It should be noted that I live in an area with notoriously shit cell reception, so sometimes people cant text or call. . What does the Bible say about a grandparent's role, and how can grandparents be a blessing to homeschoo really, i would be careful of discussing plans you made with someone who wasnt invited, partly to avoid hurting their feelings, and partly because, as someone else mentioned, its just not that interesting if youre not involved. Yes, arkadyrose, thats true. Do something about the many, many piles of random crap and books and papers and and. Im from a small, rural town, and in my small-town culture, people would routinely drop by your house if they were passing by and saw your car in the driveway, especially if you were close to them. Because she is a flaming poopcake and knows I am likely to say no to 99% of her intrusive bullshit requests. Good one AthenaC! It may not be rude to you (and certainly is less invasive than just showing up), but as the comments here make clear there are a whole lot of people who dont like it when a friend invites herself to their home. Friends would sit outside my window at midnight and yell at me to go for pancakes with them. Don't expect him to have everything you need. You can find other people who mesh with how you like to do things by being that person and modeling the behavior. Some people get really ticked off about the idea that I can CHOOSE whether to answer my door/phone/text/email, and that just not wanting to interact at that moment is a good enough reason not to answer. To go to his door Id have to find a parking spot (often tricky, could be blocks away), pay for parking, walk to his door, and use the buzzer which just calls his cell phone anyway! Wanna join, Wee_Ramekin?). Things you should offer to do: Help prep or cook meals; set the table and do the dishes; offer to drive; occupy the kids while their parents take a well-deserved nap; fix a little something around the house if you have the skills; or take the dog for a walk. The situations in this response arent sticks to beat yourself up with, they are ways you can be more confident and comfortable in making plans with others. [6] 3 Make a list of everything you want to pack. If they dont act like they like me (even if they actually do but dont bother to behave like they do), they obviously dont want to really be friends. Show up with boyfriend to events that are pretty obviously not SO friendly (girls only brunches/nights out) Do not do this to your friends, who love you and yet may have busy lives or incompatible schedules. ! and ive also been very upset when people just presume im available at any time, because sometimes it comes across as a lack of respect, like oh surely i have nothing going on and am just available whenever you happen to be around. Everyone has different preferences about this, so it can be tricky to figure out what to do in general. Personally, Im of two minds on that. The soft invite is way too easy to brush off, especially with the level of over-scheduling that exists at certain socio-economic levels. On that day, between these hours, please feel free to drop by and take tea. They may have to entertain an unwanted guest when they'd rather be doing something else. 2. And if that doesnt work, then simply tell him the truth. LOL! If youre running late, it should be up to you to text them. In the case at hand, LW, your friend has made it clear that just dropping by because youre in the neighborhood is Not To Be Done, so dont. And then Shut. H If put on the spot they may feel too uncomfortable saying no. As I said, I find these conversations miserable. Im just better at saying No, this isnt a good time, Ill catch you online later, bye now! One night at around midnight one of them (we shall call her Britney) woke my by pounding on my door with such ferocity that I thought there must be an emergency, so I opened the door. You talked 10 seconds ago, could you zip it with the honking?? I really feel like its on the person with lower boundaries to say Hey, I am totally up for spontaneous hangouts so drop by whenever.. What my friend did that bothered us was: And besides, when he rings the bell or knocks on the door and then takes like a giant step back its very awkward. As an adult, I simply cant bring myself to go or do anything that I have not been explicitly invited to. Come for dinner tonight at 8:00 is an invitation, Come by later is Hey, glad to see you, we should catch up at length soon. I havent spent time in Brazil, so I dont know if thats a Brazilian thing or a dudes-who-grew-up-with-M-specifically-where-he-grew-up thing but it is a real thing, and M. has had to rethink and clarify it for American friends now that he lives here. Never, under any circumstances, ever, show up to someones house EARLY. Inviting a girl to your place is no other than getting her on a date, but because the date will be at your place it has more implications to her than going for a coffee. Most times its a yeah or no but well be home in an hour, go on and let yourself in. I wish the african violet idea had been around back then. It infuriated me. How about the next weekend?. ASK. For example in my grandparents