Jacquard Procion MX Dye 8 Color Set - Cold Water Dye - 2/3 oz - Permanent and Washfast Fiber Reactive Dye . It is used by rinsing purchased or dyed fabric for 15 minutes in a solution of cool water and about 1 oz. Do the above for each color you intend to use. vat dyes with a deep blue/purplecast and edges are blue/purplein tie dye. Colors #406, 445 and #456 are pureFluorescent and glow under black light. Example: adding 4 each of 3 different T-shirts in any sizes will give you the 12+ price on all 12 shirts. It just won't dissolve no matter what I do. Or add 1 Tbs. many of each type, style or size. Bunching and dye pooling into the folds also happens when you don't stir enough. There is also conflicting info out there as to whether some colors are L or M as some sources listed them as both. Moss green again is spot on. If you are making stock solutions with your dyes remember to re-heat them before you use them. If youve ever seen tobacco drying in the barn then youd agree they nailed this color. The Sapphire is better than most colors and truly reminds me of sapphires. Learn to take Acid Dyes to the next levelhere. Meaning a purple is going to be composed of blues and reds. Sodium Alginate F is a low viscosity, high solids alginate used for silks and synthetics when fine line definition is desired. Some products may be excluded from discounts, and / or may discount only with themselves. Yes you can. Afterfix is Sodium Silicate, a liquid with the consistency of honey. No one else makes one that does not have an undertone I find unpleasant. For level dyeing, fibers and fabric must be completely clean. Stovetop dyeing is a simple process. Bolivian Handwoven Alpaca Shawl (Colored), Exploring Fiber Reactive Dyes by Claire Benn, Dyes For Painting on Cotton, Rayon, Linen, & Hemp, Non-Toxic Markers (Best Markers For Kids), Airbrushing, Stenciling, & Body Art Supplies, Basic Tie-Dye - simple instructions/recipe, Tie-Dye - materials list for large groups, Low Immersion/Crystal Wash Tie-Dye Technique, Lesson Plan for Teachers - Working with Color and Tie-dye, Advanced Lesson Plan for Teachers - Color and Dye Chemistry, Basic Tub Dyeing (vat, bucket, washing machine), Dyeing in a Front Loading Washing Machine, Microwave Dyeing Cellulose/Protein Blends (like Silk Rayon Velvet and Devore), Cold Batch Method - for using dyes like paints, Dye Permanency - Why Fiber Reactive Dyes are BETTER, Tools for Safety and Protection from multicolored hands, Best Safety Practices when using dyes and chemicals, How to save water while using Fiber Reactive Dyes, Shibori - an ancient traditional form of Tie-dye - with Fiber Reactive Dye, Hand Painted (aka space dyed) Cotton Yarn, Discharged and Dyed Silk Rayon Velvet Scarf, Shaving Cream Dyeing with Dharma Fiber Reactive MX Dyes. Colors stay and we literally cannot keep up with the demand of the bags that we are making! About 1 lb. I just got my dyes in and these are the first time ordering Dharma acid dyes. Raise the temperature to 185 for silk or up to 200 degrees for wool, just below boiling. Use it in place of and in the same proportions as plain salt when dyeing solid shades of Turquoise or colors mixed with Turquoise. The Cayenne Red and Fire Engine Red do gel up when stored. Just a lovely effect. I can get it to mix perfectly if I do that. $54.59 $ 54. Colors can shift due to water conditions, temperature, etc., and dyelots can vary sometimes. I do not use Dharma exclusively. Monitors and printed color charts can vary. Wash items dyed with acid dye in cold water. Use Dharma Fiber Reactive Procion type Dyes for: We also have four Fiber Reactive Dye Tie-Dye Kits: We have also chosen some popular color combination Palettes for you here! * Colors are spotty or streaky? To mix subdued colors, use Gold Yellow, True Red and Royal Blue. (Keep in mind that when you want deliberate color separation, mottling, etc., do the opposite of what is recommended to get level coloring!). I always mix the stubborn blues with heated but not boiling distilled water. The water is almost clear but not quite - turn the heat off and let everything cool down. (Let the tie dye sit for a shorter period of time, ie: 4 hrs.) - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. You can view these graphs in the Dharma Dye Chart image gallery below. Sharon and Janet take you through the steps of using one of our Indonesian Copper Batik Tjaps as a 'resist stamp' using wax. Your discount is figured on the total number of cotton and rayon items we ship, not how Limit the time of exposure, or use baking soda instead, and steam, microwave or simmer on the stove. We used one of our Copper Batik Tjaps to make a dinner table to remember. 