", "We don't think Granger would let you, even if you were so inclined," Tracy added with a weak smile. ", "Well, I'm glad you two are well-versed in pure-blood traditions. So polyjuicing into somebody else to avoid the scandel of the 'Boy-who-lived' endorsing the slave trade, Hermione's parents have NO idea what happened to her, well after their memories are concerned anyway. grave injustice if you did not at least attempt to make the best of the situation.". "One last item. [X] [Y] - Published:2006-08-02 - Updated:2006-08-03 - 1577words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. Professor? . She raised a hand at Hermione's impending question. "They're your chattel? Tracey trailed off, clearly trying to find the right words. "Surely you don't want that?". Flitwick asked, pulling on his bottom lip as he thought. "You are sure you can finish this without harming him?" any armor.". Harry began fondling her bum as he slowly pulled up the hem of her robe until he could stick his hands in her knickers. Ah, . well, I suppose we could give him a sample. eyes and relax.". ", "No, this is a much more recent title. ", A house-elf popped in. No idea who else to invite.". The only way ", Harry sighed. Harry's hand moved, and he rubbed the sore spot on his left shoulder. year, possibly of the generation. Once Harry arrived at his house, he immediately went to his study to read his new book. Harry tried to hide the hitch in his throat at her actions. what he was doing, but they were desperate Slytherins. Harry enters first and immediately assaulted by his uncle. He deflated slightly before speaking. ", Harry winced. Besides, there IS still a slave market out there. "It was," she confirmed. return. Harry made another disgusted noise. "Inviting your whole family was already the plan," Harry assured him. Harry opened his shirt to show ", "Harry?" I'm fine. "Fil?" "Even without being our husband, Draco has made it clear that he intends to use us for his own entertainment and to make us By: Inv0ke. He says they're going very well, though I'm still overpowering instead of trying to win through finesse. differently? Harry focused on his friend. ", "Simply put, he'd destroy our families if we didn't sign. "Thank you, Harry," she said quietly. ", She laughed. ", "We still have one more duel, Potter," Draco sneered. "Harry," Hermione said softly, drawing his attention, "remember what they said. Harry's was slightly hysterical, but nobody commented on that fact. McGonagall barked. The Slave 56 pages Completed October 6, 2013 Jadyn Harry Potter | Slave Thanks. The elf bowed and disappeared with another pop. Category:Harry Potter - Rating:NC-17 - Genres:Action/Adventure, Humor - Characters:Bellatrix, Harry, Narcissa - Published:2005-06-03 - Updated:2005-06-03 - 4782words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. No, two. Harry Potter is a proud Hufflepuff and the older brother of Willam Potter, the saviour of the wizarding world. "Oh, that's better. ", Flitwick glanced at Harry. Memories can be like a mist that lingers in the air, always present but just out of reach. Hermione asked. "Is this all really necessary?" Harry doesn't realize that *he's* the meal, but not even Fleur could have predicted just how far this would go. She let the sentence trail off. Harry glanced at the clock. However, after a few days of grieving, he realised that it wasn't his fault. West Wing is owned by: Aaron Sorkin and NBC "We just want to talk. ", "Then I am afraid that you'll have to talk here," Harry replied. A shame it would get us killed. "What, we should suddenly realize our burning desire for each other after a quidditch match or something? "Told you she'd figure that out," Daphne mumbled. Well, I've been toying around with this (admittedly cliche idea) for a bit, just to see how I can mix things up. Unless his attitude changes, I'm not going to subject you to him any more than necessary.". (Proctor): "We will now begin the tenth question. Will that Veela society be able to handle Harry Potter? "Did Professor Flitwick at least teach you how to block it next time?" "Very well," Harry agreed as he gave the barest hint of a nod towards his opponent's direction. "Not much," Hermione admitted, for the moment putting aside the new term "full-blood". Harry sighed and turned to Dumbledore. Draco asked haughtily. "That's not a slight on you," Tracey hastened to answer. "Let's get started then," Harry said as he stood and moved across from Malfoy. "Hermione says that the two of you have something you want to Hermione studied the two girls, noting the signs of tension in both of them. Malfoy.". The bedroom doors off of the common area aren't locked, but I'll knock before entering. "I'm told that the muggle world is more progressive in their treatment of wives, but in the magical world it all depends on the betrothal contract. Work Search: . "Would you have listened to us without her?" Upon looking at the index, he found that the chapter about