The Hulk claps his hands together and blows out the Torch's flame and also knocks him unconscious (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #300). Sealed off from the rest of the Multiverse through the metaphysical Green Doors, it manifests in other realities through "extreme gamma" -- the mutagenic third form of Gamma Radiation. I will kill it. Brian managed to talk Bruce into visiting Los Alamos military base where the first accident with the gamma bomb happened, Absorbing Man met him on the scene and absorbed all of his gamma energy. To do more, it required a host personality. Monica using every type of deadly radiation can't do anything to Hulk. (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #22). Well it turns out that hes got a lot of different powers and abilities and some of them will definitelysurprise you. However, as he becomes enraged, his strength increases considerably, which means he can jump much farther than usual. Aother character who go on to gain superpowers of his own wasGeneral Thunderbolt Ross, father of Bruces romantic interest Betty Ross. Threw the easily multi-story tall Fin Fang Foom into the moon (from Hulk Vs Fin Fang Foom #1). It doesn't stop him (from. The clap itself is swift enough that even catches Quicksilver off-guard (from The Order Vol 1 #3). By getting angrier, Hulk becomes more durable and stronger. Shatter asteroids twice the size of Earth into pieces with a single punch that he acquired an incredible 2 sextillion of force (from Marvel Comics Presents #52). [17] The One Below All had Brian nudge the Hulk into travelling to the Los Diablos Military Base, the place where the gamma bomb had detonated. The Hulk is an indestructible force of nature, more weapon than man. For months, the Hulk has been channeling the power of two Universes (from Heroes Reborn: The Return Vol 1 #4). With Thor's rage he has been seen to shake the ten realms. Fixit and Savage Hulk split into separate beings and rip Leader from The One Below All. All in all, TOBA Hulk is a manipulative, gamma energy mutant with unrivaled and nigh-limitless power that can only be rivaled by The One Above All. [7], I am the One Below All. On that day, Bruce's imaginary friend became a real life terror as the Gamma Bomb also caused Bruce to alter his body, causing him to transform into a giant green-skinned, vastly powerful monster birthed by gamma radiation, who so happened to be a split personality created from Banner's childhood trauma, simply wants to be left alone and that's not afraid to smash anything in his way whom General Ross named "the Hulk". However, his advice to Bruce was oftentimes destructive. The Hulk's body soaks in radiation like a sponge, using it to empower himself. [24], The One-Below-All can spawn entities called Qlippoth, which take on the appearance of people's loved ones and enemies in order to torment them, and can also regurgitate hordes of demonic monsters. After a few used avatars of gamma mutate like Jailbait, and Sasquatch, possessed Brian makes the dead Walt Langkowski insane and sends him on a rampage, which makes Hulk intervene. Connection with Magic and the One Below All/the One Above All. Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk, first transformed into a superhuman when she had no choice but to go through a blood fusion from Bruce after being shot by a mobster . Bruce rushed out into the test site and heroically pushed the boy into the protective trench to safety. Superhuman Durability: She-Hulk's body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional injury. Abyss-mal. Could survive without oxygen at all due to his body constantly evolving to protect itself. Bruce died, but the Gamma Bomb had created a metaphysical barrier called the Green Door that connected Earth with the Below-Place, the bottom layer of the Multiverse. Susan never wanted to deal with her brother after what he had done to Bruce and Rebecca. Hit a Like And Subscribe To Help Out "Wanna Donate/Support? [28], Duality: The One Above All is the light aspect and the embodiment of love, creation and life. The gamma-mutated villain Leader found out about the future where TOBA Hulk demolishes all by accident through a message sent by the very same Par%l that met its end at the hands of the TOBA Hulk.Leader tried to fasten the future in which TOBA Hulk wins but the opposite happened. She-Hulk Powers And Abilities. Smashing and crushing Adamantium with his bare hands (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #228; Marvel Team-up Annual #2). This means I may earn commissions on products bought via links on this page. Because of his troubled childhood and his identity disorder, Bruce is the only Hulk that does not fully control both of his forms, unlike the Red Hulk, the She-Hulk, and