1-48 of 209 results for "dharma dye" RESULTS. I cannot duplicate it with a mix and even if I could the color is so close even with different lots there is no point. Check out our article - "Did you Know how Acid Dyes Work" if you are a really serious wool/silk dyer and really want to get into the chemistry and types of Acid Dyes and how they work. You will experience a lot of different results, color shifts, separation of color with mixes, etc. First be certain there is no residue or finish on the wood or reed to prevent the dye from seeping in. Note that more precise results can be achieved using a scale and our Procion Dye Yields Estimator. If you are happy with the color of the fabric pull it out and set it aside to rinse. Still darker than I would have liked! Keep in mind that the color intensity really develops in the steam setting process. More common with techniques that don't utilize the entire length and sequence of events as a "normal" dye bath, like baggie dyeing, microwaving, painting, steaming, etc. On cellulose soda ash is the primary fixer. We recommend our new Raven Black or a 1/2 and 1/2 combination of #44 and #300 for the blackest black in tie dye. I finally got one. These dyes have worked great on my silk scarves. You can combine cotton and rayon clothing & accessories to get the greatest discounts. If people find this helpful I'll post the other colors I have. Black is a tough color - use a lot of dye and when vat dyeing, double the salt. It is an alkali like Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) or Baking Soda, only a liquid. At a certain point all the dye receptor sites on the fibers will be saturated. Silk and wool do not always come out the same color, plus monitors vary, etc., so when color or results are critical, test, test, test! Bought several colors to experiment with dying wood in a modified Shou Sugi Ban technique. Not enough room in the dyebath or not stirred enough. Edges are green in tie-dye. Once I did this I did not notice the tiny pin-prick dye spots on my fabric as I saw when I skipped this process and just dumped the dye solution into my water bath. It is part of the beauty of low immersion dyeing or tie-dye techniques. Example: adding 4 each of 3 different T-shirts in any sizes will give you the 12+ price on all 12 shirts. - hands down the best dyes for cotton, rayon, hemp, linen and other natural fibers. Ill have to print out the colors or buy one of the color posters so that i can tell what colors are in my jars. This is PR185, 2 oz. Some products may be excluded from discounts, and / or may discount only with themselves. See Also: Free Catalogs Show details Everything you need for tie-dyeing about 6 T-shirts (except the shirts). Gotta color test to find the splits you like. Warmer tap water (up to 130F) when vat dyeing, can yield deeper shades. Also, let it sit for awhile, like half an hour, before you use it. Red 25% . Love thease dyes they are very easy to work with and get great results if you follow instructions. HOT BLACK Stay away from this one. When I began this yarn dyeing "hobby" I believed I could get by with one company's acid dye. Blue 48% . Pour off the amount of chemical water you need for one color (for ease of measurement use 1 cup increments). I have been so happy with all the dyes I have gotten from Dharma and the customer service has always been great. The dye looked just like red velvet cake. Air dry. #44 Better Black-vat dyes with a blue cast and edges are blue/green in tie-dye. Ludigal is a mild oxidizing agent that helps to prevent dyes from decomposing during fixation. many of each type, style or size. It doesnt look like the color swatch on the website. If I want a green for example and Peacock is in the green I mix the yellow and green by weighing it in a container on a jeweler's scale. reformulated. For low immersion dyeing, where you want lots of color separation (sometimes called "breaking", our mixes marked P are great! I got the safety vest orange and kelly green and black in the pot and the colors are beyond what i expected. Any of the "pure" yellow, blue and red or fuchsia type colors can be used as primaries, but the chart below lists the most popular. For best tub dyed blacks, use Dharma Dye Fixative in a soak after dyeing. Don't mix more than you need for one work session as the addition of the Soda Ash Fixer commences the chemical action and it begins to set, the mixture gradually loses strength and four to six hours later is about half exhausted. These dyes can shift sometimes dramatically on silks, wool or other fibers, mainly blues and ANY mix that has a blue in it. It is also good safety to let things cool before you pull out your item for rinsing. Of the 3 blacks that work in cooler water, this one gives the deepest black in tub dyeing. Letting a color like this sit for ~30 minutes after you paste it up, then adding some more hot water before you use it, can help. Also, our color chart was done with a basic wool yarn. Very handy in the dye world. Proportion the dye in the container in relation to the amount of thickener paste and desired intensity. The dye is completely absorbed and there is little to no bleed at all. This will help the dye move through the fabric more evenly and help prevent areas from absorbing more dye then others. Dry chemicals and salt not dissolved well before entering the dyebath. The chemical water is made by mixing the following ingredients together: 1. Dye printed in too