Consequently, many wildlife management agencies developed strategies to restore or enhance otter populations, including the use of reintroduction projects. Habitat They live in still or slow moving fresh water rivers, lakes and creeks. [16], North American river otters can live 2125 years in captivity,[23][16] or 813 years in the wild. Otters are what we call an indicator species. This means that if there is evidence of otters living in a body of water then that body of water is likely very healthy and clean. Any use of trade, product, website, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. (2003) suggested that in 1998, as a result of wetland conservation and restoration efforts, river otters had expanded and inhabited approximately 90% of their former range. 2003). Given the large extent of the species' range, we were limited to county-level inference. The Cahaba River is one of the most biodiverse waterways on Earth. This continued numeric and geographic expansion was fostered by conservation management programs by state and federal agencies, natural dispersal and expansion of existing populations into increasingly suitable habitats, and reintroduction efforts by state wildlife agencies and conservation partnerships (Raesly 2001). North American river otters have long whiskers, which they use to detect prey in dark or cloudy water, and clawed feet for grasping onto slippery prey. Responses for population trends included increasing, stable, or decreasing (although we did not specify the timeframe). River otter status, management, and distribution in the United States: evidence of large-scale population increase and range expansion. Male North American river otters do not seem to be territorial, and newly dispersing males may join established male groups. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to, Submit to Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management: Online Early, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management: Current and Available Issues, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management: Cover Gallery,, The North American river otters may leave the den by eight weeks and are capable of sustaining themselves upon the arrival of fall, but they usually stay with their families, which sometimes include the father, until the following spring. Their legs are short with webbed feet and claws. Similarly, many perceived threats to North American river otters, such as pollution and habitat alterations, have not been rigorously evaluated. [42][43], In early spring, expectant mothers begin to look for a den where they can give birth. (c) Smithsonian Institution, some rights reserved (CC BY). (2003), we estimated that during 1998, river otters occupied approximately 6,736,558 km2nearly 65% of the land area of the contiguous United Statesand that the potential river otter range was 7,485,065 km2. In the wild, these otters eat a variety of fish, crayfish, frogs and aquatic invertebrates along with an occasional bird or rodent. If frightened or alarmed, otters can run at speeds up to 18 miles per hour. Other major food items are crayfish, frogs, snakes, turtles, insects, freshwater mussels, earthworms, and other small animals including birds. [32][36] Slow-moving species include suckers (Catostomidae), catfish, sunfish and bass (Centrarchidae), daces, carp, and shiners (Cyprinidae). Novak, Mila, James A. Baker, Martyn E. Obbard and Bruce Malloch, editors. River otter dens are along the water in abandoned burrows or empty hollows. Although the distribution became reduced in some regions of southern Canada, the only province-wide extinction occurred on Prince Edward Island. Although populations may continue to increase numerically, river otters may be approaching their potential geographic distribution in the United States. Subject: River Otter Status, Management, and Distribution in the United States: Evidence of Large-Scale Population Increase and Range Expansion, (Optional message may have a maximum of 1000 characters.). An otters home range may be as small as five miles to as large as 40 miles. The river otter Lontra canadensis is an elusive species that can serve an important role in aquatic ecosystems as a top predator of fish and crayfish. Current status of populations unknown. North American river otters also inhabit the forested regions of the Pacific coast in North America. Females are roughly one-third the size of males. The river otter is protected and insulated by a thick, water-repellent coat of fur. By the early 1900s, North American river otter populations had declined throughout large portions of their historic range in North America. The North American river otter is found throughout North America, inhabiting inland waterways and coastal areas in Canada, the Pacific Northwest, the Atlantic states, and the Gulf of Mexico. Found at DOI: (599 KB PDF). About 13 different species exist around the world, but only two types - the River Otters and the Sea Otters live in the USA. All Canadian provinces except Prince Edward Island and 29 U.S. states have viable populations that sustain annual harvests. River otters were reported to be ubiquitous throughout Alaska south of the Brooks Range (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, personal communication). Steele Creek Recreational Center, Satsuma, AL. The river otter was included as an Appendix II species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora in 1977 as a result of concern that endangered otter species, such as Pteronura brasiliensis, could be misidentified as river otter because of a similar superficial appearance, which could lead to unintentional trade of endangered species; however, it is important to note that the river otter itself has never been considered a globally threatened or endangered species (Greenwalt 1977). As populations have expanded, river otter reintroduction efforts have become less frequent; two additional states had conducted reintroductions since 1998 and only one state had conducted a reintroduction since 2010. Chasing is also a common game. Most states used multiple methods to monitor river otter populations including harvest-based surveys, presenceabsence surveys, and empirically derived population model predictions; harvest-based surveys were the most commonly used monitoring approach. [45] In 2010, the Colorado Department of Wildlife reported the species, reintroduced in the 1980s, was "thriving" and recommended its protection status be reconsidered. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10 June 2020; 11 (1): 279286. LIFE HISTORY AND ECOLOGY: [32][50] Susceptibility of these species is greatest during the summer (when waterfowl broods are vulnerable) and autumn. For many years otters have been hunted for their fur. [22], Its whiskers (vibrissae) are long and thick, enhancing their senses. Females are approximately one-third smaller than males. They have been virtually eliminated through many parts of their range, especially around heavily populated areas in the midwestern and eastern United States. Within states that harvested otters, regulations concerning river otter harvest seasons were reviewed and adjusted regularly. [1], Lontra canadensis is listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Likewise, the potential predatory impact of otters may be considerable whenever fish are physically confined (most commonly in smaller ponds offering sparse cover or other escape options). [10] The North American river otter was first classified in the genus Lutra. [16] Each otter pup weighs approximately five ounces. Although methodologies and sampling scales differed from the approach used in our assessment, comparisons of land areas occupied during each period provided a coarse-scale basis for estimates of population expansion or retraction during an 18-y period. It can tolerate a great range of temperature and elevations. Our survey indicated that <50% of the river otter reintroductions implemented in the United States were in areas where otters had been extirpated. They use their sensitive whiskers which help them locate prey and catch their prey with their mouth, using their paws to hold on to the prey if needed. River Otters are good swimmers and divers, able to stay underwater for up to eight minutes. Water quality and development inhibit recovery of populations in some areas. Found at DOI: (38 KB XLSX). Herein we provide an updated account, as of 2016, of river otter population status and distribution in the United States and discuss conservation priorities. kodiak river otter. When the mothers have established their domains, they give birth to several kits. Their playful snow and mud sliding, tail chasing, water play, and snow burrowing activities also serve other purposesthey help strengthen social bonds and let young otters practice hunting techniques. DISTRIBUTION: The species is also present throughout Alaska, including the Aleutian Islands, and the north slope of the Brooks Range. [12], Molecular biological techniques have been used to determine when the river otter and the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) of South America diverged. The otters migrated to North America and southwards again across the Panamanian Land Bridge, which formed 3Mya. River otters generally live alone or in small social groups. In many places, the populations have re-established themselves because of conservation initiatives. River otters in Yellowstone Lake depend on a declining . The North American river otters are carnivores, they eat mainly aquatic animals such as amphibians, turtles, fish, crayfish, crabs, and other species of invertebrates. Field Guide to Mammals, North America. For example, a study conducted in a central California marshland indicated crayfish formed nearly 100% of the river otter's diet at certain times of the year. The remaining states indicated that they reintroduced river otters to expand populations in their state beyond their current range, including three states that indicated that reintroductions were also used to reestablish extirpated populations and seven states that used reintroductions to bolster populations where they already existed (Table 1). The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), also known as the northern river otter and river otter, is a semiaquatic mammal that only lives on the North American continent, along its waterways and coasts. 132 River Otters Playing Premium High Res Photos Browse 132 river otters playing stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. [26][34][36][50] Otters consume more aquatic insects in the summer as the populations increase and specific life stages heighten their susceptibility. They can stay underwater for as many as eight minutes. Only four statesNevada, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wyomingdid not report any monitoring efforts. River otters are rambunctious, aquatic, streamlined mammals that spend much of their time in the water. Because they are almost always very close to a body of water, if they hear a human they can jump into the water quickly and make a fast getaway. This expansion was facilitated by restoration programs as well as natural dispersal and expansion of established populations. When estimating occupied range area or river otters, we only summed the area of the counties with known presence and excluded those counties that are listed as unknown (Table S1, Supplemental Material). Their ears are small and almost inconspicuous. Although is unlikely that river otters inhabit the entire county, we believe this to be a sufficient and consistent with other species assessments. 2003). 2003). They can thrive in any water habitat, such as ponds, marshes, lakes, rivers, and estuariesin cold, warm, or even high-elevation areasas long as the habitat provides adequate food. Twentyseven states, including Alabama, have trapping seasons, and four states and two provinces Scientific studies have shown them to be sensitive to pollution. River otter Lontra canadensis population and regulatory status, population monitoring methods used, intent and outcome of reintroduction efforts, and frequency of harvest regulation reviews in 49 states (Hawaii excluded) within the United States in 2016. Queries should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. Other species of otters live on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Young pups are born helpless, and remain in the . (c) Susan Adams, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA). North Americanriver otters are typically social animals except during spring when the