day/culture men never dropped by between 9-6 on weekdays because thats when other men were at work and men and women didnt socialize with each other except in groups. I tend to go for is this a partners-also thing or a just-us thing? it means theyre not being asked to make a statement of whether or not my partner, specifically, is welcome. So much this. I grew up in a small town where unexpected visits were totally normal. They can't exactly forbid you from going. Answer door, but open it only a crack. Dont demand. If you are sure about him then just go ahead and ask him and the truth is he probably wont say no if he desires the same thing as you. This sort of thing reminds me that the only era for which I know there were clear and universally followed rules about this sort of thing, it was Regency era England, when people* would drop by during a clearly defined period of the day for a morning call, for about 20 minutes, and your butler could declare that you were not at home if you didnt want to see them. Pack a bag for your sleepover. One of the other church singers was very obviously hovering and listening in and asking questions when I was talking about it to the music director (who is (a) a very good friend of mine and (b) actually going to be playing at the wedding) and a couple of other friends. To me, Family are the people who, if they show up early, can be pressed into cleaning and other prep. I really, really need time to myself, and someone showing up to my house unexpectedly, no matter what, makes me feel uncomfortable and encroached upon. This is partly based on what I observed of other kids. Something playful that you can say is that you have plans after that and must leave his place by a certain hour. Thats just me though and I appreciate its different for everyone. 1. This sounds exactly like the developmental stage that our kid is going through shes currently grappling with the fact that other people wont always do things just because she demands it, and having temper tantrums when she gets confronted with that fact. You might also find out what his favorite type of movie is and maybe find it on Netflix or disney+, then ask if you can watch it at his house. @bunwat and @Anna Sthetic You guys are hilarious!! I actually thought about the nude Brazilian implications but I couldnt figure out a way to phrase it that didnt include them. You must not mind being told not a good time, please leave. It makes me feel good. Ask him if it is cool to come over or if he would keep you company while your friends come back. for work related things, a work-state of sort. You could just speak to your friends and tell them what you want. We have a mutual friend who does this semi-regularly, and I love him, but I am a little feral cat and unexpected intrusions into my territory make me antsy for the rest of the day! The closer someone is, the more I feel I can relax around them and the less trouble it feels to have them over unexpectedly. Things have changed since I was young. German/Dutch person: *is at the cinema at 7.45 on Thursday wondering where the hell the Irish person is*. Wow, yeah, SO relationships can be really fraught, indeed. 5. This is where I, a sincere, gregarious person who did not grow up understanding how invitations or reciprocity works, used to mess it up. If theyd gone with the latter I could give a soft no if I wasnt feeling it and dignity for all would be kept intact, but by hiding that question it pre-empts the soft no by making you divulge that no you didnt really have any plans and are in fact free, thus making it trickier to evade an unwanted invitation gracefully. Eh. If shes been increasingly distant, maybe theres something else going on. Do they really need to get out of the car in these conditions because of your preferences? Get it all spelled out. Thats allowed too. i do not mean: we talked at work once and she didnt invite me to her wedding. Ask him what his plans are for a specific night. I never quite mastered the maintenance part of cleaning, so having people over is a BIG DEAL. I think, overall, this is one of those situations where theres no one solution, like Everyone Must Always Call In Advance And Schedule Plans And Never Drop By. She also loves scheduling my time and making commitments and assigning work for me without asking first. After years away from it, I think we were (at best) incompatible in certain ways. But if Im invited to Camilles for dinner, I wont assume that everyone we both know is also invited. My interpretation isnt that the world has changed to respect peoples boundaries, its that the world (as I experience it) has changed in response to technology and moving to a big city from a small town and that my anxieties havent grown less because boundaries are different, they have just shifted their arena. understanding the ENTIRE backstory to the feeling I sent him an email when I left, and arrived 25 minutes later. No one needs to know how I live.). I get where youre coming from, and there are some benefits to brutal honesty, but not everyone is comfortable with being brutal to friends. If he accepts, but suggests hanging out at your place, have an excuse in mind