That is all this article is trying to relay. you have issues so you didnt have problems with your wife introducing you to her exs and flirting with them..?? People learn and grow from their experiences. I had to change my ways in order to fit into society or else I would be an outcast and forever alone. As well, it is simply shameful to have such low standards as to have slept with dozens of people. 6. How is she wrong for engaging in adult like activity with another consenting adult? So take a second and ask yourself why it matters. on the lookout for new sex partners, because they dont value physical Tell her your own. I understand where you are coming from, but I do not fully agree. My happiness is not based on marriage. And, if many guys were blatantly honest with themselves and others, they would probably admit to being more promiscuous than their significant others. Shadow Hunter-December 12, 2022. the women do to. She came clean with me (after wewere together)during a deep conversation. So I guess what I want to say is yes, you do have the right to sleep with anyone as long as youre safe, and I would never call you a slut or judge you etc.but please realise that you could eventually be causing pain in the future to someone who loves you dearly. Women should be honest, but we as individuals need to be more open minded and understanding. According to your logic, if dicks cause wear and tear to a woman's vagina, then it doesn't matter if she slept with 100 men or slept with one man 100 times, she will still have "wear and tear". They need to evaluate if this man is worthy, if he will stick around, if he will man up and assist her in raising the child or at the very least pay child support. The article is discussing why the specific number should not matter when a man is choosing his partner and the fact that the woman she is today is not always the same woman she once was. Not for who they once were and no longer are. Hello Stephen I think we should all face reality Not to mention her self-esteem would of been shattered. It seems that its not the case. Negative because men come in all different shapes and sizes so the wear and tear would never change when sleeping with the same male 100 times. Youve literally dated so much that your idea of a great person is flawed. She inadvertently shows why dudes dont want to settle down with women who participate in hookup culture. I dont understand why guys here make it a big deal that you cant settle down with women in their early 20s. This post also feels like a way to almost look for what I want to hear i.e. What happens to the guy that took a chance on her got his emotions wrapped up in her only to have them stomped on? But then you know everything. I still think we shouldnt use the numbers as judgement because what happens to the woman who does not have a conflicting view with that man on relationships, yet she does have high numbers. I have sex because it feels great, no matter Who its with. Your point about language is interesting and not one I have considered. for their own well being and for that matter Your honor, Ive been arrested for those rapes which occurred 4 years ago. Womens happiness within committed relationships also goes down as her partner count increases. Im seeing this guy and hes super hesitant bc he doesnt know the exact # of people I have been with. The woman I started dating after college was the complete opposite. In short 90% women fell under this category. So in applying it to what you just said. I mean really whos want to marry a woman that a lot of guys have allready seen whats meant to be special between you too..really? It doesnt matter where Ive worked, or what my experience is, or how successful I have been at what Ive done. N get money. I think it is a territorial issue that men have, so having to see other men that had your women bothers some. First, ever since our common ancestors walked out of West I'm not sure if she has cheated in the past and while I want to ask that could come off in a really bad way which I want to avoid. But until men realize that the more you all make advances towards us irregardless of what we declare we want, the more you promote promiscuity among your male circles, the more you all support the media that supports the sexual exploitation and objectification of women, then the more youll see women sleeping with a bunch of different men. Some ladies go through the hoe stroll because they feel insecure (maybe no strong father presence, sexual abuse, etc) or because they truly love sex and they want it. If you are afraid to admit how many men you have been with then its obvious you are ashamed of it. Her husband probly slept with 100 plus too. I agree. Seemed to be more interesting than knowing the troubled young girls/teenager/woman. Sex is suppose to be something special between two people not the neighborhood. Im tired of men having to settle for a woman that has been around the block.. Im saving myself for my wife It saddens me to see humans sleep with anything.. Men and women are worth more than that Smh -_-. At the end of the day just understand that because there are many men who take a position similar to yours, many women will not be open and honest about their numbers. To those guys dating a girl that has been around you know your boys are all laughing at you behind your back. In my opinion once again Women should be winning, but because they are willing to accept this garbage and keep giving it up, Women are losing. Everyone has a right to their opinion and position. I have just as much right to sleep with however many men I chose, even if its none. If a woman only shares her body with those she loves then it means more to be with her. I disagree with that comparison. Now I agree that the issues are deeper than sex but I feel even in an egalitarian society we will still see an issue arise. However, a girl can easily disqualify herself from consideration if her number reveals her to have lived life as a raging slut. a man after sex, and not valuing her as the woman she is inside. The number is certainly not all that matters. So happy for you. It seriously takes two to tango and this double standard business needs to stop. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email below to join the VIP list. If you arent proud of your number when I asked by a potential life partner, you could be a slut. If you love this woman and she has not slept with you best friend or someone close to you I feel you should really work on getting over it and see where this relationship can take you both. You have many women who feel they should not have to spell out those needs, and you have many men who assume if she hasnt specifically said it then there is nothing they may be overlooking. Now should people be out there hoin it, no but look at our oversexed society; chances are whoever you get may have some miles! I totally agree. Yes having certain physical advantages helps but trust me there are men who are bigger and women still experienced a very lackluster sexual experience with them. Thats it! Its not a mutually exclusive proposition Paola. No track record of long-term relationships, combined with promiscuous behaviour, is always a bad sign, regardless of philosophy. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. Uhh, read again. And I suppose that a man or woman states it was only sex can be trusted not to sleep around since its only sex and not all men are like that its just an excuse to get laid. First off you assume that a woman who has experience has slept with that many partners. Text can be very ambiguous. The world is hard on us women. Yes, there is certainly a price I am paying: not seriously dating sluts. You dont get to judge. Women lie about their past(and men know it) and Men in turn lie about love and marriage . Quite frankly, the word perfect enables the black community and all of our dysfunctions. I personally look at more who you sleep with not how many. And if you are use to doing it, you really shoulnt be in a relationship because those be the ones that cheat. "Women tend to be more unhappy with the relationship they are in . (if its true). But sadly they werent. However, there can be consequences I feel hurt by the fact that she was promiscuous and so casual. When we first met, we did the whole discovery thing about each other and kind of asked about our pasts like two weeks into the relationship she mentioned she was with 10 guys or soI said about the same, I have to admit that I typically used that as a way to see if this person is a potential long time mate, same moral values, etc we were in our early twentiesThis woman became my one and only a month into itwhen you know, you just know!6 months into our relationship she tells me she has something to talk about, I say oklet me have it. This doesnt mean women should go out and freely have sex with any and every person. What did that really change? 2023 Applicants - do you understand how student finance works? If you couldnt deal with your problems then, how is somebody else suppose to trust you with that later? Past DOES matter. You have married couples who though they love each other, they do not fully know, understand, and embraced the needs of the other. Guess what? I believe most men would prefer this. Im a guy who never really had any girlfriends, I turned down or was just completely blind to all advances to me and missed all opportunities, I never really cared (or told myself I didnt, but probably I did), I would be a virgin if it wasnt for the few random prostitutes I slept with yeh, something Im not happy about but I only did it cause I was lonely and never believed in myself, I had my heart broken a few times (yeh wahh wahh, I was young and a sensitive human being), I had chronic anxiety and the thought of even going on a date made me want to vomit so I never met anyone or just avoided it I was 28 before I finally met someone who actually loves me, I was blown away. If your 30 and you had sex with 45 people, I believe, Even in cases where there was once a connection, it is in my opinion that the inability to stay connected comes from a lack of effective communication. Just dont call the guy u miss out on him immature or insecure These men typically have low self-esteem, cannot get better, are older and desperate, or simply have no other options. Also, realize that the author is not talking about a woman whos been ridden like the town bike. As for a woman leading you on to believe she passed that stage, well she may just not have wanted to let you pass her by even though she knows she wasnt ready. I am confident that you two will overcome this and have a much better relationship now that counseling is in the picture. No one wants to date a girl thats been ran through. kidsbut things were crazy for me four years ago. We would also need to Bianca, why in the world would you think the number of men you have slept with should not matter? Good luck!! Marriage can't be only about sex. you do? relationships because they are so used to casual sex that theyve may get a good friend out of getting to know that person. Its like me saying, The sky often appears blue. whether or not she has a(n) std(s)) is very important concerning the number of partners that shes had but if a woman tells a man that shes slept with 3 men and neglects to add the 0 at the end of that, shes being dishonest and that violates the principle of another post that you made (4 keys to starting and maintaining a successful relationship) previously. Being promiscuous is bad for both men and women. I dont think anyone is saying (Im not) that a persons number is the /only/ factor is deciding whether or not to take someone seriously as relationship material, but it is /a/ factor, and a major one, for many men. Stefan probably didnt realize this was true while he was writing the article or even now. Its not just your vagina you need to worry about think about your health. Definitely dated and slept with two different things. When we dont heal from our past and address our issues we will likely set ourselves up fro more problems later. So if a man has slept with a hundred then he should be deemed the same way that a woman is if she sleeps with that many. It has nothing to do with risks of STDs in my book, because, as you say, one can get tested. Evaluate that person for who they are now, not who they were previously. Dirty Runs girl that you can pay 500 to sleep with turns out to be a millionaire today. I dont need booty call lovers hanging around, nor do I need or want others with a sexual desire lingering to get fired up later for whatever reason. The whole premise of this article is misguided. Here, we have a beautiful quiz for you. @NATASHAYOU ARE CORRECTIT DOESNT MAKEONE BETTER BUT IT DOES MAKE YOU WISER THAN THE GIRL WHO HAS BEEN WITH 100 PLUS PARTNERS. Others may have been dealing with some deep issues and did not know how to properly handle it. of life (high school/college) and people seem to not care as much as they get She obviously had not displayed any of the 5 issues you laid out (at least she hasnt shown it one bit). no. However, now that Im older and know what love is I dont open my legs as willingly. It doesnt really save more hearts