An important scene for this theory is the Waif stabbing Arya in the stomach after she went blind, which would severely weaken her and makes it difficult to believe that Arya would go on to defeat the Waif in combat shortly after. In the first section, we're going to look at what it takes to hire a Faceless Manand why one would be in the Black Cells. Well, that's for the end of the essay. Karl Tanner | He ordered her to assassinate Lady Crane. Syrio dies, and suddenly [Jaqen] has no reason to be there anymore gets captured despite his skill.. Ilyn Payne | I did not think it good to free those three, but But I find it unlikely that it would be Jaqen. Asshai and Shadow Lands The Tickler (Season 2) After she saves Jaqen H'ghar's life (along with two others, who will come up later), the Faceless Man offers Arya a repayment: Name three people, and Jaqen will kill. After escaping from their captors, he says that "Jaqen H'ghar" must die, and changes his face/identity. The signs were all there, you guys. Walder Rivers | On that note, on the forums of, it has become somewhat of a meme that everyone is Syrio Forel or Jaqen H'ghar. Why did Jaqen H'ghar give Arya the iron coin? So he went into the dungeon in preparation for that, only Joffrey messed up the plan. He claims to be from the Free City of Lorath. If he wasn't on her side, wouldn't he have handled that differently? In HBOs Game of Thrones, Jaqens character got portrayed by Tom Wlaschiha. Posts outside the content scope are removed. Waif In Season five, Arya arrived in Braavos. High Sparrow | Smiling Knight | Is there any more backstory in the books as to his origins as opposed to the TV show? / JON: I've been sent to negotiate with you. This is a more interesting question than it might appear on the surface. Big Walder Frey | Unknown Redditors unable to follow the [sub's rules]( are banned. Riverlands Bowen Marsh | "We have Jaqen, who's also another House of Black and White character." Honestly, that's a clever move on the crew's part (Littlefinger would be proud), but we're bummed these cameos weren't real. Arthor Karstark | As a native of Lorath, a city in Essos, he speaks in a unique manner that omits the first and second grammatical persons; this means he always talks in a third-person perspective and avoids using any form of personalization like names. " Jaqen H'ghar " is the alias assumed by one of the Faceless Men of Braavos, a feared order of mysterious assassins with the ability to change their appearance at will. Vala Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. She later witnesses her fathers sentencing, but before she sees him get killed, Yoren takes her with him. But the last episode showed you that the Jaqen H'ghar from S5 isn't necessarily the same as the one in S1. Shagwell | Pure Conjecture, Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Hobby He didnt want anything to do with Roberts plans to have Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) the true heir to the Iron Throne killed. A user deserves his +1. He appeared in seasons 1, 2, 5, and 6 and starred in 18 episodes. Jaqen H'ghar; Game of Thrones ist eine der beliebtesten Fernsehserien aller Zeiten. A user does not know but it adds an interesting dimension to the mystery. It is over the course of this training that a number of fans have put forth some pretty shocking theories. Brave Companions | Right. why Jaqen showed up in the first place. Arya edged backward away from the wagon. Emmon Frey | After Arya saved his life, Jaqen gifted Arya with three kills, and then revealed the truth that he is actually one of the Faceless Men of Braavos, with the ability to change his identity on a whim. Later, Vargo Hoat and the Brave Companions bring some Rivermen and Northmen to Harrenhal. Later, Jaqen followed a trail of blood to the Hall of Faces, where he saw the Waif's face. Rhaenyra Targaryen | Not that we ever got to the. H'ghar made it clear that he was going to help Arya, and he did, killing a few people for her, helping her escape, and giving her a coin which would help her get to Braavos, should she so desire. Sons of the Harpy | And while I'd like him to be Syrio Forel (and he's not shown to die) I believe he is dead. Ok, so after syrio is last on scene, arya is running through the basements of kings landing, gets scared, and freezes up. The man in charge of them (therefore, in charge of keeping Jaqen imprisoned), Rugen, was a mysterious character, "no friends, no kin", "The other turnkeys were afraid of him", "was seldom here", "came and went as he pleased". Cregan Karstark | In the end, we see Jaqen send her off despite the fact that she did not pass the tests to become one of the Faceless Men. Except that Jaqen H'ghar was helping Arya the whole time, and we should have known that it was happening. Craster | However, Arya instead killed Meryn Trant. The Tickler is later found dead in the courtyard. According to the theory, Jaqen H'ghar of the Faceless Men and Ned Stark were being held prisoner in the Red Keep at the same time. We also do not get to actually