for why you have to hang out at his place. I think this is one of those areas that is super frustrating because there is just not a clear rule. So, Id be interested to know how to handle someone once theyve already shown up, uninvited and not particularly wanted, to social events. I dont understand it. But thanks. for interacting with friends; call it a friend-state. If we visited someone, it was meticulously prearranged and we would show up on the very dot of the agreed-upon time not a minute sooner, not a minute later. Use direct language, such as, "How about homemade lasagna and the new James Bond movie at your place Friday night?" I dont think either method is wrong, but its hard to make them compatible. Wow, hey, no, that was not a reasonable reaction on his part. Oh eek. It was obvious she was expecting an invite, but shes not a friend an acquaintance at best. I cringe looking back on friendships where I was getting soft nos for literally months and cheerfully failing to put them into context (Hmm, maybe this person who is always busy and never calls me back doesnt want to see me! And if Im hiring a band and a caterer. So most of the comments are about whether or not unannounced guests are ok or not, but its not actually clear from the letter whether thats what the LW did. Go to a place with someone, or 2. have someone to MY place/where I am going. (This, I think, arises in part from the opposite problemif someone were to suggest that they come along to something I had planned, I would have a VERY hard time refusing them even if I really didnt want them to be there. I had acquaintances that did that to me (hence not friends). Maybe her social expectations are different to mine or what I grew up with. INDEED. I think your ex had issues. I say invite T.! I mean, math can still be hard, but its sooo much easier than solving math problems WITHOUT doing math, haha. I dont know if there are specifics that make that difficult to implement in this case, or if its just not the norm in your social group, but in many groups its a common social convention that a lot of people follow anyway. The easiest way to get a guy to invite you over is to suggest the idea to him in a way that will make it nearly impossible for him to say no. Sometimes when we are in town visiting his friends will just stop in because they saw our car. Visits are preceded by five days of anxiety, and followed by days of needing to be loved, and held, and told that I am a good person, and that my parents are shitlords. It takes a certain level of presumption about how close your friendship is to ask someone else to host you, so if youre not 99.9% sure that person would like you to invite yourself over, avoid inviting yourself over. I invite my parents to visit with the intended side-effect of getting the darn house cleaned up beyond: Oh, uh, the mail is all in one pile, and I think Ive collected the worst of the catumbleweeds.. Especially if you guys have only been friends 2-3months. By agreeing on brutal honesty we can both have a good time while were having it, and end it when were not. Ive had friends that I can show up at their place any time. They think Im being silly when Im unsure like that. For sure! (Nearby happens alot, because the supermarket is right across the street.). You'll not only get invited to that person's house, but you may fill up all the rest of your free time with other people. I DO think its possible that being someones designated hug-person could get a bit claustrophobic, especially if you are not on for touch stuff all the time. Its like, oh for gods sake, just knock on the fucking door at this point, its not like I can text you go away when youre standing AT MY DOOR. I think I feel like the confirmation text allows for that while still letting me save face if those fears are realized? I am depressed. I second the excellent advice and on a side note, that movie is hilarious. So nice to know a person I thought was a friend sees spending time with me as a social obligation. If a bunch of friends are planning a road trip or going camping. You didnt do anything wrong by issuing invitations, but either the other person isnt interested enough to make you a priority, or they are interested but dont have the bandwidth right now to make you a priority. I probably will teach him to invite friends over the phone eventually, but my guess is that it will be one or two years before he is ready to start it. One of my flats about ten years ago, when we had our housewarming party a guy turned up about three hours before the usual start time about 6 I think, and even at 9 you wouldnt expect many people to have arrived yet. You can also drop a simple text letting him know you are looking forward to seeing him, to casually confirm the date ahead of time to ensure the plans are still on. All attempts to set boundaries have failed, and these attempts have actually led to her being punitive toward me for trying to tell her no or set a boundary with her about anything, and this exhausting, selfish boundary-stomping is why, when I do move away, which I have been trying to do for TEN GODDAMNED YEARS while very, very poor and very, very un(der)employed, chances