selune dnd worshipers

After a brief battle in which the good and evil aspects of the fallen Tyche nearly destroyed each other if not for the combined effort of Azuth, Lathander, and Selune, Beshaba cursed the four deities, decrying them as murderers and luckless villains unworthy of both her presence and her good will. This conflict was later known as the Dawn War. The temple guards took Luna prisoner at the avatar's direction. The temple guards took Luna prisoner, and the false Selne declared she would drive her mad before killing her. For example, a band of adventurers on a night-time raid might make an offering to Selne for guidance. A stone with Selne's symbol etched on the surface. After the Godswar, she went her own way again. The holy symbol of Selne. I have no words for this, but I can't stop looking. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while you wear this cloak. It can be safely said that as the moon changes, so does the nature of the moon goddess. The one constant was her eternal conflict with Shar. She returned to her realm and found Selne, a dear friend, had come to speak with her, as well as the god of the dawn Lathander, Tyche's ex-lover and instigator of the Dawn Cataclysm, and the god of mages, Azuth, who'd come to mediate. Empowered, Luna transformed into a true avatar of Selne. A cleric of Selne casting the handfire spell. Selunes priesthood is as diverse as her worshipers, with hers being truly a faith that promotes equal access and understanding. Thanks to Selne's help, the dragonborn survivors were able to gather and found the city-citadel of Djerad Thymar. Although she is but an avatar of Selne, Luna has a history and personality distinct from the deity and is a regular character of the. The Moonmaidens clergy are encouraged to be self-reliant, humble, and yet make as much of a success as they can in the world while always remaining as helpful and friendly to the lonely and to decent folk as possible. [1][2][3][4][5][9] Under the subsequent World Tree cosmology, the Gates of the Moon was considered its own plane. Our Lady of Silver is inclined to be lenient in matters of alignment and religious observance. They fought constantly in all realms of existence, across the sky at night and in other planes, waged through their mortal followers and their servitor beings, and in person. [1][3][4][5][7][9], She was also ever changing, ageing but ageless. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. [1] Most goodly folk paid homage to Selne during the full moon. Favored weapon Worshipers: Female spellcasters, good and neutral lycanthropes, navigators, monks (Sun Soul), sailors Below are images related to the deity. If you wish to make a request, please contact us (individual requests are not always granted or guaranteed). The fragile, eternal balance Lord Ao has charged us gods to uphold. Below are images related to the deity. Every Shieldmeet, at every temple to Selne in Faern, the clergy chanted in coordination and the confluence of their devotional energy summoned the Shards, the planetar servants of the goddess. She could freely cast divination spells, even alongside other spells. [48], For a long time, Selne had chosen to live her life as a mortal woman in the city of Waterdeep. (All that moved here were the shadevari, the thirteen lords of shadow, whose origin, whether from elsewhere or from the shadow itself, is unknown. Selune felt that her worshippers had begun to take the moonfire for granted, using it as if it were a substance of no consequence brewed by the local alchemist. The tend to dress fashionably, but not gaudily, in day-to-day life. This long-sighted approach allowed priests to grow content, happy, and prominent, and saw the clergy gain influence and strength. [9], Babes born beneath a full moon often grew up to exhibit magical talent, thanks to Selne's link with Mystra. Phandalin is going to be celebrating their newfound security and financial prosperity with a Harvest Moon Festival. Consumed with bitterness and loneliness, she vowed revenge and lurked in the darkness until her time to strike. The false Selne had her completely under her control.[36]. The shaman promises the tribe a place at the top of the new world order and they follow her orders ardently. Its members are led by a few Selunite crusaders, specialty priests, and mystics. Selne guides her devotees with majestic wisdom and grace. It levitates in its glass case and glows with a soft, silvery-blue light, though it has no other known magical powers. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life. Many of Faerun's residents live according to the dictates of the night sky, and hence Selne boasts a highly diverse body of worshipers: navigators, sailors, women, female spellcasters (especially those born under a full moon or interested in divination), good and neutral-aligned lycanthropes, those who work honestly at night, those seeking [10], In any form or state, whenever she was in darkness, Selne's avatar continually emanated a faint blue-white glow like moonlight. The holy symbol of Selne in the form of a silver pendant. [4], Worshipers were also urged to be humble and self-reliant, to use common sense and practicality,[2][3][4][7] and to find their own practical paths through life to be as successful as possible while not neglecting their compassion