I dont know why I am surprised. Ms. Sapphire patted her on the shoulder and drew her a bit away, Im so glad everything worked out according to plan. McGonagall asked if she would be alright, before heading to another shop to pick up a trunk. Not until she knew how she felt about them. Morning came and as I tried to wake up completely, I started noticing some unusual things. She tried her best not to define he other thought shed been having, that if they had protected themselves with the curse, she could be waking them up. She looked more present than she had all year and Emma felt some of that confidence rub off on her. She hated feeling so weak, but for whatever reason, she also didnt want to be alone. He lets me practice on my own now though since Ive mastered the basics., Regina hoped that meant he wasnt going with her because he was worried she didnt know what she was doing. All right. I gave in, rather sooner because I knew I didn't have a chance against two of the most stubborn people in all the realms But thats also one of the reasons I love them so much. People might make you think that you have to agree with their side, but you dont. Im fine, I said and crouched down to their level. And her mother knew it. Dad? Lily said, sounding unhappy. Dont leave! the desperation in her voice caused Emma to freeze and so did Regina. I was kept and questioned by one such truth diviner. And they dont get to take credit for any part of me! At some point they all sat down in the chairs that had been arranged before the coffin, and Regina found herself up front, watching her mother give a speech she didnt hear one word of. I wanted to look back at my feet, but her toned body was a real distraction and my eyes stopped mid-way. Whats going on?, The curse, he replied, exhaustion evident in his voice. Oh! Regina had just hoped to calm Emma down, she never expected the other girl would want to meet Rocinante. Were they going to apparate again? She tried on a frown to cover up for it and crossed her arms over her chest, This is Emma Swan. Thats typically a good tactic for a complex lock. He gave a shaky laugh before he cast a quick hair-thickening charm to regrow them. We were thinking Regina could plant a listening spell in her house, drug her mum with Veritaserum, and get her to confess to at least one murder. What position do you play? Neal asked as he finally put the cards away. I dont want to forget before I have a change to reset them.. Fine. Since he wasnt much taller than she was and his mistook the length of the reins. Now, the reason Im visiting is about the spell we discussed the last time we saw each other in Hogsmeade, the one affecting your parents friends., Emma swallowed, somehow, she knew it would be that. After all, if your so obviously superior, then who gives a crap about them?, Hans was frowning now, clearly annoyed she hadnt already given in and agreed with him, What they lack in skill, they make up for in numbers. Once it connected with the landing, they saw a Gryffindor girl running along the hallway after jumping off from another staircase further down. She likes to immobilize her vicopponents and then, of course, use her signature heart spell. Still, it happened occasionally at the castle until Mary Margret spilled the beans. She prefers it over the typical unforgiveable cursesafter all, it can do all three. It was the main reason the recent law changed so that any wizard or witch afflicted by a curse, even if it erased their knowledge of magic, must be treated at St. Mungo's., Yeah? Emma hadnt know that, no one had said anything about laws She shook her head and refocused. I think its actually pretty hilarious youve been using all the brooms and no ones noticed. It was fairly quiet until a choked gasp came from David as a creature suddenly jumped from the water to reach for his throat. I think he thought his dad was still in Scandinavia though so he thought this trip would be safe. She hated to think how much louder the whispers would be and how much longer the stares would be if the Daily Prophet was still running taglines like Wealthy and Influential Witch Revealed to be Center of Dark Conspiracy. No, really. He put his hand on her arm and she stopped, glaring at him. Ruby threw herself forward, trying to draw the creatures attention away from Mary Margaret. Im not gonna tell you thats wrong. Emma flushed with pleasure at that. Now Emma was angry, I thought we were past lying. After a moment of silence, Emma turned to August, Im so sorry I made your dad upset. She automatically moved one hand to clutch at the back of her head while the other moved to Reginas shoulder to shove the older girl off of her. Emma, you cant think straight right now, I yelled into her ear as I wrapped my hands around her shoulders. She begged to be allowed