If you decide to do this, David will be freed from the trap and he will be carried away by the survivors. Take the spanner from the right door. (saved Doug). Duck and Katya are being held by the St Johns. If you don't kill Danny, Lilly will remark about keeping him alive. You're welcome, cunt. It doesn't matter who we were, man." So, who did/didn't you tell? Hey its the end of the world, wtf are they gonna do? Kenny will agree with you. As of result of being peaceful, she bears no grudge towards anyone and is assumed to be on good terms with the rest of the members in the group, although her name has not been mentioned by anyone aside from Lee, Lilly and Kenny during any ensuing conversations. It matches the flashlight. I also want to know what happens when you don't tell people, because so far there's no repercussions for telling people. I don't think it's incomprehensible to think Kenny blasted her from behind, to spare her from the agony of what was to come. doesn't seem to matter. Even if you help him, Kenny will kill Larry. It is also the third tough decision you'll need to make. Katjaa Head back into Lilly's room and talk to her. In the Wellington ending there is a chance that Kenny is alive somewhere, but the Kenny ending gives him the peace and family time that he deserved. Duck also tells Lee that a nearby object is named a salt-lick. After a short struggle, Larry, Mark, or Carley dispatches the newly reanimated zombie. If you have a good relationship with Lilly at this point, she will appear and shoot Andy. Watch the cutscene and then try to start the whole thing with Kenny one more time. Around this time, Katjaa will either thank or scorn Lee for his actions on Hershel's farm. Brenda won't let Lee in to see Mark, stating he has 'to trust her on this'. Dutch is one of the language having the name "Katjaa", which if Anglicized will be "Katherine". She killed herself. In fact, Katjaa is the only adult member in the group who has not uttered a single profane word (except under duress such as when Lilly shoots one of the bandits). Well, you don't have to tell her about your past, but something about her makes you feel like she'd understand. She is the wife of Kenny and mother of Kenny Jr. Katjaa is a kind and nurturing woman who isn't afraid to say what is on her mind. Deal with them first. Let's start with the peaceful solution. Watch the full trailer now for The Flash. I told everyone apart from Ben - I thought he was acting suspicious from the moment I returned to the Motor Inn. Chapter 5: Handle It - Duck gets worse and worse, "You think you're the reason Duck got bitten. Their responses are different depending on the character. Choose whether or not to leave Lilly behind. Head towards the train station beyond the overpass. I told Carley it was a stupid idea but I ended up telling everyone anyway after giving it some thought. He is a sharp, hard-working person who likes to take action and make things happen, though his short temper and failure to think things through often get the better of him. Thinking Kenny is in danger, the two hasten to rescue him from whatever has caused him to scream. You can also ask her opinion on the area, and Lilly remarks that they should just eat dinner and leave. It was as awkward as you'd expect it to be. Inside, Lee finds Mark, who has had both of his legs cut off. This is theWalkthrough for Episode 2 of the Walking Dead, "Starved for Help". You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Later, along with her family and the rest of the survivors, she ends up in Lee's family's store, the Everett Pharmacy Drugstore. Eliminate the remaining bandits with your rifle. Suicide via self-inflicted gunshot to the head. First Appearance The group will then hear a noise and find an abandoned car. Knowing what happens later cause my first time I had Doug, but on my Carley save I told Katjaa I was a criminal. Lee can then decide to either immediately go with Danny to the woods to locate the bandit camp, or can alternatively stay and interact with the other characters. He even said "I dropped a 50 pund block of salt on a guy's head. Realising what has happened, Lee then sprints back downstairs to stop the group from eating. Lee then hears Andy outside with Kenny, and finds Andy holding Duck hostage. Keep them talking by asking. Pick up the rag on the floor of the boxcar. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian albeit not the one hes looking for. This time of contemplation and redemption for Kenny is worth more than anything for me. "A New Day" Brenda will express interest in Larry, and you can ask about the barn. Examine them if you wish. The Official Walking Dead Game Wiki Guide. Your next task is to simply choose the correct answers. However, she fails and David/Travis dies. Go back to the front porch and talk to the dairy farmers. Upon arrival the two find a group of students and a teacher in a clearing, one of whom has his. Choose any of the answers except for "Calm down." You definitely have to save Duck over Shawn and protect him from Larry in Episode 1. The group will then stumble across a pair of arguing bandits in the woods. Saying that Kenny should do it. Look down, pick up the Rug and fulfill her request (Clean: Duck). Even when Larry threatens to throw her son out onto the streets to the walkers, Katjaa does not seem to respond to the man with harsh words. Lee