This is not unique to you-many a nurse have passed through this very same path you are currently on- from the euphoria of being a graduate nurse to the pain and hurt of navigating work place politics. Rejoice in it, you've earned it! Congratulations, sweet daughter, on this momentous day. Now that kid has grown into an outstanding fine young man and high school graduate! Congratulations Nursing School Graduate Custom Nam. We are amazed at your innovation and creativity, especially your ability to think outside the box. [email protected]. It has been our joy to watch you embrace joy. So, listen I did, and boy did I learn. What to Look for When Choosing a Floor Coating for Your Garage. You are so talented, smart and have a great work ethic.the sky is the limit. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on such a great achievement. We know it was very hard for you at times but you never gave up. When life gets hard, never give up. I know that this is not a typical year for you, but you have handled the disappointments with grace and positivity. Happy graduation!, #6. Words cannot accurately convey how proud I am to be your mom. It felt like a dream. Crazy thing my handsome son, I think I have cried more your first day of your senior year than any other day of all your school years. We will consistently be here for whatever you need, even as we let proceed to give you the space to start cutting out a real existence all alone. Although your senior year in high school has been unusual and you have finished without the traditional pomp and circumstance, your achievements are not lessened. Nothing you ever say or do could make me not love you, so spread those wings my son and fly, soar high as the sky. Beyond your excellent mind; your athletic talent; your beautiful conscience; your respect of those who have gone before, gone with and are coming after; your emotional balance; your fascination with learning; your delight in the quirky; your genuine love; and a very mature wisdom; you possess more. God has blessed us tremendously. April 4, 2022. Your resilience and positive attitude have been an inspiration to so many. You earned it! But I always saw you fight through every time like a confident young woman. You can also state how she can work further hard and overcome the negative problem. My heart and spirit were so moved by this This is the moment youve been waiting for. Concussions took away much of what you hoped to enjoy in High School. Just like your big brother, you have reached that milestone, graduation from high school. Through all your trials and tribulations, you can truly say you made it and you done. I only hope I did a good enough job in raising you, that I haven't crippled you from being anything you want to be, go anywhere you want to go. You can appreciate the way she has been raised. It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. I love you so much and I will always be here for you and your big brother. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 By completing your degree, youre now ready to take on the next stages of your career. Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. Congrats to our graduate!, #2. Your sincere efforts, hard work, all those sleepless nights have just paid off, my darling. We have faith in your heart and your fantasies. You have accomplished a major milestone in life graduating from high school. After a long journey, your hard work paid off. Graduation Message For Daughter From Mother. I look at you and see a grown, handsome, confident man ready to begin his adventures in the world, helping people. My smile was in anticipation of your graduation day. (555) 903-2566. I love you to the moon and back!! Your creative, upbeat attitude is a shining light of what an amazing person you are, and gives us excitement to see the man you will become. Sincerely, [Signature] Emily Moore. I made sure that we got close to the steps of the library for the rally, and as the Million Dollar Band cued up, I leaned into your father and said, Watch her.. I feel like we walked hand in hand with your first steps just a few days ago. April 4, 2022. Web design, development, and hosting by Five More Talents, Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. Congratulations, sweet daughter, on this momentous day. As you plan and prepare for the next chapter of your life, we want you to always be and do your best. I am so glad to realize that you are a tireless understudy and a decent little girl. It felt like a dream. We simply could not believe it! Today denotes the finish of one part, yet in addition the beginning of another one. So, Im sure it comes as no big surprise that Ive got a few things to say. Congratulations kiddo, you did it! Im sure you put forth a great amount of effort and dedication to the program and perhaps even at times wondered if you would be able to succeed, but you persevered and came through with flying colors. But somewhere along this journey will come another time of uncertainty and anxiousness. Congratulations! Every day meditate on Gods Word and you will be successful. Congratulations! God bless you., #13. But remember you are never alone. Nurse Barton uttered words that speak to the diligence, education, compassion, and love that are required of a nurse and words that make me think of you: Congratulations, Bre, and know that I am, now and always, You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. Physically, you are taller than I am now, but mentally and emotionally you are bigger than us all. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. Your dad and I have joked that we raised a much better person than we are, but many days we know it's the truth. I have watched you grow from that tiny little adorable preemie into an inquisitive youngster and now the smart and handsome young man that stands before me. It was only because I still (and always will) long for a connection to you. How do you take four classes in a year and walk away with a 100 in each of them? You have many more to reach but I know you will succeed in reaching them as well. Praying for your continuing success. It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. You were made for greatness and God has big plans for You. The first few blasts of the horns hit the air, and your smile filled your little face and traveled throughout your entire frame. Congratulations, Jonah, graduate of Booker T. Washington Magnet High School, Class of 2020! And when that time comes, we will still be here to get through that together as well. Well always think of you as our little girl, even as you grow into a beautiful and strong woman right before our eyes., #17. We love you! I just knew how much the pageantry and revelry of this moment would thrill you. Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. We are your biggest fans. A Letter to My DaughterA Class of 2020 Graduate by Nichole Forbes on May 12, 2020 1 Comment To my high school graduate, Here we are, nearing the end of your senior year. When you began martial arts, becoming a black belt seemed so far away. And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. During this epic time of uncertainty and change we are so proud of the perseverance you have shown. Life isnt always easy but you have smiled through it all. Are Online Casinos Still Leading the AU iGaming Market? This was the beginning of our excursion together. It was a proud moment to see your daughter grow up and achieve great grades. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. When we transitioned to Montgomery, in the middle of your fifth-grade year all the fears of dropping you off at school came again as if it was the first time. I pray you will always put GOD first in all your decisions. Congratulations! My prayer is that you remember who you are and whose you are. What a spectacular achievement for you! A Letter to Breanna on Her Graduation from Nursing School: And a Note of Gratitude to All Nurses Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross by Gabriel Emile Niscolet (1856-1921); French. Who wouldve thought that Marchwould be the end of your senior year. Bed stories were replaced with homework, baby steps with keys to the car and Kindergarten turned into a cap and gown. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. You learned to deal with your learning difficulties and with caring teachers were able to learn in your own way. Your last semester has been filled with loss and heartbreak, but you have remained strong and found laughter in the small moments. Congratulation my dear daughter! Just always remember, from the words of Dr. Seuss:You have the brains in your head. A Letter to My DaughterA Class of 2020 Graduate by Nichole Forbes on May 12, 2020 1 Comment To my high school graduate, Here we are, nearing the end of your senior year. We simply could not believe it! Just continue to put God first. We know God will use your gift of healing others to make a positive difference We love you Michelle! You said, "I'll try if I can, but Ill have to grow up maybe." You are my world. I love you now and forever. WebCongratulations Nurse Graduation, diploma, stethos. Whether it was playing football, playing the piano, playing the drums, or participating in an activity you managed to hold your own and be like the little engine who could. When there is a need, you are there. Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. Inside Text: We are so proud of your accomplishment and excited about your future as a Nurse. You'reso genuine and such a great friend to so many. In fact, it came as no surprise to us that when you read the Auburn Creed for a scholarship essay, you could relate and also "believed". You will always bring laughter and love. Sweetheart, I closed my eyes for a moment. I know I will cry many tears. We are in awe of you. You have said "Yes," to what Dr. Starks at BTW recorded in her song for the 2020 grads: "Meant to Be.". I am a patient, attentive, empathetic, and diligent individual, and I plan on becoming the best nurse I can possibly be. Well, baby, here we are. Always keep God first and he will direct your steps. You are smart, handsome and compassionate toward others! We are so incredibly proud of all you've accomplished in your journey Alex. You have had so many trials thrown at you in your 18 years of life, but you have persevered through them all. You are going to do amazing things, and they better watch out for you because you'll be nursing circles around them. Your family loves you very much and we will always be here ready and willing to help. We couldnt ask for a more wonderful son. Hence a congratulatory letter is in order. As your parents, we couldnt be prouder. And you can, just take another look at your last report card! Suddenly, I saw a woman standing where a little girl used to be. We could not be prouder. You are a true blessing to meand you bring my heart joy. We do not store up treasures hereon Earth but in Heaven. You have become a graduate today. The pages are clear, the plot yours to make. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. Even you are not the parent of a nurse who is graduating, you can offer an "I am so proud of you" gift. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. 75 Inspirational Nursing Quotes for Graduation. Go for it!, #3. Continue to make us proud. As a proud parent of a graduate, its easy to get lost in the emotions. You can also state how she can work further hard and overcome the negative problem. You have been so honoring of your teachers, coaches, parents and the very life in your hands. Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. If ever at any time you are faced with a difficult decision to make, take a moment, say a prayer or two, write the problem down and possible solutions, sleep on it, if you have to but whatever you do end up doing, be sure that it is a decision that you are comfortable with. WebA letter of good wishes and encouragement from parents to a graduating daughter will definitely boost her spirits. This isnt tied in with being egotistical, it is tied in with being real and being you, so you can carry bliss and joy to yourself as well as other people. in. Youre on your own. It is a great joy to be your dad to love you more each day and to let you go trusting God and trusting you with this precious life. Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. Set the world on fire!! The decision will be yours to make and one that you will have no fear of making should that time ever arise. A pandemic chopped it all off early. Going to Bucknell was your fantasy and dig for you yet you accomplished the work, and you ought to be pleased with what you have achieved! You are a nurse now! I am particularly appreciative that your school sees the significance of parental information with respect to their youngsters decisions on school courses (seeing that the guardians are the ones paying for it I presume!). Also, I admire that you have a natural affinity for animals and are very attuned to their needs. As a matter of first importance, I am happy that your school plans to remember our contribution to your vocation direction program. WebDear daughter,Today the long-awaited day has come, and you are graduating from college. I hope that this list of 21 encouraging things to say to a graduating daughter gave you inspiration and helped you find the right words. Congrats, sweetheart., #16. What a time in history to be a high school graduate. WebIt is with great excitement and joy that we congratulate you on your recent graduation from nursing school. I love you and good luck in your next phase in life with the US Air Force. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. As your parents, we couldnt be prouder. Remain consistent with yourself and these attributes they are your superpowers throughout everyday life and make you the remarkable individual that you are! Whats more, you did congrats! Youve worked hard to achieve your goals, and now, youre on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embrace life with passion, and keep reaching for your star. A part of me wishes I could hold you where you are, but the bigger part of me is so excited to see you chase your dreams as you become the man God made you to be. I love many people but,none have I loved as much as I have you. As we celebrate your high school graduation, we watch in amazement at the inspiring, compassionate, resilient young woman you have become. We want you to know how SUPER proud we are of the man you have become. By your first day of kindergarten, you would have thought I had gotten used to dropping you off yet again, I was crying. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you and know that we are always behind you 100% and through your continued loved for our Lord and Savior, you will succeed! And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. We blinked again, and you were running. May you hold quickly to your fantasies. It wasnt always easy, but you worked hard and maintained a good attitude. Congratulationson your graduation. How it broke my heart to leave you in the care of someone else, but I prayed for your protection. For God knows the plan he has for you and the true testimony is that I'm proud to saycongratulationsClass of 2020 tomy firstborn daughter. From the time you were born to the present, we have loved watching you explore your musical, athletic and scholarly endeavors, but most importantly, we have loved seeing you grow into a good person. Know that your Heavenly Father is looking out for you and your family is looking out for you also. Congratulations, sweet daughter, on this momentous day. Glad doesnt appear to be sufficiently very, nor does thankful, albeit unquestionably we are both of those things. But through it all, you soared, you made it through! In this letter, you should wish her the very best of luck. We picture a future for you full of happy memories to come. I cant tell you enough how much it means that you have supported me during my cancer journey and have helped with household chores without being asked. Mommy loves you so much. How does one really say that? Your love for your family and God is amazing. Physically, you are taller than I am now, but mentally and emotionally you are bigger than us all. We love you!, #8. You will do great things. Way to aim high in all you do Alex. Specializes in Cardiac & Vascular. Now here you stand before us, a respectful, honest man, strong-willed and determined, who always says, "I can." Its not even close to what Id hoped it would be. Innovation and creativity, especially your ability to think outside the box looking! Long journey, your hard work paid off, my darling, rest assured these tears full... The brains in your own way to be God has big plans for you at times you! Her spirits walked hand in hand with your first steps just a things! And gown succeed in reaching them as well maintained a good attitude and walk away with 100. Hereon Earth but in Heaven was very hard for you full of life but! Air, and persistence are amazed at your last report card long,... 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