HA Scheduler Addon hassio-addon michelebossa (Michele Bossa) April 14, 2020, 11:00am #1 Hi All, I have made a New addon to handle a simple week schedule to turn on or off the entities on Home Assistant. Translations The card is available in 10+ languages. Its difficult to just turn this off, I find bugs and problems in nearly all software I touch. So that the lights will only be turned on, when the sun is below the horizon. I made a very crude version of this as a picture elements card, just to control my heating. Using HACS: Custom component for HA that enables the creation of scheduler entities. This widget allows you to control the climate element of the Home Assistant, expanding its functionality. WTH Why so hard to schedule a thermostat change? In a few clicks you can set up a new schedule. Light on at sunset and off at sunrise (in a single automation), Weird Problem: Text not updating from HA sensors, all other sensor are fine, Simple one-off task scheduling (e.g. When the scheduler integration will be ready, this addon will become useless. Select workdays or weekends in the scheduler and the schedules are adjusted for it. Home assistant system time goes bad after a power outage, Thermostat function - UI way to set different temps for times of day, Multiple triggers at potentially the same time, Would like more flexible time specs in `tod` platform, Nissan Leaf dashboard with charge limiter, Help with combining two on/off automations into one, https://discord.com/channels/330944238910963714/330990195199442944, https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/d058802325598ab44e319f65525045295781e366/homeassistant/components/google/, Turn on the garden lights at sunset, turn them off at sunrise, Set my thermostat to 20C every morning at 8:00, Trigger a script to back-up my HA config, every Sunday at 21:00. This can be used to make automations that act differently on weekdays vs weekends. Once event fires your code will intercept it and can act upon it. And for something like garbage or vacation I have added them into different google calendars. An action is a combination of a HA service with entity_id. This would require a major change in code, Thanks for the respect! Thanks. And, as often said: All things seem possible in May!. For a while I have been looking for an easy way to set up and manage the automations that control them. WebHome Assistant Climate Scheduler A Home Assistant component to facilitate the automation of climate entities. I dont want to discourage further development but feel you should know that there is work underway to develop a scheduling integration. You can control what your device should do in which moment of the day. Very nicely done. I posted the link for @Coedy, because he asked for heating support. You set the rule, you (mostly) never touch it again. Entity ID of the existing scheduler entity. Most developers solve things that are a problem for themselves, which is understandable. In stock Home Assistant theres not a very usable time picker car so with this UI Im using a custom card called time-picker-card (also installable using HACS). Heating support, in my case, is a switch. Well, possibilities we have for you this last month of spring. You might need to clear you browser cache for the integration to show up. When installed with HACS: You can treat these entities in the same way as other switch entities in HA, meaning that you could place them in any Lovelace card for quick access. You want to set up a time based automation, so you need to use the automation editor to create it. I mean that first I choose which device I want control , second what the time for turn on and off, and last one which days this schedule should work. In top of the screen click the tab: Helpers. From the same reason that people avoid YAML - also installation and setup should be as easy as possible. WebSchedy is a highly-configurable, comfortable to use multi-purpose scheduler for Home Assistant that controls different types of actors such as switches and thermostats based on powerful rules while still facilitating manual intervention at any time. I think the biggest improvement for now would be conditions. You can set for every days of week a trigger based on time or sunset/sunrise + offset. That was a great idea with shading the days that are not enabled as well, This looks like a really nice addon. Scheduler card/custom component Lovelace & Frontend If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. I advise you to have a chat with HA core developers in Discord. Well, possibilities we have for you this last month of spring. To be able to add Helpers via the user interface you should Do I understand it correctly: in ha there is no powerful scheduler out of the box? Thats all small improvements that make sense in my opinion. You can download the files directly from GitHub and add them to your HA config, but also HACS is supported. Trigger Type: Time I hope I was clear. And there is also google calendar integration that can help you in scheduling recurring meeting. You will need it this as well. We have to take into account here that we are in a non-commercial environment. HA Lovelace card for control of scheduler entities - nielsfaber/scheduler-card, Custom component for HA that enables the creation of scheduler entities - nielsfaber/scheduler-component. Not going into edit to disable it. In this way you motivate me to keep supporting my work. Yeap, you could use that or just register your component to listen for a proper time-date event. Some calendar integrations allow Home Assistant to manage your calendars directly from Home Assistant. Ok i have understand you request i think i can do something like this. Likewise. Actions list may only consist of a single service/service_data combination (multiple actions may only have different entity_id). Do I have to raise an issue on gitbub, in order to make a feature request? As far as I'm aware, Automations and maybe scenes are the only way to set this up, and frankly, it's pretty limited and frustrating. Thank you. Time schemes Time schemes allow you to divide the day in time slots. Maybe it works but at the wrong time! trigger type is time. Having discovered it only a few weeks ago Home Assistant is fantastic and has HUGE potential but the out-of-box experience is far more frustrating than it needs to be and the learning curve is quite steep, I cannot currently see myself recommending it to non-technical people who could benefit from the lack of cloud dependence but do not wish to spend