soil. If outdoors, and with plenty of space, you can leave these to grow. Older plants can be distinguished because of their size - the rosette of E. 'Lola' is larger and more open than that of E. 'Derenceana'. Echeveria is a large, extensively hybridized genus featuring approximately 150 species and more than 1,000 cultivars. Plant grows up to 6 (15 cm) tall with rosettes growing up to 4 (10 cm) wide, Propagation by leaves, cuttings, and offsets, Generally non-toxic to humans and animals. Stem rot disease causes soft, mushy stems. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR SUCCULENT IS IN DORMANCY The temperatures at which succulents go dormant vary depending on the species. If you use a saucer under the pot, make sure to empty any standing water that drains through. rot and root diseases. In terms of care, they do like to dry out a lot before being, Read More 30 Low Maintenance HouseplantsContinue, Learning how to make DIY soil mix can be useful especially for plant owners with many plants. Anecheveriaplantcan live fromthree yearstoseveral decades,depending on whether its growing conditions mimic its natural environment. Wait until the soil has dried out completely before watering your echeveria, and then give it a good soaking by letting the water stream through the pot's drainage holes. succulent soil mix. grown in moderate temperatures. When the succulent is Additionally, remove dead leaves from the bottom of the plant as it grows. Echeveria are originally from Mexico and . protection. require much watering especially during the winter months. The succulent can tolerate cold better compared to other Depending on the size of the plant, it could be 1/2 cup to 1 cup of water every seven to 10 days during the growing season. When growing echeveria outside, slowly adjust it to full morning sun. All you need is to have, Read More How to Make DIY Soil MixContinue, Poisonous Succulents So, I did a little bit of research on poisonous succulents to find out if any of the ones in my house are poisonous. flush. This echeveria type is characterized by green-blue, spoon-shaped leaves with prominent pink tips that grow in a tight rosette, which can reach up to 6 inches in diameter. Echeveria lola is a cross between Echeveria lilacina and Echeveria derenbergii. For best results Echeveria Abalone care is easy. World of Succulents. Required fields are marked *. including blue, pink, purple, apricot, gold, and near-white. blooms tipped in yellow are produced at the ends of slender pink-red stems that Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. This echeveria plant does well in cool to average temperatures. L'Echeveria supporte facilement 2 3 semaines sans arrosage. A Succulent Watering Guide By Succulent City, Making The Perfect Succulent Soil (A Detailed DIY Guide & FAQs), 5 Organic Succulent Fertilizers For Naturally Feeding Your Garden, Growing Succulent Seeds (Easy DIY, Definitions, ), Succulent Garden Ideas Make Your Fairy Garden Alive With This Easy DIY, Ideas for Beautiful Succulent Wall Hangers, 11+ Edible Succulents To Excite Your Taste Buds, Why Is My Succulent Dying? The best choice of soil for Echeveria Lola is a well-draining variety. Here's how: To propagate from leaf or stem cutting or offsets: Scatter seeds, leaving space between each of the seeds on a bed of soil (60%), grit or sand (30%), and perlite (10%) or a succulent and cactus mix. lime-green leaves with tiny pinkish-red tips. The succulent is drought tolerant and does not It flowers in the Spring and early Summer, and does not hold up well to cold temperatures. The Echeveria Apus has blue-green Echeveria Blue Atoll care is easy. Mist the soil, and cover the pot until the new plant sprouts. I have learned from on-the-ground experience what works when it comes to flowers and what doesnt. Echeveria nodulosa, commonly known as painted echeveria, is an unusual-looking echeveria distinguished by green leaves with vertical red stripes. To repot an echeveria plant, ensure the soil is completely dry before removing it from its potting container. during Winter. Light: Place indoor echeveria where they will get a lot of sunlight; without high light, they will likely begin to stretch out of their tight rosette form. Watering should be thorough and only done when the top few inches of the soil Water sparingly, and plant in well-draining, sandy soil. Signs of overwatering include mushy leaves that turn bluish or blackish in color. echeveria beheading in action in this video. Share it with other succulent lovers! The offshoots should be at least two centimeters in diameter. The tips of the leaves turn a lovely pink color if exposed to enough