Parkinson, with the help of her crooked cop boyfriend . I hope Dan Jones reads my comments. At the hearing last week, Whites legal representative approached the DPP and stated his client was willing to plead guilty to a lesser charge that did not involve jail time an intriguing twist after endless adjournments of the matter over the last two years. An evil girlfriend who wrongly accused her ex-partner of rape and domestic violence was caught out by an innocent family photo. Honest, Intelligent and Hardworking she saw through Parkinson pretty quickly which begs the question what kind of muppets investigated the case in the first place. A condom wrapper was found at the scene of the alleged incident. I then advised the judge I would no longer participate in his trial due to it being so blatantly unfair. I have written to the Minister ACT. In Victoria, my mate Vic was imprisoned from 2016 -2022 on the single, false testimony of one person, a teenage girl who claimed he had sex with her under age. How the hell can people be illuminated by truth with a piss ant philosophy like that? The 60 minute segment mentioned something about her wanting the money but I dont believe that to be true. She was born in Odelltown PQ, on May 01,1861. I went to AFP recruitment evenings, in Canberra ACT. Mr Jones was asked by Parkinson's boss, Inspector Anthony Hill, for a 'chat' and was slapped with an apprehended violence order (AVO) for abusing Parkinson. A question for you, or for other readers, Gina: She was granted parole, apparently. How hard can it be?? She could have had a loving family and new home, but that wasnt enough for her. But early this year, she admitted her crimes court and finally pleaded guilty. Of course he will evade whatever. and streaming on-the-go on . Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, BT93. Thos woman admitted to falsely accusing this poor man and destroying his life and the lives of his family members and should be charged and sentenced as the CRIMINAL SHE IS. The Jones family would love concerned readers to contact the ACT Attorney General Shane Rattenbury [email protected] and put pressure on the DPP not to accede to Whites wishes. Speaking on the matter, Roper stated that "this idea that men are disadvantaged in the legal system is not in line with reality." Parkinson herself has never stated this, although she continued to live in Jones's house with her then-boyfriend Scott John White after Jones was sent to jail.[20]. It was also argued that the empty condom wrapper discovered at the rape scene had in fact been White's condom, not Daniel Jones's. Learn how your comment data is processed. Mark Geragos wrote an excellent book in which he explains that most witnesses testify but cops testilie and that most (not all, just most) of the cops do so because they think theyre actually doing the right thing, to keep the scum off the streets, ie they think its for the overall good to testilie in court. NSW Police destroyed my life. An emergency bail hearing was called by the Department of Public Prosecutions after a series of investigations. The jones family spent 600 k to defend against these lies with assistance from a corrupt police officer. Police officer or not hes corrupt and should have to serve a sentence like anyone else would, Your email address will not be published. I know the experience of waking up to a horrifying reality of who you thought was your best. The Jones' family trauma began in 2011 when Dan met Sarah Jane Parkinson. 2. Detective Leesa Alexander, the officer who turned the case around, was shunted off to East Timor. New South Wales police officer Scott John Whitehas been found guilty of perjury in the ACT Supreme Court, over evidence he gave in support of a fake rape claim by his then-girlfriend against her former partner. And now the pathological lying and conniving scum of a woman is already out of prison! Last week the perpetrator of this crime, Sarah Jane Parkinson, was sent to prison for three years for false rape accusations and faking a crime scene. "[19], The Sarah-Jane Parkinson case was extensively covered in a video documentary by 60 Minutes Australia, in which it was alleged that Parkinson had grown bored of Daniel Jones and had hoped to be given his house in the aftermath of his arrest. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. On the morning of March 21, 2014, he overslept in the granny flat at his parents' house. For this woman to falsely accuse this man of such allegations is appalling. Surely investigations are completed first and a view formed based on evidence, not the other way around! He explained this to his fiancee once he returned home from the police station - and was assured that the AVO was misunderstanding that Parkinson would 'sort it out'. their lack of correct procedures has ruined many lives and continue to do so, fancy just suspending an officer WITH PAY, what a joke. Daniel Jones and his former fiancee Sarah Jane Parkinson who is serving three years for fake rape allegations. This is horrendous and thank God for the amazing female detective who discovered this womans lies. Parkinson has never faced cross-examination, even at her own trial. It was his 'darkest times' during which he thought of ending his life. Det Alexander said: "I think it's appalling what she did. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. @Neil Has Australia achieved equal pay for equal work because most of the western world is still slowly getting there? She gets to live a comfortable life now under a new identity, while Dan and his family will have to live with what she did for the rest of their lives. Sarah Jane Parkinson was sentenced to jail after eventually pleading guilty to making a fake rape claim The jury found White committed perjury when he said he and Parkinson didn't use condoms when they had sex The man falsely accused of rape spent time in prison before police realised their mistake I listened to a short excerpt of a police interview she seems in that to have agreed to the proposition that she drove to her ex-fiancees residence and planted the phone. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research at Waldorf Astoria NYC USA on November 19, 2005. Meanwhile, the Jones family is awaiting news regarding Parkinson's application for early release. For the latest information, searchABC Emergency, For the latestweather warnings in the Northern Territory, search onABC Emergency. He said she said is not evidence and in no way a proper way to prosecute people. From my observations many policemen (as well as other para and military men) are extremely gullible, sexually insatiable and partial towards stories told by flirtatious women. They are a brotherhood. Then the cops from that departmentall scum. Keeping an eye on Sarah Jane Parkinson now Sarah Jane white apparently. I am extremely saddened by the fact that Dans Mum and Dad are now divorced, only because of this case , they are both good people . Victoria Police are currently investigating the girl and her lies to court, and have conducted several interviews with Vic in Nov/Dec 2022 concerning the girl. She is currently living with her suspended NSW police officer husband, Scott John White, in the Wollongong area and has changed her name to Sarah Jane White. Daniel Jones, an Australian prison guard, had dated Sarah-Jane Parkinson, an airline worker, since 2011. The investigations revealed more and eventually police learnt Parkinson accused an innocent man of rape. Despite the best efforts of the Jones family and many of my followers to lobby the ACT parole board, Parkinson was released after serving the minimum non parole period of just over 2 years. She still has to work and her family is all broken. I cant imagine what they have gone through or still going through. The unfair trial forced upon me resulted in false imprisonment of myself by a judge who clearly not only had the appearance of bias but made so many errors, always giving the prosecution an unfair advantage, that there are scores of examples to establish actual biased against me. A 60 Minutes special report has revealed Sarah Jane Parkinson's allegations of horrific domestic violence and rape were part of an evil, premeditated plan to send her partner to jail, so she could claim their family home. That investigation should be conducted by someone with the authority to interview all those involved, irrespective of rank or position. He said: "When I first got charged, I found out [Parkinson] had been keeping a diary of things that never happened. AFP News Agency @AFP 2 hours ago I asked Vic if his lawyers included this transcript with other evidence submitted to court for the County Court trial. Jessica is of course guilty, but quite honestly shes more deranged than anything else. 4. But that doesnt make it any less outrageous and concerning. Jane Parkinson 1854 1939 Utah Jane Leishman Parkinson (born Greer), 1854 - 1939 . It's believed her motive was to gain the house the couple had bought just weeks before the allegations began. I was charged! Sarah Jane Parkinson was sentenced to jail after eventually pleading guilty to making up the allegation. Owing to mounting evidence establishing Jones's innocence, Jones was released, and Parkinson was convicted for her false accusations. Its used to protect their mates or strengthen a flimsy set of evidence . [10] Using a dated family photograph of Jones with his young nephew, as well as GPS data, it was established that Jones could not have possibly committed the crimes that Parkinson had accused him of, as he was not even physically within Parkinson's vicinity at the time of the alleged rape. The women who have fought, and who have had courage to change their lives and work to help others of REAL domestic violence should be outragedbut when I brought this up to a woman who is a womens adovacate she said that if they did that then other woman would be afraid to come forwardwhich is an ignorant, self-serving commentNO ONE HAS THE RIGHT to destroy, damage or falsely accuse ANYONE..the Austrailian government should do the right thing and take away Whites pension if any and should settle with the Jones family out of court for damagesthe police should be sued for millions for the actual damages done to this a woman I am furious that these types of women are allowed to exist in society basically unchallenged. The news you need to know as you wake up on this Wednesday morning. Source: Facebook. I was In awe when I saw how the women in Ukraine absolutely adore their men especially those who defend them, it actually brought tears to my eyes. Well, seems like that department was filled with scumbag cops. At least that would send a clear message of apology which might repair the publics opinion of them. Sarah Jane Parkinson was sentenced to jail after eventually pleading guilty to making up the allegation. Its a corrupt double standard. For the television producer and cancer