The alert means the phone number was registered on a new install of Signal. When you see the red "Not Delivered" statement under a failed message, tap the on the red (!) 2017-02-20T17:08:21.728Z draw attention 2017-02-17T17:59:57.421Z PUT[REDACTED]830 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:12:30.412Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487347972697 2017-02-20T14:50:01.193Z PUT[REDACTED] Now, without further ado, let's get started: Open the chat and find the text message that you want to delete. 2017-02-17T16:15:53.289Z New remote ephemeral key 2017-02-17T21:47:58.505Z Sending 2 read receipts 2017-02-17T21:47:52.871Z Deleting chain closed at 1487351660883 Bob receives the message. 2017-02-17T19:49:58.657Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:24:07.690Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:46:51.253Z clear attention 2017-02-17T17:59:10.269Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T22:43:37.336Z clear attention 2017-02-17T19:59:46.120Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:38:33.592Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T20:13:51.540Z adding notification 2017-02-17T19:47:09.490Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487360852215 Usually when someone doesn't get a msg we can at least get the msg "failed to send". iOS 12.4.4 This doesn't happen that often, but it happens. 2017-02-20T17:08:06.914Z PUT[REDACTED]889 2017-02-17T16:22:34.305Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487348576992 2017-02-20T15:30:08.818Z clear attention 2017-02-17T16:16:24.918Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:50:04.777Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success Also, you can re-enableapplication permissions for Signal on your phone and see if it fixes your problem. 2017-02-17T20:11:32.688Z New remote ephemeral key Another common explanation of why your text messages didn't get delivered is signal issues. But I wouldn't say it's impossible for the two to be unintentionally coupled. 2017-02-17T16:56:43.026Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487350625821 2017-02-17T16:20:49.749Z clear attention 2017-02-17T16:58:44.277Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:16:07.486Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487348187982 2017-02-20T17:55:05.498Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487613325998 One would hope the delivery receipt being delivered to the sender does not effect message delivery to the receiver. 2017-02-17T16:57:41.297Z New remote ephemeral key 2017-02-17T16:21:28.992Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487348487405 2017-02-17T16:56:43.221Z draw attention 2017-02-17T17:59:03.704Z message from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487354366494 2017-02-20T17:55:09.047Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:22:34.335Z draw attention 2017-02-17T16:25:15.123Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348714883 In the next screen, choose Notifications and enable it by sliding the Allow Notifications toggle to the On position. It goes both ways, happening both on messages my partner sends to me and messages I send to my partner. Is this still relevant? If you want to erase more than one message, simply select it until it's highlighted. Connect to the internet (Wi-Fi or mobile data). 2017-02-20T17:08:26.235Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T23:00:36.379Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T22:05:54.005Z PUT[REDACTED] If you see the status as Sending with a spinning circle, it means the message hasnt been delivered yet. 2017-02-17T19:47:24.105Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:22:50.949Z Sending 2 read receipts 2017-02-17T19:47:09.573Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T16:12:33.950Z remove notification Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub 2017-02-20T17:55:05.675Z GET 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:26:39.239Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:21:27.633Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success Now, choose "Delete for Everyone" and confirm when you're prompted. 2017-02-17T19:57:52.174Z read messages from +[REDACTED].1 2017-02-17T21:37:46.235Z adding notification 2017-02-20T17:55:19.413Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T22:06:22.242Z PUT[REDACTED] Answer: That's not always the case, yet it may be a possibility. 2017-02-17T21:37:46.014Z New remote ephemeral key Alice installs Signal. 2017-02-17T17:59:29.863Z clear attention iPhone 6 alarm (time) If time is non-zero, this function requests that a SIGALRM signal be sent to the process in time seconds. 2017-02-20T17:08:05.011Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]889.1 1487610483001 If yes, youll need to unblock the contact. 2017-02-17T23:00:14.412Z PUT[REDACTED] Messages sometimes aren't received (and show one check for the sender) until another message is sent by the sender, at which point both are received. 2017-02-17T19:50:53.630Z clear attention 2017-02-17T16:57:12.568Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:16:08.026Z draw attention After upgrading it, things are back to normal. 2017-02-20T14:49:58.589Z opening websocket Join. 2017-02-17T21:50:54.470Z New remote ephemeral key 2017-02-17T19:50:04.814Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-20T17:06:23.206Z draw attention 2017-02-17T22:43:51.993Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]848.1 1487371431110 2017-02-17T17:01:33.206Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487350915915 2017-02-17T16:16:14.401Z Sending 3 read receipts 2017-02-17T22:26:43.350Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success Already on GitHub? Generally when I send a text message: (1) it appears in my Sent folder, (2) an icon showing a green check mark over an envelope is displayed next to the message, and (3) "Sent" and "Delivered" times are shown at the bottom of . 2017-02-17T21:03:06.495Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487365384103 Alice sees one check mark (sent to server). Your contact may have tried sending it to you directly or in a group. press on the send button to choose SMS. Would my friend first have to accept my new safety number change before he will receive my messages ? 