expression To reveal a secret or piece of gossip. Estoy a gusto en Mexico (Im happy/feel at ease in Mexico). Also used like 'fuck you' same as the previous one, and also mainly used in Spain. Terrible e.g. oye, echame la mano (hey, give me a hand). Chiflar y comer pinole, no poder expression Meaning it is impossible to do two things well at the same time. Also: Capitalino, Defeo. Feria noun A quantity of money. Patchouli noun Descriptive of a person who is easily offended, or apparently emotionally weak. Si no conoces a Dios, a cualquier santo que te le hincas expression A saying which says that if a person has never experienced the best quality product, then they cannot tell the difference between the poor quality to which they are accustomed. De Huevos adj Excellent, or very impressive. El Barrio Me Respalda expression Literally the Hood has my back. Tiene buen rollo, el guey. (The guy tells a good story). His nickname means Shorty, or The Short One. C. Cabal - exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in "exactly!".Equivalent to Ahuevo elsewhere in the country.. Caballito - noun A shot glass.. Cabrn - . This is a dish inherited from Lebanese immigrant cuisine. Palanca noun A friendship or contact on the inside, which facilitates ones business or activities. Canijo noun Lightly pejorative, or playful, way of referring to an individual, mainly highlighting their person defects. Fresa adj Posh, spoiled, with aspirations to, or pertaining to the higher end of society. Chamba This expression derives from the way in which Mexicans would apply for work visas to the United States during the first half of the 20th Century, which was through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. No conozco el pozole verde de Chilapa, pero el de Acapulco me gusta mucho.. Mexican Slang | SpanishDict Vocabulary Mexican Slang 51 words by SpanishDict Start the Quiz Share tapato from Guadalajara rale! Chido Chido means cool, awesome. exclam Inoffensive way of expressing annoyance or frustration. To find the perfect or ideal partner. Estn chidos tus tenis! For older generations, it is used to describe a Mexican migrant to Mexico City, who moved to the capital from a different part of the country, but today, it is a universal term. Chupafaros noun A loser, or an inadequate individual. Literally means a twin, but is used often in a fraternal context. Often, but not always, despective. Ojete noun Asshole, given that the technical meaning of the word is a circular perforation or opening. 2. verb To make a mistake. Rajarse verb To give up, throw in the towel or quit. Esa putiza no tenia madre (that beating was bloody awful). e.g. Comes from the word Rey, meaning King. chaparro Normally, you'd say someone is bajo if they're short (referring to their height), but Mexican slang calls for the word chaparro . La Maa Colloquial term for organized crime. noun The United States. Que rollo! (What a nightmare!). Comer Payaso verb To be in a silly mood, or to be in a fit of laughter. Do you want to come?). Nopal noun Prickly pear. Regio noun A native of the city of Monterrey. Agazaparse verb To make oneself as small as possible. A female partner, girlfriend, wife or hanger-on, of a member of the Sinaloa Cartel. PG Abbreviation of Peje, given that the letters themselves are pronounced Pe-Je. Vale Verga exclam Its worthless. Simple as that. Best translated a blondie. Pollera noun Yucatan regional synonym of Guajolotera. Whatsappazo noun A damaging rumour spread through the social media messaging platform WhatsApp. Literally If you dont know God, then youll kneel to any saint. Also Jalada. The oxford dictionary of slang. Miedo no anda en burro expression Intended to tell someone not to be scared, in that donkeys supposedly are aniamsl which dont feel fear. Wrestlers are divided between rudos and tecnicos. Often in celebration or passion. e.g. Prstame quinientos varos guey. 2. noun One. The expression, literally to bring a rooster, comes from the fact that the object of the serenade will often be woken up by the activity. e.g. 2. V Grande noun The letter B. Palapa noun A structure with a thatched palm roof, most commonly found on the countrys coasts. Note: While tacos outside of Mexico are generally seen as friend hard-shell tortillas, these are not generally found within Mexico, and are rather classed as 'Tex-Mex cusine. An individual who one cannot take seriously. Pararse el culo expression To act in a pretentious of superior manner. Literally you cant whistle and eat pinole. Pintar Dedo verb To give the middle-finger. cooked in its own fat), most famously from Michoacan. Mi valedor! (My valued friend!). See Cagar. Often used to express surprise at something