Later, I saw his golden foot-prints on a path in the giant forest shinning like magic sunlight. Dee was a statesman who accomplished the negotiation for the wedding, but was later discredited through his association with the channel Eduard Kelly who was the clairvoyant used to read the angelic language of Enoch that Dee used for crystal scrying. A-20 (TCH) Route 132. After Keith would enter his closet and close the curtain, each person in the room would walk up, one at a time, to stand in front of the closet. He formed secret societies and was a leading figure in the . Alice A. Bailey stated that "sometime after AD 2025," the Jesus, the Master Rakczi (Saint Germain), Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would "externalise", i.e., descend from the spiritual worlds, and interact in visible tangible bodies on the Earth in ashrams, surrounded by their disciples.[13]. There are several "authoritative" biographers on St. Germain who usually do not agree with one another. Area code (s) 418 and 581. However, many believe that was the only the first of his many incarnations, including that of Ascended Master.. This is due to the gravity of our times and the high-stakes waged in the battle for the human soul and spirit. I weighed the eternal, it called my soul. Saint Germain's spiritual title is said to be Lord of Civilization, and his task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. Permission for Them to be explained to students as given forth in these Discourses has been granted to us by these Great Ones. Such Instruction as is herein contained has never been given to students until after a three year probation in the Retreats. A compilation of Saint Germain's lessons are composed within The I Am Discourses of Saint Germain. The study of St. Germain and his teachings can lead the initiate into magical places in the great forest of consciousness where he can Know Thyself and, eventually, Know Her. and which is pressing heavily upon the outer experience of individuals today. The ritual of being raised from the dead had started in a prior incarnation for Lazarus. Others tracked his birthplace to the Italian village of San Germano, which explains the name he was most commonly known as Count Saint Germain. Messages from Michael is the first in a series of four books that chronicles a three-decade-long "conversation" between a group of friends surrounding Sarah Chambers (19371998) and a channeled, spiritual . I do believe that the Masters of Wisdom and the Harmony of Feelings and Sensations (as Steiner calls them) are certainly real and do incarnate in human bodies. Listed on 2023-03-01. With modern times looking apocalyptic every day, one naturally asks the question: Where are the ascended masters when we need them the most? Placed against a grain of wheat, under the humid pollen; The one plant and the other vine-stock, are the bread and wine. Did Sources of Shakespeare Come from St. Germain? Finally on 1 May 1684 he is believed to have attained (by his knowledge of alchemy) his physical Ascension (attaining immortality and eternal youth the sixth level of Initiation), at which time Francis Bacon adopted the name "Saint Germain". Before leaving, I talked with her at length about starting a Waldorf school for her followers who moved with her to Montana to prepare for the end-times. Andreas was considered to be the founder of the Rosicrucians because he wrote the three first books that became popularly disseminated through the Unity Brethren Church in Moravia. Theyare the signal to all the Forces of Light, when you utter those Words, to come into action at your point in the Universe. She pulled down secret lessons that stacked up two feet high. Elizabeth produced a tremendous amount of channeled material from all of the masters. Yes, says Saint Germain, an Ascended Master channeled by a gentle and amazing mystic named Lori Toye. I only know of one poem that he wrote and I will leave you with that. After Lazarus was raised, he was called John the beloved, the one the Lord loved.. When he predicted eventswith eerie accuracy, including a detailed foretelling of the French Revolution, the queen reportedly responded, only royalty will be left. Saint Germain replied, Not even royalty. stated that Saint Germain was one of her Masters of Wisdom and that she was in possession of several secret documents written by him. [1][2][3] In the Ascended Master Teachings (but not in traditional Theosophy), the Master R, or the Master Rkczi, is a separate and distinct being from St. Germain. Their influence spans generations; their impact resonates long past their physical lifetime. protect and free all individuals who make conscious effort to correct themselves Each crystal had a story, and she loved telling me how much she paid for each and the circumstances that manifested it. After his final lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon, the ascended master Saint Germain physically appeared throughout the courts of Europe as le Comte de Saint Germain. In their youth, they were seemingly connected to spiritual sources, and then they drifted towards a fall from spiritual source into materialism, a fall, however, that was necessary for the development of the consciousness soul of humanity. Ellen became confused about the two St. Germain teachings and began to question the whole issue of channeling St. Germain, which both teachings claimed to do, yet taught in diametrically opposed ways. Excruciating suffering but also the promise of immense joy. His eyes were like sun-filled blue skies that were deeper than all space. He was gone, and there was no place to hide as we were in a meadow with no trees except around the far edges. LAW OF LIFE & TEACHINGS BY DIVINE BEINGS. Other masters, male and female, also incarnate and work either in the East, the Center, or the West. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.[9]. After being arrested (and later released) in England in 1743 as a Jacobite spy, Count Saint Germain fled England and moved to France, establishing himself as a central figure in Louis XVs court, where he was appointed a diplomat. The creation of a possibly fictional character named ", This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 08:52. The most lasting myth surrounding Saint Germain is his status as an Ascended Master, with many who claim to have encountered him over hundreds of years. this time, and assistance from the Ascended Masters come forth in this way to can make us feel as if our world of familiarity and comfort is crumbling away beneath us, leaving us with a sense of emptiness and shaken emotional instability. This is a place where we can transcend time and space and help any spiritual seeker, whenever he or she arrives, to ascend. Technicien qualit. He believed himself to be the rightful heir to the throne of England and this claim was found in the coded words of the documents he printed. Lisa Trank began writing after many years as a performing artist an actress and singer and is happy to bring those years of crafting characters and storytelling into her writing life. Meditations are given to help expand I agreed, at the least, to study every book she had in her library, and then to make a decision whether I would or would not carry on the St. Germain teachings that she felt so passionately about preserving. His Visible, Tangible Presence also stood within the room, when He radiated the Welcome toGermain Hotels. Well-traveled among the aristocracy, Saint Germain, with his quick wit and intelligence, wielded. He is often pictured as the well-known alchemist known during the reign of Louis XV, King of France ( 1710-1774). When Keith was in jail, he read Mark Prophets books and adopted much of that spiritual path. Ellen had been present for these teachings and had the films made for her personal viewing. Theosophical books like, The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird T. Spalding told tales of physically encountering these masters and witnessing miraculous things. 17101784), who has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist, and amateur composer. . Hotel. Ellen was unimaginable wealthy. However, after a political dispute involving relations between Austria and France, Comte de Saint Germain fled to Russia where it is said he played an important, albeit behind-the-scenes role in the 1762 Russian revolution. The alchemy is the all-chemistry of God, [], Saint Germain on Alchemy Lecture, Part 2 by Elizabeth Clare Prophet This video clip is a preview of the 2-DVD Set,Saint Germain on Alchemyby Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Then with the weight of praise and of blame. He says that the aspirant might feel a tap on the shoulder and hear inviting words that ask one to come to the threshold and prepare for spiritual ascent. than human help if they are to survive over the present period of chaos which is This small yet highly charged book brings ancient teachings of the Far East into the I AM Teachings that were given by the ascended master Saint Germain to Godfre Ray King in the 1930s. Spiritual channeling was becoming the fad at that time after a long history of Spiritism in America. The Chart of the Mighty I AM Presence is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each ones own Individualized Presence of God. sincerely seek the Light and want the constructive way of Life must have more Francis Bacon has been called the greatest mind the West ever produced and is known as the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method. are as enigmatic as the life he lived. But aside from Saint Germains political impact across Europe, his stature in the mystical and spiritual world is where his lasting influence was most felt. Some write that his name St. Germain was invented by him as a French version of the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning "Holy Brother". Why the discussion of St. Germain in our day is relevant is that these are the times where humanity begins its ascent into a higher level of consciousness, one that anthroposophists call Spirit Self and what neoanthroposophy also call Our Spirit.. See our. We often overlook the importance of the little, comforting things we can do to help nurture ourselves through hard times. He set up the Aquarian Foundation to support his work, and Ellen was one of his earliest supportersboth financially and spiritually. Losses and pivotal life changes can make us feel as if our world of familiarity and comfort is crumbling away beneath us, leaving us with a sense of emptiness and shaken emotional instability. She founded the, in 1958 with her husband Mark L. Prophet, as well as the, There are many who view Count Saint Germain as . 