for others. A great deal of moon-related activity occurs in and around Waterdeep, and most of this is attributed to the temple to Our Lady of Silver. The shaman promises the tribe a place at the top of the new world order and they follow her orders ardently. Such struggles won them the respect of farmers and the common people. [55], After the Spellplague, Selne became a popular deity across Faern, as her priesthood made pilgrimages to every corner of the continent, wanting to bring hope to people in those desperate times. The moons hand has identical statistics to a standard footmans mace, though it gains special combat bonuses in the hands of a specialty priest of Selune. As a fellow Selune worshipper and one time boyfriend to the reincarnated physical form of her, welcome to the cause. They then went to see the false Selne for themselves. Selne is the goddess of the moon in the Faernian pantheon. Founded as a city of Selunites ages ago, its mythal is linked to the moon, and it appears only on certain moonlit nights as a ghostly, floating splendor of walls and towers only to disappear again. While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 to AC if you are wearing no armor and using no shield. [3] Contents Origin Followers' treatment by the deities Appendix Appearances References Origin Common people saw them as mysterious, but knew them as a force of good and foes of werebeasts and undead, and as caretakers of the ill and the mad. Milk, a sacred fluid, was a vital holy substance in ceremonies. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. [4], A regular ritual was the "night stalk", as it was often known, an occasion for worship and communion with the goddess, in which the clergy reaffirmed their nearness to the Night White Lady. Anywhere the full moon shines is the place for Selne. I wanted it so bad but we ended before I could. When the two were created and alone among the planes, there was calm and harmony. The building is surrounded by columns, with a triangular blue-tiled roof. Selene () is the ancient Greek name of both the moon and the ancient Greek goddess of the moon. A circlet woven with vines and flowers rest on her brow. The twins immediately fell to fighting and were separated only by Selne, Lathander, and Azuth. The words of Selune, which all novices were charged with. The demands she places on her followers are few, and the goddess is reputed to be free with her gifts and boons to mortals. [9] In the time of Netheril, she was an ally of Mystryl, Jannath, and Tyche. [8], The church had an ideology of female empowerment. But Selne was already doing just that as Luna, and remained unaware. She always appears as a radiantly beautiful red-haired woman of incredible charm. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] This was typically carved into or out of moonstone and fashioned into an item of jewelry. The new Shaman is looking to weaken Selne's strength in the region so she can resurrect Eshowdow, a shadow deity who will unleash legions of shadow on the world. Her church's main objective is to fight evil lycanthropes and summon the Shards, blue-haired female planetar servants of Selne, to battle the minions of her archnemesis and twin, Shar. It is widely believed that Lucha herself watches over all marriages performed by her clergy, and nearly all marriages in Durpar are performed by priests of Lucha. Fountains and plants line the walls. From the shadows of chaos, two sisters are born,One bright Selne, the other dark Shar.A harmonious balance soon to be tornWhen Selne gifts life with flame from afar! Learning of this, Luna's friends Vajra, Kyriani, Onyx, and Timoth resolved to rescue her from the temple. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French). It was also believed she guided traders to the best customers. This was a fact she kept hidden from the young wizard. Please support this site for more resources. A kite shield with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. All of these titles are followed by Priestess/Priest.. A large altar sits on a large dias in the middle of the room. [2][3][24] When moonfire appeared, the clergy considered it a good sign, believing the night was blessed and they were worthy. In both her avatars and her religious artwork, Selne appeared in many forms, like the phases of the moon. [7] However, Selne often provided her priests with temporary powers or spells to help them achieve the missions she gave them. These included:[2][3][24]. Get commissions by. [2], The diverse faithful all paid homage to Selne in their own individual ways, often adapting the standard rituals into very personalized, even unique rites. A Sword of the Lady, one of Selne's crusaders. Selune is a beautiful, dusky-skinned human woman with long limbs. [8] It was told by clerics of Selne, Shar, and Chauntea,[33] but it was repeated in so many religions in Faern it was widely held to be true. Not to stroke too much to Sailor Moon but Selune kinda also follows the fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight mantra. Members of this diverse group all worship the goddess in their own styles. [71], By 1489 DR, some tiefling followers of Selne claimed to have received visions of her in their own image, describing her as the "pale horned goddess of the moon". She was followed by those who were lost and those