have time to do much [working out], so I really just watch what I eat," Hudson said during a 2017 interview . In a race to stop Emma from completing the spell to snuff out the light, Belle hurries to the hospital, just as Zelena is in labor, explaining that Emma requires a baby's first cry as the final ingredient. Belle has a cheerful reunion with Robin Hood as does Neal Cassidy. She phones Emma, who promptly arrives to apprehend the man into her custody at the sheriff's station. The book, written in squid ink, is the answer her son spoke of, but Emma and Hook fail to find the shears after paralyzing Mr. Gold. ("A Tale of Two Sisters", "Rocky Road"), Returning to the shop, Mr. Gold and Belle's marital bliss is interrupted by David and Hook, who informs them that an ice magic wielder, Elsa, entrapped Emma in a cave where she is freezing to death. The next morning, Billy turns up dead, and Ruby is accused of murder, since she shape shifted into a wolf the night before, but can't remember anything. Once Rumplestiltskin discovers this, he forces Belle to accompany him as he tracks down and murders the thief. ("Witch Hunt", "The Tower", "A Curious Thing"), One day, a midwife named Zelena comes into the pawnshop, mistaking her for "Mrs. Gold", and then asking for Mr. Gold himself. Not wanting this to happen, Mr. Gold gives up and retreats. Afterward, Belle meets up with Mr. Gold, who happily informs her about his success in making a potion to cross the border, which will work if poured on his son's shawl. She tells him of her imprisonment and asks if the release of magic was to seek revenge for her capture. Belle suggests she can babysit again if needed, though Zelena states that it's not necessary. Upon further examination of the sand dollar, Belle hears a message from Mr. Gold telling her to look for an item in the pawnshop that can defeat Pan. When Rumplestiltskin bursts in to shut her up, they hear a thud from the main room. As the two leave, a storm created by Ingrid traps them. Belle is the female protagonist of Disney's 1991 animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. "Leaving Storybrooke" As Rumplestiltskin shoos her from the room, Belle remarks that he could speak in a nicer tone. ("Skin Deep"), During one day at the castle, Belle has just finished doing the laundry and polishing the silver when Rumplestiltskin returns with a wailing baby for her to look after. ("Dreamcatcher"), With Merlin's magic as well as David and Hook's fighting skills, they clear the dungeon of Arthur's guards, with Belle following them. Losing hope, Elsa wonders if Anna put her in the urn, just as the Snow Queen claimed, and that her sister doesn't want to be found. She persuades Gaston into letting her decipher the ogre's intentions by consulting a magical antiquities book. Belle proposes that it's not too late. During the evening, on Main Street, Zelena approaches while trailed by a helpless Mr. Gold. He insists having power is not a bad thing, and they can have both, though Belle states she only wanted his love. She is the main reality version of Wish Belle . Biographical Information Mr. Gold is worried about Belle's injuries, so he magically heals them, which only frightens her. She points out that it won't always be so since his mother is changing for the better. Though Mr. Gold doesn't wish to leave his beloved, he is forced to by Zelena's will. At Henry's revelation that the Snow Queen has an ice cream truck, everyone splits up to search. ("Heroes and Villains"), While Belle is on cleaning duty, she inquiries about why he spins so much, which Rumplestiltskin states helps him forget the things he lost. Instead, Belle comes clean about the part of the prophecy she omitted and explains what he must do after her death in order to be led back to her. After supper every night, the Beast asked Beauty to be his wife: every night she said him nay. Mr. Gold then claims that, while she won't come back to him out of love, she eventually will out of necessity if she wants her child to be safe. ("Family Business", "Her Handsome Hero", "Out of the Past"), After Belle has grown into a young woman, Maurice tries to interest her in a suitor, Gaston, whom she believes is vain and a notorious womanizer as the rumors say he is. Later in the day, she receives an email from an Oxford professor, not knowing it is actually Mr. Gold, who gives her the translation, to which Regina uses the dagger to perform a ceremony on the hat. Once Upon a Time. At the pawnshop, Belle reveals to Elsa and Emma that they can defeat Ingrid's curse with a hair strand from someone who has already been affected by the same spell and making a counterspell with it. GALLERY, Belle Mr. Gold insists he trusts her completely and then changes the topic to their upcoming wedding. She is also a proud bibliophile, her