are very good that she will be completely and utterly cut off until she dies. Let them know! After the length of time it takes to drink one cup of tea, you must make polite noises about going. In those circumstances, you dont enjoy cleaning much, I can tell you. 2. Newly married. I used to envy people who seemed to glide effortlessly through social situations, sometimes I even hated them. I think that actually makes me LESS amenable to unexpected interruptions at home because Ive already used up all my people-dealing-with fuel fielding the expected-but-not-planned interactions at work. First, apologize for coming over uninvited at an inconvenient time. Were all moving to different cities now so I guess it wont be a problem any more with that specific group. I already add a fair number of caveats to my speech, my precise meaning often misunderstood. I married into a family that practices old-time Alaskan hospitality. Anything that takes preparation on the part of the host or organizer, or even costs them money, is iffy. I try to make it clear in my texts that the visit is (a) optional and (b) short duration. My brother and sister-in-law wound up super-stressed because not only did her mother and father invite themselves over, but they brought her brother, his wife and their twin toddlers. Thats what my partner says (the part about the very casual social culture with BBQs and fishing.) You dropped in and your neighbors offered you a Coke and you laughed and chilled out for half an hour and then you left. [deleted] 11 yr. ago. I have a Facebook account with a lot of people friended but rarely log in, so I miss things from time to time because people assume that, if youre on their friends list, you will see their posts. again, we dont all have to be friends. Or kids may not be up to remembering that they cant schedule for X day/time because actually theyre supposed to be doing something else that was scheduled ages ago; yay timetable clashes! I hope I didnt give the impression that I think its all up to the rejected party to take the hint. I wouldnt make any polite noises. I would tell you upon arrival that when you want me to leave, just say so (blunt person as I am, it might be phrased as the moment Im a bother, sweep me out). Organising the social lives of 6 year olds when you dont know the other parents is a pain. and our It is completely ok to ask if other halves/thirds/whatevers are invited, but PLEASE be gracious about hearing no. Bye have fun! Itturned out ok, but I sort of wish I had subsequently invited one or two other people, because it was kinda weird to travel with this guy (he wasnt even a CLOSE friend, I have NO CLUE what he was thinking). Also door-to-door scamsters, like the kind who would find my grandmother alone at home and give her a long high-pressure spiel about a fake charity until she wrote them a cheque for thousands of dollars. But usually those friends are limited to the small number of people who have seen me ugly cry. But I did start noodling around on Twitter more recently, and all of a sudden I started getting more invites from my friends who use Twitter as much as I do. but Im concerned about *your* plans. Re: can you actually trust people to say what they meanI wish you could, but sometimes, as we all know, you cant. I use Handcent SMS instead. Everyones invited, and boundaries have a way of becoming more fluid than usual. Im also kind of allergic to planning sometimes because I have no idea if Ill be having a depressive episode or some other shenanigans that day and have to cancel, and I dont want to be known as that person who randomly flakes on everything. The less long term friend events planning I can do, the better. I think it was Phyllis Diller who said that she used to, when people arrived to visit and it looked as if a tornado had hit the living room, say in a plaintive voice, Who could have done this to us? And I agree that its up to both sides, the person doing the rejecting to communicate clearly and consistently, and the rejectee gracefully taking the hint. His sister got to the point of being able to call a friend to arrange a play date around age 9. To continue with dating parallels, I figure, if a social acquaintance likes me, they will act like they like me. I am not even going to touch the remark about cleaning. Because theyre way closer friends with me than him. Keep it minimal and casual. She even brought a boyfriend that she knew I hated to my graduation dinner, uninvited, that my parents were paying for and was only for about six people, including my grandparents. Imagine a group of coworkersor classmates or casual acquaintances you know from your board games group or whatever are discussing their weekend plans. A downside to this is it can feel like youre expecting the person to ask you to come inside if they need a few more minutes. It would be ridiculous to never mention my aunt to my cousin just in case she were upset that I ever did something with aunt that didnt include her. I think if we are all grown ups now, we should all know its rude to discuss an event a member of the conversation wasnt invited to deliberately. Haha. If a bunch of people are meeting at a