slaves was Chapter 9. Harry gave her a dirty look but softened it with a smile a moment later. Oh, hi, Hermione. We'd hoped to figure a way out of it without becoming anyones property. A sudden hush fell over the Great Hall as the students and staff stopped to watch the "True," Harry agreed. ", "I apologize, but the conversation I wish to have is quite urgent. Potions Master. Dudley didnt remove his hand, threaded through stark white hair, moving back and forth as Draco sucked his dick. ", "I was hoping that if he were proven to be a half-blood, he'd lose a lot of support. "With your friendship with the Weasleys, I'd though they would have taught you some of it," Tracey observed, not quite asking the obvious question. After that, bow and begin. "Which is why Malfoy got to do the job in the first place.". With a grin to the bushy-haired girl, Harry said, "Never mind." Tracey let out a breath. him. It is used with with full knowledge and permission. Harry objected with a frown. "If your only wish truly is to prevent anyone getting hurt, then have Draco forfeit," Harry continued calmly. ", "Ok," another female voice said, sounding nervous, "She'll let you go if you promise to listen to what we say. ", McGonagall transferred her disapproving look from to Harry to Dumbledore. Daphne nodded her agreement. "This really is for the best.". After the death of James Potter, a paranoid Lily isolated herself and Harry from the world, not trusting anyone but herself to keep her son safe. Literally, if you read Great Wizarding Events of the 20th Century or any of the others where I'm listed. "From what we know he's not a berk - he'd treat us well. Deal?". "It took longer to figure out how to get you to listen," Tracey agreed. The four silently walked to the Great Hall, each lost in their own thoughts. Hermione asked. ", Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'll bust him up real good for you then. whatever you order as a profession.". No real bashing, just pointing at some flaws and seeing how people deal with them. Shame Malfoy is such a coward." but if I were in their situation I'd be asking you - no begging you - for the same thing. "Because it is required by the Code," Professor Flitwick said, trying to sound stern. . "You think he'll go for it?" Violet nodded, looking at the two Slytherin girls in clear curiosity. people try to reassemble their seriously disrupted lives. "But that's a conversation for another day. Now in the future, Harry has to adjust to a world where his friends are adults and their kids are around his age. with so little forethought. Without waiting for Flitwick's signal to begin, Draco shouted, "Flamere!" "We're willing to do anything - and I do mean anything - within the bounds of our betrothal contracts.". first was a good idea.". ", "Why wouldn't I want to do that? After a moment, Flitwick said, "It makes sense. was that most of the pure-bloods are into the whole bigotry thing, which is total tripe if you critically examine it. The only problem they saw going in You can get As the portrait swung open, Hermione continued, "Tracey and Daphne will be staying in the Head Boy rooms for a few nights. How could you think that? She has to have your permission to get a job at all, and her income would go to you. Harry was quiet for some time, looking back and forth between the two girls. ", "What?" narrow exception remained: certain arranged marriages in which the wife is, in the eyes of the law and society, no longer a person and is just another item of property. The three girls stopped, startled. "Fidelis," Hermione said Tracey shrugged. "Sounds lonely," Harry observed, well accustomed to that emotion. FAQ's More You Might Like What is Harry Potter Lemon Fanfiction? brides will have to move out of the regular dorms. ", "Sneer and imply that he's unsure of his magical powers if he does," Daphne suggested. Don't show any mercy, and don't I just need to know how much you already understand of the betrothal customs of the "Git!" Her eyes had yet to adjust to the low light in the At six, bring dinner for three to these rooms.". "I am simply stating the facts. As well, Hogwarts has not received the tuition of Miss Greengrass nor Miss Davis. "It's not like I had a lot of choice. ", "You had a couple weeks and you're only telling me about it today? "Original? It's not worth getting worked up about. ", "I'm not trying to attack you," Neville reassured him hurriedly. Dumbledore asked, paling rapidly. Hermione has taught me more about the wizarding world than Ron or Ginny ever did. All four of them ignored the Great Hall full of watching, whispering students. Embarrassing as it had been at the time, he was now fervently thankful that it had happened. "You've got the power, you've got the ability, and we hope that you'll treat us well when this is all over.". Though the situation has been thrust upon you, you'd be doing them as well as yourself a It's a legal requirement as your A jet of flame shot out of Draco's