see the fight between Arya and the Waif that ends with Arya hanging the Waif's face in the Hall of Faces. agenda is - or if there is a secret agenda. tbh removing Ned is a task Varys could (did?) Biter | Besides his fighting prowess and beautiful features, Jaqen has a calm demeanor and acts politely to everyone. There's still too much Arya doesn't know about the Facless Man, like why she even met him in the first place. Crownlands Many fans think he was there on behalf of King Robert Baratheon (Mark Addy), awaiting assassination orders. He tells her to give him three names and quotes:The Red God has his due sweet girl.. Aerion Targaryen | Others Dorne He put her through that so she could become a killing machine. The decision to bring them back was actually a nod to a buzzy theory where fans thought Arya was actually the Waif in disguise. Ozark Is Heading Toward a Game of Thrones Level of Popularity. Upon petitioning to get more men to join the Watch, Yoren is allowed to pick some men from prison, and he takes Jaqen Hghar along with two other men, Rorge and Biter. When Arya attacked Rorge, Jaqen made note that she had more courage than sense. Doubtful. When the Night's Watch was attacked by Amory Lorch, the trio was almost burned to death, since they couldn't escape their chains. "Jaqen H'ghar" doesn't exist, it's simply a persona used by one of the Faceless Men, who are "no one". Yorens party gets killed, and Jaqen joins Ser Amory. She orders the Starks to get killed. In Game of Thrones, he is portrayed by Tom Wlaschiha. EPISODE 10 - THE CHILDREN / MANCE: You're wearing a black cloak again. Someone with their skill and talents could easily break out even if they were caught slipping. This is a mystery at this point. Though his speech gets met with silence from the knights, Eddard allows him to pick men from the Kings dungeons. Varamyr Sixskins | Baelor I Targaryen | Hosteen Frey | Black Walder Frey (laughs) How many theories have you gleaned from these books? So there is no benefit for the prisoner in this situation (he/she is still locked up), only negatives. Randyll Tarly | He appeared under mad Aerys (not long after Aerys hired Varys), and disappeared after Tyrion's escape (leaving behind a coin that caused Cersei to suspect the Tyrells were behind this). But in which way exactly their story is going to continue? strange to me that he, with his abilities, would be a prisoner in the Qotho | It only takes a minute to sign up. It makes a lot of sense - as a traitor, Ned would of course be put into the cage with the other criminals. Boros Blount | Jaqen tells Arya to name three people so he can send them to the Red God as an atonement. This means that he probably wanted to be where he was, indicating that his target was quite likely IN prison at the time. After Yorens group leaves Kings Landing, they decide to rest in a barn. Do Syrio Forel, Jaqen H'ghar and Melisandre all follow the same religion? Viserion | Origin This is a place to enjoy and discuss the HBO series, book series ASOIAF, and GRRM works in general. This could only have been done by the Lannisters or someone in cahoots with them, since Ned taking the black was no announced beforehand. Whatever a man intends to do, it appears more complex than simply helping a girl become no-one. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Though Jaqens real reason for showing up in Kings Landing is unknown, some fans have theorized the possibilities. Jaqen explained how the Faceless Men originated from slaves in Valyria. to Arya. I think it's left unexplained in the books, but given the nature of the Faceless Men, it's likely he got caught on purpose in order to accomplish some other task, likely an assassination. Daenerys I Targaryen Aemond Targaryen | Besides his fighting prowess and beautiful features, Jaqen has a calm demeanor and acts politely to everyone. When we meet Jaqen, he's being transported as a prisoner to the wall. Though he has a bleak appearance, Jaqen wields a thin knife and is a skilled swordsman. Xaro Xhoan Daxos, Far East Essos Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I agree those theories are wishful thinking. They have one thing in common, and that is their desire to divide the houses of Westeros instead of uniting everyone against the White Walkers. However, after the Red Wedding, Arya travels to Braavos. He was taken to by Yoren to be a member of the Night's Watch. He taught her the words "Valar Morghulis", which means "All men must die". He knows how scrappy she is. A man may have many faces, and a face of no-one may appear on many men. Gregor Clegane | Alias Bastard's Girls | Brotherhood without Banners I think that Jaqen was a creature of Varys and was in there for some reason that Varys needed him to be. Melisandre | Harren Hoare The character that every Game of Thrones fan is obsessing over right now is Arya Stark, who just secured her place as one of the deadliest assassins in Westeros in the Battle of Winterfell. In Oldtown, Pate, a novice of the Citadel, agrees to make a trade with an alchemist having a similar appearance to Jaqens new face. Game of Thrones Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. changed his appearance, gave her the iron coin, and taught her the words "Valar Morghulis". Jaqen and syrio are the same people. Jaqen was arrested and kept in the dungeons of King's Landing. He couldn't get out of the locked wagon, but his plan I think was to befriend arya and then find the opportune time for arya to release him. When Arya Stark first meets Jaqen H'ghar, he is in a cell described as a dangerous criminal whom Yoren takes from the capital's dungeons and is recruited into the Night's Watch. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell, Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. She eventually did just that, and began training to be a Faceless Man, aka super assassin, in Season 5. Smiling Knight, Essos How does the NLT translate in Romans 8:2? academy of western music; mucinex loss of taste and smell; william fuld ouija board worth. Jaqen H'gharNo OneA ManAlchemistPate Jaqen is a Lorathi criminal and member of the mysterious group called the Faceless Men a troupe of assassins who disguise themselves with the faces of the dead. If you think about it, with the way that he killed those 3 people for arya that we saw, he seems to be skilled enough to evade capture in the first place. Aenys Frey | And why is Jaqen H'ghar so oddly beautiful? Amory Lorch | Must have been an awkward trip for him. Adult Halloween Tropical Hopper Costume Hawaiian Button Down Shirt (Small) Multicoloured: Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry. He was considered to be too dangerous to walk free, and was kept in chains along with Rorge and Biter. Aber wussten Sie, dass einige der Charaktere whrend der Show neu besetzt wurden? Why? The Waif was clearly not acting in a way that befit a Faceless Man. I don't think it's ever discussed. Varys | Lorren The Faceless Men are a secret order of assassins who have sworn allegiance to the Many-Faced God, a deity worshipped by all Faceless Men. Jaqen H'ghar is played by Tom Wlaschiha Credit: HBO. Obara Sand | Arya states she wants Ser Amory, and he dies from a poisoned dart. Why do the Tyrells come to King's Landing? After Arya saved his life, Jaqen gifted Arya with three kills, and then. Sometimes you get caught, y'know? After seeing the events in the Season 5 finale, it just seems like a very convenient coincidence for them to meet in such a way. Supernatural Assassin. Besides, he would want to frame someone, which means not using subtle means. Ben Plumm | Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? Also when you listen to both characters talk they do sound very similar. He ordered her to assassinate Lady Crane. H'ghar "punished" Arya after she killed Trant by making her blind, but it actually ended up really improving her fighting skills. Hizdahr zo Loraq | Show This is not a site for fan speculation; as a Q&A site answers are expected to be of good quality and backed up by sources. Whalen Frey Sandor runs away with her, and she later escapes his captivity after he gets injured. When Lord Eddard Stark becomes the Hand of the King, Yoren, sent by Lord Mormont, pleads for more men in the Nights Watch. Home of Syrio Forel, First Blade of Braavos and Arya's fencing teacher. Jaqen then gave her a cut of water which seemed to be poisoned. But seemingly the only way she could survive would be if she either killed Jaqen H'ghar or he forgave her. What was Jaqen H'ghar doing in the King's Landing dungeon? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? He told Arya she must get rid of all her possessions, including Needle. However, Arya tossed them an axe to help them escape. I guess we all need a little Jaqen H'ghar in our lives to help us figure stuff out sometimes. The observant readers will notice that Jaqen's story continues in the books. If you recall, back in Season One Arya first meets Jaqen. The series follows three interwoven plotlines: a dynastic war for control of Westeros by several families; the rising threat of the superhuman Others beyond the northern border of Westeros; and the ambition of Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled heir of the previous ruling dynasty. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Es hat das Publikum auf der ganzen Welt mit seinen komplexen Charakteren und komplizierten Handlungsstrngen in seinen Bann gezogen. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Alfred Broome Jaqen H'ghar | Clayton Suggs | We were all pretty sure Arya that was going to be OK even though she got stabbed, because she didn't die right away. He was later recruited by Yoren so that he could join the Night's Watch. However, after a commotion, Arya frees him and his companions. He once again asked her her name, but she claimed to not have one. Aerys II Targaryen | Walder Frey | By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Unfortunately, its unclear when the final book will be released or when fans will understand the origins of Jaqen HGhar. I feel that Varys is a Faceless Man as well and Jaqen was sent to meet with Varys to find out what his duties were. Occupation Lyrics, Song Meanings, Videos, Full Albums & Bios: Bagel Boss Guy Collection (Chris Morgan), Day By Day, song3, Through the Storms of Life A Song of Ice and Fire Martin created in his books. If Jaqen had got assigned to kill Tywin, he would have done so. And why does the Many-Faced God make people nameless just to murder people for money? Fans are eager for clarity from George R.R. Some fans think Cersei rewrote Jaquens contract to make Ned the new target. MartinsThe Winds of Winter. When [Jaqen] finally [arrives] and set[s] himself up to kill Ned (the reason he got himself captured and given to the Nights Watch), his contract was brought to a swift and unexpected end by Joffrey, who, unaware of the plan, [had Ned executed]. Joffreys (Jack Gleeson) actions ultimately set the war in motion and relinquished Jaqens contract. The Tickler | I also highly doubt that Jaqen got himself thrown in the black cells on purpose. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. For all your other claims, do you have - citable - proof from either the books, the show, or quotes from the people involved? Lo Bu Later, Eddard gets arrested by Cersei Lannister for treason. Clearly, we are blinded sometimes by our fears and preconceived notions, just like Arya. And as a side note, isn't sending prisoners from the black cells to take the black bloody stupid? Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? The other two criminals in The Black Cells. Mance Rayder | The bulk of these theories suggest that Arya died during her Faceless Men training in Braavos, and that the Arya on the show now is actually someone else in disguise. How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? Bloodstone Emperor | I mean, in the books at least, he tried to talk to arya and befriend her while chained in that wagon. Besides his fighting prowess and beautiful features, Jaqen has a calm demeanor and acts politely to everyone. The many face god has always made me wonder if he/she/it is similar to the old gods ( the faceless nameless trees in the north) perhaps he knew Arya would have a deep posSible magical connection to the old gods (being a stark who were said to have decended from the first men). EDIT: I found some fan speculation in Tower of the Hand that he is actually Syrio Forel, in which case it wouldn't have been a chance encounter, but let me say I find it extremely unconvincing George R. R. Martin has been asked this in an interview after A Dance with Dragons was published and dodges the question leaving it open ended as a mystery. Myranda | He then gives her a small iron coin and tells her to show it to any man from Braavos and tell him Valar Morghulis. Harrenhal falls into Roose Boltons hands, and Arya escapes from the castle by sliding a guards throat. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Martin's Game of [] Jaqen stays caged with Biter and Rorge, and he treats Arya kindly. When they were captured, Arya saved H'ghar's life, and they ended up hanging out at Tywin Lannister's new crib, Harrenhal. House Clegane Yeah, we can safely assume that Rugen is one of Varys's disguises. Dothraki Sea As I say, I don't think it is necessarily illogical that a faceless man might be caught and held captive in such circumstances. Weese gets found dead. Jaime and Cersei wouldve sparked the discussion to get rid of Ned cleanly [and] hire a Faceless Man [to do it], oneReddituser shared. Cookie Notice Reek | He's in the group who helps Arya escape King's Landing, early in the show. I mean: you see him drinking poison and dying, and then the girl is suddenly Jaqen H'ghar. In the prologue of AFFC, an alchemist is seen to murder the POV character, and his physical description matches that of Jaqen after he changed his appearance in front of Arya at Harrenhal. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Though some may even see him as overpowered, he is still a beautifully designed character that shows the character-creation prowess of George R. R. Martin. Jaqen H'Ghar is one of the faceless men. is he there to specifically guide Arya onto a path that is certain to bring her to the Faceless Men for training? Maelys I Blackfyre | Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? Jaqen wears a tattered garb that smells and is filthy; this is because he got imprisoned in the black cells of the Red Keep. Rest in a barn except that Jaqen 's story continues in the dungeons of King #! Used as cover and Arya & # x27 ; ghar is one of Varys disguises! Dangerous to walk free, and Jaqen joins Ser Amory, and we should have known it! Us figure stuff out sometimes s for the prisoner in this situation ( he/she is still locked )! Men from the Kings dungeons ever got to the top, not answer... Jaqen joins Ser Amory, and changes his face/identity certain to bring her to the is suddenly H'ghar... For science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA and features... 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