sunlight. To propagate Echeveria Lola' from cuttings, use a sharp, sterile knife or pair of scissors and cut a piece of the plant just above a leaf on the stem. This gorgeous Echeveria The rosette of leaves can grow up to 15 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height. If grown indoors, place the plant near a sunny window. Copyright 2013-2023 Succulents and Sunshine LLC. Repot the succulent when there is the need, which is not The spoon-shaped pale powdery leaves form or shriveled or develop spots. Derenceana ''. It is also a good practice to check the As a garden plant, it can be succulent in locations where the plant receives bright to filtered sunlight. soil mixture. After you have done this, don't water again until the soil on the top has dried out. Echeveria Olivia can be propagated easily using cuttings Cooler temperatures may enhance the leaf colors. Echeveria Lola - Echeveria 'Lola' is a gorgeous hybrid of the cross E. lilacina x E. 'Deresina'. Echeveria stand out in any collection. Adecuada para interior si recibe la luz necesaria. Echeveria Atlantis care includes careful watering and not Too much humidity can lead to root rot. Purchase Cubic Frost Echeveria. It can grow both indoors and outdoors but will only do well outdoors in warm climates (note that 'Topsy Turvy' is deer-resistant). 'Perle Von Nurnberg' is arguably the most popular type of echeveria, distinguished by a solitary rosette of paddle-shaped, pastel leaves with a dusty appearance. Echeveria Moranii produces almost perfectly oval-shaped olive-green In the Summer, echeveria Blue Sky produces clusters of pink blooms that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Echeveria Blue Sky is one of the incredibly colored succulent types. Echeveria Irish Mint care includes establishing the In winter, water just enough to prevent wrinkled leaves, about once a month. In cold climates, it will need to be brought inside during snow and frost. loved by many because it is a dark-colored succulent which has different shades spot. If kept away from sunlight, the succulent becomes leggy and Step 1 - Gently pull out the offsets. and offsets readily to form a dense carpet of rosettes. It requires well-draining soil and does well with Sitting water can increase the Echeveria Cassyz Winter succulent also produces Each rosette can grow up to 8 inches in diameter in ideal conditions; it requires full sun; infrequent watering; and sandy, well-draining soil. Hot and direct summer heat will damage the The Echeveria Pollux variety is not cold hardy and may When taking a leaf for propagation, gently twist the leaf from the stem. That's where their common name originates from! For more than 10 years, she's been on a mission to transform her urbanapartment into an indoor jungle. Here are a few favorites: Pruning echeveria from time to time can help prevent rot, encourage new growth, and help your plant live longer. green round-shaped leaves form rosettes that blush lavender on the margins. Highlights. Echeveria Parva succulents have icy blue-green leaves with The when the soil is dry. Would it be that, or is it just a stressed Lola under lights? Click here for your free copy of The Beginners Guide to Succulents ebook! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The echeveria The succulent forms rosettes that can grow up to eight inches tall. get a bronze tan when exposed to full sun. So, we thought we'd post the information shared to hopefully help others. For even extra care of your plant, pay attention to the pH of the soil. Be careful not to over-water to avoid pests and root rot. Each of the Echeveria Lolitas rosettes grows to about five Echeveria Lola The first 2 photos are for display purposes only.PLEASE NOTE: Current photos for sale will be at the front of the photo feed, after the display photosPhoto of plant for sale is attached to chosen option/sizePlants for sale are DISPLAYED in a 70mm pot.PLEASE NOTE: OUR SUCCULENTS HAVE RECENTLY BEEN SPRAY soil gets dry to touch. Echeverias require a well-draining, porous growing medium to keep excess moisture away from the roots. After removing the leaves, take around 48 hours before you place it back into potting soil (this is just one approach). First, any dried or wilted leaves should carefully be picked off. Water only when the We were specifically discussing Echeveria, but it applies to all tender succulents. Echeveria Chroma is also a hybrid Echeveria type. 27+ Succulent FAQs Youll Probably Find Your Concern About Succulents Here, Best Lighting Practices for Succulent Growth. Painted Lady Echeveria (Echeveria Derenbergii), Pat Welsh's Southern California Organic Gardening (3rd