and feelings, it just postpones the pain. You know I feel you Jennifer. They give birth. No, it can most certainly simply be about the actual number. Women have a rep to protect and as a woman doing that knows shes gon have a name for herself so why do that in tha first place if you gon ne ashamed about tha number? I know plently of them. I believe it is completely dependent on the person and what they are looking for. She might have sexual preferences or desires that she has been too afraid to bring up in conversation. You live and you learn and then hopefully you do better, so if someone has slept with 99 different people, that doesnt mean there doesnt come a point in their lives where they are ready to settle and be in a committed relationship with just one. love you back! Maybe you think yes, but I say no, and I say that the actual number should not be the true focus in evaluating a potential partner. Exactly, the past should only be used as a way to better understand who that person has been and who they have become. Being a guy in his thirties who has waited until marriage it gets really tiring to hear from so many people things like Your future wife isnt going to be a virgin so shut up and get over it or Her sexual past shouldnt matter now stop whining and man up or my personal favorite You just need to get laid, sex isnt that big a deal. Well sex is a big deal, at least for me, Im not going to have it with just anyone, I shouldnt be shamed or forced into dating or marrying a woman who didnt take sex seriously. least. Deal with them. I do wish, however, that more men could see that this issue is not so black and white. It did People make assumptions and judge a woman who was promiscuous in the past without knowing her and what happened to lead her into becoming promiscuous. I think it opens up the mind to think past a selected numerical value that is supposed to be moral and fitting of all positions and start asking questions to seek who the other is on a much deeper level in order to find a partner that is truly worthy of spending life with. You also assume that these women who love sex you reserve it for the men they love actually have love prospects. Nobody is talking about women who are prudish or disinterested in sex. And I ask you, why ride the Datson if youre looking for the Benz? There is not much left. Our passed has shaped our futures, so when a person refuses to tell you about their past, it's time to move on, because they have just shaped both of your futures, by refusing to open up. My question ishow well do you believe your clever and sincere explanation will hold up while trying to explain it to Him personally? Now does that change your perspective? Ask her about her thoughts on it and her expectations now and in the future. Of course, that was music to my earsbut, I am very realistic and pragmatic. Humans have emotions. I dont feel, I KNOW that there is a double standard at play. Women should NOT be judged different from Men, however it does matter more with a Woman then a Man, FACT. Since a lot of people have a problem with the objectification of women let's view her as a human woman again. I think how many sex partners you have had should matter. So if he is still able to find happiness with her when he is not aware of the true number, I just dont see why the number being revealed later should now change everything. Most married men dont even know their wives past and they are living a Lie. With that being said, this was really good! I am not against a woman having sex, I just think that it should be As long as you can be faithful to the person youre with, whatz the problem?? Frankly, education and the age of marriage are the biggest predictors of marital stability, not the number of penises a woman has been privy to prior to the marriage. Whats the point of man or woman sleeping with so many partners??? I dont think we should judge a person based on that. For some other context I am 20 and she is 19 and I got out of a 3 year relationship around last September and after that started on this self improvement/PUA stuff a few months ago as I felt lost in the single world but I have not had any results with it and it makes me feel like some stupid beta who's only trying to get into a relationship because a girl is showing interest in me but fuck man we really do click on a ridiculous level. Either way thank you for allowing me to share . i must say im a hypocrite on this one. I cried in front of my English teacher (badly), Do men act like jerk on purpose after sex. Some, such as yourself possibly, dont have the save freedoms. Even just changing the language will give different search results. As does her likelihood of getting divorced. I can see it now. and you excel in other areas it can balance this out. Women never need to work to get sex. They tend not to make good or reliable wives or mothers. It should be with the right partner, not with just some random Joe you meet at the pub. It is what it is, but the most important part is your STD FREE!!!!! Its not good north bad. On the other hand. I understand the views of all who have chimed in on this topic. Unfortunately partners that get stuck on whos done more dirty deeds than the other often have deeper insecurity issues than this topic could cover and the insecurities are fueled by the world around them. By that point, Hucknall had apparently slept with . She had sex .. Study other animals the female usually has more sex than the male. For those who choose not to tell their mate about their pastWell, their mate just wouldnt know about it. I apologize if it seems I am implying that women who enjoy and have had many sex partners are simply victims of abuse. you know like people. The double standard thing is something that a lot of people ignore because I guess they feel as if, women should behave in such manner that is acceptable to society! You say you've only slept with one person. Lmao!!! Its not about being flawless and perfect. I completely disagree. Questions and Answers. Trust me when I say articles like this or similar positions on this issue are not the real issue when it comes to women acting like men. ive slept with 14 guys and im still tight and ocasionally asked if im a virgin. With any and every person but it DOES make you WISER than the male stefan probably didnt realize was. A much better relationship now that im older and know what love i. Person based on that those she loves then it means more to more! Have sexual preferences or desires that she was promiscuous and so casual probably didnt realize this true. 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