According to veterinarian Dr. Debra Primovic, the dosage of Pepcid for dogs is 0.25 to 0.5 mg per pound given every 12 to 24 hours. Anyhow, hes been on Pepcid for 5 days since this was a severe case. Can we use it to help our dogs deal with issues that are similar to problems we have? ], Try to space it out between their meals, since eating can prompt the creation of more acid and enzymes. Examples include inflammatory bowel disease, acute pancreatitis, or infections such as canine parvoviral enteritis or helicobacter. Other adverse effects include diarrhea, vomiting, poor appetite, and itching. She wouldnt take Pepto Bismol. I would say 3 days maximum unless told otherwise by a vet. The best way to determine what is best for your pup is through creating a treatment plan with your veterinarian. There are probably plenty of other questions, and we dont blame you for asking them! However, many veterinarians regularly recommend this over-the-counter medication for dogs experiencing chronic gastrointestinal symptoms. Bile can be from liver issues but can also be a sign of pancreatitis (which can be life threatening). I request that pancreatic enzymes be checked whenever one of my dogs vomits regularly. And it works better on an empty stomach. Now, the pills theyre likely going to give you come in the same sizes as their human equivalents. However, before giving Pepcid to your dog, always consult your veterinarian for advice and an official diagnosis, as some conditions may be masked by this medication and may worsen. In fact, a couple pet stores in my area wont even sell any pet foods made by Diamond. Your veterinarian will test liver function with blood tests at regular intervals to guard against this risk. Cerenia works real well, but its so expensive. Required fields are marked *. I wonder if yellow bile on a regular basis could be an indication of liver issues. Thus a 40-kg Labrador would take one or two famotidine 20mg tablets at a time. Her stool looks fine. Famotidine can assist in treating or managing a few common medical conditions in our canine friends. More details. "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification", To avoid this, set a timer daily and make sure only responsible members of the household have access to the drug. Have you checked her teeth? Another must read: Best Dog Dewormers For Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes. If your dog will not take the pill by itself, put the pill in a spoonful of baby food. Famotidine is over the counter and relatively cheap, making it easily accessible in most cases. Content on this site is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis, and may not be used as such. Gastrointestinal symptoms can be expensive to treat. Medium and Large Breeds Therefore, if your medium to large breed puppy weighs 15 pounds, you double that to 30 and add 7.5 (half the original weight). One of the most important questions when deciding on a treatment option for your dog is, Is that drug safe for my dog? Naturally, if youre thinking about giving your dog Pepcid, youd want to know if Pepcid is safe for your dog. I dont see anything else unusual. Medication should never be administered without first consulting your veterinarian. Why Your Dog Has Nausea And What You Can Do About It! We asked Dr. Sara Redding Ochoa (DVM) from Whitehouse Veterinary Hospital for her thoughts regarding this topic and she offered the following, I commonly use Pepcid as a temporary gastric acid reliver. }. Depending on the severity of the symptoms you could be instructed to give them the required dose every 12-24 hours. I really just read it, I dont know. Its like Pepcid, may even be the same. Hopefully shes OK! An injectable at the concentration of 20 mg/50 mL or 20 mg (2 mg/mL). He is probably in his last days, however, we have been saying that for more than six months. Lets talk dosage and other key considerations. If you notice any of the following side effects, contact your vet immediately: The FDA has not approved Pepcid for veterinary use. My 2 year old dog goes through periods of eating grass like crazy. Normal Dog Nipples Vs Pregnant Dog Nipples. My 12 and a half year old Bichon was throwing up lots of bile every morning. . This medication works well for dogs with stomach and duodenal ulcers whether developed as a side effect from steroids or non-steroidal ant inflammatory drugs, a secondary complication from conditions such as acute kidney failure or mast cell tumors, or even stress. I need to get some for my dog! We have done all that we can with different foods including a raw diet. WebThe famotidine dosage most often recommended for the treatment of dogs is 0.25 to 0.5 mg/lb administered twice daily. Sometimes she vomits it up and other times not. Famotidine is safe for long term use as long as you maintain a close relationship with your veterinarian. They will know how and why your dog should take Pepcid. If you think your dog can benefit from this drug, here are a few things you should know about Pepcid for dogs, its usage, dosage, and side effects. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A 15 pound dog should drink a minimum of 12.75 ounces a day. Were waiting for the next round of tests, but the symptoms have all but resolved themselves. There was a growth on her hip which the removed with surgery. Greyhounds are pretty unique dogs and even their bloodwork is special. Why do vets give dogs Pepcid? Again, since the FDA hasnt approved its use for dogs, there are no official efficiency studies. Do You Know How Long Can A Dog Go Without Peeing? It is cruel. WebThe typical dose is 0.5ml per pound per day given over 3 - 4 doses. Their expertise is necessary, especially if your dog has been dealing with stomach issues for a long time. Do you dissolve the tablet in water or give it to them as a tablet/part of a tablet? This morning, not so much. Im not advocating you be your own veterinarian but sometimes the stories of people that have gone through 5 and 10 thousand dollars for their beloved pets, especially seniors who need to eat, is becoming the norm. He suffered a lot, not eating for 5 days. Any abrupt diet changes tend to upset a delicate gastrointestinal balance. However, pills are a lot easier to measure and administer to dogs. Typically, the main reason for giving your dog Famotidine is because he or she is suffering from an ulcer. He had an ultrasound yesterday and were waiting on those results before proceeding to the next step. It may also often be prescribed to prevent the formation of ulcers in dogs who must take steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. We did one more urine test recently, and then the vet said they may have him come in to do some tests with and without food. Failing to do so could decrease the medications effectiveness, as well as interfere with other medications that are given. Following this guideline, a 20-pound dog would need two teaspoons and a 30-pound dog three teaspoons, thus making dosing fairly simple. For example, A 60 pound dog would need 15mg on the low end and up to 30mg on the higher end. 14th Apr 2022, Last Updated Date: I give my 7 year generic 20mg of Pepcid every day for IBD. Medicating your animal is serious business. My 2 year old black lab ate between 10-20 Pepcid AC out of my briefcase. Generally, the dosage of Pepcid for dogs is 0.25mg to 2mg per pound of weight, twice daily. Even though the medicine is available over-the-counter its still a good idea to seek your vets approval first. It turned out to be nothing. He lets us know he has to go out but, before we can get him out the door, he loses his urine. Since my Pepcid daily dose, he has not thrown up green bile. Does this sound like a good idea? Its important to always ask your vet if this is beneficial for your dogs situation, as some medications cannot be taken with Pepcid. However, before giving Pepcid to your dog, always consult your veterinarian for advice and an official diagnosis, as some conditions may be masked by this medication and may worsen. It is best to give this medication one hour before meals. According to veterinarian Dr. Debra Primovic, the dosage of Pepcid for dogs is 0.25 to 0.5 mg per pound given every 12 to 24 hours. I just gave her 10 of Famotidine. However, the most common dosage vets prescribe is 0,5 milligrams per pound of body weight, two times a day. Read on to learn the dosage, efficacy, ingredients, and side effects of Pepcid for dogs. What to Know, Why is my dog staying away from me? No. After you visit your vet and they take a detailed look at your dog, they should tell you the best dosage. It is best to give this medication one hour before meals. So definitely dont over do it. How many cups are in a 15-pound bag of dog food? This is another thing dog owners want to know; Is Pepcid effective? Find the pawfect plan for your pet in just a few clicks! "longitude": "-82.523417" Im thinking about giving it to him before bedtime because it works better on an empty stomach. The usual dosage of famotidine for dogs is 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg per pound of body weight given twice a day. Although formulated for human use, Pepcid is commonly recommended by veterinarians to treat gastrointestinal symptoms associated with excess stomach acid. By inhibiting the H2 receptor, a receptor for histamine, Famotidine reduces the output of stomach acid. It got rid of his gurgling stomach issues and his constant licking. There is a diminished effect when given for more than 14 consecutive days. The size of your pet will determine which strength is best for your pup, and you will need to speak with your vet to receive proper guidance. The standard dosage for famotidine use in dogs ranges from 0.25mg to 0.5mg per pound. The good news is that Pepcid is safe for dogs. Wellness lets pet parents compare insurance plans from leading companies like PetPlan and Trupanion. Reducing the acid in the intestines can help to prevent any irritation within the GI tract, and hopefully prevent an upset stomach as a result. He has been throwing up bile almost everyday for the last 3 months. Then she threw up her dinner from last night. However, our vet gave us a prescription that we got filled by a lab where they compound the medicine into a liquid. I switched to Pepcid AC, 1/2 of a 10mg tablet in his last meal at night. Warning: Pepcid is not for pregnant or nursing dogs or those with heart disease or liver/kidney Consensus Pepcid AC dosing is 0.25mg to 0.5mg (1 half) for each pound, once or twice daily. She doesnt throw up. "openingHoursSpecification": [ { This is especially important in dogs with liver disease, kidney disease, and even pregnant and nursing dogs. I would definitely call a vet and ask for an alternative. "openingHours": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su 08:00-17:00", There is a diminished effect when given for more than 14 consecutive days. Pepcid may help with the following symptoms and conditions: Inflammation or erosion of the stomach lining, Enlargement of the esophagus (megaesophagus). . Please consult with your veterinarian for professional references to emergency vets in your area. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It blocks the receptors that form stomach acid. My little Yorkie just came back from Pancreatitis and severe dehydration. My name is Amber. It could just be nerves or stress, or even just an empty stomach. Since Pepcid is prescribed for different conditions, it is possible the exact dosage can differ. Tampons For Dogs Can You Use A Tampon For Your Dog? Most dogs will only need to be on Pepcid for short periods, but some dogs do benefit from daily famotidine use. Were going to look at precisely what Famotidine is, how it works, what its prescribed for, and where you get it, among other things, to offer you a complete, comprehensive guide on the medication. Pepcid Dosage for Dogs: For both dogs and cats, the dosage is one 10-milligram tablet for a 20-pound dog every 12-to-24 hours, says Dr. Klein. Chihuahuas are prone to having bad teeth. We also suggest speaking with your vet about the best long term management options for your pups acid reflux, as they may have a better option in mind. I stick it in her food and she eats it right up. I have trained dogs ranging from standard poodles to golden retrievers to border collies and now the passion of my life is working with aggressive dogs with behavioral issues in order to help them be more confident, calm and easygoing dogs who are well-behaved in their own homes. A Complete Guide, Are dog carriers safe? You can buy Pepcid in most pharmacies around the country. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Twice a day meaning every 12 hours. It sounded like a good food until recently I discovered many people were having all kinds of issues with their dogs on that food. I would always ask for a veterinarians opinion before giving any OTC medicine to my dog. Is this an emergency situation or can I ask about her using net vet care? It accomplishes this by reducing your stomachs natural production of acids to lessen irritation. Heartguard for a dog 51 -100 lbs is 272 mcg. Pepcid works a lot better for my dog than Tagamet. Even though the medicine is available over-the-counter its still a good idea to seek your vets approval first. If your dog has been diagnosed with kidney disease, we suggest speaking with your vet about whether or not famotidine can help their situation. For this reason, twice daily dosing may be recommended. Their expertise is necessary, especiallyif your dog has been dealing with stomach issues for a long time. My little dog, 10 pounds, was prescribed Pepcid or famotidine by the vet. Your vet may suggest adjusting your dogs dose going forward, or they may even discuss a different treatment option. She didnt even bark when I came back from the doctors office which isnt normal. WebWhat is the dosage of Pepcid for dogs? These ingredients add color, facilitate easy swallowing, help prevent caking, and increase the duration of a drugs release into the system. They said she was fine. We still use it on an as needed basis. To help you better understand how this gastroprotectant can help your pup, lets discuss the most common reasons why a dog needs famotidine below. That, however, doesnt mean it cannot be misused. Your dogs stomach can start overproducing acid for several reasons, but the most common ones areif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'worlddogfinder_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-worlddogfinder_com-medrectangle-3-0'); The active ingredient in Pepcid is called famotidine. Generally, the dosage of Pepcid for dogs is 0.25mg to 2mg per pound of weight, twice daily. My Chihuahua, in the evenings after she eats, yawns and starts licking her mouth. If any of these symptoms occur, or if theres any behavior that has you concerned, such as restlessness, skip their next dose of the meds and take them to the vet immediately. My 8 year old Cairn Terrier was diagnosed with CKD. If your 15 pound dog engages in moderate activity they will need 18.75 ounces of water a day. Their expertise is necessary, especially if your dog has been dealing with stomach issues for a long time. The dosage strength and frequency will vary depending on your dogs symptoms, age, and weight. Get a proper diagnosis rather than taking a risky hit or miss approach. Consensus Pepcid AC dosing is 0.25mg to 0.5mg (1 half) for each pound, once or twice daily. Pepcid is the brand name form of famotidine, an antihistamine that treats stomach ulcers and other chronic gastrointestinal conditions. Pet foods made by Diamond i would say 3 days maximum unless told otherwise by a vet ask. 0,5 milligrams per pound per day given over 3 - 4 doses about giving your dog has Nausea and you. Only need to be on Pepcid for dogs is 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg/lb administered twice daily its expensive. Famotidine dosage most often recommended for the next step take one or famotidine. 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