can either give up the information voluntarily or be more secretive. When Lee enters the house for dinner, he will ask where Mark is. Her bluntness was displayed when she straightforwardly remarked to Lee that Travis/David Parker would have never survived their wounds, even though she had still tried to treat them. Lee can state he found a tent, shot a woman or that 'nothing happened'. Jump off the opposite side of the overpass onto the roof of the train. I feel pretty good about my choices. I think I'll definitely have to do a replay with Carley after the last 2 episodes are out as we never really got any chance to confess. Pass Ben on top of the RV, and question himabout the broken flashlight. If you talk to Duck at this point, he will remark that it smells funny in here. This is an interactive story of Telltales, the walking dead, in which you get to vote on what can happen next. I had talked to Clem prior, but had not told anyone until Carley had said I should. I don't believe that Kenny had killed his wife, just based on his motivation. Told Katjaa what went on in the meat locker as well. When the trio walked away, Katjaa was in front holding Duck with Kenny behind. Everybody. It will make Kenny enraged and he will get up. So I told Katja, as I trusted her. His response will depend on whether you sided with him or not. Successfully complete the QTE to kill the second zombie. "Happen" is a regular, much-used verb that most English students will discover early in their language journey. That sound ain't good. If you listen closely to the bandits at this point they will shout about having 'an arrangement', which is a reference to the plot later on. Once all of the food has been given out, a scene will play where someone who didn't get food looks sad. If you choose the right interaction, Lee will give Clementine back her hat. Talk to the dairy farmers. Depending on whether you shot the woman or not, you will have more time to collect supplies. Take the whiskey off the box to the right. Once back on the road, Katjaa will ask for a word. I'm glad it's you calling; I thought it would be Bobby. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for gamepressure.com, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Each game on PlayR has a different way to save your game. YOU ARE READING. If you don't manage to do it or you want to let Kenny win, you'll get a few hits, and then you'll have an opportunity to block his Fist again. If you do punch Andy repeatedly, Lee will eventually stop and Andy will try to mock Lee. They will also find a hoodie, which fits Clementine. The group will then meet Brenda, Andy and Danny's mom. Last Appearance When the fight begins, again you'll have a choice. Lee can now decide whether to walk away, or alternatively can decide to kill Andy. It is at this point the St. Johns reveal that they are doing what they can to survive, even if it means eating human meat. At this point Lee must find a way to distract Andy so he can remove the lock from the door. Mainly cause I liked Kenny in Ep1, and he turned into a massive douche nossle. There are three possibilities as the following situation is concerned - you can reassure Kenny, or make him angry and in the latter case, either you'll win with him, or let him win. Citing that it will be easier to push up the fence from the other side, Mark and Lee cross the barrier between the farm and the woods and push up the fence. Katjaa tries to save David Parker/Travis after one of them is brought back to the motel badly wounded. If he had been able to shoot her, he'd have shot Duck too. Danny will then walk into the beartrap, which snares his leg. Once she unlocks it, open the door and enter the station house. You can go up and talk to them if you want, and Larry will leave. Death Episode BUT I told Clem she could tell her parents. Katjaa/Kenny (Walking Dead Video Game) (39) Clementine & Lee Everett (31) Carley/Lee . Investigate the clipboard on the side of the console. Lee: Guys. Franklin was likely the "family dog" Kenny mentions to Lee in the meat locker in "Starved for Help". Head back towards the boxcar and talk to Ben. Early 40s I know what happens if you shoot him, but what if the Look Away and Shoot Kenny choice times out? If you have a good relationship, Kenny will offer to give Lee a spot on the RV. Possessed by a spirit in a dying cornfield, a twelve-year-old girl in Nebraska recruits the other children in her small town to go on a bloody rampage and kill all the adults and anyone else who opposes her. Examine the ammo box near Dannyto find a camera. Weekly r/homelabsales Summary - 2023-02-24. i think the worst thing would be if katjaa accidentally shot herself, being stressed out and nervous about the situation and that she didn't like guns, she may have just ignored any weapon handling tips thinking/hoping she wouldn't have to use a gun. All rights reserved. Check out the launch trailer for another look at Lara Croft in action.Tomb Raider Reloaded allows players to jump back into the boots of groundbreaking adventurer Lara Croft in an action-filled quest to obtain the ancient Scion artifact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. You then get the choice to tell everyone to run, tell Kenny to get his gun or tell Lilly to grab her knife. Just Clem and Kenny for me. Cissy Jones The Walking Dead Game Guide by gamepressure.com. If you say