favorite genres being fantasy and adventure. Belle is touched to hear this but horrified to learn Gideon still intends to kill Emma Sometime after Gideon disappears on his own, Belle goes to David and Hook for help tracking him down. First appearance: Portrayed by: Yet, when the crystal ball shows him Belle instead, he is shocked as he realizes she is pregnant with his child. Belle is still unsure if she wants to give her husband another chance, but she recalls how the dream world version of her son looked at Mr. Gold with such hatred, and she believes this relationship can be different in the future. Seeing Hook's concern for Emma, whom Jekyll reports is out searching for Hyde and the Queen, Belle encourages him to go find her. Belle wants to help save Henry, and while Archie thinks she did her part by protecting the town, she scoffs over the fact all she did was pour a potion over some rocks. Rumplestiltskin returns, with the box in hand, as Belle explains why she had to stop Samuel. With Emma and Regina's combined powers, the trigger is halted, however, Henry is taken by Greg and Tamara and taken to another world. He sadly admits it is the person's birthday, and regrets his past actions tore away their chance to be happy together. Noticing Henry is unhappy, she learns he is disappointed over the fairytale storybook and all the bad things that happen to Regina in it. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), The next day, Belle is working at the pawnshop when Hook comes in to ask her about why true love's kiss didn't work for her and Mr. Gold. He removes the tracking bracelet to prove he's not tricking her and then suggests she should call to check in with the nuns. Little do they know, the Black Fairy has been controlling Gideon this whole time with his heart and that the portal Gideon made from Emma's life force has allowed her to come through to Storybrooke. Emilie de Ravin Hook is keeping her company below deck when Jekyll arrives with news about Mr. Gold stealing the serum in order to kill Hyde. After reaching the diner, everyone discovers the truth. From the Underworld, Mr. Gold sees this event through a crystal ball, after creating a spell in an attempt to locate his deceased child, Neal. After they escape the dungeon and are walking back to the diner, Merida tells Belle about her imprisonment and her journey to rescue her brothers from the conquering clans. She explains it did the first time, but because Mr. Gold was scared of a life without magic, he pulled away, causing the darkness to regain its grip on him. Calling himself Lumiere, he explains how Rumplestiltskin cursed him after a broken deal. Owning up to his past, Mr. Gold affirms that was true once, but since losing a son and gaining a wife, he's "turned over a new leaf", which impresses Belle. Belle is locked in the tower by Rumplestiltskin, but the Blue Fairy frees her and urges her to save the baby. She lives in an unnamed kingdom with her parents, and she grows up living in a castle. Once the female duo enters into the pawnshop, she warns them not to try anything or she'll use the potion to turn them into toads. Even knowing this, Belle still believes Mr. Gold has changed for the better. Once an apple-cheeked cutie, the "Highway" actress lost a whopping 16 kilos in 3 months before. Mr. Gold begins working towards getting their son back by trying to find a way to awaken Mother Superior, who knew the Black Fairy and may have a way to defeat her. ("Her Handsome Hero"), Sometime later, Belle and her mother are preparing to escape the castle as ogres breach their guard walls. Although Belle did not know this, she assumes Mr. Gold has found a loophole around the issue. ("Fall"), Once Ingrid's spell affects the town, Belle is put to sleep by Mr. Gold, and she remains in this state after Ingrid's spell comes to an end. As Emma recalls, he had the urn, which Elsa was trapped within, in his vault. Nonetheless, this declaration whittles Emma's doubts. Storming into the pawnshop, they request Mr. Gold's assistance, and he only agrees after much imploring from Belle. "Leaving Storybrooke" She vows, from now on, to make better choices for her unborn son's sake. She starred as Tess Harding on Roswell (2000-2002), Claire Littleton on the ABC drama Lost (2004-2008, 2010), and as Belle on the ABC drama Once Upon a Time (2011-2018). Belle looks for the shawl, and distractedly sets down the gun. ("Ill-Boding Patterns"), At the pawnshop, Belle is there when Emma and Snow come to Mr. Gold for information about the Black Fairy. Sent to the well, she summons Mr. Gold and asks him for the truth about why he's in town. Eventually, with knowledge from Cruella De Vil and Ursula about the Chernabog, the creature is forced across the town line and fades out of existence. ("Darkness on the Edge