thick a base will halo from the image before the fabric is cured or will accumulate in the corners, altering the image. Stay bight and clear through many washings. The samples are too small to get an accurate idea of the color. When it's dry cover the painted area with Dharma's Afterfix by painting it on over the dye. Our new colors #478 & #479 are Fluorescent Acid dyes mixed with another color (unfortunately, no such thing as a fluorescent blue), so they fluoresce, but not quite as strongly. Berry Crush is a fabulous example. Wow! Also it is good practice to use a dust mask when mixing dye powders and chemicals, as well as gloves. The prices are good on top of everything. Our color charts were done from wool dyeings, in a pot, on the stove. Midnight Blue has a definite purple cast. An exception is our new #275 - Hot Black. We have found some of the blues are harder to dissolve, so the greens can come up yellower, or the purples can come up redder, than they are supposed to. Some colors can shift dramatically on proteins such as silk and wool (for example, black gives a lovely maroon or brown). It is my drop-dead go to berry color. I started up my cooker pot and got some dye in the water right away. - - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. Artists use this to their advantage. Edit to add: think about basic color theory. That is the only way to ever tell if the problem is the dye, or one or more of the numerous other variables that effect final color. I then add more water mix and let that sit. This is PR34, 2 oz. I have finally got a lot of the kinks out of the process. Using wax as a resist, Janet provides a step-by-step tutorial of how to pattern dye one of our Good Luck Banners. Decorations can make an evening and we have a way to get your guest swooning! Heating the bath too fast - It is best to slowly raise the temperature of the dye bath once the dye and fabric have been added to slow the striking of the dye and give the dye molecules time to move through the fabric. I mix a paste and yes you can smell the alcohol in the mix but it goes away quickly paste it up with just enough water to wet my dye and let it sit that way for 10 minutes. Sodium Alginate SH is a high viscosity, low solids type of alginate thickener used primarily for cotton and other cellulose fibers. - - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. If you are using salt to help exhaust darker colors, add the pre-dissolved dye to the hot bath and mix well BEFORE adding salt. Discontinued color, 2 oz. TRUE-TO-COLOR, 100% COTTON SWATCHES OF OVER 120+ DHARMA FIBER REACTIVE DYE COLORS! Dyeing Astral Aura Shade Proportion of Required Dyes Yellow % . With Nylon, as with all fabrics, you must be sure there is no surface treatment that will interfere with the dye bonding with the fabric, i.e. These concentrated powdered dyes are used primarily for tub-dyeing yardage or clothing, or tub dyeing or painting on protein yarns & roving. stir and flip your fabric/yarn/garment so that one section does not spend more time at the bottom of the pot than the rest. Add 1-2 cups of vinegar depending on the size of the load and how dark you want the color, being careful not to pour directly onto fabric. just humans). You have to do it from start to finish, including the pre-washing and wetting, and through the washout and drying. When it is a well-dissolved slurry, add the rest of the cup of water and stir vigorously. - - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. There are so many ways to use our Indonesian Copper Batik Tjaps! The best choice for tub dyeing silk and wool fabrics, skeins of silk or wool yarn, feathers, etc. Allowing more time for the blue to dissolve seems to solve this problem. (1/2 cup) of water to the 8 ounces of stock solution you have, test the color and continue adding water until desired shade is achieved. I didn't once and when I pried the sealed top open there was a color explosion in my sink over my gloves onto my apron and a mask was one of those things I really needed and was glad I was wearing. depending on the techniques you use. Can be desirable, as it adds texture. Different sized dye molecules, depending on the colors in the mix, migrate slowly through the fabric at different rates. Only mix as much concentrate as you can use in about a months time, after that the dyes will get weaker and give less vivid results. Basically, the ones marked with an M or a P need a little more work and possibly Ammonium Sulfate to get more even "level" dye jobs. They tend to "break" the most, separating into their component colors, especially with low immersion techniques, which can be very visually interesting. These dyes require two auxiliaries; first salt which acts as an electrolyte that reduces the solubility of the dye. Drag and Drop chips to the Palette first. I used 200 Raven Black. ), then add to the pot and stir. Mix and match them to get the best discount. If you still have a lot of color left, take a note that you could try using less dye next time on that particular color. Copyright 2022 Dharma Trading Co. All Rights Reserved. If you dye two different fiber types in the same dye bath, one may grab a color in the mix much faster than the other, hogging it, so the other fiber can come out a different color entirely. Buy in small quantities, in bulk, or in kits. I really love these dyes. There are only a handful of dyes that are one single color. But after 2 hours of mixing stirring and rinsing - my jacket was the color of a chocolate bar ! of. Everything you need for tie-dyeing about 20 T-shirts (except the shirts). 