awareness activist, see, "How family photo saved man from evil ex-partner's rape and domestic abuse lies", "Australian woman 'fabricated claims about partner's abuse to strip him of home', "Canberra woman Sarah-Jane Parkinson jailed for making false rape claim against ex-partner", "Mothers of Sons fights for fair treatment of men and boys", "Sarah Jane Parkinson accused her former fianc of assault and rape. "I had eclamptic fits . She would not be intimidated by the officers she is investigating and the officers would know that too. The Courts, Lawyers and Registrars. You and I can not understand that logic, but it is a real motive for these lies. Cecil Parkinson Conservative MP shortly after news that his former mistress Sarah Keays was having his baby. How can the public have any faith in the DPP, AFP or ACT police. God bless you young lady, if there were more women like you in the world there would be much less unwarranted hatred towards men. When Sarah Jane Parkinson began working as a clerical assistant at the Queanbeyan police station, she started to spin a web of lies: telling her police colleagues her husband-to-be was abusive - and she had the bruises to prove it. Sarah Jane Bell Retweeted. I just watched this episode on YouTube, too, and feel so frustrated that this horrible woman is not paying the price for destroying that innocent family and others. Bella Fowler @BellaFowler93 Sarah Jane Morris is a famous American actress who started acting career in 2000. Let's hope the sleazebag gets his comeuppance. Sarah Jane Parkinson, whom Mr White has since married, was convicted and jailed in 2019 for making a false statement Mr White's barrister says the case is complicated, and alleged that the relationship between Parkinson and her former partner had been troubled Attacked, Swindled, arrested, charged, told to Play the Game. Mr Jones described Parkinson as like a 'complete stranger'. Jones was arrested and jailed in 2014, while Parkinson and White lived in his house and eventually married. An evil girlfriend who wrongly accused her ex-partner of rape and domestic violence was caught out by an innocent family photo. Unfortunately, this and many sagas like it continue! Sarah Jane Randerson (born Parkinson)in FamilySearch Family Tree Sarah Jane Randerson (born Parkinson) Collection: FamilySearch Family Tree Birth: 1889 - Nelson, New Zealand Death: 1982 Parents: Jesse Parkinson, Eleanor Lee Parkinson (born Eban) Husband: Claude Douglas Randerson Siblings: Sarah E. Parkinson received her PhD from the University of Chicago in 2013 and joined the faculty of Johns Hopkins University in 2016. Please! I feel very sorry that this man and his family have had to live thru this I had bitten his hand in self defence but he had no injury, not a mark. But the WA Police have arrested me, instead. Mr Jones was released from jail on bail conditions. A classic case of how the people in Australia are increasingly unable to trust the police uniform. Daniel sold his home, moved to Perth and started a new life. [13][14], Owing in part to the extreme nature of Parkinson's accusations, as well as police corruption and failure of the Australian legal system in its approach to the case, the Sara-Jane Parkinson case has become synonymous with the concept of false accusations in Australia, as well as with the limitations of the #MeToo movement. [12] Parkinson served 2 years of a 3-year prison sentence, after which she was released on parole and married Scott John White, legally changing her own surname to "White" and residing on his property. This family needs immediate restitution of all that they lost monetarily. Why hasnt those families been compensated ? [17][18] Despite the group having been created mostly by women, Mothers of Sons was accused of being an anti-feminist organization by Caitlin Roper of feminist group Collective Shout. Create a free family tree for yourself or for Jane Parkinson and we'll search for valuable new information for you. Former prison guard Dan Jones, from New South Wales, Australia, met Sarah Jane Parkinson in 2011 and they got engaged after just a few months of dating. The real criminals here are the police force, Jessica is just mentally deprived. Thanks Carles and Chad, yes, thats really obvious to anyone with ethics. My suggestion would be, to enforce the maximum sentence that the falsely accused wouldve been subject to! She was a regular performer on Week Ending in the final years of its run. Not even Sarah Jane Parkinson paid a high price. Unfortunately, the Radical Feminism movement has this so stitched that unless a story is this bad or a man is deliberately killed in a vicious premeditated manner, the story wont even be run in mainstream media let alone restitutions paid. I knew nothing about Mr Dan Jones until 60 minutes published His story. White was inextricably involved right from the outset in helping Parkinson concoct her villainous allegations against Dan Jones. Dan Jones compensation, and the need to further enforce penalty for serial false accusers. Then Dan Jones Story was published. I think thats his name. Wow, Similar story to mine. He told me his lawyers refused to present it to court, yet it is exculpatory evidence! But bizarrely, just as the couple seemed destined for a life of romantic bliss, Parkinson started making up vile stories and complete fabrications about her fianc. Even worse is that the States Police Force is reluctant to make any comment. If justice is really