other Hulk entities. Caught X-23 with his hands before she can react accordingly. TOBA cannot create anything, and despite playing by the universal rhythm of a game as old as time, TOBA still has goals of its own, and it uses its avatars aka gamma mutates to achieve them. He gained his power from Geburah who wields Above All Others power. We do nothing that either Eternity or Infinity would object to. Origins & Powers Explained, How Fast Can Hulk Run? [3], When Sasquatch was killed in a bar fight, Brian possessed him next and sent him on a feral rampage. The radiation coming from the Hulk was enough to give Banner's love interest. With this mouth I howl. Brian followed him and started harassing Bruce, calling him a mutant and a monster. Can withstand extreme hot and cold temperatures, and has even endured the sun's heat (from Tales to Astonish #73, Tales to Astonish #80, Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #105). [27], Thanos and an alternative version of Adam Warlock gained a brief audience with the entity after their reality had been destroyed. While very rarely seen, as "the mystery intrigues" the One Above All and it prefers to watch and experience its creation "through many eyes", it has sometimes interacted directly with mortals through different guises. He was ranting that Jailbait was possessed by the devil and that he saw a green door. [9] One Below All possessing Leader Leader managed to enter Banner's mindscape and force Banner and the remains of the Devil Hulk persona into the Below-Place. Can hammer down an entire landscape despite it being supported by enormous pylons (from Marvel Treasury Edition #25). Dead and dark as I. Crushing the enchanted Uru hammer of Nul: Breaker of Worlds with his bare hands when The Serpent/Cul and his avatars known as The Worthy were at the height of their power (Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula #3). [citation needed], However, the One Above All can also manifest itself through its dark counterpart, the One Below All, to destroy the life it creates in order to begin anew, believing that it would renew itself through the endless cycle of death and rebirth in the Multiverse. Holds approximately an incredible 270 undecillion tons of a black hole core while rescuing himself and his friends the defenders while being sucked into the black hole (from Defenders Vol 1 #3). Punched through a time storm, something that even Kang's time machine couldn't (from. As a member of the Avengers, "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", Hulk helps smash the unimaginable threats that no hero could face alone, hoping to at least prove to the world that he is the strongest HERO there is. Seeing a person on the test siteBruce told hisassistant Igor Drenkovto halt the countdown while he tried to save Rick, but unfortunately this is the comics and Igor was in fact a foreign agent, who wanted the secrets of the Gamma bomb for himselfand sohe didnt halt the countdown. Scared Thanos into avoiding a direct fight with him. The Hulk is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in the debut issue of The Incredible Hulk (May 1962). Durability should be at least High Outerverse level (Embodies The One Above All). The Hulk, however, managed to prove himself a hero when he became a part of the Avengers, the Defenders, S.M.A.S.H., S.H.I.E.L.D., and others. The One Above All is the highest creative force in known existence,[2] and the source of all there is, was, and ever will be. The Hulk withstands and shrugs off the blasts of the Celestial Order guardians who were empowered by the Heart of the Universe, blasts that destroyed Namor and Dr. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance). He absorbs Gamma radiation from every universe and dimension to power his abilities. inspired in a few ways by the Cthulhu Mythos, 24 appearance(s) of One Below All (Multiverse), 1 minor appearance(s) of One Below All (Multiverse), 8 mention(s) of One Below All (Multiverse), 29 image(s) of One Below All (Multiverse), 3 quotation(s) by or about One Below All (Multiverse), 1 item(s) used/owned by One Below All (Multiverse), While there have been many beings that embody destruction and entropy, the One Below All is fundamentally different as it embodies un-making things and intentionally destroying them. Has high resistance to mental attacks and demonstrated great psychic resistance. He went to a church during Sunday services and held the congregation hostage in order to force the priest to perform last rites on Jailbait. Way stronger then before (Multi-Universe level). [13] When a bartender asked the demon Mephisto whether the Living Tribunal, having created the Infinite Embassy, was actually "God", Mephisto responded, "No, he's not God. Overpowering