4.7 out of 5 stars 109. I followed the Tub Dyeing instructions but used 1 13 tblsp dye instead of the recommended 2 tblsp dye for my 1lb cotton jacket and omitted calsolene oil. This is PR5, 2 oz. To ensure that all of the excess dye has been removed, we suggest running the fabric through another wash cycle with cool to warm water and some. discontinued, 2 oz. 3/4 cup Urea (dissolve in hot water if necessary) 2. Start by adding 4 oz. Sprinkle sodium alginate over water and stir constantly for 10 minutes, OR mix in blender. Using a smaller amount of this due yields a beautiful lighter blue-lavender shade and its just as delicious as the dark:) These dyes however do need to be very well dissolved and I recommend pouring the dye solution through a strainer lined with a paper towel. Washing machines don't get as hot, but do maintain consistent time, temperature and agitation, yielding more even results. Here is a simple tutorial showing you how to make our yarn look like the ones you see in stores. There is no comparison between this dye and Ritfabric store dyes. Great saturation and couldn't be happier. The only thing I'm not crazy about is not the dye itself but the Dharma color chart. The brand of acid dyes needed and the specific colors to match the desired color. Fiber Reactive Dye colors (especially those Discontinued, Limited Edition shades!) Store them cool and away from moisture. stock solution 1/2 tsp. Red 20% . - - Sorry, this item is temporarily sold out. It worked super well! For silk, you are trying to get as high as 185 degrees F, although that is almost impossible with a washing machine. Waste not want not. This dye is amazing! Use the following chart: 1 tsp. With hard to dissolve colors that might be in a mix, this step can actually effect the final color you get. * Do you have hard water? Smash the powder with a sturdy spoon while adding the liquid very gradually. For tub dyeing, use these dyes on your stove or in a washing machine, keeping in mind that they do require very HOT water or steaming for best results. Throw 5 different brands or types of wool yarn in the same dye bath of a mixed color and see what happens. We brought them in because they are beautiful and unique colors that are very difficult to achieve by mixing leveling or milling dyes, and have never been available to home dyers before. I started dying a few months ago. When kettle dying with minimal agitation I obtained dark mossy green to a lighter yellowy mossy green. We used 1.5% - 2% weight of goods (OWG) to get most of our colors of Dharma Acid Dye, except Black and Deep Navy (4%). Trouble shooting common problems/mistakes of newer Acid Dyers: Freckling - see the above instruction on dissolving the dye, and straining for the more stubborn colors. Check out our dharma dyes selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our scarves shops. Dyes are transparent, pigments are not. Soda Ash Fixer (be sure it dissolves) Dye to taste (try a pre-dissolved concentrate and drip & stir until color is right). Start with a cup of very hot (at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit) water and add about 1 tablespoon of that water to the powder. When mixing powdered Acid Dyes Dharma recommends the following dye dissolving procedure: Always, always add liquid to powder, not powder to liquid. For hard to dissolve colors, try using hot Urea water (1-2 TBSP Urea/cup water) instead of plain water, or water at boil temp (212 degrees Fahrenheit) to paste up the dye. Here is Dharma Trading Co.'sown line of Professional Acid Dyes for Silk, Wool and Nylon! When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Acid Dye for Wool and Silk - For tub dyeing. Mix chemical water by adding 1/4 cup of urea and 1 Tablespoon of vinegar to 1 quart of water. Fabric pull it out and Set it aside to rinse 12+ price on all 12 shirts of 209 results &. 3 blacks that work in cooler water, this item is temporarily out... From our scarves shops a low viscosity, low solids type of alginate thickener used for... 1 oz about 20 T-shirts ( except the shirts ) consistency of.! Wood in a pot, on the fibers will be saturated, double the salt about is not the.... And / or may discount only with themselves ( especially those Discontinued, Limited Edition shades )! In hot water if necessary ) 2 feathers, etc # 456 are pureFluorescent glow! Get an accurate idea of the kinks out of the kinks out of the process as an that... No matter what I expected as silk and wool fabrics, skeins of silk wool. 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