MGL c.40B Regional planning Permits a city or town to plan jointly with other cities or towns to promote development and prosperity within their area. With the help of her financial advisor, Clare has isolated four equally risky investments, each providing a single amount at the end of its life, as shown in the given table. conserve energy and water and improve indoor air quality Could you have studied a novelist born in the 19th19 \mathrm{th}19th century? In addition, the Department's Fair Housing Testing Program seeks to uncover this kind of hidden discrimination and hold those responsible accountable. The final subdivision plat must be recorded before closing on any lot. Sometimes, housing providers try to disguise their discrimination by giving false information about availability of housing, either saying that nothing was available or steering homeseekers to certain areas based on race. Buyers of property subject to the Act must receive a property report prior to creation of a sales contract. a. it is a nonconforming use 20. under an existing ordinance no signs may be placed on a building that extends more than 3 feet above the highest point of the roof. The athletic program reduced local energy consumption and planted trees. MAYBE along trade routes, Since 2009, for the first time ever, more people in the world are living in __________ areas than __________ areas. a neighborhood in which people can live, work, eat, and shop all within walking distance Rural populations are projected to drop in both more developed and less developed regions. The brand new 3-mile trail runs right through the city and was built without tearing down any buildings at all. Government subsidies built highways, making commuting from the suburbs into the cities easier. Pickup trucks are only about half as energy efficient as SUVs. This figure shows the population of Portland, Oregon, from 1850 to 2015. IV. the loss of working-class people from traditional neighborhoods as housing prices become too expensive The REA diagram for the art museums expenditure cycle would model the relationship between Purchases and Inventory as being ___. Cities increasing in size, Spacious lots in residential tracts that spread over large areas but are far from urban centers and commercial amenities. Clark must petition for a variance to continue doing business as a convenience store. To take action against, or deny a permit, for a home because of the disability of individuals who live or would live there. provide guidelines for city development to separate areas desired to be urban from areas desired to be rural. Pat and Terry are considering moving from near the center of a large city into the suburbs. This type of housing, which meets the standards set forth in the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995, may operate as "senior" housing. d. A comprehensive land use amendment for an area. c. need for a zoning appeal. It may be frailits roof may shakethe wind may blow . From the 1950s-1990s, many cities experienced a loss in population as people left for the suburbs. The takings clause of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits taking of private property without compensation. What is true about the importance of location for cities that were founded over 100 years ago versus the cities that are rapidly growing today. In reviewing for an exam in your litexature survey course, you notice the following facts about the writers that you studied: a. Organize these facts in a Venn diagram. deed restrictions that run with the land are which of the following? economists However, some facilities may be designated as Housing for Older Persons (55 years of age). LEED-certified buildings could be described by all of the following EXCEPT: use locally produced resources Lighting We have sued lenders under both the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act when they have imposed more stringent underwriting standards on home loans or made loans on less favorable terms for Hispanic borrowers. drawn resources from surrounding areas by trade, persuasion, or conquest. Massachusetts laws MGL c.40A Zoning Gives cities and towns authority to adopt ordinances and bylaws to regulate the use of land, buildings and structures. Zoning, subdivision, and public works decisions must be consistent with any applicable specific plan. The spread of low-density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. This Joint Statement focuses on the Fair Housing Act, not on other federal civil rights laws that prohibit state and local governments from adopting or implementing land use and zoning practices that discriminate based on a protected characteristic, such as Title II of the c. No contract to purchase any lot is allowed until the final subdivision plat is recorded.d. b. if the property owners of adjoining lots consent. What may happen in this situation? Enforcement of violations of federal law related to cannabis. water The planted trees will sequester carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. bus, Which of the following occupations is tasked with designing cities in such a way as to maximize their efficiency, functionality, and beauty? Clark can expand the convenience store to sell gasoline. in 1950, urban populations is more developed regions and less developed regions were almost equal A local TV station claims that 60%60 \%60% of people support Candidate A,30%A, 30 \%A,30% support Candidate B, and 10%10 \%10% support Candidate C. A survey of 500 registered voters is taken. Vernon Taber deposits $600 into an ordinary annuity after each quarter for 4 years. a. special use permit. b. control the activities of building inspectors. an empty, ruined temple surrounded by nothing but grasslands and herds of wild animals, widely spaced homes spread evenly across a vast tract of land. sprawl 3601 et seq., prohibits discrimination by direct providers of housing, such as landlords and real estate companies as well as other entities, such as municipalities, banks or other lending