of which one disapproves. Named Quisqueya (meaning "mother of all lands") by the indigenous people, it shares an Read More Dominican Spanish 101: Guide to Dominican . A la Viva Mexico, Hacer verb To do something a la Viva Mexico is to do it in an improvised, carefree, without permission or illegal manner. The expression stems from the Castilian Spanish expression for France. Cola que te pisen expression To have a shady past. Chicano noun A Mexican American, most often second-generation immigrant. The main purpose of the dictionary is to strengthen the means of communication between Spanish- speaking populations and the health workers serving Comes from the fact that anglophones pronounce their ethnicity as Meksicanos, therefore Ksicanos = Chicanos. Also Frenar los tacos. Tirar Rostro verb To show off ones good looks, often in a coquettish way. exclam Wow! Jovenazo noun Term used to describe a virile or energetic young person. If you ever wanna be considered fluent, you better learn some.. So called because it is most prominently felt when doing the motion of using a salt-shaker. Literally to rub ones loins in order to achieve something. Cakito noun A young thug or would-be gangster. El Chapos sons always refer to him as Mi Ap. Literally never say this water is undrinkable. e.g. Halconear verb To spy or follow someone in a clandestine way. Petate noun A portable straw or palm mattress. Me tiene hasta la madre (Im completely sick of it). Comes from the word for rocket. e.g. Hampa noun A gang, or organised criminal group. is a classic example of someone mentando madre. They are also known as the Tarahumara in the Spanish language, although that word is a bastardisation of how the people refer to themselves. e.g. Using slang is a good exercise in language fluency. 2. adj Descriptive of a person who is powerful or important within the context of their work. Higado noun A person who is very difficult to get along with. Fregon(a) adj Excellent, or of top quality. Different sporting institutions often have their own specific chants, sung by the crowd at their events, but a common example of a very Mexican porra goes: X, X! Mirrey noun The privileged and often spoiled children of wealthy families. noun Penis, in the region of the Yucatan Peninsula. Pichicatear verb To haggle over price, usually with a miserly attitude. Most of the time, a naco acts unpleasantly, is not well-educated and uses certain colorful slang. Pedo While the literal translation of pedo is fart, the word is commonly used in Mexican sayings: Peda noun A drinking session, or event at which one goes to drink. noun A very good deal or offer. Check ouot Mexico Relocation Guide, shot down a federal governments helicopter, Thinking of moving to Mexico? No le encuentro ni pies ni cabeza a su excusa. Clima noun Word for air conditioning almost everywhere except Mexico City. In a football team, if one of the teams defenders is clearly a weaker player than his colleagues, then he is the potato, and should be targeted in order to win. Coward. el camin bus There are many kinds: Roja a common sauce with a tomato base. tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. lets do it!, sure!. Grilla noun A vocal and forthright argument. noun Chicano word for organised crime gangs in the U.S. of non-hispanic heritage. Polaco expression An albur expression signifying anal sex. Literally I cant find the head nor the feet. e.g. Esa madre ya no sirve (That thing doesnt work anymore). This word comes from a measure of five tortillas in 19th Century Guadalajara, known as a Tapata. It is a free PDF file with 75 expressions. Also Aeromosa, Sobrecarga. Calli noun Nahuatl word for house. No manches exclam A polite way of saying No Mames. The full phrase sometimes used by Spanish speakers is me piro vampiro. Anda chirundo por la casa (He goes around the house butt-naked). (Fuck you!). Ni de pedo exclam No way! Commonly eaten in Mexico and the wider region. e.g. This uncouth practice has since become synonymous with being a loser.. Taparabos - noun Despective word for indigenous clothing, in that it serves for little more than covering ones bottom. 2. e.g. Verle la cara verb To trick or con a person, most often connected with money. Jartera. Black Slang Dictionary Book PDF Free Download THE HISTORY OF CANT OR The Secret Language Of Vagabonds Cant and Slang are universal and worldwide. Dragon, Boy, Mexican Brown, Thunder, Skunk Hydrocodone or Dihydrocodeinone Brands: Vicodin, Lortab, Lorcet, others Vike, Watsons, Watson-387, Vics, Vicos, Hydros, Lorris, Fluff, . que peda me eche anoche (I was so drunk last night). e.g. No maaaa exclam Common way of saying No mames, particularly in messaging applications. I have a lot of work.. What do you want to comer?. In this work, sexual slang words were collected from two important texts written by Mexicans: "Antologa del albur" [3], which is a collection of albures from several states of the Mexican Republic of different authors; and "El chilangonario" [4], which is a manual compilation of general slang used by Mexicans. 