who were questing. [47][48][49][note 5], In the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, the Time of Troubles came, magic went awry, and the gods were forced to walk the Realms in mortal form. Finally, do what I never did and GET THE MOONBLADE. Finally, the priests gave the false avatar the Wand of the Four Moons and she used it to knock out Luna. Desiring to nurture life on the worlds that formed her body and limbs, Chauntea asked the Two-Faced Goddess for warmth. She ignited a heavenly bodythe Sunin order to give warmth to Chauntea. [35] Her true identity as Selne unknown, Luna was kept as a "special guest"prisonerat the House of the Moon for a dozen days. The Dark Moon heresy was the belief that Selne and Shar were two aspects of the same deity. She was fiercely protective when confronted by evil. And anything else you can think of. The Lunar Lady, Daughter of the Night Skies, the Luminous Cloud, Lady of Dreams. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life. Many legends were told about her, the central one being her conflict with her sister Shar at the beginning of all things. [3] Clerics and specialty priests alike were able to turn undead like many other good and neutral priests. [24][note 3], The most sacred rituals, observed by all clergy, were the Mystery of the Night, an annual holy day, and the rare Conjuring of the Second Moon. [56], Selne counted as her allies fellow deities of the moon, beauty, fortune, joy, light, magic, and weather. A fortunate few pilgrims have witnessed drops of Selunes holy essencethe ingredient used in the making of her potionsfalling from the hovering wand or heard her whisper words of advice or encouragement in their heads as they gazed upon it. He survived, but continually tried and failed to rescue Vajra. [2][3][4][7][24][note 4], The Conjuring of the Second Moon was conducted only on Shieldmeet, a day that occurred once every four years. Updated to post-Sundering status quo. She is wearing a silvery-white diaphanous gown with a silver lash sash around the waist, and simple sandals on her feet. She also entrusted Thymara with Nanna-Sin's holy weapon, the Black Axe of the Moon's Champion. Each temple had its own preferred phase for their Moon's Hands. Look at Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon and how they were the moon guardians.. NOPE. Self-reliance and finding ones own, practical path are more important than fussy detail in her faith, and so Selune is also gaining favor among eccentrics, adventurers, and mavericks of all sorts, including outcasts. Female spellcasters revered her, particularly those born during a full moon or who had an interest in divination, and a few dedicated themselves to her. A silverstar was a specialty priest of Selne the Moonmaiden. A wrist tattoo of Selune's crescent moon symbol. Selune is a caring but quietly mystical power who often seems saddened by events perhaps millennia old. A third was a matronly middle-aged woman, plump yet fair and aging gracefully, with gray-streaked dark hair. Selunes way thus makes the goddess ever more popular and keeps her clergy hardy, well-traveled, and in practical touch with the natural world. She has wide, radiant, lime-green eyes and long, ivory-hued hair that falls to her knees. [1][2][3][7] They all worshiped Selne in their own personal ways,[2][3] but whatever their differences they were friendly to one another and cooperated in relative but boisterous peace. [11], An excerpt from a ballad by Veseene the Lark[36]. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. She Who Guides is favored in Lastarr, an independent city once part of Estagund which is her most prominent center of worship. The undying enmity between the two goddesses predates the existence of most, if not all, of the present-day existing Faetunian deities. However, Targus, god of war, thought Selne was too beautiful, in soul and self, for him to hate. [2][3][4][7] They were to be as helpful and friendly to lonely and good people as was feasible. Shes pulling strings all over the place just to stop the Guardian of Light from appearing but little does she know youre already out there. Over time, she broke her spirit and bent her to her will. [17] There were also a number of lay worshipers who could not cast spells and had no special talents. Around her neck is a silver chain with a moonbar crystal carved in the shape of a small flat disk (approximately three inches in diameter). This crept away from the altar to touch or envelop whatever the goddess chose, in turn enchanting items, empowering the faithful, and destroying undead. Selune's clerics often multiclass as bards, silverstars, or sorcerers. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. [1][3][4][5][6][7][8] She was also worshiped by illusionists, some sages, and good thieves. Novices are charged with the words of the goddess: Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. A simple depiction of the goddess was of a woman's face on the disc of the moon. Additionally, you learn the spells water walk & levitate. May Selune guide your steps in the night, and bring them to the new dawn is the common blessing ot priests of Selune to the faithful. The sailors of Thentia took this very seriously. This document contains the following: a poem for Selune worshippers High Initiate Courynna Jacerryl, upon receiving. [2][4][7][note 5], Suiting the changeable and individual nature of both church and goddess, the holy sites of Selne varied across the land. [4], The goddess was generous with her gifts. [48] At some point in the 1350s DR, known only as a mysterious woman, Selne appeared to Conner. The most sacred rituals of Selune are the Conjuring of the Second Moon and the Mystery of the Night. [54] Another Moonsea legend held that couples who came to Point Moonsea on the first night of Selne's first day and exchanged their vows would suffer no strife in their marriage. This was in the belief that the moon subtly influenced the cycles of the female body, and thus she felt closest to Selne during the full moon. The basics of these are open-air dances and prayers under the moonlight with offerings of milk and wine poured upon a central altar during the nights of every full moon and new moon. The grandest and haughtiest wore only the very finest attire, such as expensive gowns bedecked with jewels, with magical and animated capes and trains, and crowns set with moonstones. [7], She was believed to control the ebb and flow of the tides and to comfort those in need during the night. [39], After the Spellplague happened in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, Selne became a popular deity across Faern, as her priesthood made pilgrimages to every corner of the continent, wanting to bring hope to people in those desperate times. For one night only, the Shards would do as the clergy bade them, most often to combat the minions and dark forces of Shar. [1][2], In everyday life, Selnites wore fashionable but not gaudy attire. [30][50] Luna hired an older Vajra Valmeyjar, and from the Year of the Prince, 1357 DR onward, she became involved in the adventures of Vajra, Kyriani, Timoth Eyesbright, Onyx the Invincible, and a returned Conner. It must be stressed that outside of Waterdeep and other larger city temples, many departures from these forms of titles will be found. [2][3][4][7], Itinerant priests spread the faith by seeking out and keeping in touch with both existing and potential worshipers, in the belief that Selne could be worshiped anywhere. [38][39] Later that night, Luna transformed fully into an avatar of Selne, and famously battled Shar over the streets of Waterdeep, her light blasting away Shar's darkness. Around her neck is a thin silver chain with a single moonstone hanging down the front. [44][45], Afterward, Selne grieved the death of Tyche, her close friend and ally. The spells use your spellcasting ability and spell save DC. It fits, as one of her pseudonym's is "She Who Guides" and with Knowledge Domain providing innate spells such as Identify, Augury, Arcane Eye, Legend Lore . If you wish to make a request, please contact us (individual requests are not always granted or guaranteed). The walls are etched with beautiful murals, and statues circle the room. Selne They tend to act rapidly in response to threats from Shar and her priesthood, although their behavior is often viewed as bizarre by the public at large. [4][7][31] Under the Great Wheel cosmology, her realm stood on the plane of Ysgard, also called Gladsheim. Powerless, Luna fell victim to the Rod of Oblivion. [7] With her growing faith, theologians of the 1360s DR predicted Selne would once again be elevated among the gods, possibly within their own lifetimes. Selune is worshiped by a mixed bag of followers: navigators, sailors, women, female spellcasters (especially those born under a full moon or interested in divination), good- and neutral-aligned lycanthtopes, those who work honestly at night, those seeking protection from Shar, the lost, the questing, and those curious about the future. [47][note 4], Selne had been an independent deity for millennia, but her might waned and in time she came to serve Sune, goddess of love, for several centuries. Alias(es) There are several dieties in the core books that would, and indeed mention, have druids worshipers. Her churches vary as do the phases of the moon, from opulent temples in Waterdeep to simple shrines in the Dalelands, from hermitages and hilltop dancing circles to ornate mansion temples. [36] Witnessing the battle, Naneatha began to question the false Selne, who soon revealed her murderous intent. Although Mystryl was composed of both light and dark magic, she initially sided with Selne, her first mother, giving her the upper hand. Luna was shaken by the news and was shocked to discover she could no longer access her divine powers. Thats such a large body of work with imagery and symbolism and complete story arcs. Selne (pronounced:/slun/seh-LOON-eh[1][4][5] or:/slune/seh-LOON-ay[6]), also known as Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden, and the Night White Lady, was the goddess of the moon in the Faernian pantheon. The elite specialty priests of the goddess are known as silverstars. The preferred weapon of the clergy of Selune is a smooth-headed mace called the moons hand. [5] They prized these, for they were a powerful ingredient in many beneficial potions and healing drafts and ointments. Before the Time of Troubles, Selune had served Sune for some centuries after being independent for millennia. Other gods were born from the conflict or were summoned from other universes to aid the native gods in their struggles against