institutions and homeowners insurance companies whose discriminatory practices make housing unavailable to persons because of: - protective covenants answer choices The aggregate of zoning ordinances is the master plan. A zoning law that calls for properties that are being used in a manner that violates the law at the time that the law is passed, to gradually phase out their existing usages of the property which do not conform to the new zoning law. municipality changed the zoning ordinance, prohibiting buildings that exceed six stories in height. Which of the following statements is true about City X? c. nonconforming use permit. a. as biofuels that will not add any extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere use tiered taxation to maintain inner cities as vibrant, livable communities the use of plants that are native to the area where the building is being constructed. - property report Reduce recycling initiatives air warmed over adjacent oceans blowing into urban areas In most cities, public mass transit systems are too expensive to be a viable long-term strategy for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. recycled all paper used in its program and at football games, promoted programs that reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon. - I and IV The Justice Department has taken enforcement action against municipal governments that have tried to reduce or limit the number of Hispanic families that may live in their communities. heavy rail The Act requires all newly constructed multi-family dwellings of four or more units intended for first occupancy after March 13, 1991, to have certain features: an accessible entrance on an accessible route, accessible common and public use areas, doors sufficiently wide to accommodate wheelchairs, accessible routes into and through each dwelling, light switches, electrical outlets, and thermostats in accessible location, reinforcements in bathroom walls to accommodate grab bar installations, and usable kitchens and bathrooms configured so that a wheelchair can maneuver about the space. deregulation, What practice classifies areas for different types of land use? This prohibition covers instances of overt discrimination against members of a particular religion as well less direct actions, such as zoning ordinances designed to limit the use of private homes as a places of worship. have maintained a steady-state population since the 1970s 0.027 cents per kWh - the Conner Act \hline c. the title to the land on which the unit is built. boundary-setting Women, particularly those who are poor, and with limited housing options, often have little recourse but to tolerate the humiliation and degradation of sexual harassment or risk having their families and themselves removed from their homes. b. property owners. Which of the following was most influential in shifting the population of developed countries from the farms to the cities? \text { D } & 13,000 & 10 d. price of the property. Not all requested modifications of rules or policies are reasonable. acid rain developer's fees The spread of sustainable urban or suburban development outward from an urban center. Zoning is based on the principal of use separation. The Department has also sued lenders for discrimination against Native Americans. oil companies, Which of the following follows the philosophy of "building up, not out"? Determining whether someone poses such a direct threat must be made on an individualized basis, however, and cannot be based on general assumptions or speculation about the nature of a disability. Which of the following statements is (are) correct? subways. Sustainable cities tend to be livable cities that provide a good quality of life for its residents. In recent years, the Department's focus in this area has been to challenge sexual harassment in housing. - lots offered only to building contractors One of the things that contribute to sprawl is ________. Mass transit systems include all of the following EXCEPT: - II and III Zoning is local in nature. landscaping with AstroTurf in dry environments. Parliamentary Tradition in Irish Politics, Russia 1a: Establishing Communist Party Contr, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. The number of cases filed since 1968 alleging religious discrimination is small in comparison to some of the other prohibited bases, such as race or national origin. a. require that all energy used in the building comes from wind or solar sources people A zoning ordinance is the local law that spells out the immediate, allowable uses for each piece of property within the community. A subdivision is any parcel of land divided into five or more lots for the purpose of sale or development, now or in the future. A type of urban zoning act that is specific to Oregon. zoning Each member of the engaging cast wakes up and begin their day. limit construction to the use of recycled materials The Department of Justice brings suits on behalf of individuals based on referrals from HUD. Write an essay offering alternatives to war that might have solved the internal problems of one of the two nations . A. Sometimes a supplier offers a discount if a specific invoice is paid in full within 15 days; in such cases, the company takes advantage of the discount. Catholicism, It costs less to operate an automobile in a small city than in a large city because ________. Which of the following approaches help congested cities best deal with the problems related to transportation? Developers, builders, owners, and architects responsible for the design or construction of new multi-family housing may be held liable under the Fair Housing Act if their buildings fail to meet these design requirements. The planted trees will sequester carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. thermal pollution industrialization A variance is a request to deviate from current zoning requirements. InvestmentSingleamountInvestmentlife(years)A$8,4006B15,90015C7,6004D13,00010\begin{array}{ccc} Zoning ordinances Zoning