of Town"), Hearing of Cruella and Ursula's arrival to town, Belle prepares a transformation potion, in fear of retaliation from them. She opens her pouch of fairy dust, sprinkling it on the Yaoguai, who turns back into a human man, Prince Phillip. He unknowingly affects Belle's unborn child with the sand as well, resulting in the dreamworld being shared by both Belle and her child, who assumes the form of a grown man, "Morpheus". While spending time getting acquainted with food at the diner, Ruby gives her a small box someone left at the front desk. They are interrupted by the presence of Regina, who needs Mr. Gold's help in dealing with their nemesis, Cora. Afterward, Belle shows Mr. Gold a vacant mansion that she wants to use as their honeymoon suite. As the spell dictates, a candle must be lit with magic and then blown towards the target, which will form binds on the person's wrists. The cloak becomes enchanted and floats towards the location of its owner, to which Ariel and Hook follow along. While Mr. Gold is getting her discharged from the hospital, Belle packs up her belongings. Realizing this is why Mr. Gold sent her away, Belle returns to the pawnshop to confront him. They all regroup with Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the vault, where Regina took "Henry" for protection, though the door is locked. She returns to the library and finds a knot Hook left behind. Cause of death: They pronounced the patient, 65, dead at the scene but 30 minutes later he was breathing again. Belle then shows him a fairy prophecy she translated, in which it states that after the Dark One finds eternal love, his dark powers can be removed only when the sun is at its brightest and that it sets in the Edge of Realms where time is frozen. Later, Samuel makes an unexpectedly quick recovery, and he admits he came to rescue her on her father's orders. Stumped by the question, Rumplestiltskin shoves her away from him and callously remarks that, rather than someone else, only he is allowed to end her life by crushing her heart. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Once Upon a Time fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. You find goodness in others. Presumably, Belle is unfrozen and has no idea anything is amiss. Belle calls him a beast for what he's done, while Mr. Gold asserts she can think of him however she likes, however, he's doing this out of love for her and their son. She fires back by pointing out how afraid he's become because she was so close to winning, and swears to get away from him next time so he won't even see her son. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth getting your heart ripped out for here. However, Belle's pregnancy still speeds up, after the Queen poisons her tea with the potion. Taken to Demon's Bluff, Belle is coerced into speaking a ransom message into an enchanted sand dollar, begging Rumplestiltskin to bring the gauntlet in exchange for her life. Belle thinks it means Mr. Gold is close to dying, but a second later, all the fallen petals dissipate and regenerate on the rose. ("Shattered Sight"), After Belle awakens, her husband suggests packing for a trip to New York so they can have a proper honeymoon. Despite turning down Keith earlier, she makes plans to meet with him behind the diner. Belle Gold (ne French) is one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time. Anna, clinging to a ledge, implores for help. Only when Belle regains the box, John and Michael admit they are helping Pan because he has their sister Wendy, but she persuades them that the box is essential to freeing Wendy. During the day, Belle rushes into the diner to pick up a sandwich from Granny, when the second-to-last petal on the magical rose falls off. Once Upon a Time Belle Dress | Etsy Check out our once upon a time belle dress selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Thinking quickly, Regina bends down to pick up an item and instead conjures an enchantment on a matchbook of the town bar, The Rabbit Hole. Elsa dupes them by handing over a pouch full of rocks and takes the real pendant to continue tracking her sister. Despite that he tells her to go away, she approaches to set down a basket of flowers on the table. She insists on staying since the counterspell is very important, and he relents by deciding to keep her company until the business is finished. Alia Bhatt She entered the glam world with "Student of the Year, but she wasn't always like this. She approaches the den, but attracts the Yaoguai by stepping on a branch. Upset no one believes her, Belle acts out violently and has to be sedated by the nurse. Elsa and Emma are led to a mine cave-in and are prepare to blast through to reach Anna until Belle phones David to let them know the nuns can make a counterspell with only the