served he will be found GUILTY. Please show us that our justice system can say that we got it wrong. Mr Jones told 60 Minutes that Parkinson had been having an affair with a police officer she worked with. Michelle left for a doctor's appointment, hearing her son grunt when she knocked on his door. One was that he lied when he told a court the pair did not discuss their statements. The whole story isfeaturedon Mothers of Sons, as Dans mother, Michelle explains the terrible damage caused to their family. By this point, the Jones Family had spent over $600,000 of their own personal finances in order to try to prove Daniel Jones's innocence; this, along with the stress of the case, led Ian and Michelle Jones to divorce, although they remained close friends afterwards. There are women out there wholl abuse the kindness and sympathy of others for their own selfish gain, no matter who it drags down. It is a shame doesnt the law allow the family to sue the State or police department for such a horrible injustice? This is why it took a female officer to review the evidence objectively because she was not charmed and p****whipped by that despicable woman. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. There is a Go Fund Me page for Daniel Jones, the legal system isnt it. . AboutPressCopyrightContact. Shes evil personified. Parkinson told Mr Jones she had a troubled past, having been raped by a friend's father - a Turkish diplomat who fled the country before charges could be laid. We sought legal advice. It was also discovered that Sarah had been having an affair with a policeman. Scoopnest. []. Why is her partner an ex cop not in jail ? The conviction of Sarah Jane Parkinson for making a false accusation on 21 March 2014 be set aside. Sara even lied and told police that Dan was raping and molesting his own daughters, so she had no shame whatsoever. In one of the letters, the girl claimed she can get police to do what she wants by letting one particular male officer feel her up inside her panties. [15][16] Michelle Jones, angry at the legal system's treatment of her son, helped to start an activist group called Mothers of Sons, intended to raise awareness of men and boys falsely accused of crimes against women. Sarah Jane Parkinson: Mini Bio (1) Sarah Parkinson was born on June 6, 1962 in Islington, London, England. I hope they can come together again. "He said his answers [in 2015] were accurate and truthful at the time," Mr Purnell said. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. ER 2005 . In June 1989 at the age of 34, SJ gave birth to twin girls - Olivia and Natasha - in a gruelling 24-hour labour. In 2019, I read a transcript of a 2012 interview between this girl and her then counsellor, which transcript was an exhibit attached to Victors 2019 affidavit (long after his initial trial). Sarah Parkinson, the writer and producer wife of comedian Paul Merton, has died of cancer at the age of 41. Saras story was fishy from the start. My husband, Ian, was angry. [6] Daniel Jones was promptly arrested by police, and was kept in Australia's maximum-security Goulburn Jail. What happened to Victims of Crime. The Jones legal team continues their efforts to seek compensation but progress is extremely slow. But this is a saga for another day. Albeit what happened to Dan Jones was horrible, he was never tried; indeed, his criminal case was dismissed. Add to that the States dodgy Supreme Court judges, then this States justice department, though I do make an exemption for the honorable Justice Brett. Liked by Sarah-Jane Parkinson If you're a business in the Republic of Ireland give our colleague Colm Hatton a call on 087 346 4029 He can help out with reducing your carbon If you're a business. They turn, tide. Sarah Jessica Parkinson, was a cunning little minx, but so are the West Australian Police too. The financial loss is catastrophic. Her research examines organizational behavior and social change during and following war. The 43 years old actress is widely known for appearing in the role of Julia Walker in the television drama Brothers & Sisters. clearly he was wrongfully accused the family should get back everything they spent PLUS the guy should get 5 months worth of work money he missed out on due to being in prison. I think that she just wanted to play victim because the attention was first rate. Sarah Jane Parkinson accused fiance Dan Jones of rape and domestic violence in a bid to claim their shared home in New South Wales, Australia. Lets hope that Victorians will take note and take care in their dealings with the dangerous system of criminal justice that has come adrift from the tetherings of the rule of law. Sarah Harding, 39 September 5: THE singer became part of what would become Britain's biggest-selling all-female group of the 21st Century, Girls Aloud, via 2002 telly show Popstars: The Rivals . As important as it is that we believe women when they come forward with allegations, we must also consider the facts and evidence of the case. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. She knows the case and has the trust of the family which is very important, because they know she will be very thorough and leave no stone unturned. Give them back some of their dignity. We have become close friends. Officer white should go through the due process of law which include charges of conspiracy with SJP to convict Dan Jones and harassment of the Jones family. menu. When Sarah Jane Parkinson was born in 1889, in Nelson, New Zealand, her father, Jesse Parkinson, was 53 and her mother, Eleanor Lee Eban, was 44. [7][8], Several months into the case, Detective Leesa Alexander, who had initially been working to aid Parkinson against Jones, discovered various inconsistencies in Parkinson's story and shifted her investigation from Jones to Parkinson. The police should pay as well they did little to no investigation and just took her at her word. Usually, the crooked police are the ones holding high rank, thats how it is in Tasmania. The idea that he had time to pin her against a wall while also unwrapping a condom was silly enough, but the photos of himself with his nephew should have tipped off police anyway to the idea that maybe Saras story needed to be examined more closely. Stop protecting the 2 people who need to get the wrath of AUSTRALIA LAW PROPERLY!!!! Parkinson's former partner spent time in jailbefore police realised they had made a mistake. This family was destroyed by this woman and her lover, which was an investigating officer in this case. She also believed that Parkinson knew the system of victim protection well that she abused them. Truly hope justice be serve Im so happy for that wonderful officer investigator, and for your unconditional and resilient dad, and mom. He was arrested and charged with 32 counts of domestic violence on Christmas Eve 2013. "It was clear that Sarah had lied," Det Alexander told 60 Minutes. This woman AND the local PD are pure evil! There should be the equivalent of the UK system, the IOPC or Independenet Office of Police conduct. It was the first bad advice we received. But she actually sustained the injuries from a heart condition which left her dizzy with tunnel vision. White did eventually admit the pair had used condoms. It is evident that he was falsely accused and imprisoned. I believe if someone falsely accuses someone that they should serve them same person sentence that they tried to falsely convict the person of. Good luck Dan and your wonderful parents. Daniel Jones works as a prison guard in Australia. A sealed envelope, a secret instruction? I have never heard of such an injustice. My heart aches for the beautiful Jones family, and I was so devasted to learn that the parents ended up divorcing all because of this evil person! White waschargedwith two counts of perjury some six months after Parkinsons sentencing in 2019 charges relating to his testimony at her trial in 2015. I highly recommend his book. May 10, 2022 by Henry Boahen Sarah Jane Parkinson was an English-born producer, actress, and writer of radio and Television programs. Scott White is due in ACT court on the 17th of Feb because he helped Sarah Jane-Parkinson convict her fiance Mr Jones. Its very important these people are aware of community concern about the Jones case which has exposed bias and incompetence in the ACT justice system. After two years, AFP Professional Standards in Melbourne still claims to be investigating the behaviour of police in the case with absolutely no results to date. This has given her plenty of time to collude with Scott White who was facing a trial for perjury last week, on the 28th of June. I dont understand why Dan was sent to prison, wrongfully, for a period of time much longer than Sarah Jones Parkingson who had been confirmed by Leesa Alexander to be a serial liar and obvious abuser of the system ? But it was all a lie", "60 Minutes: The false charges that destroyed a family and left them $600,000 in debt", "Police officer to fight perjury charge stemming from wife's fake rape case", "Peter Gleeson: Sexism fails men in Canberra's justice system", "Mothers of Sons: Women unite in defence of men, but website blasted as anti-feminist in #MeToo world", "Innocent man sent to jail for rape by his own fianc: 60 Minutes Australia",, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 February 2023, at 22:02. There is so much more to write about but if I continue relaying my experiences (and those of other prisoners who told me their stories) this may become a book! Is important for the wider society, this case is generating distrust not only for the police on sexual assault matters but is also devaluing sexual assault allegations, which has serious consequences when the system is trying to support actual sexual assault victims. I have counted 26 different types of errors so far with most types having several instances. The mental strain on himself and family members that led to the demise of a 30 plus year marriage.Those are just a few of the reasons why this family is OWED its more than money if you ask me but the very least you should do to attempt to make it right is to make them whole again.You should double what they put out to prove their sons innocence but thats another issue for another time.BUT THE MAIN REASON YOU SHOULD PAY THIS FAMILY IS BECAUSE AFTER ALL THEY WENT THROUGH BECAUSE OF YOUR POLICE DEPARTMENTS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE OF SO MANY LEVELS,SHE GETS 2 YEARS IN JAIL AND THE POLICE DONT EVEN GET ANY REPERCUSSIONS?? 3 years in prison was way too lenient imo. Such a sad and horrific story! On assualt Charges. Today the jury found he had committed perjury on that issue. Canberra man Daniel Jones (left) thought Sarah Jane Parkinson (right) was the love of his life when they met in 2011 Mr Jones was 25 when he met 20-year-old Parkinson in Canberra in 2011.. 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