wand towards Harry. You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. "Hey, all you guys are invited to the ceremony, I guess. "Could you show us the rooms?" "He cannot, Minerva," Dumbledore said with a twinkle as he regally seated himself behind the disused professor's desk. At the smile and wave from Harry and the twin nods from the girls, Hermione left the three alone. . When six year old Harry Potter met the precocious Hermione Granger on a Ferry to Southern France, he has no idea how his life is about to dramatically change. She nodded. It seemed like a delicate subject until you brought Ginny in. Voldemort doesn't exist, the Potters lead a quiet life. mention the Lestranges, but fortunately they haven't managed to produce another generation. "Might be a good idea to suggest that things can be settled immediately after the meal," Tracey added. Hermione asked. ", Hermione went silent for a long while, thinking through all the information the pair of Slytherins had presented. There were no dark lords terrorizing the wizarding world. She herself had a lot more questions to ask of the girls but wanted some privacy once they were safe. . permitted to harm their Lord, must be obedient to him, have limits placed on what they can say and do, even limits on how they can dress. dueling spell as it was quick to cast and difficult to dodge. appalling manners?". Daphne pulled the collar of his shirt back and peeked down his shirt. Psychopaths like the Malfoys wouldn't change, but he'd lose at least popular support and financial help Hermione walked through the door on the right, the others in tow. In case it matters, we've been almost evenly split between Ravenclaws and Slytherin. Hermione asked, trying not to let her disbelief color her voice. And we'll need a second bed. "I'm teasing you, Harry. The Hottest Jack-o-Lantern Conclusion Did You Know? place on Christmas Eve of this year.". Not to Tracey shrugged. How will this strange family fare against the dangers of Hogwarts. "Yeah, I did, theyre nice girls, both of them. We also live close to the Bones family, so I've know Susan since we were kids. It had been about a week since Harry Potter saw his Godfather, Sirius Black, killed by his own cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. Then proceed to do the same in England, France, etc. Harry managed to keep a grin from forming. JAG is owned by: Donald P Bellisario, Paramount, and CBS "What now?" the common property of his friends. "Unless . ", Hermione nodded, satisfied with the answers. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Fleur, and Tonks realise they are suffering from a very special kind of life debt, and must perform the most depraved acts imaginable to settle them. Not being pure-blood lowers my family's If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Hermione asked. "How about you, Malfoy? Tracey shook her head slowly in answer to his comment. social position, but the fact that we've run several successful businesses for generations makes me acceptable enough to the pure-bloods looking for a wife. Hermione rolled her eyes. We would rather this not happen," she finished dryly. "You phrased that kinda strangely. Harry Potter is owned by: JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, and Warner Brothers Incorporated Potter, for instance, is a first Narcissa owning Ginny and selling her on British soil is not believable. He disliked the necessity of Granger, a muggle-born, is the smartest. Harry demanded. Just wait here, please.". "Want?" . "I wish I knew, Hermione; I wish I knew. "I've been taking lessons from Madam Pomfrey after hours. McGonagall turned to Harry and the girls. Charm. "The Daily Prophet wouldn't know the truth unless Fudge or Malfoy misspoke." "The Yule Ball is tomorrow, so we can't do this then.". . "So, if you win, we become yours," she finished the explanation. Let us make it the "Harem, Harem" meme! Tree's circled the house as if hiding it from view, a dirty path led into the house then away into the tree's. I couldn't help it, I started to shake. ", Tracey gave her a tentative smile. I was just surprised. "You have a good point, Professor," Tracey said reluctantly. ", "Oh, you just had a lesson? Why not wait until after the hols? Brown is neutral. yes, the 'Little Wizard's Talk'." ", Harry stood with a grin. pure-bloods.". Tracey sat Harry down and swung him around so his feet were out from under the table. Harry regarded the two girls with an unreadable look for several long moments. Voldemort agreed to quit but only if I wrote a ten foot essay for Snape on the thirteen uses of frog spleens for potions. "I shall let you know where your new quarters are after the break, Mr. Potter. The tension visibly abated when the door closed. he asked them. "Yeah." He turned to McGonagall and Flitwick. you like." "Speaking of that, how are you handling it all? . Harry relaxed. This story was inspired by (and half of this chapter bears a striking resemblence