bar at a certain time, it's usually fine to say you may be there as well. In desperation, I basically self-diagnosed as autistic and followed the advice I found on the Internet I just started to straight-up name what I saw and ask about it. Constantly. You don't need a whole lot of luggage, and it might be a little scary if he sees you lugging in an entire makeup counter. So for me, it was natural to live that out as an adult in a city with a person I was becoming close to. And, in fact, I will go out of my way NOT to do things she does not use her words to ask me to do before assigning chores or duties to me. If she turns up to a thing you have control over, uninvited, do not let her in the door. When I tried explaining my thought-action process, he got meaner and said theres always a but with you, isnt there?. Also I need to be able to say not now and they leave without getting upset or making me repeat myself. Admit it, neither one of you wants the date to end. We CANT know. Even the time I spent hours scrubbing the kitchen floor by hand, on my hands and knees because my eyes are shit and I cant see the dirt standing up. Maybe in the past they've spent time with these people, but have felt ignored or left out, or like they were quiet and boring. What counts as nothing pressing? Maybe they want to go home and do a Netflix marathon or something. Since then, I always ask my family if they want me to come or us both if theyre not clear about it. Inviting yourself over to her place. But only she knows why she reacted that way. Thanks guys. (My friend is a really good person and as close to a sibling as Ive got outside my actual family. About three weeks out, I did a last run through the response list, and figured out that one friend who I had been discussing the wedding with had never responded. Ask if you can go bro. Physical issues too. When you show up to events with him, is he the only SO there? (or text) I may not be able to, either due to existing plans, or lack of remaining energy for interacting with humans. The never answer the door unless expecting a specific visitor policy is also really true of people with stalkers. My SOs (large, close knit) family is terrible for this, especially since my SO is building a house right now and we have an adorable newborn baby. Now, of course, Im gun-shy about making friendly or romantic overtures because I can never convince myself that people arent just being polite to me out of pity. i hear you, and i for sure do not think you should have to explain to people why you do not want them glued to your side at all times. and if someone doesnt go away and my dogs arent already loose in the house (and therefore at the front door barking at the person to GO AWAY), I can also from this position get to wherever the dogs are kept without being seen, if I am careful and let them loose to express their barky opinions up against the door glass. Unsolicited doorbell Ill never answer but texting from the viscinity I feel like I can easily refuse, Sorry, not a good time, maybe next time or sure, lets meet at the cafe though, my house is a mess. I explained that to my friends in advance before ever accepting an invitation and when I do get there early I offer my help in setting things up. That creeping hot flush, the rock in the pit of your belly, and the sting from holding back tears. There may be many people who wouldnt think either of those things are rude, but if this is an issue youre worried about then erring on the side of caution is probably better. A group of friends may be totally open to new people joining them, but are so close with each other they unintentionally give off an air of being exclusive. I never had anyone randomly search my room, but I too have privacy as a trigger (my issues growing up are a pale shadow of what you went through), and boy do I understand. I have close friends who are cool with people texting them and saying hey Im around are you at home to guests and then coming over if the answer is yes. They also only had this happen to them twice before they stopped showing up early. And the thing is, if theyd said whose house should we watch at? I would have volunteered. It wasnt always this way. One caveat to this is if you KNOW youre going to be near me every Saturday at Noon, and you start texting me every Saturday at 11, I might get annoyed. All of it. Hi, sorry our dog is all excited you are here I can see how someone would find that rude. The main reason I was even playing Destiny was to try to reconnect with someone. if i dont get invited to something, i for one will find a reason why. Wash all these dishes and put them in the drying rack; you, heres a vacuum cleaner and theres the living room; you, I need these potatoes cut into sixteenths and the chunks then put in this blue bowl here on the counter. In my nMoms reality, faaaaaaaaaaaamily can just pop in any time of day or night, and call you whenever they like, too. Would find that rude and chilled out for half an hour and then you left reconnect... After that and must leave his place by a certain hour coming over uninvited at an inconvenient time been! 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