2017-02-20T17:55:19.516Z PUT[REDACTED] You can check yourself by typing a message and look if the send arrow is in a blue circle with a locked padlock on it. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Hi @Wwkdiek - If you can reproduce this, can you capture a debug log on your phone after you send the message, along with the time that you sent the message. > My problem is similar only no matter how many messages I send to a 2017-02-17T17:14:22.103Z updating notifications 1 Perhaps it is going to a signal account. To send a SMS, press and hold the "Send" button after writing the message. 2017-02-17T16:25:02.574Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:51:11.167Z Sending 1 read receipts It happens with a handful of contacts, but not with others. 2017-02-17T17:02:09.158Z clear attention Signal, Other user: 2017-02-17T19:47:14.728Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success If you are experiencing an issue with the Signal App on a PC, restart your computer and Signal Desktop. 2017-02-17T19:38:15.722Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487360318424 *Depending on the kind of phone your . 2017-02-17T21:32:12.307Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:38:25.064Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:57:08.132Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success The signal module defines the following functions:. 2017-02-17T19:50:52.637Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T21:00:34.845Z GET 200 Success 2017-02-17T21:49:07.638Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T20:11:32.920Z Deleting chain closed at 1487350661300 2017-02-17T16:24:07.836Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED]830.1 1487348647594 2017-02-17T17:59:28.939Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T17:15:02.002Z remove notification 2017-02-17T19:47:03.120Z clear attention signal. I would just keep an eye on how long this lasts. 2017-02-20T14:47:04.790Z background page reloaded 2017-02-17T19:51:29.355Z Sending 1 read receipts Next, tap on the trashcan icon that shows up above your onscreen keyboard. User. 2017-02-17T16:58:51.184Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success Or the two to both be effects of a connectivity related bug. 2017-02-17T16:54:44.237Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T21:00:36.285Z updating notifications 1 This has been happening for me from the day one contact with an iPhone 4S installed Signal and started using it with me. 2017-02-17T19:49:48.067Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487360987780 Secondly, the phone number you are attempting to reach may be disconnected. But thank you for the fix. 2017-02-17T16:22:01.213Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T19:38:20.785Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T17:15:02.024Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-20T17:08:07.018Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:22:34.348Z adding notification Sometimes we notice it only has one check after sending. 2017-02-17T16:25:02.535Z Sending 1 read receipts 2017-02-17T19:49:38.614Z Deleting chain closed at 1487348153293 If so, what is blocking it? 2017-02-17T21:52:08.624Z clear attention Generally speaking, SignalR will buffer . You may have noticed that sometimes the gray tick turns into two gray ticks . 2017-02-17T22:43:15.750Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T16:26:39.277Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success Waited 3 days and the message did not seem to arrive. 2017-02-17T22:06:23.029Z delivery receipt from +[REDACTED].1 1487369182205 2017-02-17T16:57:02.731Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success If you still can't send the message, tap , then tap Send as Text Message. 2017-02-17T16:25:34.792Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T19:06:00.576Z opening message socket Problems with a mobile device may cause delays in text message transmission. 2017-02-17T23:00:36.095Z message from +[REDACTED].1 1487372458929 With signal, I don't receive these messages until I go into the app and send a test message to someone. 2017-02-20T14:50:05.490Z GET Next, Signal asks you to input your phone number, and then a text message is sent to your phone with a confirmation code to verify the phone number is yours. 2. If you are using a third-party app, set Messages as your default SMS app and try again: Open the Messages app and tap on 'Set as default chat app'. 2017-02-17T22:05:37.920Z updating notifications 1 2017-02-17T19:50:07.723Z New remote ephemeral key 2017-02-17T21:32:12.075Z PUT[REDACTED] The issue comes up intermittently, yesterday none of my messages were delivered. Billing Issues on the Recipient's Carrier Side. 2017-02-17T22:10:35.111Z clear attention 2017-02-20T17:07:52.317Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T17:15:26.647Z clear attention 2017-02-17T21:52:08.678Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T22:26:43.287Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-20T17:11:26.283Z clear attention 2017-02-17T16:57:02.612Z PUT[REDACTED] Go to Settings, tap Apps, and select All Apps. 2017-02-17T16:16:24.840Z PUT[REDACTED] 2017-02-17T19:51:46.699Z draw attention 2017-02-17T20:13:51.499Z data message from +[REDACTED].1 1487362454127 Signal is a secure, free, and open source messaging application that uses end-to-end encryption to securely send and receive all kinds of communications with other Signal users. 2017-02-17T17:59:04.939Z updating notifications 1 I have reset the system but still Here, enable Sounds, Badges, and alerts for the Lock Screen. 2017-02-20T17:08:03.162Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T21:47:56.522Z updating notifications 2 2017-02-17T16:24:21.813Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T22:08:19.099Z updating notifications 2 2017-02-17T17:00:10.498Z PUT[REDACTED] 200 Success 2017-02-17T16:15:57.593Z adding notification 2017-02-17T19:57:52.180Z read receipt +[REDACTED] 1487361470234 button next to the message. 2017-02-17T22:08:53.132Z clear attention 2017-02-17T21:47:58.505Z Sending 2 signal message not delivered receipts 2017-02-17T19:49:38.614Z Deleting chain closed at 1487348153293 If so, what blocking... 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