Edition): Month by Month, Central America, North America, South America. If planted in containers, place them outside during Summer in a sunny the echeveria varieties. Mature Echeveria Mexican Snowball succulent get pink blush on Generally, echeverias do not require regular pruning, but if your echeveria becomes leggy and elongated due to a lack of sunlight, trim it down to keep it looking attractive. The echeveria Apus is drought tolerant but thrives when They are susceptible to fertilizer burn if over-fertilized. I hope you found this article on different echeveria types useful. Provide a thorough watering rather than misting. Echeveria is a large genus, with approximately 150 species and more than 1,000 cultivars. Deadhead or remove wilted flowers regularly. Once established, these echeveria types grow fast and branch out forming a heavily branched succulent. watering. Frost protection is an important part of Echeveria Melaco Esther does well in bright light and partial shade. exposed to more intense sunlight, the color becomes more intense. The upswept tubular leaves form rosettes making the Fungal infections are usually fatal, but you can try to save the plant by unpotting it, cutting away rotted roots, stems, and leaves, airing it out, and repotting it in fresh soil with a fungicide application. echeveria varieties. Cold or damp conditions or overwatering are usually to blame, causing rot. All you have to do is cut off the rosettes. Echeveria cannot survive the winter outside. If you live in Zone 9 or below, it's best to only plant this succulent in containers that can be brought indoors once it's cool enough for frost. Your email address will not be published. Overwatering will cause leaves to appear bleached. It should be watered only once the soil has dried out completely because too much water can quickly lead to root rot. Make sure you provide it with sufficient sunlight then. Blue Frills Echeveria. Ghost echeveria, formally known as Echeveria lilacina, is an elegant species characterized by silvery-gray, spoon-shaped leaves. blood-red accents at the tips. Leaves are also commonly used for propagation. All of the soil should be dry before watering. Blooming occurs in early summer and the plant produces up . She's been a contributing writer for The Spruce since 2019. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Flower gardening and growing indoor houseplants is my passion. The Echeveria 'Lola' is a perennial succulent member of the Crassulaceae family from Mexico or Central America. Echeveria Cassyz Winter produces green leaves with a pink You can use a terracotta pot or any container with ample drainage holes. the end of stems that originate from the rosette. inches of the soil is dry. different shades of green, blue, purple, and violet. The blue-green leaves of this Echeveria have ruffled edges, with symmetrical coral margins. Abalone, Echeveria Allegra, Echeveria Aphrodite, Echeveria Apus, Echeveria The leaves also get a pink blush when exposed to strong light. If using an offset or offshoot (pup) growing off the main stem, carefully snip it or pinch it off the main branch. E. 'Lola' and Echeveria 'Derenceana' are pretty similar. are dry to avoid overwatering. that re-root easily. Indoors, they are ideal to carefully cut and plant into their own pots. soil to dry before watering again. Watering should be done deeply and only when the soil is dry, the same type of watering adopted when taking care of other echeveria types. If stem rot has developed, your plant has a fungal infection. Lola is a favorite succulent for a lot of people! Echeveria succulents. This Echeveria offsets readily and will form a dense carpet of rose-like rosettes . Echeveria Fleur Blanc produces mint green leaves. As seedlings, give them water every three to four days once the soil dries up. E. subsessilis is a fast growing succulent belonging to the Crassulaceae botanical family. Green fuzzy leaves give Echeveria 'Doris Taylor' its common name, woolly rose. Fertilizer can help echeveria flower. Esta es una excelente opcin para arreglos con suculentas, ya que agregan sustancia cuando actan como una planta base. The >> See echeveria beheading in action in this video. The succulent should soil for extended periods. Echeveria Dusty Rose is a hybrid Echeveria that produces Fertilizing sparingly is also important Echeveria Painted Lady care includes providing occasional The Echeveria Parva produces golden-colored bell-shaped Provide the Echeveria Avoid overwatering, not only attract pests Did you find this helpful? Echeveria Blue Swan produces light blue-green leaves that Echeveria will need to be watered during the summer months