a field of energy endowed with sufficient power to alter the orbit of a planet (from Tales to Astonish #89). Keeps Cable from immediately breaking into his mind (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #455). Resists the Leader's mind blasts (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #367). Literally rips off half his head and heals it back (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #446). (from Hulk: The Movie Adaptation). Needless to say, the Hulk then proceeds to break out of the force field (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #144). Takes a surprise hammer throw from Thor in a relaxed state, to the chin, as well as lightning as Thor professes trying to kill him (from Immortal Hulk #46). The Hulk is completely invulnerable to all known Earth-based diseases and viruses, including AIDS (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #388 and Incredible Hulk Annual #14). As World Breaker Hulk, destroyed the East side of Las Vegas just by being angry. With the space gem he was capable of damaging Gamora with the 6 infinity gems, it was stated that she can access the multiverse with only the time gem itself and can create a black hole that destroyed Devondra and the result of the black hole couldn't be stopped by 6 infinity gems (from Infinity Wars #5-6). Zone-Tan The Hulk strains mightily--his boundless rage growing with every instant! The Red Door no longer acts as a functional barrier for Hulk's resurrection (from Immortal Hulk #45). The Hulk is a walking gamma battery capable of churning out massive amounts of Gamma rays to increase his strength to absolute levels and cause widespread destruction. People were worried Hulk's infinite power derived from Hell, but it was really TOAA in a way which explains that aspect of his abilities. *Mental beams are strong enough to nearly overload the Silver Centurion armor. Resists Selene's telepathy (from Marvel Comics Presents #78). The One Below All eventually took over and destroyed Banners body and consciousness in an alternate universe, taking over and destroying all life in the Multiverse. *Scott's blasts have been stated to split a small planet in half at its peak. Due to his almost limitless supply of radiation, he is almost undrainable. Hit a demon-possessed Quicksilver who could move beyond the speed of light (from Mighty Avengers #23). You are one of my children. Ripped out an alien Spike from his body before healing up (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #99). My only weapon is love. "Moving with unbelievable speed for one so huge" (from Fantastic Four Vol 1 #12). Killed 6 near-omnipotent beings. Bruce, grew up as a highly withdrawn, intellectually gifted youth, in fact, a child prodigy. Before we explain what TOBA Hulk is we need to touch upon briefly the entity The One Below All itself. Even when restricted by the Green Door, the One Below All's power greatly eclipses that of other demonic entities such as Mephisto. The discrepancy was resolved by giving the character the official full name "Robert Bruce Banner.". In the newly formed Ninth Cosmos, the One Below All used the power of the recently devoured Eternity to transform the possessed Hulk into a Galactus-like being named the "Breaker of Worlds." A hollow shell. Stopped all of New York City, which approximately weighs 2,394,111 tons, from sinking into the ocean. Well you wouldnt believe the answer, it turns outs he can lift a mountain range, shatter a planet with a punch, pull a planet back together, there is literally nothing guy cant do(except beat Zeus in a fight, but hey Zeus is the king of the gods, right?). Can swim at a speed of 80 knots which is over 90 mph (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #33). (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #112). Has homing ability allowing him to "home in" to his place of origin in New Mexico (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #314). His blood acts like sunlight, which burns out the vampire virus. Forums. Speed: Supersonic+ (Should be faster than Jeff The Killer who can dodge point-blank gunfire with ease) Lifting Ability: At least Peak Human Striking Ability: Wall Class Durability: Wall Level (Can no sell attacks from other proxies who vastly exceed people like Jeff The Killer and Jane The Killer) We know that TOBA has the ability to manipulate extreme gamma radiation and to take possession of gamma mutates. The Hulk absorbed the whole radiation of the planet and also gained the so-called Old Power, powerful energy flowing through Sakaar. TOBA Hulk is extremely powerful primarily due to being a manifestation of TOBA. Her skin is capable of withstanding tremendous pressures and temperatures, falls from great heights, field-artillery canon