2. Either economically, or in a situation which one is not apt to handle. Literally, the water doesnt reach the cistern. Encontrar tu media naranja. Gringo Puetero (Yankee Tosser), as referenced in the Molotov hit song Frijolero. Unas de Cal por las de Arenas expression Signifying that in life, misfortune is an inevitable occurrence on the road to success. Lacra noun A delinquent or undisciplined individual. Googling produced mixed results where some said it was a fake word used only in Hollywood, others claimed it just meant friend, and some . Juareo noun A despective term for a native of Ciudad Juarez. Me carga la verga/chingada exclam Expressive of frustration, or bad luck. Duda, no quedarse con expression To go ahead and do something that you are considering. In traditional cantinas, a botana is served with each fresh round of drinks, usually becoming larger with each serving. Literally Its not every day that a donkey dies, given that the work animals are seen as having longevity. Spanglish. The writer, the artist, the dramatist, the cinematog-vii 7_3929_DOSpanSlang_FM 7/19/08 8:54 AM Page viii. Te desayunaste payaso hoy? (Youre in a silly mood). Mexican slang for someone with a tacky, or poor attitude, and is considered less sophisticated than your regular member of society. la Morena esta coqueta y resbalosa expression Impolite and sexually-suggestive way of saying that the road or motorway is wet with rain. El nuevo iPhone esta muy perro.. An individual who has the tight curly hair typical to black people. Equivalent of Whatshisname. The meaning of SPIC is used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a Spanish-American person. Dar Lata verb To make problems, or nag. Colmillo Largo expression Denoting a persons wisdom or experience, often used in the context of business. Monda noun Penis. Literally to skate. Fusca noun A pistol, or firearm. It can be seen here. 24. e.g. Chavo/chava Literally, theres the potato. Ponchar adj To roll a joint, or skin up. Chamba is the Mexican slang word for 'work' or 'job'.. Tengo mucha chamba. La Chona A popular Mexican banda song, with which it is joked that if you want to find Mexicans anywhere in the world, it should be played and they will apear. Luego Luego Immediately, almost immediately or eventually; depending on context. Equivalent of snowflake, or keyboard warrior. a wedding. Me la pelas exclam Rude expression equivalent of Fuck You. e.g. Bohemia noun An evening of drinking, live music and signing with ones cuates the live music most often being supplied by the friend who plays an instrument. Literally we have to plough with these oxen. b) The best, or very successful, person. Taco noun Mexican culinary staple. Bonus fact: Selena sings aguas in the beginning of the . Literally to eat clown. Mexican Slang to Master for Casual Conversations Some of these terms and phrases below are NSFW. Refresco noun The tip paid to an individual for a service rendered. In English, and equivalent expression is to have gotten the taste. A m, pln. Groseria noun. Malaguea, a la expression Something which is done in a deceptive, or cheating, manner. A wank. The green is more common, but the red is far tastier. In context, used to refer to a persons partner. Se lo ech al plato (She fucked him). Zorro noun A member of the Mexican Armed Forces who has no common sense, or does things without thinking them through. Browse ad-free, study offline in iOS, and access our library of handy cheat sheets and phrasebooks from anywhere, anytime. By their means is often said in a sentence what would otherwise take an hour to express. Tepache noun A drink made from fermented pineapple skin. Teporocho noun A common alcoholic, or vagrant. Me vuelves a hacer eso, y te voy a partir la madre (You do that to me again, and Ill beat the shit out of you). Me toca ir al cocherio maana. Me caga exclam It, or someone, irritates me. 10. e.g. Adding some slang to your speech will make you sound like a local but make sure you use slang in the correct context and be sensitive about the foreign culture you find yourself in. No hay moros en la costa expression Literal equivalent of The coast is clear in English. Essentially, we'll recreate the sounds with English words, so that you know how to say each word without having to mimic a native speaker! According to the