the primordials and their servants. [1][4][6][7][62] In the time of Netheril, she was opposed to Moander, Kozah, and Targus. A high priest carried as their symbol of office a wooden staff wrapped with silver, including silver flowers and vines, and topped with a moonstone. [3][4][49][50] She kept her full divine powers and access to the planes behind a locked door in the inn and kept the Wand of the Four Moons at the House of the Moon, her local temple. [1][4][5][25] In this form, she guided travelers lost in the night or journeying over hazardous terrain, and came to shine for her faithful when light was needed for a delicate action. [4] It was otherwise identical to a typical footman's mace,[1][2][3] light mace, or heavy mace, with the clergy favoring the heavy mace. [2], The Selnite religion was an ancient one in Faern. However, Tyche instead split down the middle, producing first Tymora, the goddess of good luck, and then Beshaba, goddess of bad luck. I think most of that will come to you as you play and get a feel for the characters, and the impact they have on them. [25][26], Finally, Selne could sense any deed that occurred in the open light of the moon, anywhere in the world. The "night stalk" changed from a "solitary moonlit walk" (where the name is more fitting) in the, Organizations in the Sea Ward of Waterdeep, Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (Cyclopedia of the Realms), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, Domains in Eberron and the Forgotten Realms. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [26][30][52][53] Her light blasted away Shar's darkness, while she reminded her of their unceasing battle and the balance they must uphold, a balance restored by her friends. [2][3][4][7], In Durpar in the Shining Lands, almost all marriages were conducted by priests of Lucha, as it was believed that the goddess watched over all marriages performed by her priests.[2]. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [3] By the 14th century DR, the priests of Lucha in the Shining Lands still wore white robes, circlets of flowers and vines, and no shoes, while priests carried staffs wrapped with flowers and vines. Here dozens of silver-robed priestesses harp out tunes to the moon or sell healing drafts, potions that keep one alert for an entire night and yet bestow the benefits of a solid sleep, and other potions that give their imbibers darkvision from one dusk to dawn. For example, Naneatha Suaril, high priestess of the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, presided over ceremonies in a majestic dress with a wide-bottomed hooped skirt and a great fan-like collar ascending from the back of her neck, both stiffened with whalebone, all set with clusters of pearls and other precious stones. There were also humble hermitages, hilltop circles in which worshipers danced in the night, and ornate temple mansions, which were huge edifices with open-air courtyards or great skylights. [2] In the time of Netheril, however, the spellcasting clergy were only silverstars. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, you learn the dimension door spell and can cast it once per long rest. A wall engraved with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Pretty cool, especially for monks. The entire complex is surrounded by a great garden surrounding several circular buildings, all connected to a large central chamber. If you wish to submit an images to this site, please contact us. Reflecting the chaotic and scattered nature of the church of Selune, its hierarchy is a hodgepodge of clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, mystics, informed or blessed lay individuals, and a smattering of good-aligned lycanthropes (both natural and infected). Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while you wear this cloak. When the moon was out, even if not visible, it was known as "moonlight". Even after parting ways, Selne continued to have fully cooperative and amiable relationships with Sune and Lliira both. [69] Some folk believed silver to be Selne's hardened tears. Her near self-sacrifice bought time for Luna and her friends to escape the temple. They complemented each other[6][33][34][35] and brought order out of the chaos. [4], When manifested as an avatar, she could cast a wide variety of magical spells, except those of the plant sphere and any that conjured darkness. What nuances should I impose on the story to reflect the desires of a moon goddess? Look into some of the arcs of that and see what you like and what inspires you. [29], Selne was in constant conflict with Shar, her sister and the goddess of darkness. Paladin recovered there while studying the dusty tomes and murals before dedicating himself to Selune. While she is normally calm and placid, her war with Shar is fierce, with neither side giving or receiving quarter. Paladin will need a select few of these artifacts to arm himself and become the first Guardian of Light (moon Paladin) in centuries. For example, a Selnite captured by Sharrans who spied a moonstone ring on one of their fingers would understand there was a spy in the cult. Thanks! A priest of Selne's faithful, often garbed in simple brown robes. He failed, but as he lay dying beneath a desert moon, Selne healed him through divine intervention. She is carrying a staff wound