more frequently than in winter. loses the shape of the rosette. Bugs can cause plants to lose vigor and kill a plant if left unchecked. It can grow perfectly in containers indoor Plant Habit: Cactus/Succulent. This type of succulent prefers a warm climate. Seraphina vs John: N/A: A timely intervention from Seraphina saves Arlo and Remi from a rampaging John, and the former best friends engage in a battle. Allow the plant to air for 24 hours and repot it in a new or sterilized pot with fresh soil. top inches of the soil is dry. Type above and press Enter to search. If echeverias do not receive full sun, they will become elongated and leggy, and it is unlikely they will flower. If it naturally propagates and new plants begin to grow, you can carefully cut these off. Never let water sit in the rosette, as it can cause rot or fungal diseases that will kill the plant. Most echeverias are cold hardy to USDA zone 9a and can grow in the ground with average winter temperatures no colder than 50 F. In wintery weather regions, move the plant inside when frost threatens. is only done when necessary. Browning or blackening of leaves or parts of the plant or mushiness is usually brought on by too much humidity or overwatering. the outdoor. As with most succulents, echeverias require bright light, infrequent watering, and well-draining soil in order to thrive. also deer resistant and drought tolerant. Lola' will propagate on its own, producing offsets that can be removed from the mother plant using a sterile knife or scissors. Echeveria Blue Swan care includes watering when the soil is Grown under different condition, these plants can be challenging to identify.#Echeveria #Lola #LilacinaEcheveria Lola or NOT - watering during dormant months. After about a month, a tiny rosette will begin to develop at the end of the leaf. Shes a really pretty light purple color and has a perfectly shaped rosette. The succulent also requires soil with great drainage because it hates sitting bluish-green leaves. The succulent also requires bright filtered light to thrive. maintain its shape. This is one plant that does not need much in the way of pruning. which can be used for propagation. Gently remove the plant from the pot. It does well grown both indoors and outdoors and is easily propagated through leaf cuttings as well as separating offsets (chicks) from the main plant. An ideal germination temperature is around 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure that you place the stem cutting in a dry place and cover it with a towel. Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season. in water just like most of the other Echeverias. become less attractive because they become leggy. The rosettes grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter, slowly producing offsets. The leaves beautiful rosettes that can be up to 12 inches wide. Spider mites are tiny dust-like creatures that usually dot the underside of leaves; their tell-tale sign is fine webbing on the plant. Differences in young plants often are not distinct, and the flowers of both hybrids are identical. Echeveria Atlantis produces big round rosettes with bluish-green Echeveria need bright sunlight to maintain their colors and compact rosette form. Echeveria Lola' is an easy-to-care-for evergreen succulent that grows happily in containers. Your email address will not be published. Rooting of the leaves is done in a similar form to that of all other They do not tolerate cold temperatures or cold drafts well. inches tall and six inches wide. to avoid excessive growth. Keeping one is like having an all-year-round stunning rose, with its evergreen, delicately arranged leaves. If you have some rocky garden or dry landscape, you can try Aphrodite forms a beautiful rosette. Echeveria Lolita is also a hybrid Echeveria type formed from a cross of Echeveria Perle von Nurnberg and Echeveria Lola. The succulent will also not do well if left sitting in wet You can store them on your computer or phone for quick reference while youre shopping or caring for your succulents. Echeveria are susceptible to pests, including the dreaded mealy bug. All rights reserved. Water only when the soil is dry to avoid overwatering. Use succulent potting soil to fill the container and stick the . It is also important to note that the plant can get Also, check the undersides and crevices of leaves for insect activity. the tips when grown in the bright sun. Echeveria plants are sun lovers. Propagation is easy and can be done with leaf cuttings. Establish the succulent in a sunny location outdoor. Watering need: Low demand. Plant them in the spring at the start of their growing season. The The succulent forms cute small rosettes hence the name because the rosettes are miniature compared to other echeveria varieties. especially when the plant is dormant. Thanks, I appreciate it! The echeveria Chris also requires well-draining porous soil to do well. Copyright 2013-2023. To propagate your plant using leaf cuttings, gently twist a leaf from the stem of the primary plant. 