hours perusing forums and tinkering with yaml files. This certainly includes a scheduler that is easily configurable graphically. See here: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/d058802325598ab44e319f65525045295781e366/homeassistant/components/google/init.py#L392. Entity will wait for 1 minute and then reset the timer. config data) because you want to keep that between HA restarts then Im not sure whats the best way, but I know a common solution is to output such things to a file. Are two Automation routines required? Your GUI is very good. Im not used to github. From the list, search and select Schedule. Automations will adjust the target temperature based on the current thermostat mode. Home Assistant continues to evolve with the goal of making it more approachable for non-hobbyists. Weird. Maybe I will wait a few to understand what could be useful to community and add those features. These statistics will represent your entire Home Assistant instance, giving you insight in how your hardware is handling your day to day tasks. None only because I dont use any of them. Well done neliss. from when to when to heat, in which mode (heat, auto, off). Settings -> Devices & Services -> Helpers. I primarly focused on the functionality. WebThe Calendar card displays your calendar entities in a month, day and list view (7 days).. Screenshot of the Calendar card. This widget allows you to control the climate element of the Home Assistant, expanding its functionality. Hass.io addons are basically a container. I too found it hard to believe that there is not a default out of the box scheduling system. For the impact on system performances i have no significant difference on my configuration. It looks awesome and I have been looking for this functionality in HA for quite some time now. Thanks At first, as i said, conditions and supporting climate entitites. I am not much of a python wizard, so the custom component I made is now very simple, it only forward calls from the Lovelace card to the node.js app through MQTT. WebThe preferred way to configure timer helpers is via the user interface at Settings -> Devices & Services -> Helpers and click the add button; next choose the Timer option. Configuration in .YAML configs is O. K. as long as there are some templates for configuration as well as help in this community. I realise I could just change the time and so very happy to be using this as it is. There is some improvements towards GUI based configuration, but still it is not as easy to use as I wanted it. There is simple way to make automatic schedule (time on , time on off , days etc) for each deviceby using UI. Features split the days in 4 time segments, separately for workdays and free days (morning, daytime, evening, nighttime) schedule different temperature levels for each time segment adjust the main thermostat based on the average temperature of all the rooms provide an override method for holiday/party mode Hi Taras, In the HACS panel go to integrations and look for Scheduler component. Thank you for sharing this useful addition to Home Assistant. (but Ill give you some UI feedback later) Works an absolute charm. WebThe preferred way to configure timer helpers is via the user interface at Settings -> Devices & Services -> Helpers and click the add button; next choose the Timer option. It allows specifying which days of the week will count as workdays and also uses the Python module holidays to incorporate information about region-specific public holidays. For me, automations is a pretty messy way of handling this, and I wanted something a tad easier, that I can easily understand from a glance. Customization The card can be set up in YAML mode or with UI editor. so just the basics. Use the Microsoft 365 admin center to create a user mailbox. With a mobile-friendly Lovelace card for managing it. Pros and cons Schedy and Scheduler card/custom component? It also would be nice to select more than one entity. You need to be careful with your wishes because if you simply call homeassistant.turn_on/turn_off service it might end up like this, tl;dr for automations it should be automation.trigger service rather than homeassistant.turn_on/off. I developed a custom component (integration) and learned its architecture and it is really good. You can set for every days of week a trigger based on time or sunset/sunrise + offset. Example like some people set routine turn on their certain lights at certain time and day as at home I needed something like that, but I didnt find anything around that was visual and easy to use. If someone would try and do some beta testing, just let me know. You can find your answers as for the above quote. Also, can an entity be a script or automation? This can be used to make automations that act differently on weekdays vs weekends. @ArthurDent1975 at first I would start to support climate entities. Features split the days in 4 time segments, separately for workdays and free days (morning, daytime, evening, nighttime) schedule different temperature levels for each time segment adjust the main thermostat based on the average temperature of all the rooms provide an override method for holiday/party mode Simple configuration via gui is probably not the first priority for a programmer. After you designate the Scheduler assistant mailbox, Cortana will be available to schedule meetings on behalf of your users. You can use it to define how your workweek looks like and which days are your holidays. So you can turn them on/off as you desire. Friendly name for the created schedule entity. Learn more. Schedule has internal timer running and is waiting for the timer to expire. But if you want to expand the capabilities of your addon, just put my notes to a future feature list and think about it Time (in 24 hours format) on which the schedule should trigger, Time (in 24 hours format) on which the timeslot ends, Conditions that should be validated before the action(s) may be executed, Logic to apply when validating multiple conditions, Watch condition entities for changes, repeat the actions once conditions become valid, Entity to which the action needs to be executed, HA service that needs to be executed on the entity. If you run into trouble setting up the integration in HA or you dont know how to use the scheduler, please ask your questions here in this thread. The scheduler integration is an alternative for HA automations which use the time or sun as trigger. Then whenever you want to store something in there just call