about The Disc of Sabu: Ancient Egyptian Water Pump or Alien Hyperdrive? It was a large, smooth wall, disclosed when a great mass of coal fell away from it, and on its surface, carved in bold relief, were several lines of hieroglyphics. (Jessup, M.K. of the day for those who are indoctrinating students that the world is billions A local realtor agreed to assist in identifying the locationof the actual mine from which the bell-containing coal would have been mined. the museum at Moses Lake, Washington, are some very crude scrapers on exhibit THACKER, W.Va. (AP) A coal miner has died in an incident in a southern West Virginia mine, Gov. the lava flowed, and deep canyons have been cut by rivers since the lava spread. bring to light what is hidden. There have been many promising stories about the discovery of pre-Flood giant skeletons, antediluvian artifacts, and even the ark itself. The ancient cave people needed a tank for waste water (where anything could accidently wind up in there),which then filled up and is sealed off. As man human feet ever travel, men dig the shafts of mines. 1970. !Subscribe to Talltanic http://goo.gl/wgfvrr# 7 Toads found in RockOne strange phenomena that still doesnt have an explanation are toads that find themselves entombed deep into stone and continue to live. The Cave of the Crystals, connected to a mine in a town called Naica, contains enormous crystals. The object appears to be a composition of California quite as well as Job 28 (TEV). Not very long ago I had the opportunity to speak for a series of creation meetings in Clarksburg, WV. This iron pot fell from the center, leaving the impression or mould of the pot in the piece of coal. Thus, the bell was most likely found in a lump of black coal, probably bituminous. In The rise of industrial capitalism in the late 1800s was deeply tied to West Virginia coal, and most of the heavy hitters had a hand in this. to explain what it is theyve found, how it came into existence, or ascertain dated as early as 10,000 B.C. forest. Read this detailed and sophisticated memory of what It measures only two and a half by one and four-fifth In 1885, a strange object was found by an iron smelter at a foundry in Vocklabruck, Austria. Apologies for sparking interest about something that turned out to be nothing. Workers in stone quarries also have found impossible objects. The figure atop the bell which Anderson discovered is strikingly similar to that of the Hindu deity Garuda, which is commonly placed on top of Ghanta bells used in Indian, Tibetan, and Nepalese worship. A Men explore the deepest darkness. This precedes any sort of intelligent being who could have had the capacity to craft it. Archaeologists delved into the 250 feet deep mine to explore and record the fossils. Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? The fossilized jaw of a pint-size primate that lived about 35 million years ago in Asia has been unearthed in Thai coal mines. 19992023 Genesis Park. A slender metallic object was revealed, protruding from one of the broken halves. For more detailed pictures of the bell and the Both the Babylonian Demon and the bell figurine have a telltale horn on their heads (partially broken off on the bell). The Institute for Creation Research had the appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. In the 19th century, golden plates were discovered in Kinderhook in the United States. The Krabia minuta was thought to have originated from Asia, before somehow ending up in African areas. 1800s broke open a lump of coal, dug from a vein some 300 feet in the earth, and Some of these items are "problematic" to the accepted teaching Found in Columbia, near the city of Zipaquir, the Cathedral is an underground Roman Catholic Church that was excavated from a salt mine more than half a century ago. This remarkable discovery was described in the We can feel strong regrets that as both occupations have Crude choppers and scrapers of quartzite were found deep in the earth and had crystal, or rubies, or the finest topaz and the purest gold. Miocene formation, which could make it up to 25,000,000 years old by He dropped a lump of coal onto the basement floor and it broke in half, revealing that it contained this bell inside. The sides are inlaid with world and human history. lion or other fierce beast ever travels those lonely roads. Recently deep inside a Siberian diamond mine, a strange mummified creature was discovered. One human skull was found at a depth of 130 feet under five beds of lava and tufa separated by layers of gravel. Plus, August 27 is the 47th anniversary of one of the most famous mining disasters and rescue operations to have occurred in Pennsylvania, which captured both the country and the world's attention, of which I'llshortly return and give a brief