by-laws typically set out specific regulations as to how land can be used, including the size and location of buildings, parking requirements, and landscaping requirements. d. The Act has no exemptions. taxicabs. attempt to address biodiversity concerns Subdivision streets must be privately maintained by the developer until the last lot is sold to the public. foods that are grown locally building with mahogany imported from Brazil ABC company has a checking account, savings account, and payroll account with the XYZ bank. have always grown rapidly and continue to do so A broker: A. must avoid any representation about a property's zoning without verifying the property's zoning and, if appropriate, flood hazard area maps and any restrictive covenants affecting the property. d. Building permits help ensure compliance with zoning requirements. The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. Which of the following approaches best helps congested cities deal with the problems related to transportation? b. restrictive covenants. 2038 A zoning law, or zoning ordinance, dictates acceptable methods of land use for real property inside zoning districts. - court injunction, a variance can be obtained in which of the following scenarios? This is referred to as legal nonconforming use, or being grandfathered in. The Fair Housing Act affords no protections to individuals with or without disabilities who present a direct threat to the persons or property of others. a. height of buildings in an area. I. The world's urban populations are ________. a. developer. encourage the consumption of local foods, conserve energy and water and improve indoor air quality, One common way to increase the sustainability of a food system is to buy and consume __________. improve the soil through organic waste and wastewater techniques, ENV SCI CH 5 & 6: Biomes and Biodiversity, an, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. - it is publicly maintained and is publicly assessed Chapter 3: Housing Regulations. increased agricultural activities - I, II, III, and IV c. A pre-existing use that varies from the current code a. conserves water by using treated city wastewater instead of city tap water for irrigation, conserves water by using treated city wastewater instead of city tap water for irrigation, The bioenergy garden at Georgia Southern University is used to show plants that can be used __________. provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas, to create functional neighborhoods in which most of a family's needs can be met close to home without the use of a car. increased production of carbon dioxide any use of hot water in the stadium, which is heated using gas Which of the following statements is true regarding sustainable cities? Whether subdivision streets are publicly or privately owned and maintained is greater availability of mass transit. Below each passage, write (a)(a)(a) the clue that led you to the meaning, and (b)(b)(b) the meaning itself. What is an urban growth boundary (UGB)? oppose strict limits on growth (UGBs), use renewable energy sources and recycle materials, The urban heat island effect is caused by ________. c. until residences are located within a quarter mile of the station. The Fair Housing Act also protects persons who have a record of such an impairment, or are regarded as having such an impairment. nuclear power plants venting excess heat into the urban landscape Pollution from cities negatively impacting rural communities a. subject to criminal penalties of fines and imprisonment. All of the following are examples of police power EXCEPT Which of the following types of people were the first to move into the suburban areas in the mid-20th century? Master planning is a county-level function; zoning is limited to the city level. A businessman buys tracts of land, makes improvements to the land such as utilities and roads, and constructs buildings. processed foods that require little to no preparation before consumption, What environmental problem is being addressed by the use of bio swales, large vegetated ditches or depressions, on the campus of Georgia Southern University? green buildings They are energy efficient. b. 1,500 MWh Then look up the meaning of these ratings. Most of the cases have been resolved by consent decrees providing a variety of types of relief, including: retrofitting to bring inaccessible features into compliance where feasible and where it is not -- alternatives (monetary funds or other construction requirements) that will provide for making other housing units accessible; training on the accessibility requirements for those involved in the construction process; a mandate that all new housing projects comply with the accessibility requirements, and monetary relief for those injured by the violations. the megacities such as Tokyo, Mexico City, and New York City build more roads, provide access to rail and bus transportation in the inner city or other high-density areas. The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to tax. A residential developer's deed restrictions would probably include all of the following EXCEPT, All the following are true about historic preservation zoning EXCEPT, A tire company has a manufacturing plant located in an area that has just been rezoned for residential use. replaced all vehicles with electric cars - building codes effort to plan for agriculture in city areas a. gift deed. make the city transportation "bus only" Which of the following statements is true regarding sustainability? Given this set of facts, the relationship between the Disburse Cash and Purchase events in the companys expenditure cycle REA diagram would be modeled as being ___. To transportation reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon cars - building codes effort to plan for in! Vernon Taber deposits $ 600 into an ordinary annuity after each quarter for years. The station '' which of the property cities that provide a good quality of life its. 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