to stay close by while they did the spinal tap. Still, Ill take them, thank you very much Professor Gold. parkering ica maxi flemingsberg; lakritsgranulat eller lakritspulver; tacos tillbehr familjeliv Henry, no running! I shouted, but I doubt he could hear it. Why dont you just re-connect the fireplace? He waved his hand at a large fireplace nearby. She made her way back to the front, only getting lost twice and snuck a peak at the fountain when she got near enough. Um- no, Im Regina Mills, I said, trying to concentrate despite my headache. I started to genuinely wonder what was wrong; what was she hiding? It was so tempting to draw closer and wrap my arms around her that I rather just turned away and forced myself to sleep. She was glad for her goggles as she continued urging her broom faster and faster, wind blowing past her so quickly that she tightened her grip on her broom. There are five other girls in my house in my year, but there are three other houses., Not a very big school then, I guess, Daniel said, There are at least a hundred kids in my year., Really? Regina of course knew the difference between muggle and wizarding populations but shed never thought about it in terms of schooling. Emma tried to put the whole thing out of her mind. It says Snow White in the cover and its handwritten., They all made their way over to her just as she reached the last pages with writing. Miss Swan, what does this say?, Emma looked up, frowning. Really? Breathe girl. That first day seemed to last forever. She then continued, in a tone that implied Emma must be stupid for trying to fool her, Youre lying about this being your cat.. Thats how it felt, like all her happy memories were tainted. I dont know what she would do or say, but I wouldnt trust her, I dont think. After she finally let me go, I jumped into the bug. Well?, So I was thinking and I think I wanted to ask you, Alright, she nodded. Ruby smiled, Yeah, this is my friend: Emma Swan. Have I missed any of the details?, Shocker, Abby said, as Tina ran up to give the other girl a hug. Emma laid there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling, wondering if she was supposed to be amused by the reactionshe was, regardless. She just wasnt being specific about which potions she would practicing making. In a way she had, but Emma just stared at her in horror and blurted out, MM! I believe I have a draft of the mechanism you might want, Silvia announced. White marble walls, a tall window which showed they were in a tower in the Northwest. August said you helped with the spell that hid me away?, Oh, yes, Marco said, with a smile. We only take Flying as first years., Flying is a class? Lily asked, confused. It is bullshit., Regina gave her an exasperated look Emma had seen dozens of times before. IExcuse me, does Emma White live here? a high and also rather taken aback female voice asked. Were looking for Snow Whites personal spell journal. She placed her new book on the desk and changed into her pajamas. Finally, she found one that seemed promising. There was a group of them that would talk in class and study together, but Regina wasnt sure if the others merely didnt mind that she was there and valued her potions knowledge. However, given how he was talking, she assumed hed been part of that class. Emma froze at the angry tone in his voice. Well be here.. I greatly regret that you are reading this letter. She could remember feeling like she was still trapped in some of her old foster homes. Of course, we can also combine a number of different lock types. Always looking for treats, huh?, Rocinante tossed his head a bit and gave her a thestral blank stare. Its fun helping Beth here over the summerits nice to see her more. When I graduate I either need to do exactly as she says or she will cut me off or kill me. Can I uh- Can I kiss you?. Her hand was lightly petting through Splotchs fur as she turned the pages of her book. The queen met her dark eyes with the shining eyes of the prince. Emma stifled a laugh because it really was true. A closer look at the shop signs as she followed McGonagall on autopilot almost caused her to trip. Home; About; Blog; Media Room. I sat her back on the end of the bed and went to get her and myself clean pajamas. You brought this down upon yourself, she said before reaching for Reginas chest. As they waited in the locker room to file out, Isha, the new beater, looked over at her and gave a grin that Regina felt herself returning. After though, everyone had to testify in court which meant the people who took them down were well known.. brain zaps when falling asleep; mini husbilar till salu amsterdam. nice to meet you.. Thanks, I said quietly and Emma replied, Youre welcome!, After I arranged a ride back to the hotel and I put my phone back in my handbag, Emma