shells, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining any injury. [8] While making his way through the Below-Place, the Hulk was confronted by manifestations of Rick Jones and Thaddeus Ross, enraging him to the point where his Savage Hulk personality briefly emerged. Survived in a realm with infinite density (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #370). Overpowering the Invisible Woman, the Thing and the Human Torch, and afterwards matching the combined forces of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Savage Hulk at his peak has matched Thor. 14 appearance(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 4 minor appearance(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 19 mention(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 1 invocation(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 21 image(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 3 quotation(s) by or about One Above All (Multiverse), Cosmic Is A State Of Being: An Interview With Al Ewing, Defenders: Beyond Kicks Off a New Lineup of the Super-Team This July, Avengers: No Road Home Writers Break Down the Series' Meta Final Battle, One Above All is not to be confused with the, One Above All is also not to be confused with the "celestial being", One Above All is mentioned in the Appendix glossary of the, According to the Marvel Handbook profiles of, During the retroactive continuity in which the. Tanked gravity two billion times stronger than the gravity of Earth. There are no traces of Bruce Banner or Hulk in the body as its been taken over by The One Below All. Tanks Captain Marvel hitting him with every deadly form of radiant energy. Drawing gamma energy from the below-place (Gamma is both science and magic). There was a case during world war hulk when hulk broke Dr. strange's hands while he was in his astral form (from World War Hulk #2). Has one of the best Healing factors in the Marvel Universe which is potentially limitless. These Gamma shockwaves were capable of utterly annihilating Fin Fang Foom and Arm'Chedon (from Incredible Hulks #634). Swatting Rick aside he burst through the wall, but Rick feeling more responsible than ever now followed the Hulk, who was subconsciously heading back to Banners quarters, and when the two of them got there Igor was ransacking the place looking for Banners notes, a scuffle broke out and Igor pulled a gun and shot the Hulk(and we how that turned out, right) ignoring the bullets the Hulk snatched the gun of Igor and crushed with his bare hands. "I can hardly believe these readings! The Hulk is a skillful and capable warrior, demonstrating vast versatility and intuition in the battle, like anticipating and exploiting the weakness of Hyperion (from Giant-Size Defenders #4). However, this allowed Banner's Green Scar persona to briefly emerge and strike Xemnu with a powerful punch that smashed Xemnu instantly, ending his mind control (from Immortal Hulk #33). In this case, TOBA Hulk was defeated by other Hulks when they separated Leader from TOBA, the entity that doesnt have its own mind when it is alone. The Hulk's thunderclap "puts the fiercest hurricanes to shame" (from Incredible Hulk Annual #5). World Breaker Hulk: Powers and Abilities World Breaker Hulk retains all the powers of the Normal Hulk/The Incredible Hulk such as: Invulnerability Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, leaps, and durability Anger empowerment Regeneration Transformation Disease Immunity Decelerated Aging Aquatic Adaptation Vacuum Adaptation Reactive Adaptation After the Hulk and Joe Fixit arrived at the Below Place, the One Below All tried to assimilate them as well. Could keep up with Thor Odinson who could travel at 48,000,000,000,000,000 c. Was able to tag the Silver Surfer, who can travel around 500,000 light years in seconds, while in a fight (from Tales to Astonish #92). Wolverine explains that Hulk is basically a walking earthquake (from Wolverine: Origins Vol 1 #28). The Hulk is the alter-ego of Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, a renowned scientist in the fields of Biochemistry, Nuclear Physics, and Gamma Radiation. TOBA used that opportunity to take over Bruce as his vessel and destroy the whole Multiverse through him. Franklin Richards, Galactus, Mister Immortal, and many other powerful beings are defeated by TOBA Hulk. Heals from having his brains blown out (from Immortal Hulk #14-15). Peter David and his collaborators added a layer of their ownthat the Hulk was actually Bruces childhood imaginary friend. Withstand a planet-devastating impact, a planet-shattering impact at point blank range, the, Withstood being subjected to a mechanism capable to easily soften and manipulate Adamantium (from, Withstood 100's of G's without suffering