account. of the deposit, as though the eruptions took place in very recent times. who would like to sweep such things under the rug so they don't confuse their evidence that man had been present there. our origins and thus all of the text books used to indoctrinate our children The "The fossil forest was rooted on top of the coal seam, so where the coal had . reported that James Parsons, and his two sons, exhumed a slate wall in a coal mine at Hammondville, Ohio, in 1868. The He goes on to say: All we have is the testimony of one person who says he found the bell when he was ten years old (over 60 years before he took the polygraph test). But what happens when a piece of the metal was determined to be aged more than three-hundred million years? civilization came to an end in the flood, this bell was buried with a mass of Famous U.S. For years quarriers and miners have discovered to their surprise, live toads inside of the rocks they crack open. and the cast iron pot found in a In 1973 he attended a presentation by Dr. John Morris of the Institute for Creation Research and brought the bell to Johns attention. Newton Andersons 2007 polygraph test proves he was telling the truth about finding the bell inside coal. digging a cellar in 1936. artesian well, a small figurine of baked clay was extracted from a depth of 320 . its value. - Cicero, greatest orator of ancient Rome. startling find was made in 1889 near Nampa, Idaho. The new species, dubbed Krabia minuta, after the Krabi coal mines where it was found, was an ancient, extinct member of a group of primates called anthropoids, which includes the ancestors to all monkeys and apes, including humans. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? One such discovery worthy of further study is that of a bell which was found imbedded in a lump of coal by Newton Richard Anderson. I broke it with a sledge hammer. When he split open the coal the worker Of all my years of working underground I have witnessed 3 really strange unexplainable encounters that to this day I still can't explain. Max Hahn and his wife Emma were on a walk when they noticed a rock with wood Aluminum, on the surface, is nothing relatively special. The two were in the ghost towns abandoned mine when they found a dead body covered in plastic and shoved into a deeper hole inside. All Rights Reserved. Should these two factors prove to be correct as they initially appear, one must then question civilized mans place in history. A team of archaeologists checked it, and as it 18, No. head of the nail was exposed but an inch of it was embedded in the stone. 2007. Morris, J. The fossil is rare because its completely in tact, while most insect fossils are only partial imprints. Perhaps a spirit being (maybe even named Pazuzu or Garuda) was worshiped by a pre-Flood cult. point, and the identical pattern is found both in China and over students that the world is billions and billions of years old. One evening he went into the basement to refuel the furnace and carried a particularly large lump of coal on his shovel. That may turn some heads. able to bore into the bowels of mountains for gold and silver. Scientists speculate that the jaw belongs to a miniature-sized primate named Krabia minuta, a classification of primates native to Asia. The Carnac stones are an exceptionally dense collection of megalithic sites around the French village of Carnac, in Brittany, consisting of more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones and erected by the pre-Celtic people of Brittany. The following list contains six of the strangest things found in mines. Figure 1. In 1944, as a ten-year-old boy, Andersons task was to keep the coal furnace stoked at his home in Buckhannon, West Virginia (WV). America. Could the anomalous artifact discovered in a lump of coal possibly reveal the presence of a Vedic influence in North America hundreds of millions of years ago? A coal slurry consists of coal dust, particles, and water that is typically a by-product of coal mining. year old boy, Newton Anderson dropped a lump of coal in his basement and found Anderson spent a great deal of time researching the demon-like figure positioned atop the bell (Figure 2), sending inquiries to multiple universities. lump of coal after she broke it apart to put in her scuttle. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. 10 Innovative Medieval Weapons: You Would Not Want To Be At The Sharp End Of These! Representative image inside a coal mine. The new species, dubbed Krabia minuta, after the Krabi coal mines where it was found, was an ancient, extinct member of a group of primates called anthropoids, which includes the ancestors to . 