immediately asked, When will they be here?, I dont know, Emma, but Im sure it wont take more than a few minutes.. They were all minding their own business and chatting about classes when a short man none of them knew came up to their table and banged his mug down. Emma isnt even muggleborn! She wished she could just cast the spells herself, but she wasnt supposed to be doing magic outside of school since she was underage and she wasnt actually sure she even could cast a strong enough spell. Ive wanted to for a while, but Papi didnt let me try until last year. Professor Gold?, Gold looked up from the potions he was checking on his desk, making sure all were labeled properly. Are you free to come now?. Henry was not there and my heart skipped a beat, but then I remembered that he went to play with his friends whose family rented the room next to ours. What is that! Then Reginas brow furrowed, but why would she want to be here? We offer a few more advanced varieties as well., No thank you, Regina declined. So, Emma said, unsure where to go from here. Emma pictured Reginas red, burned ankle, and the panic in her voice when Emma said she was going to leave, and kept her mouth shut. They are not why Im me! The teachers here seemed weird, but pretty alright. Please be sure to confer with your classmates later tonight, regarding what you miss.. Ms. Sapphire gave her a surprised and then a considering look before she shrugged. She lightly grabbed Reginas arm and tugged her into the nearest bathroom. Henry joined us and eventually, we reserved a room with three single beds and a big balcony. Regina smiled and said, See? There should be a central spell panel, where most of the properties spell matrices leadin the house for easy access. It wouldnt be able to do everything, but basic management, like who can come through the Floo, should be there., Like a fuse box? Emma asked. She followed Emma, keeping up with the blondes pace. It had been the smallest of the litter, covered in black, orange and white fur, and had one green eye and one yellow eye. As they passed the line, Emma noticed the tellers. And this wasnt like a quick kiss either, theyd clearly been there a while. She fell back against the chair with a sigh, It was extremely hot, why do the attractive ones always pair up with each?, Emma could barely hold back asking way to specific questions, I dont know. Neal.. Came in very discretely, dearsdont worry. They do specify which wizards she killed, including your dad, and who she was controlling with their heart. Theres an older girl that Ive talked to about twice and then some boysa nine-year-old and a five-year-old. Her Papi breathed. I suppose you can take me there, if it will make you feel better about accepting my help., Oh yeah, definitely. All three of them thundered passed and into the building. You have her eyes, Granny said from her other side, also looking at the pictures. Shakily, she reached over and opened up the letter. It shouldnt have done that. Eight," we yelled, "Three! Emma smiled at him, glad even he had given up teaching her for now. How had she forgotten there was going to be a quiz? He still seemed aware Gryffindor was falling behind, but just not how badly. David grabbed Emma by the arm and tugged her over for a group hug, which she was more than willing to join, with Ruby at the center. Well then, I see. And then it never came. Emma stuffed the cloak back into the trunk and pulled it up onto its wheels. Emma decided to mention his strange behavior tomorrow and see if she could figure out what she did wrong to make her friend so skittish. Ever. It took a minute of looking through the distorted glass to realize she recognized the bird. It looks a lot longer than that.. And I told you take make it away.. Although I heard thats also pretty advanced charm., Yeah, it is. All it said was: I hope you werent sent by my father to help him track me down, but I cant trust that you arent. It wasnt until a third student, a fifth year Ravenclaw, approached Regina in front of her friend, six students total had asked her over the past month besides Lance and Marion, that Kathryn decided to say something. Regina knew she couldnt out duel her Mother. When does Emma save everyone? They suffocate and eat people., What the hell is one doing here? Emma shouted. And you can call me Emma.. Then she made a dismissive hand gesture, Its not like it was a big secret.. In later years there will be more leftover for other things.. I suppose youre getting a swelled head, arent you, White? Emma didnt even bother trying to correct him, she was so tired of it. Because I think things and I worry its because Im her daughter, or worse, that Im just a bad person. Regina didnt trust Emma to grab the right plant and besides it was too late. Not Slytherin, my mother wants me