that you'll be the one to shoot him, Katjaa will take Duck into the forest and Kenny will stay with you. When Clementine tried to distract the bandits, she shouted "Christa, Run! I figured that maybe Kenny would use it against me later on. I decided to be honest with my closest people. Clem can stay inside the house with the hostages or rather escape and tries to find. Katjaa: Anyway, can you please tell Clementine and the Eds about it? Doug I suppose lol would be the only option if no Carly. We are going to the coast. Ultimately, the emotional toll eventually gets the better of her and Katjaa succumbs to it. I told everyone. Watching season 1 of the Walking dead telltale/Skybound Fanfiction You need to make an etching on the page to reveal the startup sequence. Talk to the survivors from the motel and the dairy farmers about the bandits. Investigate the electrical fence. Katjaa: What else should we do?! He remarks that he needs a coin. I just think that line of the story was she couldn't handle it, she loved her son more than life itself, and so she just couldn't bare to watch him die. Once there, interact with the bookshelf to move it out of the way and discover a hidden door. He says that Andy locked the door behind them, and Lee remarks that they can remove the lock and replace it like it nothing happened. Be especially careful of the ones who try and flank you. My story is not uncommon. No matter what choice the player makes, Katjaa will still take her own life. Katjaa tries to save David Parker/Travis after one of them is brought back to the motel badly wounded. The argument soon turns violent and one bandit pushes another before shooting him in the head, and three more times when he's on the ground. The next correct answers are: (5) "You think you're the reason Duck got bitten.". A bright high schooler who won't go along with the plan is the town's only hope of survival. As a result of Ben telling the group earlier that dead bodies always come back as Walkers, and knowing they have no way to revive Larry in the confined space in the meat locker, Kenny pushes Lee to decide whether to finish Larry off or not. Walk around to the far side of the swing and talk to Kenny. A sequence will now start. On June 16, worlds collide. Be prepared to act. I know some people might not think it appropriate to tella little girl, but it's a different world post-zed. This prompts Clementine to respond with whatever Lee said it smelt like last time they slept in a barn, back at Hershel's farm in Episode 1. Her fate is unknown. Talk to Celmentine about her art supplies. In "Long Road Ahead", however, perhaps the death of Katjaa showed that she was not a woman of resilience and strength, but a woman who struggles to battle with the emotional toll and bottled up her entire feelings out of fear that her emotional weakness will become a burden to the group. She managed to grab the video recorder that was taken from Lee, and hands it on to him later on. Funnily enough, to add to what the post before this one said, Kenny tells Lee near the end (if you choose to talk about the past with Kenny, note there is a VERY small window of opportunity to bring this up with Kenny, it appear between the train moving after leaving Duck and Katjaa, and giving the whiskey to Chuck) Kenny himself says "Kat would've understood" Katjaa will call to you for help with Duck. Yet, unfortunately, the place isn't accepting new members, as they're at capacity. This list shows the victims Katjaa has killed: If Lee fails to complete certain tasks, it is possible for Katjaa to be killed. Even if you don't like Kenny you still earn points towards securing another helping hand in finding Clementine. However, she fails and David/Travis dies. Although she still didn't like this, she knew that her husband and Lee had a point. Unlike her husband, who is deeply affected by the decisions made within the group, Katjaa seems to be less edgy or touchy to minor issues. There's also a wire going up the stairs, so instead of washing you hands, head quietly up there instead. They approach cautiously but it appears to be abandoned. Kenny will also refuse food, asking Lee to see to his boy first. Turn the power off using the switch above. In sharp contrast to her husband, Katjaa is a pacifist who rarely, if at all, displays aggression or violence throughout the story. Children of the Corn, written and directed by Kurt Wimmer, opens in theaters on March 3, 2023, and will be available on Demand and digital on March 21, 2023. When Lee has important matters to attend to, Katjaa adopts the role of a temporary caretaker for Clementine. In order to not die during this section you must remain still whenever Brenda points the gun at you. I didn't know him well enough, as he was the newcomer in the group. I told everybody. At this point, Lee realises that the main reason Danny wanted to go hunting the bandits was to track Jolene, with the aim of bringing her back to eat. Go back outside. Return to the boxcar and talk to Clementine. So she took the news well. Cause of Death Move back to the front of the tractor and examine the front. Later, she is held hostage by Brenda St. John. Side with Lilly or attempt to calm her down. Worlds collide in The Flash when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. At the urging of everyone around him, Lee tries to release David from the beartrap. You will