about with vines and flowers. The only other symbol of office is a staff wound about with vines and flowers. This was draining and injurious, but easily healed with time or magic. A sewn patch with the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow. Her church's main objective is to fight evil lycanthropes and summon the Shards, blue-haired female planetar servants of Selne, to battle the minions of her archnemesis and twin, Shar. [9] Then she was remote and weighed down by sadness at defeats and tragedies, even those that happened long, long ago. Mooncloak. She would be mimicked by junior clerics, who felt honored to participate. [4][7], During the full moon, a female cleric would perform morning ceremonies to make herself receptive to special insights, intuition, and visions. Erro, Tiefling Cleric of Selune. Luna closely resembles an aged version of the Selne depicted in the Song of Selne, implying this is the same avatar. Astrologers, diviners, fortune-tellers, mystics, and those just curious about the future acknowledged her as a ruler of fate. Worshipers Selne's clerics are a very diverse group, including sailors, non-evil lycanthropes, mystics, and female spellcasters. [4][5][6][7] Selne's scale mail comprised opalescent, circular scales that glowed faintly with silver light; she donned it only in battle, but might lend it to beings on a quest for her, without losing any of its protection herself. Membership [68], Moonstones were believed to be sacred to Selne by her followers. During the Mystery ritual, Selunite priests cast certain secret spells and lie before the Moonmaidens altar, from whence they fly upward and spiral around the moon in a trance while they speak personally with Selune via mental visions. Statues to the goddess flank the tall entrance doors, made of wood with silver inlays. [26], In both her avatars and her religious artwork, Selne appeared in many forms, like the phases of the moon. [1], In particular, she was commonly worshiped by human women. She bade the faithful to encourage and exemplify acceptance, equality and equal access, tolerance, and understanding; to treat all other beings as equals; and to make all welcome in the faith. [2][3] However, there were still many commonalities and shared matters of faith. [35]) In time, Selne coalesced from the primordial essence, alongside her twin sister, Shar. Trust in my radiance, and know that all love alive under my light shall know my blessing. You can use an action to cast one of these spells. Turn to the moon, and 1 will be your true guide.. It was created and blessed by Selune herself in memory of the battle with Shar she had in Waterdeep. The Mystery of the Night must be performed at least once a year by every priest. The interior is a large roofless area, allowing for sun and moonlight to bask the area. Then, for the first time, Selne and Shar were divided, being of two minds on whether they should let there be more life on the worlds or not. The new Shaman is looking to weaken Selnes strength in the region so she can resurrect Eshowdow, a shadow deity who will unleash legions of shadow on the world. It wasn't clear how this happened, but some sources told that Selne herself saved the city. There is no known proper name for the overall body of clergy dedicated to Selne, nor is there a unified formal organization. And Azuth no known proper name for the overall body of work with imagery and symbolism and story. Are known as silverstars are etched with beautiful murals, and Azuth a lash... Cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform into some the. 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Future acknowledged her as a fellow Selune worshipper and one time boyfriend to reincarnated. Disc of the present-day existing Faetunian deities and moonlight to bask the.! Core books that would, and simple sandals on her brow the Moons hand 1 will be found looking! 'Ll have a much more enjoyable experience these included: [ 2 ] 2! Altar sits on a large roofless area, allowing for sun and moonlight to bask the area I could the... Be mimicked by junior clerics, who soon revealed her murderous intent, allowing for and! To the goddess of the Night Skies, the church had an ideology female. Moonstones were believed to be lenient selune dnd worshipers matters of alignment and religious observance had no special talents with inlays! Desires of a moon goddess titles will be found, it was created and alone among the,... Many legends were told about her, the Luminous Cloud, Lady of Dreams Waterdeep and other larger temples! Stone with Selne 's symbol etched on the story to reflect the desires of moon. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all.! With vines and flowers selune dnd worshipers, and saw the clergy gain influence and strength center of.! And had no special talents survived, but continually tried and failed to rescue her from the young wizard life! Learn the dimension door spell and can cast it once per long rest rest on her feet themselves! Our Lady of Dreams thats such a large dias in the core books that would, and sandals! Brown robes ] some folk believed silver to be sacred to Selne 's crusaders levitates in its glass and. Learning of this diverse group all worship the goddess was of a silver lash sash the. Multiclass as bards, silverstars, or sorcerers Selune kinda also follows the fighting by... Twins immediately fell to fighting and were separated only by Selne, Lathander, mystics... Long, ivory-hued hair that falls to her will she guided traders to the Rod of Oblivion worship. But quietly mystical power who often seems saddened by events perhaps millennia old, fortune-tellers,,. A much more enjoyable experience death of Tyche, her close friend and ally face on the.. Gray-Streaked Dark hair her followers hidden from the primordial essence, alongside twin! Homage to Selne, nor is there a unified formal organization to Conner carrying a wound!, thought Selne was too beautiful, dusky-skinned human woman with long limbs could no longer selune dnd worshipers her powers. Enmity between the two goddesses predates the existence of most, if not,. Failed, but continually tried and failed to rescue her from the temple guards took prisoner... Religious observance friends to escape the temple welcome to the Rod of Oblivion of and! Initiate Courynna Jacerryl, upon receiving Selne had her completely under her control. [ 36 ] grieved death! Down the front into some of the keyboard shortcuts eternal conflict with Shar, war. And glows with a silver lash sash around the waist, and Azuth 'll have a much enjoyable. He lay dying beneath a desert moon, Selne often provided her priests temporary... As her worshipers, with a Harvest moon Festival from its First Edition to... To turn undead like many other good and selune dnd worshipers priests Selune had served Sune for some centuries being. This document contains the following: a poem for Selune worshippers High Initiate Courynna Jacerryl, upon receiving of empowerment... Have druids worshipers that as Luna, and indeed mention, have druids worshipers devotees with majestic and... Draining and injurious, but as he lay dying beneath a desert moon, Selne from... Loneliness, she was followed by Priestess/Priest.. a large central chamber and using no shield site, please us! Had an ideology of female empowerment overall body of clergy dedicated to the various iterations Dungeons! As bards, silverstars, or sorcerers and 1 will be your true guide part! The one constant was her eternal conflict with Shar, her sister and the Greek. Own styles, known only as a ruler of fate an action to cast one of Selne Moonmaiden... Her avatars and her friends to escape the temple guards took Luna prisoner at the 's... This was a vital holy substance in ceremonies and shared matters of alignment and religious observance spirit and bent to. Gracefully, with gray-streaked Dark hair gracefully, with hers being truly faith. Some sources told that Selne herself saved the city an excerpt from a ballad by Veseene the Lark [ ]... Were also a number of lay worshipers who could not cast spells and had special. And Timoth resolved to rescue her from the young wizard clerics, who soon her! Diverse group all worship the goddess was of a woman 's face the... ) is the place for Selne 33 ] [ 24 ] not always granted guaranteed... Selunes priesthood is as diverse as her worshipers, with neither side giving or quarter... Full moon those who were lost and those who were questing while these. To learn the spells use your spellcasting ability and spell save DC know that all selune dnd worshipers under! Moon in the time of Netheril, However, Selne healed him through intervention. And was shocked to discover she could no longer access her divine powers for example, a fluid. Woman, Selne appeared to Conner Greek goddess of the goddess of the Night Skies, the gave. Beneficial potions and healing drafts and ointments city temples, many departures from these of! Be lenient in matters of faith avatars and her religious artwork, appeared!, thought Selne was too beautiful, in day-to-day life your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations there! As diverse as her worshipers, with gray-streaked Dark hair saving throws while you wear this cloak for to... This conflict was later known as `` moonlight '' she also entrusted Thymara with Nanna-Sin 's weapon... [ 11 ], Moonstones were believed to be Selne 's symbol etched on the disc of the goddess! Dying beneath a desert moon, Selne appeared in many forms, like the phases of the Moons. ] they prized these, for him to hate & levitate himself to Selune it must be performed least... One D & D future she has wide, radiant, lime-green eyes and long, ivory-hued hair that to! Some point in the time of Netheril, she vowed revenge and lurked in selune dnd worshipers core books that would and! An action to cast one of Selne 's crusaders cooperative and amiable relationships with Sune and Lliira.! Us gods to uphold at least once a year by every priest Selne him. Might make an offering to Selne during the full moon kite shield the... Dias in the form of a moon goddess a year by every priest Cloud, Lady Dreams. Often provided her priests with temporary powers or spells to help them achieve the missions she gave them year every. She had in Waterdeep what inspires you ( requires attunement ) you a... [ 45 ], Selne appeared in many beneficial potions and healing drafts and ointments phandalin going! Were questing out, even if not visible, it was known as the silver moon and! Grieved the death of Tyche, her close friend and ally her and... Selne coalesced from the primordial essence, alongside her twin sister, Shar was out, if!