255 votes, 13 comments. powder blue leaves with red tips. It enjoys bright light; infrequent watering; and sandy, well-drained soil. The succulent produces thin blue shade blade leaves. However, older plants can be distinguished because of their size. flowers that can range from deep yellow to orange in color. succulent is not cold hardy. After about three weeks, the seeds should start germinating. These instant download cards give you a quick overview of the essential details of each succulents care needs. The average household temperature and humidity levels are sufficient for echeverias but do not place them in a humid location, like a bathroom or laundry room. echeveria, Allegra. I receive a small commission (no extra cost to you) which allows me to continue creating helpful free content. When watering echeveria plants, always water the soil directly and avoid allowing water to sit on the rosette of the succulent, which can lead to rot and fungal disease. Echeveria 'Lola' will reach a height of around 4-6 inches and 6 inches wide, with pale gray . Carefully remove the excess soil from the roots before placing the plant in its new pot. Use a low-nitrogen fertilizer for young plants. Its thick layer of farina (epicuticular wax) gives this sturdy rosette the appearance of pearlescent marble with rosy, blushing undertones. 12 days. succulents. Echeveria Tippy produces bluish-green leaves with prominent well. Echeveria Pollux succulent produces silvery-grey leaves that While battling Seraphina, John also battles his past self, and surrounds himself in a enhanced Barrier. Echeveria Tippy care includes providing well-draining soils. the soil is completely dry to touch. 'Topsy Turvy' is another unusual-looking succulent, featuring spoon-shaped, blue-green leaves that roll downward along their length, giving them a curved appearance. four inches wide. The succulent also requires bright indirect sunlight to Most common Echeveria species are not complicated succulents to grow, provided you follow a few basic rules. Email us at also produces showy flowers. In direct sunlight, the purple leaves with pink ruffled edges get brighter on 'Neon Breakers,' an evergreen echeveria hybrid. Echeveria Allegra is an echeveria type that has beautiful It is better to grow outdoor rather than indoor. Echeveria succulents are similar to Haworthia and Sempervivum succulents but stand apart for their plump, smooth leaves in a stunning rosette shape. orange and pink blooms. When succulent in a location with bright indirect light. In lower light, the leaves are a muted grayish color but turn bright purple and pink in direct sun. She has 30+ years of experience with year-round organic gardening; seed starting and saving; growing heirloom plants, perennials, and annuals; and sustainable and urban farming. In the Summer it has the pearly colors of the Lola and in the Summer, it gets the Perle von Nurnbergs deep purples and pinks. letting water to sit in the rosette. The star-shaped pale-yellow blooms are produced at the end of long stalks that arise from the rosette. Standard cactus potting mixes, which can be found at most nurseries and garden centers, are sufficient for echeverias. Viewing all plants under Echeverias. If the soil is still moist, you risk giving this plant too much water which can make it start to rot. Water the succulent only when the top inches of the soil is Sun Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade. Give them lots of sun, a little bit of water, and well-draining soil, and you'll have healthy echeverias that'll reward you with stunning colors and flowers. The leaves form small cluster rosettes with mulberry margins. Remove any rotted or dead roots in the process. The following article is a discussion, from a personal experience point of view, of the Echeverias. When grown in an area with a lot of light, the leaves of the Echeveria susceptibility to fungal diseases as well as rotting. Subfamily: Sempervivoideae Be sure that the soil is completely dry after watering to avoid root rot and pests. How to Propagate Echeveria Lola. Echeveria Aphrodite care is similar to most other echeveria tall stem. be up to four inches wide. Outdoors, Lola tolerates full sun or partial shade. 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