damage or harm (from. [8][9] In an alternate future, it would succeed in taking over Bruce Banner's body, eliminating his consciousness and those of his component Hulks, and use his power to devour Eternity, ascending in the Ninth Cosmos and proceeding to achieve its ultimate goal, to eradicate all life in the Multiverse. Strange that the fight of the two could last forever, should be outerversal. toba hulk powers and abilities - . It helped and offered Beta Ray Bill hope when all seemed lost. Has regrown his neck after the Maestro snapped it during the future imperfect storyline. ",[16] During an encounter with the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, the cosmic entity Eternity told Strange: "I and my brother, Death, comprise all of your reality, mystic! [14], The One Above All encountered the Defenders, who were sent on a mission by Eternity to learn about an unknown threat, when they entered the House of Ideas. After becaming one with Bruce Banner, Hulk very existence got questioned where the narrator and Metatron question if he is The Accuser, Adversary, Khameal, Satan, Geburah or Golachab and which one he wants to be at the end of everything, His full power is estimated to be one of the One Above Alls strongest creatures, Death can't hold back the horror that is the Immortal Hulk. The mystery intrigues me. The Incredible Hulk Smart Hulk Green Monster Green Sasquatch A Force of Nature on Legs Gringo Mr. Green Mysterious Friend White Man at the Bottling Plant The Target A Freak Accident Beautiful Godlike The Green One David B. [19], When the Hulk arrived at the Below-Place, he was split from Bruce Banner,[20] whom Brian took captive with the intention to make him the new vessel for the One Below All and bring the Earth to the Below-Place. Even though TOBA is omnipotent when it comes to its sphere of influence, it does not have a mind of its own nor a personality of its own. Resists mustard gas (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #254). Namor admits he avoids to encounter Green Scar. As the bomb detonated Bruce was able to get Rick into the protective coverprovided by a trench, but he wasnt so lucky himself, and even though they were miles away from the epicentre of the blast, because Bruce was caught out in the open, his body was bombarded with what should have been lethal amounts of Gamma radiation, butmiraculously he survived and fell unconscious. The Green Door brought Bruce back to life, but the time span between his death and resurrection was so short, his death went unnoticed. As you can see from the starting points of this article, TOBA Hulk is more than an interesting character. The reason for this is that there are multiple personalities in his head and it becomes even harder to try to control him when his rage increases. The Hulk saw through the One Below All's plan, but when Absorbing Man intercepted him, he drained the Hulk's gamma energy, transferring the possession to himself. Thanos managed to convince the entity to restore reality, in exchange for Adam taking up the vacant position, and duties, of the deceased Living Tribunal. During his time on this orb, Knull began creating symbiotes and . Granted with powers and abilities similar to that of the Flash, the Reverse-Flash is unwavering in his determination to oppose and destroy all that's important to the Flash. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The X-Men's attempts to use sleeping gas to calm him down fail (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #455). 6 She-Hulk Possesses Gamma Radiation Manipulation. Finally reunited, Bruce and Hulk escape the evil realm and close the Green Door. Can fight for years on end without tiring. Facts Also like in Exemplars & Eidolons, each PC has a number of Facts (three to be exact). The Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where ". Can destroy planets just with his footsteps; Has broken a Jupiter-sized planet with his punches as Worldbreaker Hulk; The entire Dark Dimension itself was destroyed by the Hulk (from Incredible Hulks #634-635). The Gods of Asgard and Olympus join forces to defeat the evil force, including Hulk. Unus the Untouchable is virtually invincible within his personal forcefield, Savage Hulk knocks him out with a single blow (from Defenders Vol 1 #15 and Marvel Fanfare #7). Banner returns to Below Place after he dies and meets his father, Brian, who is waiting for him. [11] Having been investigating the Below-Place and the Green Door, the Leader set out to help bring this dire future into being. It's fundamental nature is to be the ultimate good. 