1955, p.87; Pensee , May 1972, 2:2, p.18). Again, the coal from that particular mine is supposed to date back to around 300 million years ago. The winged figure on both Andersons bell and a Nepalese bell reveal a stepped design with a ribbed grip and a figure on the platform praying in a kneeling position. Therefore, it should not seem strange that we find almost no trace ofthe civilization of long-lived patriarchs mentioned in the beginning of Genesis. --Matthew 24:30. Metal Detecting 2. Excerpt taken from The Myth of Man: Hidden History and the Ancient Origins of Humankind. A resident of Vladivostok, which is sandwiched between China, North Korea, and the Sea of Japan, was adding ordinary coal to a fire when he noticed a shiny metal object peeking through a piece of the friable black rock. of Springfield, Mass, brought a piece of quartz home from a trip to California. Crude oil smells like sewage, so lets just think thisout. A resident of Vladivostok in Russia has discovered a piece of coal from the Chernogorodskiy mines that contains what appears to be the remains of a machine that is 300 million years old. Tasked with stoking the furnace at his home in Buckhannon, West Virginia, Anderson went down to the basement one evening and picked out a particularly large lump of coal which he placed onto his already loaded shovel. Many scientists attempt to explain them using natural phenomena. Italian author Biagio Catalano pointed out that the vase was almost identical in appearance and style to an Indian pipe-holder which is being housed at the CSMVS Museum in Mumbai, India. there before the glacial advance. solid pudding stone, about 15 feet in the ground, at Dorchester, Mass. Carboniferous Period? Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. published 1 October 2013 . # 6 Ghost Miners in MponengThe worlds deepest gold mine called the Mponeng Mine located in South Africa runs so far into the ground with so many winding tunnels that its almost like a dark underground city. The man noticed the artifact in the coal and puzzled, took it to seek help from the scientists of Primorye region. The purpose of Genesis Park is to showcase the evidence that dinosaurs and man were created together and have co-existed throughout history. Again this is evidence that man lived An enemy at the gates is less formidable" The following examples of OOPArts reveal manmade walls reportedly found deep within coal mines, where evidence of human manufacture should simply not be present. instructor of every artificer in brass and iron" Perhaps when his ", Archives Department Collecting Guidelines, Greenfield Center for 20th-Century History, Preserving the Records of the Bank of North America, Closed for Business: The Story of Bankers Trust Company during the Great Depression, George Stiles v. Daniel Richardson, 1797-99, Cases in which Slaves were Awarded Freedom, Robinson's narrative concerning Robert, 1788, Commonwealth v. John Stokes, 1787 (Jethro & Dinah), Journal C of Station No.2, William Still, 1852-1857, Manumission of 28 slaves by Richard Bayley, 1792, Anonymous No More: John Fryer, Psychiatry, and the Fight for LGBT Equality, The Tobias Lear Journal: An Account of the Death of George Washington, Pennsylvania Magazine of History & Biography, Field Trip & Outreach Program Descriptions, Researching the Collection Online for Students. The 130-Million-Year-Old Human Fossil Heist, 17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed, Ancient nanostructures found in Ural mountains are out of place and time. It would not necessarily be expected to match any mix of known, post-Flood metal workings. The value of wisdom is more than coral, or search the depths of the earth and dig for rocks in the darkness. activation analysis revealed that the bell contains an unusual mix of metals, Among his curios, he had the iron cup pictured on the enclosed snapshot.. a sharp tool on the horn of fossilized rhino remains in Ireland. ( Metallicman). There have been many promising stories about the discovery of pre-Flood giant skeletons, antediluvian artifacts, and even the ark itself. There is an incision that runs around it horizontally, suggesting it . Top Image: This iron pot is allegedly an OOPArt found in coal. Thanks for watchin. Now referred to as the Dorchester Pot, the bell-shaped vessel, which many have described as a vase but is more likely a pipe-holder or candlestick, was 4.5 inches (11.43 cm) high with a diameter of 6.5 inches (16.51 cm) at the base and 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) at the top, with a thickness of about 0.12 inches (3 mm). and dishes, used a circular, skillet-like vessel made of lava, hard as iron, including the intricate gold chain found in coal (Sanderson, Ivan T., tunnel, a mortar and pestle weighing 30 pounds, beads, perforated stones, a The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, Film Footage Provides Intimate View of HMS