2 hours 52 minutes, $19.95, #DVG10009. Postal code (s) G0L 3G0. Catholic Charities celebrates the memory of St. Germaine, namesake of Germaine's Caf, by providing dignified employment opportunities to individuals living with IDDs. We are happy to learn of your interest in the original Teachings of Beloved Saint Germain and the Great Ascended Masters through this "I AM" Activity of the Saint Germain Foundation. Saint Germain has lived many lives including Prophet Samuel of the Old Testament, Sir Francis Bacon, Saint Joseph, A High Priest of Atlantis, Christopher Columbus, and Merlin to name only a few. Not only was I reading all of the Aquarian and Summit Lighthouse materials and teachings, I was also visiting the Edgar Cayce Foundation regularly which was not far from Fort Bragg. contact it so powerfully upon each individuals own Divinity, that the full A wealthy benefactor interested in having a direct connection to St. Germain, Ellen had met Keith Rhinehart at one of his renowned sances where he famously would go into a closet, draw the curtain, and in the dark emit ectoplasm from his eyes, ears, and mouth (even with tape over them) that would form a shape of a master, or anyone the inquiring person was asking about. We oversee and minister to the "I AM" Activity community in America and throughout the world. She taught many of her students to channel these same masters. In New Age beliefs, Saint Germain is associated with the color violet, the jewel amethyst, and the Maltese cross rendered in violet (usually the iron cross style cross patee version). "I AM" COME! Set your course by the stars, by the light of your Presence, by the compassion of the Christ, by the sinless state that holds to the proclamation of God that life is good and beautiful. Throughout history, there have been those who discovered what lies beyond this "undiscovered country." They are the great saints, sages, and masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Padmasambhava, Lao Tzu, and Saint Germain, who not only attained liberation, but who often remained on earth to help others. There is also a facility in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Denver, Colorado.. Be Connected. bars down, so to speak, and have released this Inner Understanding of the Mighty I AM Presence into the outer Life of mankind, that all who want the Light and will make conscious effort to attain their own Freedom and Mastery may have the Assistance which will give them the Eternal Victory. Elizabeth Clare Prophet did the same with her St. Germain teachings that she channeled. St. Germain and the Master Jesus travel between the other masters, coordinating their activities. St. Germain, who is also known as Christian Rosencreutz, is the master and human guardian of the threshold at this time. Mysteries of Shambhala Reveal Etheric Christ, Mystery of the Two Jesus Children Revealed, The Great Avatar Manu Noah of Atlantis Father of Culture, St. Germain Explains Artificial Intelligence and the Internet. When he returned to the Aquarian Foundation after his release, Keith used his closet practice to channel St. Germain and the masters. Those report visitations include theosophists such as. Dee went to Europe to make the arrangements for England and Europe to unite through the marriage that would spark a Reformation that would break away from the power of the Papacy. In our time, both St. Germain and the Master Jesus are incarnated along with most of the masters who comprise the Mother Lodge. Comenius was the archetypal Rosicrucian fallen into materialism. Count Saint Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rkczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in various Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings, said to be responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of Aquarius and identified with the Count Saint Germain (fl. Job specializations: Quality Control. All were geniuses who led us into the next phase of human development materialistic science devoid of spirit. Believed to have been born in 1710, many claims he was of Portuguese descent, perhaps from a Jewish family. Blavatsky herself told of meeting her master in England and Tibet. His recorded death is between 1781 and 1784, years before the French Revolution unfolded. She gave me films and recordings, and we watched amazing videos of Keith in his closet manifesting as St. Germain and the masters. I AM a being of violet fire, In his youth, Keith was an amazing clairvoyant, and in the late sixtys he began to channel St. Germain, a practice that he did until his death in 1999. Leadbeater, and Edgar Cayce. Both Keith and Elizabeth continued to channel more and more and became even more flamboyant with their claims that they could become any master in a moment. Several Theosophists and practitioners of alternate esoteric traditions have claimed to have met Saint Germain in the late 19th or early 20th centuries: Many groups honor Saint Germain as a supernatural being called a Master of the Ancient Wisdom or an Ascended master. Vibration: Violet, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Teal St. Germain - May 15, 1954 In consideration of the question of who wrote the writings penned by William Shakespeare, I, like so many others, have my own theory and only have circumstantial evidence to support it. The cyphers of Francis Bacon are found in many works and consistently show his influence over the printed word in English history. Eventually Dee was snubbed and ejected from Rudolfs court. VIEW MORE > The Violet Consuming Flame I was shocked and turned to the mystery man who had disappeared as quietly as he had arrived. The Saint-Germain Cycle: . Bacon inserted bi-lateral ciphers into Shakespeares printed plays as well as the King James Version of the Bible and many other works. But as hard as I tried to help her get out of her materialistic thinking of spirituality, she was drawn to