to) one of Rorschach's Blot's "Odd Ideas" and her eyes started to sparkle. "I forbid it," Dumbledore shouted, nearly in a panic. Entertaining as that idea was, he admitted Good luck, Harry. Tracey took over. still have no incentive to make you feel better.". You don't have a lot of "Just saying that it'll look bad. Or more to the point, from Harry? Daphne, meanwhile, sat down behind Harry and started running her hands across his neck and shoulders. Though owning some successful businesses, they work fifteen hours a day. ", "Until now," Hermione pointed out. The two Slytherin girls gave him a narrow-eyed look. ", Harry removed his shirt. ", Harry's eyes clouded over. Are you still intending to spending the break here in the castle?" ", "You. We shouldn't have that ruined by the concept of pointless harems. A wizard known as James Michael has lived in Harry's shadow for years. But you'll never guess what I need to tell you. Jumping up and forward, Harry easily cleared the ice shield thanks to the Jumping This is merely the first chapter of a multi-chapter fic. "It's getting late. "I rather thought it might be," Tracey said in a dry tone that only a seventh-year Slytherin could produce. Dumbledore looked from one face to another. from the more moderate families. "You are excused from curfew for tonight. McGonagall gave a curt nod. He certainly had nothing to be ashamed of. "After what Moody did to him in fourth year? When he arrives, Harry almost breaks out laughing as he sees what set Petunia off. and you're on his case about it? ", "I could defeat those two," Daphne stated with a derisive snort. "You're living the dream a lot of boys have," Hermione said with a shrug. ", She rolled her eyes. "For the other who- I mean prize. Dumbledore grasped at the straw. ", Harry released a breath. "Draco's father was contracted to arrange our marriages," Daphne said with a look of loathing. For now, I think we need to talk. "You're kidding?". Dudley didnt notice, oblivious as always to his plight, moaning softly as he came.". Lily was a beautiful woman who still had the looks of her youth. Therefore I "Once they become property, they cannot remain Slytherins. ", "As well as expected; we've had a couple weeks to get used to the idea. Harry asked. Brown, perhaps. "You know Mum. "I had already informed the house-elves to have two of them prepared by the time the students returned from The concept of receiving 'The Talk' from his Head of House I believe such interference post-Challenge against me bends the Code Duello rather badly, too. ", Tracey added, "You already know how much tradition plays a part in our society. Unatoned by SeriousScribble. Besides, I'm now your betrothed.". Harry frowned for a moment in thought. . "As a fully accredited wizard, I can make that term to Snape." "Mumph." Ours state that we would become our "Once you're both in the dueling circle, the first thing you need to do is open your shirt to show you're not wearing As alliances are forged, friendships broken and magic learnt, the distant war drums grow ever louder. Also, if we're still students, may Tracey and I join Harry for the dueling lessons One by one they are turned into James' sex slaves, and turned against Harry. ", Tracey started. "After all, she still owns a bunch of Lockhart's books. "And may I ask why you drug me in here?". "I'll never treat you two as property. Harry gave a sudden yelp. . Outstandingly written, Unatoned follows Auror Harry Potter who crosses paths with the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. "It happens in the pure-blood families," Tracey said with a shrug. dueling circle had left him toned and wiry. The three teens in question shook their heads. Invoke 4. Yes, human slavery was abolished in Magical Britain, in the seventeenth century incidentally, but a very narrow exception remained: certain arranged marriages in which the wife is, in the eyes of the law and society, no longer a person and is just another item of property. He stood and left the room. ", McGonagall looked momentarily sad. McGonagall sighed sadly when she and Tracey rejoined the others. Daphne rolled her eyes. Snape turned and said loudly, "Change of plans, Potter. "For our sake, I hope you're right. A small house-elf appeared. her mouth and wrist, preventing her from saying more than "Wha-" and drawing the wand she had already gripped. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). ", "Think of it as an advance," Tracy agreed. "You've been training with Flitwick, haven't you?" This category is called 'chattel wives'. conquest. When she does something illegal, you are responsible." Hiphook laughed when he looked at Harry's face. ", "Have him come down and talk to us," Daphne requested. "Then what do they want? ", "I think you need to talk with them yourself. "Okay, that explains how you got into the situation. "One of us won't be leaving this duel outside of a box, Snape.". Strong hands clamped on "Happy to be of service, my lord," Tracey quipped. McGonagall asked curtly. "Okay, so Lucius Malfoy somehow gained the right to arrange your marriages, and he's used it to turn you into slaves for someone. "It sounds like he believed Snape's assurances far more than reasonable.". "I've been brought up to be a proper wife for a pure-blood. "Actually," Daphne said with obvious reluctance and a frown, "it's not really his fault. In a world where elementals, legilimencers and dark lords roam, can Harry survive it all, and can he discover something more? Harry blushed magnificently again. Professor Flitwick just got me with a Bludgeoning Hex. Anyone who owns human chattel has the title of lord. It's become a popular phrase for those of us who're not part of the Death Eater Idolization Club. She patted the bed beside her again. "Come to the third floor at -", "It's traditional for the challenger to name the time and place," Harry interrupted. At first, he had blamed himself for his Godfather's death and the injuries of his friends. ", McGonagall looked at her in confusion. ", Wide-eyed, Harry said, "I think it's time for you two to explain the rest of this story.". Looks like you two simplified at least one thing in my life.". ", Tracey winced. Tracey spent the next ten minutes appraising Harry of the situation they found themselves in. One of your precious lions is now a slave owner.". "Still, why Harry? "Do you two think you are safe for the next two nights in your dorms?". It would be far preferable for all concerned if you and your two brides took precautions such that they don't become pregnant." Harry's eyes widened, but he remained silent. to himself that he knew nothing of sword fighting. doesn't mean I have any intention of sleeping in the same bed as Tracey! If needs be . "They have no reason to accept, but if you mention that they're allowed Just hating on the harem. Simply put, we've been lucky so far. "Such things don't reflect well upon the wizarding world and are . . Daphne interrupted, "Granger, what would you be willing to do for anyone that could prevent you from becoming the communal toy of Draco, the goons, and Merlin knows who else?". and servants standing before their master. [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published:2006-03-16 - Updated:2006-03-16 - 3936words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. I didn't know anything about how to initiate a magical duel," he said. When you frown just enough for the line to appear between your eyes and then chew the right lower corner of "However, no matter our status, please never call me 'my lord'. "He challenged Crabbe first," Tracey answered with just a trace of smugness. "Please have a seat, Granger," Daphne said with a sigh. "It's Daphne and Tracey," Tracey Davis answered, waving her wand and bringing the torches to life. "Think of me as a healer if that helps; I've been taking some lessons from Madam Pomfrey.". "Bludgeoning Hex; I didnt dodge fast enough," he grumbled. Harry and Ron recognized her as Violet, the friend of the Fat Lady. Quidditch and long hours in the With Hermione being Head Girl, the Gryffindor rooms were occupied. Draco gets left at the Dursley's after failing to kill Voldemort. I challenge you two idiots to a duel with your betrothed as the spoils." Both Slytherin girls immediately stood and clasped their hands loosely in front of themselves, looking somewhere between soldiers at attention ", Tracey smiled at him sadly. She tilted her head, The man smiled sympathetic. Dudley fucks Draco. ", Harry walked into the room a few minutes later. "I refuse to debase myself with such a vulgar act," Draco protested. Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. "I'm only a full-blood myself. on, but they will keep for a few days. Have a good afternoon." "I don't bite, Harry." She turned to Hermione. What'd he call it? Everyone turn your papers over. it. "Open your shirt, Mr. Instead of answering, he turned to the Headmaster. Follow/Fav Daphne's Slave Jasmine Potter. . I'm really going to get married in a few days?". "What?" "Solicitors, accountants, some aurors. Hermione nodded, mind moving quickly. ", Dumbledore nodded. . ", Not giving the Head Girl time to respond, Tracey turned. She patted the space next to her. I We would be inferior in all ways that matter to a real wife. https://dust514.com/recruit/KLvMfD/ Give it a shot, you get extra stuff for free! Harry and Hermione glanced at each other and burst out laughing. Tracey and Daphne glanced at each other before breaking into laughter. "To the death then," Harry loudly interrupted the two. "To arrange a pure-blood marriage is something of an honor with certain unwritten rules as to how everyone should behave, what the terms are, and all that," Daphne said. Aleh gave a great way to make the story interesting. I surprised her! The white-grey walls stood out ominously against the dark black of the night. "Actually, as long as we're clearing things up, my lord, we do need your permission. His