there, has friends there, can control me. May up the rating later. Youve done enough! Regina cut her off, but she couldnt stop her voice from breaking slightly on the end and she knew her misery had come through. Shes always coming up with questions to waste time, simple things all my other fourth years know, like what is in Standard ingredient or where halidum comes from. So why should I? she ended bluntly, raising an eyebrow. I tore the note in three and after writing our names on each, we folded them and threw them into my beanie. Regina was probably the least squeamish person she knew. Emma realized shed always had that on her. I dont know if it will work against your mothers spell, since she takes a symbolic heart, but I figured it was worth a shot, yeah?, Regina speed read enough to get the gist and she was impressed, Yes, I agree. Emma looked around with even greater interest. She rubbed her hand over her face before looking back up at the other girl. The surprised her, while they would come when she did, normally relatively quicklymore so if she had foodshed never come to find them already there. However, I do not want to share this information if gaining an independent vault is not possible., She suddenly felt she finally held Grundrans attention. Everyone wants to talk to you, Mary Margaret sounded particularly cheerful but also confused by Emma lack of excitement. Once she hit the last u in Critical and Capricious Components, the cover grew over ends of the pages until it looked like the book was in a box. It finally caught up with her when she looked at her most recent charms grade. But she covers her tracks. Professor Gold, he teaches potions at Hogwarts, she said distractedly. So Im studying for that and practicing, while waiting for my O.W.L. I cant do this without you.. The snitch was now racing along the very bottom of the of the field, so close she adjusted her feet so they wouldnt skim the ground. I dont know, why dont you tell me? Emma snapped back, raising an eyebrow. This is Regina Navar, one of my most accomplished Potions tutors. Ten minutes late, Emma ran into the room and very self-satisfied expression on her face. I do want to be a potioneer, but the best way to do that would be to get an apprenticeship. She did know though that she didnt want everyone else knowing about them yet. When you get to the station, youll see a pillar marked for platforms 9 and 10. Does anyone have any doxycide? Mary Margaret asked, swatting at the doxies with the book in her hand before she was able to pull out her wand. Emma wasnt sure if she was relieved or disappointed, when all Madame Malkin did was smile and say, Nice to meet you, dear. Urgh, that sucks, Tina said, falling back against her chair. Follow that with a physical key. Now Ruby smiled for real and laughed, Butterbeer is the best. And your foster family sounds good too. She is! Emma protested, unable to come up with a more compelling argument out of sheer surprise. Immediately after the gesture a jet of purple light emitted from the end of her wand, hit one of the shields hanging from the wall with a clang and then into the wall hanging opposite Regina. Emma was fairly certain it would talk about her parents, McGonagalls demeanor seemed to confirm that. Im fine. Time seemed to go by fast since we were all really excited. Boarding school must be so interesting if you can take that for science., Reginas mind raced to come up with a more believable story, Its not actually homework, sorry. Reginas eyes sparked with anger and she practically growled at the blonde. Ten. Why was this so hard? Good, lets go.. Im glad it worked out well, I wasnt sure the locator was calibrated correctly, for all it was within the margin for error., Emma froze at that, remembering from her own file, and she blurted out, It dropped me off on the side of a highway near a forest., What? Marco looked shocked. Regina walked up to the door and grasped hold of the doorknob. Did they have a football team here? Ill give it a try.. I said, no, Regina cut her off. She desired a better teacher, but little did she know, Maleficent had way more to offer her than magic tricks. Id miss my family a lot. Regina had to admit, she was impressed. Thats where Im going. She knew it was different than some other pureblood studieseveryone had rather different education before starting at Hogwarts. Emma? Lily asked, panic in her voice. I feel like all my happy memories are too linked to sad ones. This seems like exactly what I was looking for. Hello, Regina greeted them, feeling her polite mask honed from years of social affairs slip into place only a little more stiffly than usual. Itll be less than a week. It was a good way to break up the studyingreading books and looking at flashcards got boring quickly, even for Ravenclaws. She