female drives the male away to give birth. In Alabama, the Tombigbee River flows from the Fall Line Hill region of west Alabama to the lower Coastal Plain. Table S1. This thereby increases the amount of desirable species, yielding a higher profit for fisherman. The otter can close its ears and nostrils when diving. Take the Clean Earth Challenge and help make the planet a happier, healthier place. The river otter is protected and insulated by a thick, water-repellent coat of fur. However, improvements in water quality (through enactment of clean water regulations) and furbearer management techniques have permitted river otters to regain portions of their range in many areas. It is also possible that we underestimated the geographic extent of the range given that presence is unknown in some counties, particularly in arid regions, and these areas were excluded from our estimate. We contacted wildlife management agencies from all states in the contiguous United States during 2016 via email (Figure S1, Supplemental Material), and Alaska via phone, targeting agency personnel that were responsible for river otter management. Otters are known for their playful nature, even as adults. [2], North American river otters, like most predators, prey upon the most readily accessible species. It establishes a burrow close to the water's edge in river, lake, swamp, coastal shoreline, tidal flat, or estuary ecosystems. The vulnerability and seasonal availability of prey animals mainly governs its food habits and prey choices. [20] Moreover, a western Oregon study revealed fish remains were present in 80% of the 103 digestive tracts examined. [28], Aquatic invertebrates have been recognized as an integral part of the North American river otter's diet. [19] An average adult male weighs about 11.3 kilograms (25lb) against the female's average of 8.3 kilograms (18lb). River otters were legally harvested in 40 states, while closed harvest seasons existed in 9 states; Arizona, California, Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming (Table 1). [30][38] North American river otters do not generally handle prey of a large size relative to themselves but there are occasions where they've been observed ambushing and killing adult common snapping turtles while the large turtles (which are roughly equal in average body weight to a North American river otter) are hibernating. The overall impacts, or extent, of genetic infusion from distant populations that were sourced for these reintroduction efforts are unknown, but our results suggest that range expansion has occurred nevertheless. Trapping, loss or degradation of aquatic habitats through filling of wetlands, and development of coal, oil, gas, tanning, timber, and other industries, resulted in local extinctions or population declines in North American river otter populations in many areas. Reintroduction projects have been particularly valuable in restoring populations in many areas of the United States. Researchers also rely on game cams that they set up to catch pictures and videos of otters in the night. Sea otters have the amazing capacity of being able to eat up to 25% of their body weight in food . Weight: 11-30 lbs. [26] Additional premolars may be present. CREATIVE. Adults generally give birth to between one and three pups, which are blind and helpless when born. [46] In late 2012, a river otter nicknamed Sutro Sam took up residence around the former site of the Sutro Baths in San Francisco, the first river otter sighting in that city in more than half a century. River otter Lontra canadensis populations in the United States have expanded during the past 50 y as a result of improvements in habitat quality and effective management programs implemented by state and federal agencies and native tribes. Diet Acid drainage from coal mines is a persistent water quality issue in some areas, as it eliminates otter prey. Two states (Connecticut and Tennessee) reported that regulations are reviewed every 4 to 5 years. South Carolina and Texas reported that harvest regulations are never reviewed. The species is widely distributed throughout its range. They once lived in streams, rivers, lakes, swamps, and coastal areas throughout Canada and the United States. [50] Fish species frequently found in the diets of the North American river otters include: Catostomidae, which consists of suckers (Catostomus spp.) T. Peltier, N. Forman, and W. Dodge also assisted with several aspects of this effort.We would also like to thank the Associate Editor and anonymous reviewers for constructive and value suggestions and comments that improved the quality of this manuscript. Citation: Roberts NM, Lovallo MJ, Crimmins SM. Chilelli et al. Life expectancy is less than 10 years in the wild. River otter reintroductions were widespread during the late 20th century (Raesly 2001). Harvest regulations are reviewed frequently by most states that allow harvest (Table 1). If you are one of the States reported a variety of methods that were used to monitor river otter populations. Otters are extremely intelligent, playful, agile, graceful, fast swimmers. This dilemma prevents, and consequently inhibits, recolonization or growth of North American river otter populations. Life on Land On. Physical Description They have very streamlined bodies, with a well-muscled tail; both aid in swimming. They prey most often on slower fish, such as catfish, carp and sculpins. Please note: The Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supplemental material. ", "North American River Otter National Wildlife Federation", "Basic Facts About North American River Otters", "Distribution and abundance of river otter in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota", "Food habits of the river otter in Suisun Marsh, Central California", "Feeding relationships of river otters in northeastern Pennsylvania", Food habits of the North American river otter (, "Social Networks and the Formation and Maintenance of River Otter Groups", "Art Lander's Outdoors: Once endangered river otters now likely to be found in Kentucky for generations", Colorado Otters May No Longer Need Protection, How river otters are making a comeback on P.E.I. 22 ], in early spring, expectant mothers begin to look for den. 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