have to do this four times before the leg comes off completely. Kenny: Important to stay honest with each other. If you refuse to go to the dairy farm the rest of the group will have a vote that vetoes Lee's decision and Lee will reluctantly give in and go to the Dairy farm regardless. Both Katjaa, Kenny, and Duck make a cameo appearance at Gil's Pitstop in the intro sequence. I think it's safe to say that saving Duck is the objectively better choice all around. Yet, the Bible teaches that God can awaken the dead as if from sleep and give them life again. She then merrily told an anecdote once of how the Wildlife Rescue Center would regularly bring in injured alligators to be treated before their release back into the wild. Andy remarks that he will switch off that area of the fence while they carry out the task. We would appreciate it. My symptoms included a sore throat, fever, night sweats, nasal congestion, nausea, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, loss of sense of smell and taste, and a cough. I wonder what we had instead of this in the Doug world. - Also, I. If you want to fight, after blocking a blow keep pressing the button shown on the screen. Have Clementine go through the gap above the door. Struggle against Andy by mashing the correct button. The group must then decide whether or not it is a good idea to take them, prompting another tough choice. The fastest way to lead to the fight is to show Kenny the bloody rag and then choose two answers - first "Nothing you seem to care about." Katjaa will refuse food, insiting it is given to Duck instead. Occupation . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Head towards the far end of the Motor Inn. The injuries and wounds you've sustained will "stay" with you till until the end of the episode. When you tell your therapist that you are suicidal, here are the possible things that could happen: Individual and unique responses Every therapist will respond differently to your disclosure of suicidal ideation and even attempts in the past. Decide whether or not to tell the group about your past. Katjaa will call to you for help with Duck. Kenny will remember this. Wishlist Today. Larry will die no matter what you do, so your decision will affect only Lilly and Kenny's behavior in this and the following episodes, and with regard to that it is a very important choice, especially if earlier you did everything against Kenny - if you side with him now, Kenny will again want to give you a ride in his . Andy tells them not to mess with the door because 'momma gets nervous'. Open the door and investigate the body in the chair. The electricity will then suddenly activate on the fence, leading to Lee and Mark commenting on the fact that Andy said he would switch it off. Lee will then go outside, and Carley/Doug will arrive with Ben. Later, Katjaa appears in Clementine's dream after she is shot, holding a napping Duck in the RV while she herself is fast asleep. It's hands are gripped firmly onto the fence, so the only to remove it is by interacting with each of its hands and chopping them off with Lee's axe. Kenny, sometimes nicknamed Ken, is one of the main characters in Telltale Games' The Walking Dead. same here. As players progress through each chapter, theyll get new perks and even craft weapons to strengthen Laras arsenal. If Carley is the survivor her and Ben will approach through the corn. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. On my other playthrough I told everyone. You'll then have to move up the house. My secret was safe ( well Clem always knew since Episode1!! and by that time Christa started to run, we hear a gunshot and Telltale didn't show what happened to her. Check out the launch trailer for another look at Lara Croft in action.Tomb Raider Reloaded allows players to jump back into the boots of groundbreaking adventurer Lara Croft in an action-filled quest to obtain the ancient Scion artifact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. Talk to Lilly and Larry on the back porch. If you leave David behind, or don't get the beartrap off within a set time period, he will be left behind to be eaten by the Walkers. Who asks you to reveal the secret if you've saved Doug in episode 1? As a mother, a wife, and middle-aged woman in the group, Katjaa was one of the characters within the game whose personality experiences a drastic change due to the events that occur from "A New Day" to "Long Road Ahead". 2023.02.24 19:00 LabB0T Weekly r/homelabsales Summary - 2023-02-24 Kenny will then arrive and state that they're hiding something behind there, saying they have sharp things behind the door. "And I'm glad you agree with this. Status It starts with Lee sneaking up on a Walker. Go back down the ladder and talk to the group. Told everyone, gave Clem what I precived as a softer version, not stating Lee was a murderer but confirming that he killed a man before the apocalypse. Lee must find a way out. Check out the creepy trailer for Children of the Corn, an upcoming movie starring Elena Kampouris, Kate Moyer, Callan Mulvey, and Bruce Spence. Even if you don't like Kenny you still earn points towards securing another helping hand in finding Clementine. Talking to Kenny will prompt Larry's heart condition to start, and he collapses to the ground. As you move towards the entrance Brenda will appear, and Lee can either lie and pretend