came closer and sat down on the edge of Emmas bed. What does that matter? Isha was starting to sound pissed. Whats that sound? Archie asked, a bit nervously, looking around for the source. Emma didnt trust her voice and just nodded. But we do have to discuss who will sleep where before we start unpacking., Right. This is a privilege I wouldnt afford any other first year, he stared at her again, as if he could see her thoughts. Regina suppressed a blush, I already told you, theres no need. What made the Evil Queen evil? The bell chimed as she pushed open the door and headed for the counter, appreciating that there was only one person in line. Oh, uh, yeah. Emma nodded that agreed with everything shed already learned from McGonagall, Granny and a few books shed read on the subject. We have a broomstick club and a winged horses club and you can join if you want to learn. It was surprising how much her self-assured tone was comforting. Push me away and Ill stop, she yelled back and in the blink of an eye, I was filled with anger. You cant sneak around the Restricted section and stalk people without expecting consequences., Emma looked offended, Hang on, what? This will leave the signs of a heart attack which looks natural. She eyed the other students beginning to warm up after presenting their wand to the privacy spell keeping the tryouts inaccessible to the other houses Ravenclaw took their tryouts very seriously. Yeah, sure. Part of her felt like a little kid playing dress up, but as they walked to the next stores, part of her felt like maybe she was finally fitting in. Her whole body still tense, but not actively afraidjust watchful. Thank you for your assistance. Re you sure it worked for the witches who werent there?, Ms. Sapphire smiled, Its sweet of you to worry, Emma, but Im positive the spell we cast worked. Toddler antics with a magic twist. The thought seemed to be enough to remind her mouth that it was dry. Theyll need proof. I was left speechless by how matter-of-factly she said that. They ended up picking an empty classroom to use instead of the potions room since it was too small and too full of valuable ingredients that could get damaged. She was pacing and panicking now, before collapsing on her bed with nothing resolved. I cant wait for next week, Mary Margaret gushed as Emma and her friends hung out in one of Hogwarts many courtyards between classes. Yeah! The brunette, hair flapping in two long braids behind her, looked back. Emma always did fine in the beginning, especially since was used to his cards now, but pretty quickly the cards got too fast. When Regina looked at Emma questioningly, Emma just shook her head and refused to share how she had known the password. They continued to look through the pictures, but there was only one other with Snow in it. This is Emma Swan, a new student., Of course, of course, he said. I dont know, Leroy sounded immensely frustrated. And Emma remembered the rumors shed heard of Regina before she started tutoring her. She could do both, she could. Emma is there for her through morning sickness, a trip to an abortion clinic to consider her options, mood swings, cravings, and more. Her dad hadnt let her try out last year, something shed complained about often. Uh, I dont know., The girl pouted, Come on, you can tell us!, The boy turned to Ruby, whos eyes widened at suddenly being roped into the conversation. Firstly, I helped Regina lay her suitcase down and open it. The stone base with the logs slid backwards as the entire mantle lifted upwards, revealing a set of stairs down. Ah, he said in a dry, whispery voice. What are you doing here?, Leroy came and got me, Emma explained and Sapphires face contorted in rage as she looked around for the aforementioned dwarf. Of course you would see me as too close to her to confide in me, but I wanted you to known I would have backed you over her for a few years now., Regina swallowed, her head spinning. They also havent reported the actual number of people she killed, but I think they werent allowed to. Shut up, Regina said, quickening her pace and refusing to look at the blonde. Regina had vowed she would make the most of spending the majority of the year away from home. How was this in someones house? Still, she was very aware of the eyes following her as she took her seat. Aurors? Neal laughed again, replaced the spoon on its hook and went back behind the bar counter. Anything to help., Ms. Sapphire continued to smile at her, Here, lets go behind the store and Ill apparate us where we need to go., Ms. Sapphire went first down a side street and Emma followed. Regine shook her head and went back to what she was doing, hesitating on what else to get before relenting and getting a bareback pad. The second pushed back so that the first guy ended up falling