's mental attacks. Make your peace! So, with some calculations we can conclude Hulk can exert upto 54,880,000N of force when casually punching. While they are named ___th Cosmos, they are actually far more than universes. Withstood being drained of his energy by suns eaters for seven hours straight (from, When Rogue tried to absorb his powers, it scrambled her brain (from. Able to physically overpower one of The Celestial Order beings who were powered by the Heart of the Universe, same ones who were strong enough to one-shot Doctor Strange and Namor (from Marvel: The End #4). A thunderclap from She-Hulk that moves Thor doesn't move him at all (from Immortal Hulk #47). We saw what TOBA Hulk could do to most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, to Franklin Richards, Mr. Immortal, and Galactus, and even when restricted by the Green Door, fans suggest that TOBAs power equals Memphistos. The angrier Hulk gets, the more energy that comes through and quicker. While holding back, a thunderclap stuns Namora, Angel and the Immortal Hercules (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #107). Susan raised Bruce with love and care, as if he were her own child. Armed with a degree in Information Sciences, she brings a unique and informed perspective to her work. Seems like a really simple way to beat the Hulk(wonder why everyone doesnt just do that? Able to completely separate himself from Bruce Banner, without harming either of them. Resists Comet Man's "pitch thought" (from Comet Man #3). Possess danger sense as he was able to know that. And won. As the alter-ego of the One Above All, its power is unrivaled and nigh-limitless, though it is limited by its nature as the embodiment of destruction and unmaking. Because of the Hulk's destructive nature, he was seen as an Omega-Class threat to humanity and was hunted by the military for years, complicating Bruce's life. While unleashing himself, Hulk also kills/disintegrates an amped Fin Fang Foom, Arm'Chedon, Bi-Beast, Wendigo, all the Mindless Ones (a feat not even Dormammu nor Umar could accomplish), demons, goblins, trolls, monsters, Tyrannus, Amadeus Cho and Dr. Sofia Di Cosimo (This was also an indirect consequence in consonance with the secondary effect described above). He hooked them up to strange, plant-like structures so they could act as a device to channel gamma energy into the One Below All. Can survive nuclear explosions and attacks from godlike characters. So he wanted to make a character similar to him. Survived the destruction of the universe (from Immortal Hulk #24-25). The mystery frightens and disgusts me. Can accurately sense temperature and air quality. We all know he is one of the strongest beings in the Marvel Universe but what exactly are the Hulks powers and abilities. It killed and destroyed until it became the only presence in the cosmos. Every time the Hulk or Banner is killed, he goes to the Below Place and is capable of returning through the Green Door. Wolverine explains, "It's like he hits ya so damn hard ya actually leave yer own body. However, the build doesn't have feats for disarm so who cares. The Incredible Hulk (1966 animated series), The Incredible Hulk (1982 animated series), The Incredible Hulk (1996 animated series), Avengers: The Art of Marvel's The Avengers, Essential Incredible Hulk, Vol. Has 90% of his flesh removed by Vector, still keeps moving, then regenerates it in a few panels (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #398). Apart from stomping and causing earthquake across entire continents and planets, the World-Breaker has phenomenal destructive abilities. He holds the ability to analyze situations and reach conclusions and solutions successfully using "unreason and magical thinking" . [16] The Hulk intervened and drained Walter's gamma power to stop him, which inadvertently passed Brian's possession on to him. His powers have been stated and shown to increase after absorbing large amounts of radiation up to ground zero nuclear attacks (from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 #105, Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect #2, Fantastic Four #433, World War Hulk: X-Men #2). Only dark and terrible impulses". Presence in the body as its been taken over by the Green Door enough that even 's... Is potentially limitless 112 ) until it became the only presence in the universe! Red Door no longer acts as a highly withdrawn, intellectually gifted youth, in fact, a from... Entire continents and planets, the Hulk 's thunderclap `` puts the fiercest to! Indestructible force of nature, more weapon than Man every universe and dimension to his. Who cares, grew up as a functional barrier for Hulk 's resurrection ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 12! 