context in which the word was used, the meaning of the expression was also added. In that they smoke like a chimey. Dar la Garra verb To give something ones all. Ese wey me tiene los huevos llenos (Im sick to the back teeth of that guy). verb To act in an unfair or selfish manner. Hacerle la jarocha verb To tell someone off, or to give someone a bollocking in the British idiom. Cottoreo noun Light-hearted and amusing conversation. The abbreviated nickname of Graciela, is Chela, which therefore applies also to the slang for beer. mi ex-novio se port muy gacho conmigo (My ex-boyfriend treated me very badly). la fiesta estaba desangelada (the party was dead). Chilo adj A Baja-Californian equivalent of Chido. e.g. e.g. Heard pronounced as baggin. Literally Reverend Idiot'. It's not a bad word, but it almost surely comes from a bad word. Tamal noun A typical dish consisting of corn dough mixed (most commonly) with pork lard, and stuffed with various fillings, before being wrapped in a plant leaf (most commonly corn husks, but often in banana leaf), and cooked. El tiene un chingo de dinero (He has a lot of money), Duele un chingo (It hurts a lot). Tragar Camote expression To be unattentive, or distracted. Me Mama exclam A rude expression synonymous with Me Gusta (I like it). The term, meaning wet, stems from the way in which migrants would traditionally cross into the U.S. over the Rio Grande (River Grande) which marks the border between Texas and Mexico. Al Chile expression To get straight to the point. The composite term became a slang word for those likely to drink the beverage. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. Con las manos en la masa expression To be caught red-handed, or in the act of committing a delictive act. We've found 9 Spanish slang dictionaries that will get you familiar with informal Spanish vocabulary and phrases from around the Spanish-speaking world. Named the goats horn due to its curved magazine. A journalist who accepts such money is known as a chayotero. adj Descriptive of the climate, when it is very hot and humid. e.g. Vamos a echar una bohemia (Lets get together for a drink and a sing-song/knees-up). Apachurrado adj Sad, quiet or pensative mood. figeater beetle, June bug (Cotinis mutabilis) (Mexico, slang) active (top) homosexual or bisexual (Chicano, slang, derogatory, ethnic slur) black person This is 100% a Caribbean Spanish slang term. e.g. Equivalent of I beg you pardon?. Chinga su Madre! It can also be used to call someone a "bro", or, in general, refer to a guy. Concede cambio de luces A road sign commonly seen on federal highways asking motorists to be considerate of their headlights when passing oncoming vehicles. Que te den. Chongos noun A dessert known as burned milk'. This slang dictionary seeks to support parents, carers and professionals to better understand the language young people may be using and support them to safeguard young people. e.g. Mestizo noun An individual of both European and Indigenous genetic heritage. A synset is a e.g. Adis = Goodbye. Bajo noun The region of central Mexico, running from Puebla State in the east, and comprising Mexico City and the region up to Zacatecas in the northwest. Pues yo como de chile, mole y pozole. Also el del estribo. noun A problem or issue, often one without a quick or easy solution. A telling off. African American slang is a signicant part of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and an important component of American . Disclaimer: These translations and definitions have been done to the best of my knowledge, and without prejudice or malice. A pain in the ass. Pepenar verb To search through a large array of things for something specific. From the verb Agandallar. The expression stems from building materials, in which both the chemical lime (present in cement) and sand are essential in the mixture. Gorrn noun An individual who is happy to consume, but unwilling to pay their share. Dar Culo verb Of something to make a person nervous or scared. An informal way of referring to a person or friend, in a friendly context, equivalent of dude, or mate. Nunca digas de agua agua no haz de beber expression Equivalent of Never Say Never. No le buscas chichis a las culebras expression Dont go looking for problems that you cant handle. hazme un paro (do me a favour). Equivlanet of asshole or prick. Servidor(a) noun A reference to the first-person, i.e. Aguas! Joven, le encargo la cuenta, y las de la casa, por favor (Waiter, please can we have the check, and the final drinks on the house). A blow-job. Se la pel (They fucked up), adj In the context of the male penis, the act of fellatio. Very common expression meaning that something is excellent excellent, or the best. Most common filling it ham and cheese. e.g. to shoot. Chaquistle noun A small species of mosquito, or midge. Cheve noun A Norteo equivalent of Chela. Tropa del Infierno noun A special forces-style militia, or armed group, pertaining to the Cartel del Noroeste. Nice. B Pequeo noun The letter V. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. The animals heart, lungs and liver. Para quien es pendejo, donde queda, pierde. (For he who is smart, wherever he lands, its green. Torta Ahogada noun A drowned sandwich a dish typical to Guadalajara, in which a torta is put in a bath of the same carnitas consomm which has resulted form the meats preparation. Changarro noun An informal street-level vendor or commercial stand. Ay, que guarro eres (Ugh, youre so vulgar). expression To reveal a truth which will cause problems. Taken from a bust during the time of the porfiriato, during which 41 men were arrested by Mexico City police for attending was reportedly a secret orgy. Luckily, many websites are offering rich collections of . No tener madre adj Descriptive of something or something to be particularly malicious or bad. A man whose wife cheats on him, you see, isn't exactly held in high esteem. Alambre noun A dish in a taqueria in which the taco filling and the tortillas are served separately, allowing the diner to taquear on their own. Generic term generally meaning assent, most commonly used in Mexico City and the surrounding area. noun A statement which is clearly untrue. Que choro nos ech! (What a load of bullshit he came out with! Nochtli noun The Tuna fruit in the Nahuatl language. Mexicans have a great love for this vechile given that it is robust, and almost never fails. An abbreviation of the phrase Verle la cara de pendejo". 1. 2. Jalada noun Male masturbation. The tightly curled hair genetically typical of black people. Te crees muy muy (You think you're something special) No le sube agua al tinaco expression Signfiying that an individual is not very intelligent. Does not apply specifically to a shell. Bocho noun A Volkswagen Beetle car. Not applicable in the context of tipping a waiter. Rezongn noun An individual who will always answer back. For example, a 16-year-old girl might be described as a vieja by a 16-year-old boy, despite the fact that she is still young. 1. exclam No way! Oye y tu amigo el Cacas? (Oh, and what about that horrible friend of yours?). Usually worn over the shoulder, and often called a messenger bag, its a handbag designed for men. However, there are many more varieties to be found around the harvest season of June/August: Reina, Morada, Apastillada, Burrona, Tapona, to name a few. Gorgojo noun A insect pest which damages corn and bean crops. e.g. Weymeans "dude" when talking to friends. Commonly used in the context of Mexicos northern neighbours; i.e. e.g. Que poca madre!, noun The mixed language of Spanish and English, i.e. Fulana/o noun Nondescript way of referring to a known individual. e.g. Te lleva mi carnal, el es de buena onda (my friend will take you, hes a good guy). Desangelado adj For a place to be dead, as in with no one there. Although agua still means water in Mexico and beyond, aguas is a Mexican slang word that means "watch out" or "be careful.". From Valer Madre. Raramuri noun A tribe of indigenous people native to the state of Chihuahua. La quiere peladita y en la boca expression Descriptive of a work-shy individual, who does not want to put in a lot of effort in order to achieve what they set out to do. Se la anda comiendo (Hes been shagging her). Cuira expression Hello in the Raramuri, or Tarahumara language of Chihuahua state. Quiobolas exclam Rude alternative to que hubole, given that it suffixes the word bolas. e.g. Que hueva ir a trabajar (What a pain to have to go to work). e.g. La neta es que me cagas (The truth be told, you are very irritating). Cuerna de Chivo noun An AK-47, or any other similar assault rifle. Spanish Slang Words | Stop talking like you're reading from a Spanish dictionary! ndale exclam 1. exclam Street-style sales abbreviation of barato, meaning cheap, or inexpensive. Pido el menudo, para no quedarme con la duda. (Ill order the tripe, so Ive tried it.). No te pases de verga! (Dont be cheeky!). For example, running a red light in your vehicle, or being cut up in traffic. Que hubole exclam More informal version of Que hubo. 9. Harina noun Flour. Climate, when it is very difficult to get along with act of committing delictive! You want to comer?, mole y pozole see, isn #! Whatsappazo noun a structure with a tacky, or to give something ones all sentence What would otherwise an! 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