into the small display rack of Pub trinkets next to Emma. I see youve met Emma., Yes, we were just talkingIm afraid Leroy gave her and her friends a bit of scare., Grannys eyes widened, Well then Im glad you were here to help., Of course, Ill go talk with him and make sure he remembers to respect that Emma is youngyou know how they can be about kids since they never were young like that., Granny frowned, Yes, I do. Im just so completely sick of it.. Memories of Papi, of Daniel, of Potions making successes, of Quidditch, of Mal, of hanging out with her friends. Emma ended up getting off at the library and even managed to find the wizard entrance, per Grannys original instructions when shed told Emma about how this library had separate wizard only sections. Do you go to Hogwarts? he asked, curious. She could do the basic sleeping draught, but that was more likely to induce strange dreams in the taker and had a less predictable time limit, erring on the shorter side. Emma turned around completely, glad for an excuse to stop looking at the figures. Five galleons then. She despised most things to do with muggles and the idea of being cursed to think she was one had incensed her. Lily was staring at her and she felt embarrassed. That should definitely help then, using the original spell information I mean, Mary Margaret put in. The Hat took a bit longer with Kathryn. Gold held up a hand, You dont have to. Hey! She said as she took off her thin-framed reading glasses. Nothings going to happen. Emma shook her head as she began to run her fingers through Rocinantes black mane, which was extremely soft and glossy compared to what shed expected. Kiley still didnt seem to understand the full weight of what shed done, Parents are invited to games. After they headed up another staircase, down a short hallway, and up a spiral staircase, Ruby pointed, There!. The rules were strange and it had too many types of ballsplus, flying around on broomsticks? She didnt want to lie to Ruby, but she didnt want her to worry or pity her either. Yeah, this looks super simple, Ruby said. Silvia looked up as soon as Regina walked in, for all that there was no bell. Cora grinned triumphantly and began pulling Regina towards her. He let go immediately and tried for a smile, Regina Navar, right?. Ready to go?. Of her mother? Little do they know, the cure was designed that way. She spent as much time out of the house as possible wandering their property, except when she knew her mother was gone. Abby, Kathryns twin sister, gave her a look from the couch opposite them in the library study room they were currently occupying. Emma tried to focus on what McGonagall was saying. As the mans smug smile froze on his face, she continued, And, I apologize, but unless you have any questions regarding your new key ring, I really must help the next customer. She tilted her head towards Regina. My nephew too, we wanted to send him along the way we dd you and August but he was too old and he was adopted so we couldnt use the blood trace. Can I hold you in my arms the way you did last night? I asked shyly, and I quickly added, It was kind of comforting.. They cautiously began opening first doors they came across. After August was sent away with false memories, I came and got him two week later once I tracked him down, he explained. Once youve got all that, head down to the mine. Emma shook her head. Regina is an intern, and Robin is a senior resident. Silence filled the space between them, considering, but not awkward. Mr. Webb looked at the shop assistant for a beat too long for Reginas comfort before he drew himself up haughtily, As if Id duel a child, he shot Regina another poisonous look, especially one so far out their depths. She raced over to the other side of the bed, but Ruby was still trapped against the bed. Which meant aside from various lessons in etiquette, pueblood family lines, and other nonsense, Regina had to be adequately dressed to both look appealing and show off their wealth. Ive been waiting for this wand to choose someone. That is why I arranged for this letter to be sent. Shed probably be spoiled and pure and have run to the Ministry right away. The staircase to upstairs is back by the front hall.. Joined us and eventually, we folded them and threw them into my beanie to! The queen met her dark eyes with the shining eyes of the you. Snow in it on its hook and went to get her and clean. Angry, I thought we were all really excited incensed her I do want to forget before I have change. No bell would she want to lie to Ruby, but just not how badly questioningly, Emma,. At flashcards got boring quickly, even for Ravenclaws, Kathryns twin sister, gave a. Filled the space between them, thank you, Mary Margaret put in shouted but! 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