to be one of the brothers, or alternatively frighten Brenda by saying he left Danny in the barn. Kenny: We keep the same plan. Ben seemed kind of on edge and I feel like I didn't know him that well so I didn't tell him, and Kennywell, Kenny's priority is his family (and I don't blame him) and I was a bit worried he was going to (understandbly) flip out, particularly as I'd been mainly siding with Lily beforehand. Lee saves Katjaa and then struggles with the zombie himself for a bit. Mark and Larry will both take food from you, and will also ask to lend Lee's axe. You will then be able to question him, and he will insist that they skin animals back there. A likable, but nevertheless flawed man, Kenny acted as the de-facto leader of Lee Everett's group. She will tell Lee that Kenny thinks the St. Johns are hiding something. A veterinarian by trade, her family is from Belgium, moving with her to south Florida in her teens where she met Kenny. I also told Christa and Omid later in the game, I don't know if you could tell Chuck? Exit through the side door and examine the car coupling at to the right. Return to the car coupling at the back of the train and attempt to pry the coupling pin loose. . If you get 9 or higher, Kenny will come with you no matter what. I assume you were on Kenny's good side going into Episode 3? Do this twice more to knock it down onto the truck with Lee. Pick up the rag on the floor of the boxcar. She's obviously deranged, and claims Clementine needs a mother. She is later seen at the dinner table eating Mark's legs without realizing. Lee and Danny will now arrive at the Bandit Camp. Then repeat these two steps - block Kenny's right Fist and then press the button shown on the screen. Open it. If at any time you choose a different answer, calm Kenny down and next time choose a nicer response. Along the way, theyll acquire run-specific abilities alongside permanent rewards like new gear, collect resources to help improve Laras stats and unlock new outfits, such as her fan-favorite bomber jacket. Finally, Kenny and Lee will go to Katjaa. Aim the reticle and fire to kill the last zombie. "Shit! 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. Kenny O'Donnell : Adlai, the world has to know we're right. That would be, in addition to Carley, Clem, Lilly and Kat. Interestingly, depending on how many times you managed to punch Andy his face will be in different states of injury at this point. Ben will then reveal that the bite isn't necessary to turn into a Walker - all of the survivors are infected. I had already told Clem, but just in case I made it clear to her. There are several interactive points on the beartrap, chain and surrounding area, but the only way to free David is to chop his leg off using Lee's axe. Once the door has opened Lee will find a selection of dangerous looking tools, lots of blood and will be snuck up on by Andy. I told Kenny and Katjaa, but it didn't occur to me to tell Ben and I totally forgot about Lilly, which was just kismet because evidently she already knew and that blew up in her face like great big raspberry. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. If the axe was given to Larry, he will kill the Walker with the axe. It documents the story of Nikki, Sami, and Tori Knotek, sisters who survived living with their mother, Shelly Knotek, who would ultimately be responsible for the infamous Raymond torture killings in Washington State. When down to the final piece of food, Lee can decide to either keep it for himself, or distribute it amongst the survivors. He will put Lee on the spot when they discuss Lilly, andyou can side with Kenny. You should then approach the generator for the electric fence. Lee will then re-spawn and be allowed to try again. Lee was upset because he assumed Kenny was devoured by the walkers, but he remained focused on recusing Clementine. She will express interest in Katya after revealing she has a sick cow at the dairy. When the bandits attack, Lilly will need to you create a distraction. You will then learn that tempers are incredibly strained among the group. There are three possibilities as the following situation is concerned - you can reassure Kenny, or make him angry and in the latter case, either you'll win with him, or let him win. What happens if you save Shawn Walking Dead? Katjaa stopped right there, and looked down at her lap. Ben will activate the train's breaking system. basically as a non-native speaker you have to appreciate the difference between events that have happened/have been happening, happen/are happening and will happen/will be happening, could happen/could be happening. With Andy now out of the way, head back into the barn and use the multi-tool on all four screws in the lock. Answer what you want to the first question, and then anything to the next one (Clementine will remember your honesty.). You can also offer your honest opinion of Larry. Children of the Corn, written and directed by Kurt Wimmer, opens in theaters on March 3, 2023, and will be available on Demand and digital on March 21, 2023. I wasn't. Keep pulling and the Walker's torso will come away from its body, with Lee throwing it away. Unfortunately, Ben's act of betrayal toward the group that lead to the occurrence of several chain events eventually takes a toll on Katjaa's emotional well-being. 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