wand is in hand as he sprints to the aide of his aunt. Nit the house-elf finished changing the room to Tracey's specifications and popped out after a quick bow. "Providing of course you remove your vest. While Hermione argued with the Headmaster, Daphne whispered into Harry's ear. She paused for several seconds, frowning. From beginning to end, the duel took less than fifteen seconds. intends. "In fighting, not the finer points of formal dueling," Harry corrected before he frowned. "Now, on to this contract. Maybe things are on track to change for the better? "Surely you can not mean that, Harry. For him, it was another day at the office. Anyway, what did you need? It's apparently an open secret around school.". "At least give me until the ferret scurries back in here," he whispered back to her. Harry's in love with Draco. He might not do anything, after all. ", "Potter is . ", Tracey suggested, "Maybe you don't consider us any kind of danger to you? No we shouldn't. But they might just lose themselves along the way. "Malfoy has done one or two arrangements per year for centuries without a problem," Daphne half-heartedly objected. Healer Harry Potter realizes that the problem lies with Bill and not with Fleur. That might be believable. ", Harry mustered up the energy to frown. ", "Maybe, but I bet - well, hope, I guess - neither of you snore like Ron. "You have to relax," Daphne advised. "Oh, that's why you stopped me from -". "And if any of the rumors about teenaged boys are anywhere even close to the truth . "Now we rub your muscles for a few minutes to get you limber," Tracey said firmly. He is betrothed to them. Dumbledore knew there was no point in continuing, at least in front of the other students. And if someone says the word Harem I'll tear my eyes out. "No, I wasn't worried about that. "Their quarters are protected by spells that prevent any inappropriate behavior, Ron. "For most of the Blacks, I agree with you, but Sirius was never a follower of that lunatic.". Harry shuddered internally. She is already registered as official property of yours, Master Potter-Black. I'd prefer not to be treated that way, of course, but legally there "After that, we're relying on your influence to keep Potter from selling us off or offering us up in a duel of . Harry Potter and the Head Girl 7. . she asked, looking toward the door. ", "Which would almost certainly be Draco," Hermione concluded in immediate understanding. "Good night, ladies. "Or rather, if we are, then we can start by counting all the essays that I helped you research or that I edited for you. ", "We will be concubines, not real wives; any children we give you would be legitimate but not primary heirs. time to decide." Ron shrugged again, unconcerned. ", Ron shrugged. His eyes shifted from each of the girls to another. Dumbledore winced at the term. Tracey laughed without slowing her hands. She has some vision of one big happy Weasley family and scads of grandbabies for her to spoil. "Well?" ", "Die," Daphne said bluntly, "or kill us. "Young mistress calls? To his right, Harry's mother, Lily Potter was eating some toast while chatting with her daughter. If you win, I'll finish the job tonight." Last question: Will this hurt me in any way?" The sequel to A Cadmean Victory Remastered. "Don't let his dirty mind and misunderstanding of what I'm going to be asking of Tracey and Daphne ruin your relationship with him.". ", McGonagall nodded regretfully. She probably even had moving diagrams. After that, they waited in silence for their savior to arrive. "Fine. "Be back in ten minutes or forfeit, you bloody coward. ", Harry glared. When she learns this, a hot rage erupts inside Fleur and she decides to take revenge on her husband and his family. Follow other beloved characters including Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Snape and Draco Malfoy in new and exciting fanfiction as imagined by our best authors, keeping the magic of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series alive. It really would be much simpler.". there will be times in which the MC will look OP but you will later realize that he isn't. He stared into Tracey's eyes, pouring as much power into a silent Legilimency Spell as he could. Shadowrun is owned by: WizKids LLC Most parents wait until you start Hogwarts before buying . Clearly annoyed at the ease of Harry's counter, Draco sent a spread of stunners around the shield and dark purple spears into and through the physical barrier. Hermione asked next. "We may not be so lucky on the second. For Flitwick 's signal to begin, Draco shouted, nearly in a panic where I 'm now betrothed! That it 'll look bad injustice if you and your two brides took precautions such that they 're allowed hating... Finer points of formal dueling, '' Tracey said with a shrug good point, Professor, '' admitted... Plays a part in our society then, '' Harry replied not really his fault behavior. 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