necklace. Mr. Gold catches her in time, though he panics as she seemingly passes out from exhaustion. Neal is disgusted at his father's actions and reminds him of the time he turned someone into a snail. July 6, 2017 djbrodiekay. Belle is led by the ribbon to the shears within a cave, where she realizes that she's dreaming as "Morpheus" arrives. Zelena doubts Hades would rip up a contract he holds value in, even if she asked him to. He assures her that once they stop Gideon, Mother Superior can be revived. Placing the gift in a vase, she busily admires it as Hook returns and persuades her into reciting a pirate's oath, in which neither of them must ever speak about the dagger to each other or anyone else. ("The New Neverland"), After Regina takes magical preventive measures to undo Pan's casting of the Dark Curse, all the inhabitants of Storybrooke pay the price by returning to the Enchanted Forest and reverting to their prior personas. Regina mentions they knew each other, and asks Belle about Mr. Gold and the dagger. She then encourages Mr. Gold into letting Emma revive Mother Superior since he hasn't yet found a solution and they shouldn't allow the Black Fairy to steal any more of Gideon's time from them. He describes the person he knew in her; a beautiful woman who loved an ugly man, and further explains that she creates goodness in those who don't have any. Hudson originally lost weight thanks to Weight Watchers, and has kept it off long-term by being very careful about what she eats. However, Mr. Gold finds a way to harm his nemesis without himself being the actual person to do so by releasing a Wraith to suck out Regina's soul. You may have seen her only in a handful of films but she struggled with her own share of trolling and body-shaming. Once they are in the mines, some of the dwarves quarry a large rock to obtain fairy dust, one of the spell's ingredients. Frustrated, she angrily throws the cup at the wall as it shatters into pieces. Hook begins leaving, desperate to try true love's kiss on Emma, but Belle cautions him to be careful since hating a Dark One is easier than loving one, insinuating that Killian's love for Emma may turn into hate if he's not careful. Hook makes himself known to her with the shawl in hand. She makes him promise not to use the magic and seek revenge against Regina, which he agrees to. However, a shaken Emma flees and drives off in her car. Mr. Gold returns with Gideon's heart but reveals that, despite attempting to do the right thing, he was unable to lift the command. [4], Belle spends her time at a local tavern when she overhears a dwarf, Dreamy, tell his fellow brethren about how strange he is feeling. Mr. Gold pleads for another chance, but she refuses. Status: Belle is based on Beauty from the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"; and on the character of the same name from . After Aladdin turns the wand over to Belle, she gives it to Zelena. After Mr. Gold has left, Belle pulls out a blanket to tuck over Mother Superior's body. Within the dreamworld, Belle lives in a darker version of Rumplestiltskin's castle, stuck in her past servant role. Mr. Gold, insisting he cannot be a hero, confesses to crippling himself during the Ogre war because he was scared of dying. He relents to her idea after she demands his cooperation if he wants a future with her. She rebuffs Mr. Gold from speaking to her, but he adamantly tells her about his regrets about lying to her through their marriage. She relates her dilemma to Snow, who is sympathetic about why Belle is hesitant since Mr. Gold has already disappointed her so many times. She splits from Mr. Gold, opting to right things on her own, as she doesn't want to make the same mistake again. Emma, in order to keep Hook's secret under wraps, enters and professes that she will punish them for what they did to her. (From. With the nuns, Belle assists them at the diner when Mr. Gold arrives asking her to watch over the pawnshop. She became a series regular in the second season and onwards after making recurring appearances in the first season, and has become a fan favorite since her debut. ("I'll Be Your Mirror"), Upon seeing the effects of Mr. Gold's aging spell on one of the nuns, Belle concludes her husband might use the same spell to speed up her pregnancy so he can cut away their son's fate with the shears. Can be revived man into her belle once upon a time actress weight loss at the wall as it shatters into pieces getting your heart ripped for. Not wanting this to happen, Mr. Gold is worried about Belle 's pregnancy still speeds up they. From reentering explains why she had to stop Samuel later he was breathing again down Keith,! Loophole around the issue her unborn son 's sake asking her to go away, lives. 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