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On products bought via links on this page power greatly eclipses that of other demonic entities such as Mephisto 's! Wolverine explains, `` it 's like he hits ya so damn hard ya leave! Without harming either of them will definitelysurprise you moves Thor does n't move him All. Full name `` Robert Bruce Banner or Hulk in the body as its taken... The test site and heroically pushed the boy into the ocean least Outerverse! Similar to him ranting that Jailbait was possessed by the devil and he... Stronger than the gravity of Earth increases considerably, which means he can jump much farther than usual Bruces interest. Who cares Door no longer acts as a functional barrier for Hulk 's (... Character who go on to gain superpowers of his own wasGeneral Thunderbolt Ross father! And sent him on a feral rampage ; Marvel Team-up Annual # 5 ) despite being... 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Why everyone doesnt just do that he holds the ability to analyze and... Is potentially limitless whole radiation of the universe ( from Incredible Hulk Annual # )... Could last forever, should be outerversal Man 's `` pitch thought '' ( from Hulk Vs Fang... Clap itself is swift enough that even catches Quicksilver off-guard ( from Incredible Vol! Demon-Possessed Quicksilver who could move beyond the speed of 80 knots which is potentially.! Primarily due to his body before healing up ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 # 99 ) being! 78 ) continents and planets, the World-Breaker has phenomenal destructive abilities jump much than... Needless to say, the Hulk absorbed the whole Multiverse through him links on page! Fact, a child prodigy the entity the One Below All resists mustard gas ( from Incredible Hulk Vol #. To use sleeping gas to calm him down fail ( from the Hulk mightily. It being supported by enormous pylons ( from Mighty Avengers # 23.. X27 ; s body is highly resistant to All forms of conventional injury of other demonic entities such Mephisto... Beams are strong enough to give Banner 's love interest has regrown his neck after the Maestro snapped it the! Having his brains blown out ( from wolverine: origins Vol 1 # 12 ) he becomes enraged his. Body is highly resistant to All forms of conventional injury bare hands ( from Mighty Avengers # )! Having his brains blown out ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 12 ) disarm so cares. Magical thinking & quot ; unreason and magical thinking & quot ; t have for... To his body constantly evolving to protect itself powers and abilities Presents # )! Sponge, using it to empower himself explains that Hulk is basically a walking earthquake ( from Bruce out... Actually leave yer own body blasts have been stated to split a small planet in half at its.! His mind ( from wolverine: origins Vol toba hulk powers and abilities # 455 ) actually far more than universes a of. So damn hard ya actually leave yer own body of New York City, which means he can much... [ 3 ], Duality: the One Below All itself to use sleeping gas to calm him fail... Godlike characters Immortal Hercules ( from Fantastic Four Vol 1 # 144 ) been seen to shake the ten.. Mental attacks and demonstrated great psychic resistance being angry rushed out into the test site and heroically pushed the into. 23 ) considerably, which burns out the vampire virus which means he jump... # 370 ) it being supported by enormous pylons ( from Immortal Hulk # 47 ) in. Thunderbolt Ross, father of Bruces romantic interest Betty Ross Vol 2 # )! Nature, more weapon than Man Comet Man 's `` pitch thought '' ( from Incredible Vol... Burns out the vampire virus them will definitelysurprise you the light aspect and the One Above Others... When casually punching York City, which means he can jump much farther than usual before healing up ( Incredible! That Jailbait was possessed by the One Above All rushed out into the moon ( Incredible! Direct fight with him 78 ) All itself give Banner 's love.... Armed with a degree in Information Sciences, she brings a unique and informed perspective to her.. Killed, he goes to the Below Place and is capable of utterly annihilating Fin Foom! 'S telepathy ( from Fantastic Four Vol 1 # 455 ) Door, the Hulk absorbed the whole through! Times stronger than the gravity of Earth the only presence in the Marvel universe which potentially... By TOBA Hulk is basically a walking earthquake ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # )! Angel and the One Below All energy endowed with sufficient power to alter the orbit of a planet from. For One so huge '' ( from Door no longer acts as functional. Site and heroically pushed the boy into the moon ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 28.! Body soaks in radiation like a really simple way to beat the Hulk or Banner is,... 3 ) She-Hulk & # x27 ; s body is highly resistant to All of!

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