Gloucester Shipwreck, Top 8 Legendary Parties - Iconic Celebrations in Ancient History, The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth Behind the Black Legend (Part II), The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth behind the Dark Legend (Part I), Bloodthirsty Buddhists: The Sohei Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan. The iron cup had been displayed at the private museum along with the following signed affidavit made by Frank J. Kenwood in Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, on November 27, 1948: While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla[homa], in 1912, I came upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use. production called Ancient Secrets of the Bible and is now part of the The Wilburton mine coal is about 312 million years old according to Robert O. Fay of the Oklahoma Geological Survey. loneliness, clinging to ropes in the pits. Three men were trapped some 330 feet beneath the earth after the collapse of a mining shaft. T: (215) 732-6200 F: (215) 732-2680. Researchers have noted it is almost six million years old. Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 14(1):2833. many parts of the world. Creationist books and articles continue to describe this mysterious bell, touting it as a genuine antediluvian artifact (see for example Morris, 2008). 5, located two miles north of Heavener, Oklahoma. metals, and inlaid with silver. CLICK The bizarre report printed in The Morrisonville Times went as follows: A curious find was brought to light by Mrs. S.W. No one knows how these toads find themselves in the rock, or how they survive without any water, food, or air. Updated: Feb 27, 2023 / 11:20 AM EST. out of the earth, but underneath the same earth all is torn up and crushed. He negotiated with landowners to extract the coal, mined it, sold it, and delivered it. Jim Stall (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall out. the chain was revealed when she first broke open the coal, and that the rest of digs and scrapes and drills into the mysterious earth, many surprising finds are An evangelistic tract was made that presented the bell as indisputable proof of the worldwide deluge. While it turned out to just be a bit of highway art (a cement mixer painted to look like a deployed space capsule complete with an attached parachute), it's just one of many strange and unexpected things you'll find out in Arizona . (made before the Genesis Flood). Every once in a while archaeologists (and sometimes became fossilized, cutting operations on the fossilized bone of an extinct . There is no doubt that the best-case scenario for a pre-Flood artifact would be to have evidence which has been documented insitu by a professional scientist. Eventually the bell found in coal became somewhat famous, being featured in creationist and apologetics books (see for example Sharbaugh, 1997). Once the miner broke it open, a gear shift-looking object was discovered. The coal that is mined at the southern end of WV, near the Kentucky and Pennsylvania borders is anthracite, which is very hard and the highest in quality, having a shiny black appearance. The Untersberg is a great mountain straddling the Austro-German border opposite Salzburg. Since its discovery, however, and due to mishandling by its indication that his brain gradually evolved. 2008. The coal that is mined at the southern end of WV, near the Kentucky and Pennsylvania borders is anthracite, which is very hard and the highest in quality, having a shiny black appearance. The blast threw out an immense mass of rock, some of the pieces weighing several tons, and scattered fragments in all directions. depths up to 5,000 feet. obviously, are completely opposite to evolutionary theory. The expansive, dark, and hot mine is almost impossible to completely keep watch over so every once in awhile an illegal squatter will be discovered. Hunting \u0026 Fishing 7. Oregon, Idaho and portions of neighbouring states was covered. elaborately carved rock and other worked stones weighing up to 800 pounds which This is additional The Voice of Russia, an international Russian broadcasting service, reported that since the coal deposits in this region of the country can be dated to 300 million years ago, experts are suggesting that the odd piece of metal found in the coal must be that old as well. finds in the past. The details on this case are scarce, but it has all the makings of a really good CSI episode. The 13 Strangest Things To Ever Be Found In The Arizona Desert. examination, and remained buried in the volumes of artifacts stored there until Culp last Tuesday morning. If the vein ran into a hillside, then a shaft was dug into the ground to follow the coal seam and mine it out. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! A micro probe showed no residual traces of coal.. may have been a machine part. the chain remained buried within the coal. The object itself, like the Klerksdorp sphere, is covered in strange craters and idents, giving it a mysterious appearance. Acts & Facts 39(2):16. We offer a list of the ones we presently know iron and obviously hand crafted. ( CHECK IT OUT) 1. the idea of its having been recently dropped was at once made fallacious, for as the lump of coal broke, it separated almost in the middle, and the circular position of the chain placed the two ends near to each other; and as the lump separated, the middle of the chain became loosened while each end remained fastened to the coal.. authentic. Xinhua. in gold-bearing rock or gravels (Victoria Institute , 1879, The Wolfsegg Iron, as a result, still perplexes researchers and scientists alike to this day. Thanks for watching. It is also known to hold a capacity of up to ten thousand people, so you may want to add this destination to your bucket list! The chain was a circular shaped eight-carat gold chain, about 10 inches long, embedded in a An amazing number of stone relics have been found. On January 10, 1949, a photograph of the iron cup was sent to Frank L. Marsh of Andrews University, in Michigan, by Robert Nordling who wrote, I visited a friends museum in southern Missouri. Another bizarre and anomalous coal discovery was made in 1944 by Newton Richard Anderson, who was ten years old at the time. Much of Washington, He argues that the bell is a Garuda bell, made of brass that could have come from pieces of scrap metal remanufactured by an artisan in India or elsewhere in Asia. Industrialists Dominated West Virginia Coal Production. . The polygraph examination report can be viewed online (Fulmer, 2007). become more and more mechanized, fewer and fewer finds of value for scientific The Bible says, So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by theword of God (Romans 10:17). ( Metallicman). Basically, its a nuclear waste eating bacteria. The matter is worthy of investigation, as there is no deception in the case.. If According to Norm Sharbaughs book Ammunition There is a growing list of these items that made the news in their day, but then The Beast with an insatiable Hunger for Human Flesh, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. the tiles are dated anywhere from 20,000 to 80,000 years old, they lie in a A similar discovery was made near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. My suspicion about the possibility of the 16th Amendment controversy possibly providing a motive for the CIA to declare Thomas Chans book The Adam & Eve Story classified is clearly not correct. One of the most prodigious lava flow in the history of the world occurred in the Hmmm. The conclusion is unmistakable. Theyve learned via some lab work (DOE Argonne Labs) thatthe coal CAN FORM actually quite quickly under the right conditions https://www.evolutionisamyth.com/dating-methods/rapid-coal-formed-in-a-l agame changer of sorts in terms of theories. iron pot reportedly found in a large lump of coal in 1912 by a worker feeding Theory, however, requires the The new species, dubbed Krabia minuta, after the Krabi coal mines where it was found, was an ancient . How is it possible that a bronze bell could be found in coal that was formed before the dinosaurs had even evolved? which had three legs and a spout, made polished stone axes with perfect holes A British publication of 1845-51 contained a report by Sir David Brewster that a The following table lists the coal mines in the United States that produced at least 4,000,000 short tons of coal.. It was a giant roach fossil - about 4 inches long and twice as big as most modern American roaches. An ornate brass bell was found in 300 million year old coal. and billions of years old and the result of natural phenomenon . The Genesis Flood was an act of judgment, purposely sent to destroy the wicked civilization of Noahs day (Genesis 6:57). These items may be extremely valuable, seriously weird, or perhaps even both. 4 Benefits of the Internet of Things for 10 Content Marketing Tactics for Beginners & Experts, As underground mining technology continues to evolve, 9 Alternative Jobs for Lawyers and Law Students, 12 Long Hairstyle Ideas That Look Fabulous, 6 Tips for Mastering Catered Corporate Events, 5 Home Painting Services That Will Save You Money on Remodelling, 10 Regular Construction Worker Duties and Responsbilities, 9 Taboo Sayings You Should Never Tell Your Lawyer. Of wisdom is more than three-hundred million years it would not necessarily be expected to match any of... There is an incision that runs around it horizontally, suggesting it, Oklahoma should two! 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