people like Keith Rhinehart and Mark Prophet who could make things manifest from the thin air into the physical world. I do believe that Mark Prophet was truly inspired and have found great truth and wisdom in his works which were clearly influenced by theosophy and the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky about the masters that she personally encountered and could contact at will from a distance. Count Saint Germainsbeginnings are as enigmatic as the life he lived. Germain Hotels is a Canadian family business behind Le Germain, Alt and Esca d hotels across Canada. In these first two books, Ballard discusses his personal experiences with Saint Germain and reveals many teachings that are in harmony with Theosophy. I asked him if my friend and I could go with the group that he was going to take on a hike. Nothing was, God willing, nothing became something. Through Ellens introduction, Elizabeth and I met numerous times and had tremendous discussions about the spirit. Dee and Kelly had spent a short while with Rudolf II in Prague, who gathered the most interesting people of his days to his court, including astrologers, alchemists, philosophers, and artists. According to the Saint Germain Foundation, an organization dedicated to the teachings and wisdom received by Ballard and headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, each book and discourse carries the definite radiation and consciousness of the Ascended Masters.. There are many who view Count Saint Germain as disappearing and reappearing throughout history, masterminding world events. He is looked to as the embodiment of the Age of Aquarius and the spiritual figurehead of the New Age movement. In 1864, more than 250 years after her death, St. Germaine was canonized as patron saint of people with disabilities and those who have been abused or abandoned. Manly Palmer Hall, in his The Secret Teachings of All Ages, describes some of the same attributes as Bernard, including the attribution of the writings of Shakespeare to a great adept like Francis Bacon, who could be amalgamated with the Count of St. Germain. Ascended Master Saint Germain is one of the Great Beings from the Spiritual Hierarchy who govern this system of worlds. Our Organization is the guardian and protector of the authentic "I AM" Teaching, the Sacred Knowledge given to mankind by the Ascended Master Saint Germain through the Messengers Mr. and Mrs. Ballard. It boggles the mind. She had said numerous times that she would fund the project just as she had funded the early work of the Aquarian Foundation and Summit Lighthouse. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. When he, with eerie accuracy, including a detailed foretelling of the French Revolution, the queen reportedly responded, o, , Not even royalty. The Theosophical Society after Blavatsky's death considered him to be a Mahatma, Master of the Ancient Wisdom, or Adept. Others tracked his birthplace to the Italian village of San Germano, which explains the name he was most commonly known as Count Saint Germain. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Who was Count Saint Germain and how did he achieve a god-like status that remains today? Our sensitivity is heightened, and although many of these feelings are extremely painful, our ability to experience this pain also leaves us open to the possibility of truly feeling everything the world has to offer. THE ASCENDED MASTER TEACHING FOUNDATION (AMTF) In 1979 the dictations of the Ascended Masters, as given through Miss Geraldine Innocente and Mr. Explore the Essential Instruction,in Unveiled Mysteries. When the phrase, Mighty I AM Presence come forth, is used throughout this series of books, it is always a call to the God Presence to pour forth or release the Outpouring of Perfection which the one making the call desires. What is known is that Saint Germain possessed great personal wealth and a wide-reaching knowledge which included mastery of most European languages, the arts, music composition, and virtuosity as a violinist, . But they all agreed that he was the wisest person they had ever spoken with and was so loving that they couldnt believe someone like him exists. Your mental picture is your power of visualization. The best book I found on this subject is one written by an anthroposophist. They were both intrigued by his teachings which are still somewhat secret and quite developed, much like another spiritualists I would meet during this time through EllenElizabeth Clare Prophet of the Summit Lighthouse. Ascended Masters have revealed. Although separated in years by almost a half a century, Ellen and I developed a deep friendship, partly by both being clairvoyant and not having others that shared the same capacities, but also because of our keen interest in spiritual research. The former is a compilation of letters, diaries, and private records written about the Count by members of the French aristocracy who knew him in the 18th century. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. As chohan, or lord, of the seventh ray, Saint Germain initiates our souls in the science and ritual of transmutation through the violet flame. This pertinent question requires a good answer. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. The sound of His Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room. I AM Teachings Understanding the I AM Instruction Mighty I AM Presence Beloved Saint Germain The Violet Consuming Flame Our Sacred Pictures . Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. He is looked to as the embodiment of the . She was self-made and very savvy. to the outer world until now. The Ascended Master is an Individual who, by Self-Conscious Effort, has generated enough Love and Power within Himself to snap the chains of all human limitation. Mankind must choose of their own volition whether they want to go forward in the Freedom of the Light or remain in their limitations. Rudolf Steiner, the penultimate source on all things spiritual, tells us in his teachings that Saint Germain was the reincarnation of the apostle John, the author of the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, and the Book of Revelation. Prior to St. Johns incarnation, he was the being known as Hiram Abiff, the master builder who was raised from the dead in the rituals of freemasonry, according to some accounts. Alice A. Bailey said that St. Germain is the "manager of the executive council of the Christ". The stories about the masters kept getting bigger all the time. There will be a bloodthirsty republic, whose scepter will be the executioners knife.. Bernard also contends, as does the Saint Germain Foundation in Schaumburg, Illinois, that Francis Bacon was the child of Queen Elizabeth and Lord Dudley but that it was kept quiet. But Bacon is no spiritual master, let alone St. Germain, even though at certain points in his life he was inspired by St. Germain. The discourses have 33 volumes and guide you through tapping into and understanding the I am presence and what that means. is said to be linked to several secret societies, from, , Saint Germain returned to France during Louis XIVs reign as a confidante of Marie Antoinette, who was acquainted with the Counts reputation as a mystic and prophet. Alice A. Bailey's book The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (a compilation of earlier revelations published posthumously in 1957) gives the most information about his reputed role as a Spiritual Master. The ascended master Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray and sponsor of the United States of America. Then I forgot what I had asked. Now Saint Germain reveals further spiritual practices that have long remained hidden to the West. Maybe if they are with us today, they might work through the internet, delivering their teachings to initiates around the world with the speed of light with messages of hope and wisdom and nudges that guide our forward path. St. Germain's incarnations as St. Alban, Proclus, Roger Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon are universally accepted. However, many believe that was the only the first of his many incarnations, including that of Ascended Master., The most lasting myth surrounding Saint Germain is his status as an , , with many who claim to have encountered him over hundreds of years. Rudolf Steiner also tells us that St. John/St. Was Rudolf Steiner the Master Christian Rosenkreutz? Saint-Germain and the Violet Flame Chakra Saint-Germain and the Violet Flame Chakra The Great Cryptogram: Francis Bacon's Cipher in the So-Called Shakespeare Plays, by Ignatius Donnelly, Bacon, Shakespeare, and the Rosicrucians, by Manly P. Hall, Francis Bacon our Shakespeare, by Edwin Reed, Francis Bacon, Poet, Prophet, Philosopher, Versus Phantom Captain Shakespeare, The Rosicrucian Mask, by William Francis C. Wigston. I have seen gold thick in the depths of the double mercury; I have seized its substance, and surprised its changing. There have also been numerous French and German biographies, among them Der Wiedergnger: Das zeitlose Leben des Grafen von Saint-Germain by Peter Krassa, Le Comte de Saint-Germain by Marie-Raymonde Delorme, and L'nigmatique Comte De Saint-Germain by Pierre Ceria and Franois Ethuin. The article now copied from, relates to one of these menthe Count St. Germain., group of souls who allegedly earned their right to, and return to Earth from time to time as teachers, or just teach from a higher plane of existence.. There is no wrong path in understanding St. Germain because he is one of the deepest and most mysterious humans to ever live, and a full expose on his life teachings include theosophy, history, speculative masonry, the Summit Lighthouse, the Aquarian Foundation, and many other paths that are rich in content from St. Germain. She lived in a castle on her own island. I turned to my friend to see his reaction and he was in a trance of some sort. Whatever one believes, Saint Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began. What is known is that Saint Germain possessed great personal wealth and a wide-reaching knowledge which included mastery of most European languages, the arts, music composition, and virtuosity as a violinist. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. What is known is that Saint Germain possessed great personal wealth and a wide-reaching knowledge which included mastery of most European languages, the arts, music composition, and virtuosity as a violinist. , says Saint Germain, with his quick wit and intelligence, wielded Lord loved are in with. The Christ '' of America is a Canadian family business behind Le Germain, with his wit! Article now copied from, relates to one of the Great BEINGS the! Blavatsky 's death considered him to be a Mahatma, Master of the masters Instruction Mighty I AM & ;... By a saint germain teachings and amazing mystic named Lori Toye getting bigger all the time the cyphers of Bacon... Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began his recorded death is between 1781 and,! 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