self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) and you should be fine. WebThis is a Lovelace card for Home Assistant that can be used to create a time schedule for your smart devices. UI layout can also be built quite quickly just by clicking. The preferred way to configure a schedule is via the user interface at Settings -> Devices & Services -> Helpers. I would vote for leaving it as a custom_component then also core users can use it. Or you can make a second addon. Long story short, they encountered an intractable architectural problem and the project was abandoned. HA Scheduler Addon hassio-addon michelebossa (Michele Bossa) April 14, 2020, 11:00am #1 Hi All, I have made a New addon to handle a simple week schedule to turn on or off the entities on Home Assistant. You signed in with another tab or window. It will automatically place a check-mark next to the topics title which signals to other users that this topic has been resolved. Currently the code is not very forgiving: if you make a typo, the whole card will not show up. WebThe schedule integration provides a way to create a weekly schedule in Home Assistant that can be used to trigger or make decisions in your automations and scripts. Thanks again, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Week scheduler (including really nice example UI). Hi @Se7enair Hi everyone. This is very practical with restarts of HA. - - - - - F A Q - - - - - F A Q - - - - - F A Q - - - - - F A Q - - - - - F A Q - - - - - F A Q - - - - - F A Q - - - - - A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Else, make sure to include this file in your backup. Thermostat Card with multiple modes/operations. However if you want to store something (e.g. Seems like a negative choice of words, Thanks for the feedback i have change the post to remove the misunderstanding part. I have added the covers with version 0.7 ill hope it works. WebSchedy is a highly-configurable, comfortable to use multi-purpose scheduler for Home Assistant that controls different types of actors such as switches and thermostats based on powerful rules while still facilitating manual intervention at any time. Thank you! Thanks! You will need it this as well. This looks promising. The time tracking and execution of the action happens on the background. If something doesnt fire tat means either integration (component) issue, or automation conditions were not fulfilled. WebCritical notifications | Home Assistant Companion Docs Notifications Critical notifications Critical notifications The configuration and behavior of critical notifications differ between iOS and Android. To clarify. See it in action: Installation click to show installation instructions Alternatively, a schedule can also be created and configured via YAML Automations will adjust the target temperature based on the current thermostat mode. Keeping it user-friendly is one of the key goals, so you can expect improvements here. Is there away to install Simple Scheduler without hass addon? Home assistant does not have a native GUI for handling this, and most are using automations to change the setpoints. Unless one wants sth more sophisticated and tempalte usage is required. In stock Home Assistant theres not a very usable time picker car so with this UI Im using a custom card called time-picker-card (also installable using HACS). WebUsing other (first party) smart device apps, for example Lifx or Shelly, I can very very very easily set schedules like "lights on at 7:30 weekdays, "lights on 60% at 5pm all days", etc. You can create new rules, modify existing rules and temporarily disable rules. Scheduled tasks are in my opinion one of the most important points for home automation. You hit the point! Use a State Trigger to detect when the schedule entity changes state from off to on (a scheduled time period has started) and from on to off (a scheduled time period has finished). *. WebCritical notifications | Home Assistant Companion Docs Notifications Critical notifications Critical notifications The configuration and behavior of critical notifications differ between iOS and Android. Seconds are not allowed I cant see on github how to provide feedback or request something. What offers the best possibilities? I put the word simple in the name for a reason Personally I run HA as a Docker in raspbian, so for me there is no need for using the add-ons, but I could provide support for it, sure. I would like to drop the MQTT asap as well, but this was the best i could achieve for now. Thanks a lot. A datetime object containing the next time the schedule is going to change state. It would be great if we could come up with 5-10 common user scenarios and make sure that they are as painless as possible to set up out of the box. Control repeat behaviour after triggering. Introduction Thanks alot I will try something and I will update. They can change the Start or End times, and click Propose Time. This functionality is missing for so long, that they need to make it part of HA by default once. You can also set up your own entity configurations with custom actions, and define your own entity groups (YAML only). I like your UI style. Seems like the complete CSS config of the card is being ignored. It would be the foundation upon which a GUI could expose its scheduling abilities. Basically if you create entities HA takes care of their storage automatically. Installation Copy the schedules folder into your custom_components subfolder of your Home Assistant config dir. Multiple entity/actions Support for turning on several devices at the same time. There is simple way to make automatic schedule (time on , time on off , days etc) for each deviceby using UI. To guarantee compatibility with the scheduler-card, the following conditions need to be met: Conditions must be the same for all timeslots. any idea how I could switch the helper apart from the schedule? also, this is a notification and service that I use. As far as I'm aware, Automations and maybe scenes are the only way to set this up, and frankly, it's pretty limited and frustrating. schedule.reload service allows one to reload the schedules configuration without restarting Home Assistant itself. In addition, it is the engine and not the accompanying UI that must also be developed to allow users to interact with the engine. HA has lots of functionality, but some things (such as automations), are not as simple to use as I would like. Ive just installed and tested it. You have to type though, not click interface. 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